Offender Relief Day

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Dec 14, 2007


OFFENDER RELIEF DAY PART 3 - enjoy. All feedback gratefully received, plus ideas for what should happen to the lads to You can also send pics of what you would like the lads to look like.


Soldierboy Owen looked mortified to be standing in that playpen in nothing but his baby diaper and a pathetic pink girl's romper suit that wouldn't even zip up further than his abs at the front. He felt totally dejected and humiliated. He was so embarrassed he thought he might fill the diaper there and then.

"You stay over there Owen, for the moment, like a good little lad. Or should that be girl," jested the governor, clearly getting off on humiliating these jocks as much as he could. The audience cheered and lapped it up. "Stay there baby boy, let's get a look at your butt! In a minute were going to see some proper lads. With proper cocks."

"Do as the gentlemen say, diaperboy, turn round and show them your ass." Owen obeyed. He turned round and wiggled his pert little butt in the pen, the fluffy pink material drawn tautly over his manly cheeks. The four sedan chair carriers were ordered with a flick of the wrist to proceed outside with their carriage and transport in another couple of fare paying passengers. "Go and get them this instant, and look lively about it. There are two elderly gentlemen outside keen to see the next display here in the gym. They jumped up, their cocks bobbing inside their tight underwear. All except poor Yuri, who had to go with his cock out and at half mast -- he had clearly been getting turned on with some of the proceedings and had hoped to hide his erection as he sat. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh, who's a big, excited young boy, then, shouted the governor. We'll have to give you our big cock award, won't we." The lads all dreaded these awards. The game was that when a lad was spotted with a particularly sexy attribute, the governor would place a sticker on their left shoulder, so that the guests would make sure they didn't miss it. The governor ordered the Russian boy over. He skipped up before the governor, his cock waving, only to have a stupid sticker with the words "Look at my....COCK!", in comedy writing, slapped onto his body in that prominent place. Yuri was so embarrassed at having his private anatomy pointed out to everyone he just wanted to curl up and die. But he went and fetched the two more paying customers, like a good boy. When the new guests were in, the governor introduced the audience to the next punishment, which he promised would be a real scream. He invited the act into the hall.

"Please welcome the physical education master, Mr McBride, and his two charges, it's 19 year old Funtime Frankie and his best friend, 19 year old Micky the Dickie." The lads were ushered in by the 25 year old, muscled PE teacher, who struck the fear of God into even hardened young brats like these two. But it was fun. Frankie and Micky were made to jog into the hall lifting their knees up to their waist with every step and with their hands on their heads. They looked and felt totally mortified. Frankie wore a reversed light orange baseball cap and was the ultimate boy next door fantasy. Perfect teeth, perfect nose, cropped blond hair, and a goldlink chain around his neck. He wore only a blue builders overall over his undies, orange and grey Nike ribbed trainers and orange and black footie socks rolled down. The overalls were pretty skimpy, exposing most of his back, smooth abs and torso where the thin shoulder straps reached over his huge shoulders and biceps. His butt was incredibly tight at the back, a high arch of briefs clearly visible. Wolf whistles from the audience. Mick wore a blue, white and red zip up nylon jogging top, blue baseball cap, not back-to-front in his case, blue soccer shorts, nicely encasing his footie ass and displaying his smooth, muscled legs for all to devour. On his feet, white sports socks and grey Hi-top Puma trainers.

Mr McBride explained that the lads would be punished for stealing the trainers of two rich kids who were visiting the detention centre the previous week for a charity soccer match. "Trainer stealers get trained," as Mr McBride liked to joke. Their punishment was to be put through their paces in front of the guests. During this explanation, the boys were ordered to get down on the wooden floor and do fifty push-ups to get them nice and sweaty. After this, twenty jumping jacks. "And I want those arms stretched out, boys."

"Yes sir." The lads were keen to obey, as they had been told that whichever gave the best performance this afternoon could have the pair of trainers of their choice. The boys were really excited, and wanted the new kit desperately.

"Vault. Twenty springs across the vault, now."

"Oh sir," gasped the now sweating, exhausted boys.

"What's the matter. Oh, you're hot and bothered, I see, well, let's get those kecks off then, lads."

The boys looked shocked as they were told to take their clothes off.

"You will of course keep your stolen sneakers on so you remember why you're here."

"Mr McBride wants you down to your briefs. Now, to make it a bit more interesting for our dear guests, you will strip to music, like a pair of filthy rent boys. And you WILL look as if you are enjoying yourselves."

Music started. It was "Come On You Reds", the Manchester United soccer anthem. Both boys were fans, and were told to dance erotically as they removed their clothing. The boys knew what was at stake, and started to strip. The overalls had Velcro sides so that they could easily be peeled off. Frankie had wondered what that was all about. Off came Micky's top, as he gyrated to the macho soccer chant sounds. The audience clapped along and shouted out. "Get them off, get them off."

Down came the soccer shorts, off came the overalls, out popped Mickie's little red jockstrap, encasing his plump, juicy ass. Frankie's enormous bubblebutt was barely encased in his little red skimpy briefs. Both boys glistened edibly in sweat as they posed in their underwear.

The music went on. "Right, ten vaults in your underwear, then I want those off too." The boys obeyed. Legs, butts, cocks and pecs flew everywhere until they finished the exercise and shucked off their underwear too, as instructed. The otherwise hairless lads had gorgeous, puffed uncut cocks with a bush of blond setting them off. The audience cooed and the boys felt completely ashamed of showing off their nakedness.

"Next exercise, fucking." The boys looked aghast, as two giant watermelons were carried in by the nurse, who had hollowed out two moist little pussies for the lads to screw. Now, get me two big juicy hardons. Unless you want nurse to do it." The boys certainly didn't want that, and tugged away at their peters until they were up solid and ready for a fuck. The audience whistled, clapped and hollered.

"Now, before we make love, we kiss, don't we?", explained Mr McBride. Kiss each other. Nice big frenchies. The two straight boys tongued each other enthusiastically and were then ordered to fuck the watermelons. "Fuck the fruit, fuck the fruit", came the chant from the bleakers, as the guests laughed and hooted.

"First one to blow gets the trainers," added the governor over the din. The boys fucked away for all they were worth, desperate to blow a load and get the shoes.

"Don't forget, pull out when you're ready, no hands, we need to see the cum to prove you really are trying to shoot your bolt in the melon," joked Mr BcBride, loving it all.

Suddenly, after about four minutes, sexy Frankie pulled his rock solid dick out. It bounced twice of its own accord, and shot seven or eight huge white jets of cum right out across the boards. "Splat!Whap!Whap!Whap!Whap!" it went, right in front of the guests.

Seconds later, but too late for the prize, Micky creamed off too, with a huge gasp. Big spouts of goo raced up his dong, flew into the air, and cascaded back down on his chest. Big wads of dirty, soccerboy cum. What a show. Life was fun. The crowd applauded wildly. Micky sneered proudly at them and clenched his fist in a gesture of victory -- even though he had been beaten to it by his sexy partner-in-crime.

Mr BcBride made a big show of awarding the shoe voucher to Frankie, who puffed up and smiled with pride.

"Thanks for the show lads," said the governor. "A round of warm applause, please."

Mr McBride ordered the boys to carry their melons off, their cocks dangling, and to join the other lads next door, where other guests were waiting to watch them shower in the nude.

While all this was going on, Owen still stood in the playpen looking embarrassed and dejected, as any 19 year old, muscleboy soldier would if he was made to wear a stupid pink romper suit over his diaper and stand in a corner pretending to be a naughty little boy. He had hoped he had been forgotten about. But now it was worse. He was told that it was going to be time for his feed. Juri and Robbie, two of the sedan slaves, still waiting for their next embarrassing episode, were ordered to fetch the humiliation high chair from the gym store. They obeyed instantly, running off in their briefs, their bubblebutts shaking and bouncing as they jogged across the boards to the cupboard to fetch and carry on to the centre of the gym, eight feet before the expectant guests, a wooden high chair big enough to seat an adult male. The governor ordered Owen to leave the playpen and come and sit up like a good boy for his tea.

Owen shuffled over sheepishly in his romper outfit. "I don't think this little boy wants his tea," does he boys and girls? The guys in the audience laughed. Even the other lads laughed at the expense of squaddieboy being taken down a peg or two.

"Now what have we got for tea? Nurse!". The governor called for the nurse to bring on a large plate of raspberry custard trifle. She placed it in front of Owen on the little shelf over his lap, which was adorned with playbricks in various colours. Owen pushed them backwards and forwards awkwardly, trying to get into the role but secretly totally ashamed and embarrassed.

"I don't see any cream sauce, nurse," mocked the governor, as pre-arranged. Owen looked bemused. "Fetch the sauce, ma'am."

"Right-oh," said the nurse, and disappeared for a moment only to reappear through the door with an insolent brat on each side of her, who she dragged in by their ears. They squirmed and fought back but it was useless, she had seen and done it all before. Both blond with buzzcuts and an ear stud in the left ear, the little shits wore just Hi-tops, and the yellow tight soccer shorts and socks worn by the two lads guiding the cars into the car park. Their naked torsos shone in the light through the gym windows. Their Calvin waistbands rode up an inch over the waistband of their little footie shorts.

"This, gentlemen," she went on, "is our 17 year old Tugger Tyke and 19 year old Wanky Wayne." The boys squirmed at the embarrassing pet names.

"They've been particularly disobedient, haven't they, nurse?"

"They most certainly have. Every morning the housekeeper complains to the governess that these two filthy boys have stained her sheets again. They are obviously compulsive masturbators. Apparently they even leave big, disgusting juice marks half way up the walls of the dorm. And the housekeeper won't deal with it. I want them dealt with before it gets any worse.

"Is this true, you disgusting perverts? That you pull on your dicks every day and make a mess of your beds?"

"Well, is it?"

The beefy, snotty teens nodded.

"Tyke, tell me what you've been doing."

"Well, I can't help it sir, really I can't. I just get so fucking horny and I've got to get my juice off."

"And sometimes you help him, don't you Wayne," suggested the governor, suspecting but really having no idea. Wayne's reply was a little unexpected.

"Yes, well, we wank each other off. It feels nicer that way. We can fucking pretend it's our girlfriends doing it."

"Well," said the governor. "Today you're going to do it for these gentlemen, and you're going to do it quickly. Owen here, who you both know well, has been thoroughly disobedient, and now it's his tea time he's been complaining that there's no topping on his pudding. You two are going to provide it."

"Oh but sir, that's just fucking gross," protested dumb Tyke, realising what he had to do.

"Well to give you an extra incentive, the first one to get their sauce on that boy's trifle will be allowed an extra two hours with his girlfriend next Saturday on visitors day. In the private bedroom. Now get moving."

The inducement was overwhelming. The boys eyes popped out of their heads. It was rare that any offender was allowed to take his girlfriend off for a shag in the private room. They couldn't wait to get their shorts down and get pumping. They enthusiastically whipped down the shorts and exposed their tight Calvins.

"Get them off, quick, and pump those penises up, boys."

They were so desperate that Wayne actually tripped up and fell over in the eagerness to get stripped and start wanking over the soldiers trifle. The guests pointed, hollered and laughed at their keenness to jack off and cream over the high chair. Avidly they grabbed their dicks and bashed away. Quickly they were at full mast.

"Ah, ah, aaah," interjected the governor, "now, what did I say, since you are so good at giving each other a helping hand, you will pull off each others' cocks. Now get going."

The boys did as they were told, and the paying crowd drooled at the sight of the two naked toughies tugging on each others' tools for their enjoyment.

"Don't forget, the winning party creamer gets the girl," chortled the governor.

"Ooh, ooh ooh, beat it harder, Wayne, for Chrissakes," mumbled Tyke.

"Yoog yu mmgh, I need it diddled under the head you cunt," instructed Wayne. Everyone laughed at the two muscleboys, their butts flexing and bouncing, telling each other how they wanted their jackings.

"Now, not to forget, you need to make that spoo leap up onto the table and cover Owen's pudding. He needs his calories, he's a growing lad." More titters from the bleakers and yells of encouragement from the older viewers.

Suddenly filthy young snot Tyke yelled and let his juice go.

"Faaaw ooorgh craa-ooh," he grunted as a dozen milky white sprayjets of steamy teencum flew up from his rod and whapped over the horrified, trapped squaddie's face. Some of the spoo actually landed on the pie too. He continued to yank his buddy's stick hard, even though the older boy had now lost the race, to get him off two. Wayne pointed his cock up towards the pie and "Wooop ooh aaaugh ngh," he let another

dozen big jets of boyjelly arc up and splatter the pudding. What didn't make the pudding caught Owen on the face and hair and fell back onto Wayne's own smooth, tight chest.

"Thank you for that disgraceful, lewd display, you pathetic little fucks, you may join the others in the shower now, while we watch soldierboy eat his tea rather more properly than he did last night. All eyes were on the boy in the romper suit, who wielded the oversize comedy spoon and made for the cream pie with a disgusted look on his face. He wiped the drips of cum off his face with the other sleeve of his romper. The audience cheered and Owen grimaced as he took the first mouthful of boycream pie. He squirmed in his chair as he devoured his mates' silver sperm pudding. But it wasn't over yet for soldier boy.

End Of Part 3


All feedback appreciated. Any resemblance to real events or persons entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 4

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