Offender Relief Day

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Jan 31, 2008


OFFENDER RELIEF DAY PART 5 - for student J and Mike who both made suggestions for this one - enjoy. Please read parts 1 to 4 first. All feedback gratefully received, plus ideas for what should happen to the lads next to can also send pics of what you would like the lads to look like, or I will send to you if you'd like them. You might like to check out another story I am doing - SOOPERSAVER PETS


As Tony and Neil went off to get changed, soppy Alastair cheered and clapped loudly. "Those boys' willies made a really icky mess, didn't they mummy? It serves them right for being nasty and horrid to me doesn't it?"

"Yes, yes my dear," blushed Alastair's mother, hardly knowing where to look now that the show was over, as she followed Tony and Neil's muscular butts lasciviously out of the door. Alastair was really keen to find out if his willy could produce the same mess that the other boys' cocks had. He excused himself politely, and went into the toilets to fiddle about with his genitals in a cubicle. He was really excited to see if he could make juice. His little 5 inch stiffie prodded up as he pulled away on it and in no time he felt the tingle of orgasm in his 17 year old dick. "Oooh, ooof," he cried as he experienced his first ever cum rush, the heavenly feeling overwhelming his entire body. However, he was so underdeveloped that his climax was still totally dry, and it left him feeling frustrated. He longed to spurt the big, ropey jets of fluid that he had seen squirt so deliciously and creamily out of the sexy dongs of his big, sexy tormentors. Alastair realised in his frustration that his parents would be wondering why he had been so long having a slash, and zipped up his trousers to go out and join them.

"Can I stay and see some more boys get punished?" pleaded Alastair, as he rejoined his parents.

"I don't see why not," answered his father, who had gotten a real stiff boner watching the two hard lads get their treatment. "It does these brats good to get taught a thing or two."

At that moment Mr Hamilton presented Alastair with a present in shiny, purple gift wrap.

"This is for you, young man," said the discipline master as he handed over the packet.

Alastair devoured the parcel greedily, tearing at the paper with his chubby hands. "It's a video tape," laughed Mr Hamilton. "A very special one. Of your two thieves Cocksnot and Willie Winkie being teased and playing around with their big penises for you this afternoon."

"Oh, goody, goody! That means I get to see them make cream again and again, doesn't it mummy?"

"Yes it does, my lad," said Mr Hamilton. "All the goings-on this afternoon are videoed, nowhere is private. Even the toilets and the showers are rigged out with CCTV. All the guests are videotaped too, just in case they decide to, er, talk too much about what they have seen. Alastair went white as a sheet for a few seconds, realising that he would have been videotaped, but suddenly realised he had better cover this anxiety up.

"More, more, I want to see some more!" shrieked Alastair, like he was in a junior school playground. His parents had just realised that not only were they on video witnessing the pranks and fun, but that that fact meant their lips had to remain sealed and they would simply have to join in the rest of the fun, if that was what their son wanted. First of all Hamilton invited Alastair and his family to a lunch in the staff canteen, with burgers and fries all served up by young men wearing silver, red or black speedo bikini trunks and white Nike trainers. It was a sight for all the staff, men and women included, and the embarrassed lads waited hand and foot on the perverted men and women who looked after them. Cocks and asses were tweaked. Alastair pulled down more than one speedo half way down an ass cheek or two to expose some luscious 19 year old buttocks. He laughed and stamped his feet as the naughty lads were made to put their bottoms on show. Meanwhile outside in the Layodi gardens, a very special group was meeting. Art teacher Harold Gray had arranged for a special session to allow for some paying guests to play with two young criminals, Lewis 19, and Riley 20. A gathering of six men in their 50s and 60s gathered to see what was going to happen. Harold took the mike and introduced Lewis, 5'8" in a blue cut off vest top, blue Hanes briefs with white waistband and gelled up dark blond hair. His mate Riley was slightly taller, shaven headed in white Everlast briefs with sky blue waistband and swirls of tattoo up his left arm. Both wore red and white Nike baseball boots and their arms were fastened to the branch of an overhanging oak tree so that they couldn't escape their torture. First of all the game was going to be for each set of men to paint up their victims as lewdly as possible. Three guests in each time had ten minutes each to use their paints and props to make their boy look as stupid and embarrassed as possible. A table full of various items had been laid out and on the whistle, a large plyboard divider was placed between the two teams so the other couldn't see what the other was doing.

"Get set," screeched Harold, "3-2-1 paint!"

The two teams set to work fast to make sexy, rude artwork out of their lads. First Lewis had his vest and briefs ripped off and his nipples painted red. Someone painted the word "WANKER" on his chest and in red felt tip another wrote `FUCKWIT' across the poor lad's forehead. Well, they were in the institute to get punished, after all! Another squished a huge amount of blue paint in his hair, while next door Riley had his shaved head stuck in a bucket of honey and another guest giggled as he covered the honey in pink feathers. What a tart that boy looked! Someone else pulled Riley's knickers down and had the brilliant idea of sticking them over his head, whilst another decided to dip his brush in the bucket of honey and continually paint the lads cock so that he sprang a huge hardon. Bees and flies got attracted to the honey on the cock and poor Riley had to dance about to shake them off before his knobhead got stung, which was a hilarious sight in itself.

Lewis found his sexy, round buttocks being painted bright orange and someone else attached more feathers to a huge dildo to ram up Riley's ass so that he looked like a giant duckling. It was just what these cocky lads deserved. After three minutes the whistle was blown again and the results shown to both groups, as the plyboard partition was taken down. What a pair of humiliated lads they were! It was hysterical. They blushed with the shame of it, Riley's huge, hard honey covered penis dribbling precum. But it was not over yet. On the blow of another whistle, the guests were to fling paint at the two lads for two minutes, just to humiliate them a bit more and see who could stand it most. Within a minute both lads were completely covered in balls of different coloured paint, their cocks and bushes matted up with oils and gooey liquid.

Harold announced that the art competition had been a draw, but that they were going to see who the winners were in an ingenious way. First of all, each lad would be hosed down hard with a hot, steamy fire house to clean him off in order that he could be closely inspected in the buff. Then a designated member of each team was given an electric vibrator probe in order to excite their boy's genitals to orgasm. Riley, who had remained hard, was at an obvious advantage, because the last to shoot their cream under the electric stimulation would take 50 spankings in front of all the other lads at tomorrow's tea. It wouldn't do to lose out in the cum competition.

Each lad was told he had to roar as he creamed, otherwise he would be disqualified.

"Let the vibrations commence," laughed Harold, as each team member started to tease his captive's cock with the slick, buzzing probe. Soon both boys were erect and jabbing their cocks at the lubed vibrator to try to make sure they came before the other.

"Let's see those cocks spurt," laughed Harold, as the team mates egged their leaders on with wolf whistles and cheers. Even more giggles as they heard Riley threaten his mate with "Don't you fucking cum you fucking fucker or I'll smash your face in".

Even this stupid humiliation game was something the lads felt compelled to fight each other over.

"Fucking cunt I'll fuckin spunk when I want mate," jeered back Lewis.

"You don't fuckin' beat me fuckin' fucker," spat back Lewis as he bucked and puffed to make sure his team won.

In the end the bucking paid off and Riley shook and kicked his legs, bellowing as his orgasm reached a crescendo and his penis bolted out five or six huge white jets of cream. Seconds later, probably at the sight of his competitor's orgasm taking off, Lewis did the same and the delighted onlookers witnessed the young 19 year old splatting half a dozen bolts of hot, white juice right up his muscular chest. He puffed and panted as he released all of his boy juice. A couple of members of the crowd scooped some of Riley's cream up and ran over to Lewis to rub it in his face, just to show who had won. Not to be outdone, Lewis's team grabbed some of his spunk and went over to rub it all over Riley's face, just as he was about to get really cocky. He spat it out furiously and roared "Fuckin' get that fuckin' cunt's cum out my face!" It was a joy to witness these filthy offenders being taught a lesson, and Harold thanked the guests for their contribution to art class. Riley and Lewis, meanwhile, were carefully put back in handcuffs and taken back to detention for the afternoon for insolence and rudeness to the charity afternoon guests. They were made to parade back in the nude, their underwear saved to mop up their cum and go straight into the church roof charity auction that very afternoon.

The continual programme of humiliating events went on unabated of course. After their slap up lunch, Mr Hamilton invited 17 year old fat boy Alastair and his parents outside to witness one of the games laid on for the spectators. Quite a large group had gathered at one end of the soccer pitch, as four lads were led on by the games master, Mr McBride, who had left the proceedings in the gym to the governor for a while in order to oversee some footie activity which would doubtless lead on to yet more lewd entertainment. McBride led on four spunky, athletic dudes to be put through their paces in front of the expectant crowd, who cheered, clapped and wolf whistled as the four sexy guys where made to jog out in front of them.

"These four pretty young men are new recruits to this institution," intoned McBride, with mock solemnity. "I am sure we can guarantee them the very warmest of welcomes here. It's a tradition that new boys go through a certain amount of initiation training, and that is why we have chosen them for these games."

The lads suddenly looked embarrassed and nervous. They were going to be not only put through an initiation ritual, but it would be for the entertainment of paying guests! Two of them wore the home strip, the yellow shirts and shorts with navy trim and black soccer boots, two wore the away strip, red with white trim and white socks. The first guy in yellow was Jeff, a handsome, smooth, dark-haired 19 year old with a cute, chiselled face and broad, muscled shoulders. With him came his mate Vince, who was equally good looking, with a slightly poutier mouth and slightly longer hair. His nips protruded through his yellow soccer top and his six pack was also clearly visible.

First lad in the away kit was the sublimely sexy Simon. He was one of the best looking lads at the institute, and his cocky grin let everyone know it. A dreamy face with gelled up straw hair and a multi-coloured necklace set off the look. His meaty glutes jigged as he showed off with knees-up exercises, his underwear clearly outlined beneath his brief nylon shorts. Behind him, also in the away kit, came slightly slimmer, but still sexy and smouldering, Alex, who was 19 with built gymnast's shoulders and pecs, sexy, short, blond hair with a centre parting. A super cute fuckable face. He had been doing well on the amateur boxing circuit, and worked out a lot, until he wound up doing time for petty theft. It hadn't escaped our audience's notice that it was two dark haired lads against two blond cuties, but Mr McBride pointed it out, to embarrass the boys and give the onlookers a laugh.

"Let's see if these blonds are as dumb as they look," joked Mr McBride to much amusement and hilarity, as he threw a football to each lad, who was made to jog on the spot. Alastair laughed and whispered to his parents about how much he was enjoying seeing a few more big, naughty lads being taught a lesson. McBride made the lads bounce the balls on their heads, on the spot.

"First to drop a ball loses an item of kit," chortled mean McBride. All the lads concentrated hard but it wasn't long before sexy Simon, after about 10 bounces, lost it and the ball crashed to the floor.

"Take your top off, Simon, you will continue in just your shorts!". Simon had no choice but to obey, and slid his shirt off over his rippled chest, as the audience cooed and Alastair laughed. The top of Simon's Hanes briefs, a present from his girlfriend, were clearly visible above the skimpy shorts. The boys were ordered to start again with the ball bouncing, each time one of them removing his shirt. Soon only Vince was left in his full outfit after three rounds, the other lads now down to their shorts, their six packs and defined torsos flexing in the bright afternoon sun before their rapt audience.

"Time for some shots at goal," ordered McBride as he blew the whistle. "Vince, get in goal, the rest of you, take a penalty shoot-out. Alex, Jeff and Simon lined up to take the shots at goal. Big, horny 6'1" Alex took the run up and pelted the ball towards goal. He jumped up and down in his shorts as the ball scored a goal in the left hand side of the net.

"OK Vince, your top, please." Hunky Vince grimaced as he realised that he'd lose a piece of clothing for each goal he let in. "Simon, next up". Simon in his yellow shorts took another run up. And oooh he missed the goal by inches as it rebounded off the crossbar. Simon was ordered over to stand in front of the crowd.

"This should be fun," laughed McBride. Your punishment will be to strip your shorts off while dancing as suggestively as you can for the crowd's entertainment to "I'mToo Sexy." The blond bombshell squirmed with embarrassment as the crowd readied themselves for the show. At that moment, Alastair crept up in front of the unsuspecting cutie with a can of spray cream from the pudding trolley and pulled out his shorts, squirting it quickly down the boy's briefs. Everyone except the lads roared with laughter at cheeky, chubby Alastair's little prank. Simon made a grab for the can, but missed as Alastair skipped away, and only succeeded in squishing the fake cream into his crotch. More giggles as Simon grimaced with humiliation. Simon winced as he felt the warm mush encompass his cock.

"Oh, God, that was funny," laughed McBride. "Now, repeat after me, ahem, `I'm a sexy fucker and my pants are full of cream." Simon looked incredibly embarrassed at having to say these words, and ran his big tough hands through his sandy, spiky hair.

"I'm a sexy boy and.." started Simon with the degrading statement.

"It's fucker. Sexy fucker...", corrected the games master.

"Sorry, sexy fucker, and my balls are full of cream," repeated Simon, to much laughter.

"If you say so, lad," said McBride, "I expect they are! I can only see cream in your shorts from where I am." Simon and the other lads were distinctly not enjoying these games. But everyone else was. McBride started the music.

"I'm a model, I do what I do, and I shake my little tush...on the catwalk..." started Right Said Fred. Simon, who was hardly a dancer, swivelled and gyrated as best he could, and followed instructions from the evil McBride to put on a sexy show, wiggling his pretty boy butt at the crowd as they clapped along, laughed and hooted. Simon slid his shorts down his smooth, sinewy, football thighs and exposed his sexy white Hanes briefs with the big cream patch at the front of his pouch. The audience stared at his impressive bulge as he ripped off the shorts and the music stopped.

"Let's see his bollocks," shouted someone in the crowd, to cheers of support. Simon blushed and looked at McBride for reprieve.

"I don't think it's time for us to take his briefs off just yet," replied McBride. Simon's relief was palpable. "No, not yet, his ass looks way too pretty in those knickers. But Simon, you could pull the waistband right down under your balls so that it cups them and exposes them nicely for the ladies and gentlemen, couldn't you," chuckled McBride. "Go on, show `em your nuts and continue the games with your sexual organs exposed like some pathetic flasher." Simon looked down and reluctantly pulled the waistband of his briefs down over his balls, with his entire collection of baby making kit brazenly sticking out above it. His big pink cock, four inches flaccid, and big trimmed, blond bush, the only hair on his teen body, neatly presented above a huge pair of inflated nuts.

It looked so appetising it got a round of applause. "Wiggle those hips, you worm, and shake it about for us." Simon did as he was told and put on a great display of young man cock and balls for the audience, who whooped their delight.

At that moment, sexy tight muscled Jeff asked, like a dirty schoolboy, to take a break for a leak. "There's no time at the moment, son, we're playing games."

"But I'm desperate sir!", the hunky brat begged. It was so much fun to deny the insolent lad even the chance to relieve himself, and the onlookers revelled in this cruel entertainment.

"Too bad son, you'll have to hold on to it, now forget it," retorted McBride, who enjoyed every bit of needless power he wielded over these toughies. The previously tough Jeff looked nervous and dejected, desperate for a piss, as the four were ordered to do thirty sit-ups. Alastair was assigned to Simon, and one of the older guests to the other three.

"Last to finish loses his shorts! Or in your case, Simon baby, your knickers!" barked McBride, as he blew the whistle.

Alastair giggled with amusement as Simon, who was working really hard to beat the other guys, pounded back and forth with his cock out. He was clearly beating the other guys but Alastair, much to Simon's consternation, kept losing count deliberately and thought it was very funny. The other three lads soon finished and Alastair was still laughing as he counted 10-11-12 oh sorry, 8-10-11, I mean 9-10-11-12... Eventually he got to thirty about four minutes after the other lads.

"Pathetically slow," barked McBride to Simon, who was covered in sweat. "A big, muscly boy like you should have those sit-ups done in no time," he continued, pretending to completely ignore Alastair's intentionally wonky arithmetic. Much laughter from the amused onlookers. "Now, off with those sweaty briefs and display your bottom to the ladies and gents," instructed McBride.

"But sir, he was deliberately making me lose," protested Simon, who still didn't understand the joke.

"Do I really have to tell you again? You answer back one more time and you will get a good spanking right here in front of everybody. Do you understand?"

"But Mr McBride, I don't deserve it, I...I mean he miscounted me on purpose just to...", protested dumb jock Simon, yet again, as Alastair collapsed in hysterics and threw a chocolate pudding from the guests' buffet trolley, hitting Simon square in the left buttcheek. Streaks of chocolate gunge oozed down the sexy boy's swimmer thighs as he winced and squirmed at the humiliation of it all.

"Remove your briefs. We can already see your filthy cock in any case, you stupid asshole, and now you've got them dirty, too. " shouted McBride. "Are you too lazy and clumsy to slip out of the way of flying puddings?"

Simon reluctantly shucked down the Hanes briefs, revealing himself nude except for the soccer boots and shorts.

"Bend over for your spanking, you insolent thug," went on McBride.

6 foot tall Simon was being made to look incredibly foolish as he touched his toes and was given forty big hard slaps on his taut backside, which made it gleam and glisten. When he was ordered to stand back up, everyone noticed that the boy had sprung a boner. His lurid, crimson cockhead flared out from his foreskin and jutted directly up in the air, a good eight inches. The boy meat waved and bobbed as he moved about awkwardly and the lewd sight gave cause for gasps of excitement and awe from the crowd, which was now swelling in numbers, as more guests arrived to watch the show and were served drinks and petit-fours by more 18 year old munchkins in embarrassing tight elf costumes and comedy hats. Simon was made to bend over and spread his asscheeks to display his cherry to the audience, who applauded and whooped.

"Dirty, misbehaving lads do NOT get erections in my class," insisted McBride, as he slapped the brat's cock, causing a pearl of dewy precum to ooze out of the tip and spiral a foot down below his balls before eventually separating onto the floor.

"Now, repeat after me, `I will not get erections in front of the audience'." Ordered Mcbride, and the spunky lad with the horn repeated the lewd phrase, feeling a total prick. McBride ordered him to stand aside with is hard jab-on in full view as the next game commenced. Meaty, beefy Alex and Jeff were to get down on the grass in their socks, shorts and boots and wrestle like they meant it. The first one to remove the other's shorts and briefs would be the victor. Jeff protested again that he really needed to take a leak.

"Too bad son, you should have gone before you came out," retorted the cruel master of ceremonies. "Now, wrestle!"

The dark haired, cropped toughie virtually crossed his legs in desperation as he was ordered to go muscled chest against muscled chest in a battle of the horny sixpacks, blond against dark. Both hairless but totally masculine, their started their brawl, hurling obsenities at each other as they fought on, almost forgetting where they were. Jeff tugged and cutie Alex's shorts and ripped them almost clean in two. One of the crowd thought it would be harder and more fun if they were oiled up, and squirted the contents of a bottle of baby oil at the two writhing beauties until they glistened and shone, Jeff's dinky bicep tattoo beaming out darker and accentuating his muscled upper arm. Suddenly Alex's shorts were off, revealing his buttocks in all their fleshy splendour. The crowd laughed as they spotted a cupid motif and the word "MONSTERCOCK" tattooed in the centre of Alex's left ass cheek. A bit of sexual information hitherto intended only for viewing by the handsome lad's string of female companions. Indeed, the tattoo did not appear to be telling an untruth, as a sizeable package was visible straining beneath stretched red material whenever the boy was flipped over. Alex grabbed Jeff's shorts and tore them as he was caught in a half nelson, allowing Jeff's orange knickers to be exposed to the crowd and a large round of applause.

At that moment, with both boys in their underwear and momentarily stationary, Jeff murmured "Oh Jeez" as he realised he couldn't keep his piss in any longer, and suddenly had to let go. The front of his briefs darkened from orange to deep tangerine as his gusher let go and a gallon of piss poured out into the grass, much of it going over his opponent who yelled, "You stupid, gross fuck, couldn't you just wait?"

McBride blew the whistle. "Oh dear, oh dear," we appear to have a big boy with big muscles and a lot of bigmouth wrestlerboy attitude but very little control over his bladder. Alastair shrieked with delight as the strapping boy was admonished for wetting his knickers. McBride signalled over the nurse, who as usual was on hand to deal with babyish behaviour from new inmates.

She carried on her basket of goodies and laid out a plastic baby changing mat, covered with bunnies and teddies, in the middle of the grass, while the onlookers gazed on amused.

"Now, lie on your back on the mat, Jeffykins," instructed the 50 year old nurse, as she dealt with the entirely adult, but very laddishly sexy, muscleboy Jeff. "We're going to have to make sure we don't have anymore lickle accidents, aren't we?" chuckled the nurse, as she pulled the humiliated lad's legs up over his head and eased off his sopping knickers. She towelled him down, sprinkled his pretty ass liberally with baby powder, and he squirmed and winced with embarrassment as a huge cloth diaper was brought out. His big cock was half tumescent and his balls looked to everyone full and juicy. The cloth was affixed with a giant comedy safety pin, about six inches long. A pink baby bonnet with the bold name LITTLE SISSY above the forehead was placed on his head and tied in a prissy bow beneath. She hung a pink pacifier on a red ribbon around his neck and jabbed it into his cocky mouth.

"There, that should keep your wee-wee in for a while. We don't want you to embarrass yourself in front of your tiny tot friends, do we," teased the nurse. Jeff had never in his life felt so belittled or humiliated, as he was made to do a pirouette, suck his thumb, and jump around like a three year old baby girl in front of the baying audience, who whooped and laughed at the baby girl's predicament.

"I think it's time for you to have a big lollipop as a treat, don't you ladies and gentlemen?" jested McBride, as Simon and his giant cock were brought over to Jeff in his humiliating outfit. He was made to kneel before the blond and his pulsating penis, as Simon was told to put his hand on his head and Jeff was ordered to enjoy his treat by licking on it. Alastair jumped up and down again with excitement and laughter. Jeff felt totally degraded as his tongue reluctantly swirled around the tip of his mate's dick. Simon started to tense and wince at the unbearable humiliation yet teasing erotic pleasure of having his cock messed with in public. McBride grabbed Simon's chin and ordered him not to cum:

"There will be no cockjuice? Do you hear? You are not to spray that filthy cum. This is punishment, not fun."

"Y-y-yes. OK."

"Yes OK what?"

"Yes, OK, sir."

"That's better. Now, what will you not do?"

"I will not shoot my load, sir. Aagh.Oooh."

"Good, you're getting the idea."

But Simon was being teased against all his will and about to let go of his semen. His balls hitched up, he stood on tiptoe, desperate to think of something else and keep his cum in. Alastair and the crowd craned their necks to see what was inevitably going to happen, as Jeff grimaced and let the cockhead free, licking down the shaft of his juicy lollipop. Suddenly it was all too much stimulation for babe Simon, and he let out a huge gasp as a jet of warm cream bolted out of his cock at least five feet in the air. Two little dribbles and then another rocket of six feet towards the audience. Alastair hollered as he got showered and the monster penis kept on spewing it's horny load. It was some show.

"I told you NOT to cum," barked McBride as he slapped the beefy lad several times across the cock, forcing more drips of juice out of the head.

"I-I-I'm sorry sir. It was an accident, I didn't mean to ejaculate."

"Oh, it's ejaculate now, is it? Very posh. Well I'm warning you, son, any more funny business from any of you and you get it. Do you understand?" The lads nodded. It looked like they had finally got the message, as baby Jeff sat there with a rope of sticky boycum right across his face and blobs of Simon's thick cum all over his sissy bonnet.

The soccer fun and wrestling initiation games with Alex, Jeff, Vince and Simon will continue in Part 6: JAMPACKED COCKFIGHTS. Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 6

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