Offender Relief Day

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Jan 9, 2008


OFFENDER RELIEF DAY PART 4 - enjoy. All feedback gratefully received, plus ideas for what should happen to the lads to You can also send pics of what you would like the lads to look like, or I will send to you if you'd like them. Part Five will be a paintball humiliation special with the lads, written for my student friend J, who has specially requested it.


While the events in the gym were proceeding in this lewd manner, and soldierboy Owen was getting his comeuppance, a quite separate form of entertainment was going on in the punishment quarters. A twenty year old lad called Neil Wallace and his best mate Tony Carter, aged 19, had been caught stealing the previous week from a rich seventeen year old geek who had been visiting the institution with his school while on a study field trip, the aim of which was to try to convince the kids that they never wanted to end up in a place like this. Alastair, the overweight boy with glasses who had not only lost his wallet but also suffered a fair amount of taunting over his size and shortsightedness, had been invited back to the institute on this day of charity events to witness Neil and Tony's punishments, accompanied by his angry parents. Alastair was so excited that he was going to see the big bullies punished that he could hardly keep his enthusiasm quiet.

"Am I really going to see those horrible boys given a spanking?" asked spolit Alastair on the way to the shores of Loch Awe, as they drove up from their detached house in Helensburgh.

"Too right you are, my sweet," said his mother, "and we are all going to enjoy watching those insolent brats get a jolly good hiding. How dare they call you those names and steal from you too. It's disgraceful. I hope they punish them well and that they learn a bloody good lesson. They've obviously not changed their ways since they went there."

The family drove through the gates and parked in the busy car park, upon which they were given VIP treatment as they were led to the punishment block. Half a dozen of the relief day guests had also paid a further £50 to charity in order to witness the boys get their just desserts, and were looking forward to the show. They, along with Mr Hamilton, the 50 year old head of discipline at the detention centre, had thought up a number of incredibly embarrassing and humiliating things to put Neil and Tony through in front of them and Alastair's family.

The family were shown to comfortable chairs which sat opposite the six paying guests who occupied a long viewing sofa down one sided of the oak panelled punishment centre. Mr Hamilton sat behind a large mahogany table against one wall. Several boxes of equipment lined the other side of the room, which had a shower fitting in one corner and a marble sloping floor leading to a drain beneath the shower area itself. This is where many misbehaved lads had been punished in the past, but never in front of a paying audience.

Mr Hamilton distributed glasses of champagne to all the guests and the family so that they could enjoy this special celebration. Alastair was so pleased to be treated like a proper adult and giggled expectantly as he awaited the start of the show.

"Very well, I shall fetch our showboys. Don't forget to laugh loudly as they are brought in! We want them to remember this!". Neil was led in first, followed by Tony. Both had unbelievably sexy bodies, and the guests laughed and whistled as they were brought in. Neil was dark blond, smooth, and with a crew cut left high and spiky on top. His blue eyes looked out nervously from beneath heavy eyebrows. His nose and pouting lips were perfectly formed. He wore a navy baseball shirt with long baggy sleeves down to his elbows, with the number 88 in large white letters over his chest and shoulders. He just about fitted in to the tightest pair of light blue shorts imaginable, which barely reached down to the top of his thighs. On his feet, black, grey and white hightop baseball sneaks with white baseball socks just above his ankles. Tony, 19, followed him in, wearing similar baseball boots. He had a perfect swimmer's build, cropped hair with a small brass ear stud in his right ear, a cheeky grin, built pecs and nipples which protruded through his yellow skin tight T shirt. He wore a grey chain around his bull neck and red Umbro jogging shorts, lewdly split at the sides, with a white trim. Both lads tried their best to look cocky, sneer, and leer, swaggering, at the guests and the family.

"Neil, you will be first to be punished. Tony, you will face the wall in the corner. One piece of backchat from either of you insolent turds and you'll face even more music. Now, Neil, stand to attention in the middle of the floor."

Neil, now worried at what was going to happen next, had no choice but to obey. His buttocks flexed inside the tight blue sports shorts, which had already disappeared into his asscrack, making two spectacular globes for the expectant guests to ogle at.

"I need a volunteer to get this little brat ready for his punishment," continued Mr Hamilton. One of the paying guests, a 55 year old caretaker, was eager to respond.

"Very well," please remove Neil's top and shorts for us.

"What?" exclaimed Neil, exasperated. "I'm going to have to strip?".

"Of course," said Mr Hamilton, "You're always bragging about your body, now we will all get to see it." Alastair giggled. "Are we really going to see him in his underwear? That's super." He sipped the champagne as the guest got Neil to put his arms above his head and helped him off with the shirt. His perfect torso caught the light of the summer sun gleaming through the barred windows as the top was taken away. Then, sexy Neil winced as his shorts were yanked down over his thighs to reveal a figure hugging pair of sexy sky blue briefs. The guests gasped in awe at the way the knickers clung to his butt and emphasised his rather less than junior cock and balls at the front. Neil flushed red with embarrassment, as Alastair's parents looked on approvingly.

Now, repeat after me, "I have been a very naughty boy," instructed Mr Hamilton, "and I'm going to get my bottom smacked." Neil awkwardly repeated the humiliating words.

"Listen to the silly boy," cackled Alastair, "I bet he feels really dumb".

Mr Hamilton made Neil squirm as he cupped the front of the blue briefs and made everyone else laugh. "Now, bend over." Neil gripped the edge of the table and got ready for the belting. He braced himself as Mr Hamilton whacked him over the butt and made him count up to ten smacks of the paddle. Neil yelled and Alastair and his family lapped it up, smiling and giggling. To make the embarrassment worse, Alastair reached over and pulled down the back of Neil's briefs, exposing his entire butt.

"You cunt," shouted Neil.

"You will stop that disgusting language immediately, you worm. And you will receive another ten smacks on your bare bottom," continued Mr Hamilton, feeling up the lad's crotch yet again. "Hello, hello, what have we here, you've leaked into your briefs, haven't you?"

"No sir. I mean, yes sir."

"You are full of cum aren't you, you filthy boy?"

"Well I ain't wanked for two days sir."

"I should think not, you disgusting little boy. You should leave your cock alone while you are in here, and not touch it at all. It's a vile habit, and you have not been behaving like an adult either, so you don't deserve to have adult treats like that. Now take your pants off immediately so we can all have a good look at you, and do something about this filthy habit."

Big, beefy Neil felt totally humiliated at being treated like this, as Mr Hamilton fondled and teased his big, sexy, curvaceous butt, but had little choice in the matter, as Alastair giggled and pointed at Neil's crotch. The disobedient figure of fun obeyed and pulled his underwear down. Neil's half hard, drippy dick popped out and a string of precum juice bounced out of the end. Alastair, still to discover the delights of wanking, as he had never had a girlfriend and was a rather late developer, looked in amazement. "Uurgh, look at that sticky muck on the end of his willy. It's horrible." Alaistair's parents didn't know where to look.

The big, naked, dumb jock blushed red and put his arms behind his back, as his friend was ordered over and told to strip too. Tony slid his tight, sexy T shirt over his head and pulled his red shorts over his muscled thighs. The paying guests leaned over and groped his ass, commenting on his beautiful build and the sexual prowess of young men. Underneath the shorts, Tony wore just a black jockstrap.

"I feel a right fuckin' fairy, Neil," sniggered Tony to his mate.

"Is there something funny, Tony?

"No sir."

"Perhaps you'd like to share it with your audience so we can all have a laugh."

"Honestly sir, I was just saying I feel ridiculous standing here."

"Right, bend over," ordered Mr Hamilton, and made Tony count as he administered 10 swats with the tawse rope over the lad's muscled, fleshy ass cheeks. More screams and applause of approval from those looking on, as Tony was ordered to stand up again and pose in his swimmer's build.

"Now, get that silly jockstrap off and we'll change you into some fun clothes for the entertainment of young, innocent Alastair here, who you have both been so cruel to. Now get into these outfits," commanded Mr Hamilton, reaching into one of the boxes and pulling out a ridiculous blue and white striped clown overall for Neil, and a yellow and white one for Tony. They were made to put them on over a pair of brief white knickers. Over their shoes, a pair of giant comedy clown shoes, and on their heads, frilly clown bonnets which matched their hilarious outfits. Much amusement from the onlookers. Their cheeks were rouged up, and each was given a girl's skipping rope and told to skip until nice and hot, which wasn't long in the all enveloping childish overalls and very difficult in the comedy shoes.

As they skipped and their muscles tightened up, the small audience laughed and lapped up the entertainment.

"You, Neil, will take the role of Cocksnot the clown, and Tony, you will be Willie Winkie the clown," instructed Mr Hamilton, in all seriousness but finding it hard to hide his amusement at the big, tough shits' predicament. "You are going to act like clowns for the entertainment of young Alastair here, and I will be checking to make sure you do everything he asks you. Now, get the circus going and start dancing like the stupid clowns you are. Neil and Tony felt like a couple of total pricks, dancing around in overalls and underwear, as Mr Hamilton turned on a CD of comic circus music. Trays of cakes, jellies, trifles and buns with various sauces were brought in for the audience to enjoy. Tony and Neil hadn't seen treats like that for weeks, and were jealous of Alastair and his family getting to eat them with their champagne while they acted like a pair of dumb clowns for their afternoon entertainment.

"Help yourself to jelly and cakes, Alastair," invited Mr Hamilton. But Alastair had thought up a better idea for the tray of goodies.

"I want Cocksnot to put a cream cake on Willie's head underneath the bonnet and then squish it down. That would be really funny!" Alastair squealed.

"You heard what the boy said," barked Mr Hamilton. And with that Tony grabbed a juicy pie, and stuck it under the hat.

"With chocolate sauce, with chocolate sauce!" screamed Alastair, and Neil took a squeezy bottle of sauce, squirted it all over his mate's head, as Tony looked up sheepishly with his baby blue eyes, and waited for the hat to be squashed down in typical circus tent style. Whapp! The custard cream and chocolate sauce squidged out through the cap as the onlookers applauded and Neil winced. Chocolate sauce dripped down his face onto his muscled shoulders.

"And now you do the same to him, Willie Winkie!" shouted Alastair. Tony obeyed, and both stood their like complete idiots, dripping in cake. That had well and truly wiped the smirk off their cocky faces.

"And now each take a chocolate pudding and put it down the back of your briefs," ordered Alastair. "Then go and sit down on the chairs and wiggle your bottoms in it". The pathetic clowns did as they were told, and squirmed about on the chair.

"Get up and bend over. Ha! Ha! It looks like they've done poo in their pants, doesn't it mummy?", laughed Alastair, as his family and the other guests joined in the merriment and laughter.

"Now pour some vanilla custard and jelly down the front of each others briefs, right inside so your willies get all sticky!" Alastair went on. The boys blushed as they pulled each others' overalls and knickers out and tipped the cream coloured liquid in. "Rub it all around, rub it all around, so we can see." The lads were embarrassed at having to rub each others' crotch area, and soon, with the smooth stickiness of the puddings and the rubbing, both boys started to sprout quite big hardons.

It didn't go unnoticed, and Tony and Neil felt doubly humiliated by the sexual reaction of their cocks. One of the guests remarked that not only did it look as if the dumb jocks had shat themselves at the back, but the white mess at the front and their hardening cocks made it look as if they had creamed themselves at the front, too. Alastair, who was yet to experience his first orgasm, had no idea what the adults were talking about.

"What do you mean, creamed themselves?" asked Alastair, as his parents burst out laughing, joined by the other guests.

"Well, son," explained Mr Hamilton, "when good looking 19 and 20 year olds like these have thoughts about making babies, they make a mess of their trousers, don't you, Cocksnot and Willie Winkie," explained Mr Hamilton to the incredibly undersexed Alastair. Tony and Neil stared to the floor, ashamed to say anything, the creamy mess dripping down their trouserlegs and out of the effeminate clown costume they had been forced to wear.

"Do they, do they?" squealed Alastair. "I want to see them make a big mess!". Alastair was so excited he jumped up and down and clapped.

"Well, Cocksnot and Willie Winkie," smirked Mr Hamilton, "you'd better take off your overalls and clown boots and demonstrate to everyone how much cream you can make."

"Oh yes, yes, that sounds like fun. I want to see them make cream!" exclaimed Alastair, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. The big bully boys stripped out of their sopping overalls and were given a towel to wipe the worst of the gunk out of their hair. Their cocks puptented out their white briefs lewdly, and it was quite clear that both were well-endowed and ready to gush their seed, but they were both incredibly embarrassed even about being viewed in just their knickers, never mind naked, in front of all these people. Mr Hamilton ordered them to take off their briefs and shower down under the shower attachment in the corner, and soap up each others' dicks ready for action while they cleaned up.

"Oh, sir," protested Neil, "haven't we given them enough fuckin' entertainment for today?"

"You wouldn't want to spoil the finale for young Alastair, now would you boys?"

Tony and Neil groaned, as their muscled legs made their way over to the shower stall and they did as instructed, whispering to each other about how embarrassing it was to be soaping up each others' cocks for the amusement of other people. They were determined to get even with these bastards once and for all after all this. When cleaned up and horned up, they swaggered back to the centre of the room, both with huge eight inch hardons pointing to the ceiling. Mr Hamilton, at the request of a couple of the guests, made the lads put their white socks and hi-top baseball sneakers back on, as it really turned them on to see recalcitrant lads wearing nothing but the butch, sporty footwear they had arrived in. The guests salivated and rubbed their crotches as the lads were literally ordered to do a wanking demonstration for fat, geeky Alastair.

"Look at their pee-pees, I've never seen any that big! Cor! What are they going to do with them," asked Alastair.

"They'll tell you, won't you boys," ordered Mr Hamilton, as he fixed a couple of baby's plastic bibs, adorned with flowers and bunnies, round each boy's neck and swim goggles round their eye, just for added humiliation and embarrassment. Their pecs and six pack stomachs twitched with anticipation as they stretched their legs out and started to rub their enormous boybrat erections.

"Oh, sir, we look stupid, what's that for?" asked Tony.

"I know what you guys are like, that stuff will go everywhere, and I don't want you making a mess, having to have another shower, or getting it in your eyes," chortled Mr Hamilton, as he offered the guests and Alastair's parents plastic protective sheets to cover themselves with in case the boys' semen inadvertently sprayed in their direction. "You can never be too careful, these boys' jism gets everywhere. I've had the cleaners have to try to get it off the dorm ceiling before now," laughed Mr Hamilton, as he encouraged everyone else to join in the mockery of the two hunky studs. The lads themselves looked mortified as they were instructed to explain to Alastair exactly what they were doing.

"My cockhead is like a big fat mushroom and when I take a bit of spit and finger it just behind the head it goes all fuckin' tingly," explained Tony.

"Look, some clear liquid is coming out my pisshole, which means I want to make a baby."

"Yes, and look, their pee holes are so big that I can insert this metal catheter down inside each one. Look, they're about a quarter of an inch wide," went on Mr Hamilton. The boys blanched as he rode the metal rod up and down each urethra and the boys stared out petrified, oozing precum in buckets. "Ouch!". Mr Hamilton removed the catheters and remarked that they would now have had their penises more and more stimulated "That means `excited', Alastair," and so would produce more cream. The boys wanked away furiously on their knobs and said so, commenting on their progress towards spraying their balljuice.

"Can I have a go," asked Alastair, "I want to see what those big, pink willies feel like."

"Of course you can, my dear," said his mother straight away, you can feel what it's like when they go off!

"Goody, goody!" said Alastair, as he leapt up, and the two lads looked daggers at him, feeling completely humiliated in case he brought them over the top. Alastair had no idea what to do with them, but fingered them delicately and teasingly, which made them bob and leak all the more. Mr Hamilton ordered Tony and Neil to put their own hands on their heads and let Alastair have his fun. The lads twitched as the 17 year old virgin tweaked and teased their cocks to the inevitable gusher. Tony and Neil had fucked acres of pussy, but geeky Alastair had no idea what was about to happen. Everyone else craned away to get a good look, covering their posh party clothes with the protective sheeting.

Suddenly Neil screamed, "I'm cumming, Oh shit, fuck,". Alastair slapped his cock and told him off for using the rude words. The slap was just enough to send young Neil over the edge, and a huge squirt of cum pulsated out of his cock off to the left and all over the plastic sheeting on Alastair's mother's lap. A huge round of applause. More powerful spurts followed, skeetering six feet across the wooden floor and leaving foot long blobs on the dark oak parquet.

Tony, on the other hand, was one of those guys who got so excited that he dribbled a large amount of cum before he actually shot. He mumbled "Jesus Christ" as he did so, and pleaded with Alastair to finish him off as his nuts were fit to bust. Alastair laughed and slapped the punk's cock backwards and forwards, to be rewarded with a spray of boy cream that went all over Alastair's face. More ropes of cum shot upwards and splatted back down onto Tony's silly baby bib. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," screamed Tony obscenely as he let his baby juice go, and it dribbled out and shot all over the floor. More laughter and applause.

"Happy you got your money's worth?" asked Mr Hamilton of the paying guests. "More than happy, fantastic show Harry," they chorused. Alastair, who couldn't believe what he'd seen and was now keen to get home and try it, looked astonished but happy. His parents were happy that justice had been done.

"OK, Cocksnot and Willie Winkie, you've learned your lesson! You can go and get changed". Mr Hamilton ushered the guests out of the suite and into the warm afternoon sunshine, where the rest of the games were proceeding.

"Have fun, there are plenty more naughty lads waiting to show you a good time!" laughed Mr Hamilton, happy at netting a few more hundred pounds and giving some more cocky shits a taste of humiliating punishment. He slapped Tony and Neil soundly on their juicy butt cheeks as they headed off to get changed. "Great show lads. Wish I was the pussy who got to feel those two monster cocks. Thanks for the demo!". Tony and Neil were soundly humiliated, but happy and proud that their cocks had been appreciated.

More in PART 5 : Paintball Party

Next: Chapter 5

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