Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on May 23, 2021


Howdie people? I received so many emails to continue this so I decided to write a short chapter for you guys. I cannot spare time from my routine and need a proof reader. If someone can do that it ll be a huge help. I didn't proofread this chapter so apologies for the mistakes. Continue to send me emails for motivation otherwise I had to stop writing.

Your comments are welcomed on email. If there is anyone like Dom, then do email me your story as it ll inspire me. And if there is a muscular stud like Kurt who can serve me loyally then email me.

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to donate to nifty.

Dom was in shock the remaining night. He couldn't comprehend what and how did it happen? He was a Dim Alpha and master of Kurt, he was made to conquer white men but second time he was fucked by a white man. And the worse thing this time he wasn't even intoxicated, he got fucked in consciousness and willingly. "How did I let him do that to me?", The thought was killing him, he clenched his teeth and fist and slammed it on his table. He wanted to shout and release his anger and frustration as his Alpha status was damaged. That prick André caught him off guard somehow and manipulated him. Another disturbing this for Dom was he liked what Andre did to him.

"No, I'm a Top Dom Alpha, how did I like that?", He closed his eyes and bent his chair backwards. Suddenly someone knocked at the door and came in. It was Wikling. He asked him why he looked upset but Dom got more angrier.

"Get the fuck outta here", Wikling was surprised at his behaviour. But he said nothing and left.

"It was because of him I ended up like this, fuck you Wikling", Dom cursed him. Since that night when Dom saw Wikling and Josh making love to each other, Dom had lost control over him. His jealousy had taken control and he wanted Wikling for himself. He didn't want to accept he was jealous and would never do that but he knew he was. He couldn't see Josh and Wikling together. Wikling was not his type at all but his innocent face and cute smile will always arrest his attention.

There was an important meeting and ambassadors from a leading pharmaceutical company had arrived. Wikling was the presiding candidate of the meeting. Dom seemed out if the place during entire time even Sullivan felt that and after the meeting was over, he called him into his office. He proposed him to take a leave to have some mental relaxation but he refused. Sullivan warned him if he behaved careless again he would be withdrawn from his post. Wikling heard all the story and as Dom left the office, he saw him upset. Wikling had no clue what was going on with him and he wanted to get into the root of it.

"Knock knock", and there came Wikling without asking. Dom rolled his eyes to see and got angrier again. "Before you again burst your resentment on me, hear me out boss", Wikling sat in the chair in front of him. Dom turned his face towards the window. Sun was setting in and it was about time that everybody would leave for home.

"What's the matter, boss?", Wikling asked politely. There was such sweetness in his voice that soothed Dom but he didn't leave hold on his ego that was shattering day after day.

"Will you put your resilience for once boss and look at me?", Wikling was pissed off at his zipped up mouth even Dom was surprised at his loud tone.

"None of your business--",

"Yes it is. It is my business, it is about company's business. Your careless attitude will ruin our reputation....your reputation.", Wikling said last two words slowly and Dom's eyelids parted. Wiklimg would always take him in like this. In Pokémon language, Dom was always dragon type and Wikling, a stupid fairy who would take no effect of Dom's ferocious verbal attacks. Dom put his hands down on the table.

"You can share your burden with me boss. You ll feel light", he put his hands over his large paws.

"You won't understand Wikling", at least Dom spoke feeling the warmth of his white hands over his black.

"I won't unless you share it boss", Wikling smiled. There it goes, Dom was affecting by Wikling's cute charm. No he cannot share his humiliation with anyone. He moved his hand away in a scurry motion and stand up.

"Go away Wikling. Just go away.", He turned his back on Wikling who stood up and with slow steps came to him and hugged him. It was so unexpected for Dom that he stood paralysed. Wikling's arms hurled around his abdomen and his head rested on his wide back.

"What are--",

"Shhhhh don't talk Dom. Just relax", Wikling's polite and slow spell was working on Dom. He cut him off and was fondling his abdomen making him relax. Dom's cock felt the similar stimulations as in the massage shop and was getting hard.

"Wikling leave me", Dom felt like struggling to spoke those words out. He was in fascination of the moment. The person he kinda despised, who messed up his brain, came into his dreams, suddenly Dom felt liking for him. Was it infatuation?

"Just relax Dom andTell me what's bothering you?", Wikling's hands were now feeling his muscular pecks and Dom received shocks of electrical current running through his body. The electrical touch of Wikling was so flabbergasted.

"Wikling I..", he wanted to tell him.

"Yes Dom. Tell me, I'm listening", Wikling encouraged him to reveal himself.

"I ...", He wanted to lighten up his head. There was none who could understand but Wikling.

"You can trust me Dom", Wikling calling him by his name kinda gave him strength.

"I was ...fucked last night", and he said it. Wikling's hands that were feeling the huge pecks of his boss suddenly stopped and he moved away.

"What did you say Dom?", Wikling looked surprised like he misheard him.

"Don't make me repeat it Wikling", Dom was so embarrassed. Wikling came closer and turned him around.

"What did you just say? You were fuck, fucked?", Dom was drowned in the sea of shame when he saw Wikling shocked. Even he didn't expect that. He didn't respond.

"You, the Alpha of the town got fucked?", Wikling was so upset right now.

"How could you?", Wikling grabbed hold on his muscular arms and looked at him directly in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Wikling was not my fault...that stupid masseur tricked me somehow--", he was confused why did he apologise to him

"And you got tricked that easily Dom?", Wikling cut him off. His questioning eyes, and disappointing face was killing Dom. He felt like all hopes that Wikling had him were shattered into pieces.

"I wanted to fuck you did you let anyone fuck you?", Wikling left his arms in dismay and anger.

"It was I who wanted to be your first fucker...not any random masseur", Wikling said directly into his eyes and Dom had no words. Here this 5'10 thin, slender man who was his junior was revealing that he wanted to fuck him. Dom would kill such person but he remained paralysed.

"I'm sorry Wikling...", Why was he apologising him again? He should punch him instead. Was he regretting that someone else besides Wikling fucked him?

"You needed time and I gave you time enough to seduce you into submission boss but you....fuck", he paused and gave a grief look to Dom and left his office.

"Wait Wik-", Dom was not feeling himself. He was confused and frustrated. Did he want Wikling to fulfill his fantasy? He wasn't feeling annoyed at his words instead his dick was throbbing listening to his desire. Wikling had already fucked him but it was not in his sense before but today was different. Wikling's magic spell has worked perfectly on him.

****** Dom opened the door and walked with heavy steps like he had walked miles. On one hand he was feeling bad for breaking Wikling's hopes and on another hand he was frustrate show could he even think of fucking an Alpha like him. He had become a caricature now. His thing was desperate to cum so he called out Kurt who like a happy loyal puppy came rushing to him.

"You know what you have to do boy?", Dom asked.

"Yes Master", Kurt replied. Dom quickly get undressed and laid down in his bed. Naked Kurt came over the bed and between Dom's mighty legs. His well sculptured god-like body was so beautiful that made Kurt hard quickly as he saw the Hercules lying in front of him. He was his loyal slave and Kurt vowed to himself never to disappoint his Master and spend his eternity servicing him, making him happy in every way possible. He had accepted Dom as his owner and saviour. He was nothing more than a pathetic slave to him. He has no more existence than to serve Dom and provide him all sort of pleasure by his actions, by his body and by his presence. He would do anything to put a smile on Dom's face and for few days he observed his Master was upset and he kinda knew why.

"Lick my balls and suck me properly, boy", Kurt opened his mouth wide and engulfed large tennis ball sized jewels in his mouth. He was servicing Dom like he deserved. Dom who should feel the pleasure he wanted was still lost in the even that occurred in office. Wikling's words to fuck him were not leaving his head and those words kept him hard without cum. Kurt utilised his months of expertise to make Dom cum but he failed. It has been now half an hour but Dom remained hard without even ejaculating precum.

"Had I lost my ability to cum?", Dom panicked and kicked Kurt off his balls. He was shattered at how he could produce and shoot gallons of cum and now he couldn't even produce a drop.

"Fuck", he cursed in frustration. He was about to leave the bed when Kurt hold on his arm. Dom looked at him surprised as Kurt never interrupted him like this. He saw him with inquisitive eyes.

"let me take care of you Master", Dom was taken aback by the innocence in Kurt's eyes. He was desperate for his dick and Dom could say nothing. Kurt pushed him and laid him down and Dom let that happen without saying a word. It was so bizarre for Dom. "I promise I'll make you shoot your load like before Master", Dom felt shame and his face reddened listening to his pathetic slave's words. But he took a risk as he wanted to get off desperately and let his slave do his work.

Kurt licked his balls and cock like previously and the slowly but hesitantly took Dom's legs up. Dom was surprised but let him do it. He was curious what Kurt was up to. He has never given Kurt liberty to do things on his own so he wanted to see how would he take thing this time?

Kurt pulled his mouth free of his large balls and licked underneath it. The cock twitched signalling Dom it was ready to explode. Kurt moved down more and and licked the top of his crack.

"Ahhhh", Dom mechanically hissed feeling the current as his sphincters clenched and cock released precum. Not only was Dom shocked to see how his cock started leaking precum but also he was relieved that it was functional and he didn't loose his ability to produce sperms. But his brain warned him about the repurcussion. The alarm in his brain began ringing hard when Kurt moved his legs more backwards and exposed his pink littler tight rosebud. As Kurt licked his pucker Dom moaned and quickly pulled his legs down. He realised where things were going.

"Stop Master, I won't do anything to hurt you. I'm you slave and know my worthless limits. Trust me Master", Kurt pushed his legs back again and said him in his eyes. Dom could see extreme loyalty in Kurt's eyes. He smiled that was the signal for Kurt to do what he wants and Kurt delightedly licked his hole. Dom realised Kurt would never break his trust. He let him explore his hole again, giving Dom the rightful stimulations that he wanted to shoot his load. After all, he was desperate to cum and the anal pleasure was only thing that could do that.

Kurt penetrated his tongue deep into his hole, his anal sphincters relaxed and welcomed Kurt's tongue. "Ahhhh....fuck....yeah...I'm closer", feeling something wet, the slutty stimulations made Dom crazy and he began humping with pleasure.

"Yeah...make me cum fag", Kurt continued to lick and suck his insides. Even Dom pushed his legs and aligned to his shoulders giving Kurt full access. This was so humiliating but Dom totally ignored the fact that it was his hole that was gonna make him cum and succumbed to the pleasure he was receiving. After moaning for about ten minutes under Kurt's expert tongue, Kurt entered his middle finger in his Master's slutty hole and Dom went "ooohhhhh", it was so new for him, feeling wet fingers and he began expressing his pleasure. Kurt pushed his second finger in and Dom went crazy like a bitch on heat. Kurt was finger fucking him with his fingers and with other hand he started milking his Master. He knew he cannot fuck his Master with his dick so he had to somehow make Dom happy by doing this. He knew Dom had felt the anal pleasure and now was succumbing to it so he came up with this idea.

"Ahhh...I'm shooting slave...ahhhhhhh fuck....yeah...fuckkk..urggggggh", Dom's chest tightened, his face and neck reddened and his ass clenched and pressed his balls to squirt gallons of cum out of his piss slit.

"Yeah...I'm shooting oh my god", Dom was crazy. He was so happy to shoot his cum this night as he thought he lost the ability to do that few minutes ago. He was cumming just like usual and shot tens streak of thick white cum. In his amazing aftermath of out of the world orgasm, Kurt with a quick lick cleared all the cum and eat it down. It really hard to Dom that the source of his sexual stimulation to his ejaculation was shifted.

"Are you happy Master?", He came over Dom who was still in daze and he nodded. Kurt smiled and left him in his sleepy state. Dom didn't know when the night goddess took him under her veil.

****** Dom woke up with the yawn if a lion and looked around. The memories of last night hit him like a wall and he got depressed again. He looked at himself, his eye catching amazing body was naked and his python was sleeping in his crotch as it was tired after shooting the sea of cum last night. He stood up, took shower, dressed up, have breakfast that Kurt made with an apologetic note and then went to office in his newly bough Mercedes.

In the office, his day spent rather less depressing like last day and he surprisingly focused on work. The last night orgasm really made him fresh. Again the wave of humiliation and embarrassment surrounded him. His hole was still twitching.

He went to take a round of the staff when he passed by Wikling's office and saw Josh there. His face frowned and he entered.

"Mr. Josh what the hell are you doing here during office hours?", Wikling didn't pay much attention to Dom that he noticed. Wikling even knew why Dom was shouting at Josh and even Josh had now a little idea.

"Sir, I was--", Josh had no words to excuse for.

"Go back to your seat and send me the details of expenditure of last project right now", Dom shouted and Josh nodes his head clumsily and went away. Dom wanted to have a discussion with Wikling but seeing him acting like he was working on his laptop, he left. Things can become normal between them if he starts ignoring Wikling as he is doing but he wants that old, sweet and polite Wikling back. Dom got frustrated and began circling around in his office. There was mix of emotions in his heart that he never felt before. Wikling's depressed and shattered face, his words to fuck him were driving him crazy and he had no clue was he upset because of Wikling's words or because he was depressed? He punched the wall again and cursed himself.

Dom was in the gym lifting weights and he was thinking about Wikling. None had ever left an impression on him as he left. It has been a week since they talk to each other, Wikling was ignoring he completely like he never existed for him and the worse was he couldn't stand Josh and him getting cozy and going on dates. He didn't want to put Josh in doubt by unnecessarily picking him as well. It was getting enough for Dom. He had to do something. He thought avoiding Wikling and stop thinking about him would solve the problem. He even thought of taking a new approach and took a leave for few days so that he could stop thinking about him but in vain. He couldn't resist thinking about his cute face, his smile, his sometimes dominant attitude and calling him by his name. He never let anyone break his limits but he let Wikling. His words to fuck him still makes him hard and after that one time anal protrusion by Kurt, he used his oral expertise yet again to shoot his load. Now it had become a usual thing for Dom and he didn't even mind using Kurt to explore his hole with his tongue and fingers. It would of course hurt his Alpha ego after his orgasm but now it was the only source for his ejaculation. And another thing that would make him on heat was the feeling of his hole being wet by Kurt's tongue. It reminded him of Andre shooting his cum into his. That feeling when his insides were wet with hotness was so erotic that he wanted that again but couldn't do that just because if his humiliation. He still believed he was an Alpha but it would need some time to realise that his title has long gone. What now left is the journey to explore his pleasure.

Next: Chapter 11

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