Offender Relief Day

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Nov 26, 2007


OFFENDER RELIEF DAY PART 2 - enjoy. All feedback gratefully received, plus ideas for what should happen to the lads to

You can also send pics of what you would like the lads to look like.

Part 2

The governor and his friends had come up with a number of ingenious way to earn some extra cash for charity. Not, of course that they would ever think of pocketing anything for their own selfish needs. They decided that a number of the particularly athletic boys would come in very useful for a specialised service they had in mind. Namely, for £50 an hour --young, tough lads like this don't come cheap, even in a Scottish offenders' institute -- the guests could hire a sedan chair. A luxurious velvet upholstered seat carried by four youths from sideshow to sideshow. This was a particularly good earner for those guests to infirm or otherwise unfit to get around quickly, but who would nevertheless enjoy being transported about by young half naked jocks forced to serve them on behalf of a gay charity. An overweight guy in his mid fifties ordered the service, handed over his money to a steward, and climbed aboard for the ride. The boys were summoned and obediently jumped into position at each corner of the chair and grabbed one of the poles.

Jamie, a smooth, cute, blond 18 year old with a mop of lush hair and a centre parting, cropped short around and below the ears, grabbed the front left hand side. He wore just an extremely tight pair of black shorts with two white stripes up each side, white ankle socks with the repeated wording `Horny' just below the top, and the obligatory black hi-top Nikes with the white tick motif visible on both sides, half unlaced. His shorts encased a tight little ass, the shorts so brief they cupped his ballpack deliciously, showed off his knicker line visibly through the material, and revealed an inch of butt at the rear as it swished back and forth with the movement of his tough soccer player thighs.

Jamie's 19 year old mate Robbie, likewise only 5'6", wore a similar outfit and if anything his little bot was even tighter and cheekier than Jamie's. The boy looked so athletic, and the onlookers cooed and purred at the curvaceous ass paraded for their lust and sexual gratification. Robbie was a slightly darker blond, with a magnificiently defined chest and abs. A barbed wire tattoo adorned his left bicep, and two black leather wristbands his left arm. His shorts were plain, tight black with the word "BOY" stitched in a panel at the front of the waistband. He sported white socks with a black band around the top circumference. At the rear of the sedan contraption were 21 year old muscled Juri, a Russian boy, in blue satin shorts, with no underwear, which barely contained his big ex-Soviet cock. The shorts had sunk so low at the rear over his big, juicy eastern European ass that an inch of buttcrack was on display, the hot sunshine making his butt sweat. This produced a long line of damp boyjuice all down the centre of his ass. The crowd reached out and longed to stick their tongues in for a dose of roughboy nectar. And big boy Juri's revealed butt crack was no mere builder cleavage. This was a major cocktease for the prurient minds of the paying visitors. Juri's hair was cropped short and he wore white socks with a blue stripe and blue and white Nike trainers. Our wrestler boy grabbed the last corner, 20 year old 5'8" tall Scott, in a blue and white sheer panelled wrestling singlet. It clearly revealed his white jockstrap beneath, the straps cupping and visibly slicing into his sexyboy glutes, which hovered and quivered in the summer sunshine. The sides of his little sporty singlet were cut so low, that they even gave a two inch glimpse of ass strap at each side of his revealing costume. His big, uncut cock tented out the front panel of the singlet obscenely, where a spot of clear drool had dampened the clinging lyrca. A number of the onlookers laughed as they spotted this and pointed out the ooze to the other laughing guests.

"Oooh look, big boy here can't keep his juice in!" shouted one wiseguy. Little Scott winced as the guys leaned over to grope his crotch and wedgie up his singlet. They all sniggered as the boy's butt crack was almost completely exposed. One gave him a good slap across the butt which made the chair wobble, much to the concern of the passenger. "Steady, you stupid punks, if you drop me, there'll me trouble."

"Yes sir, whatever you say sir," chorused the obedient lads.

Scott was dark haired, with a short buzzcut and a metal rivet through his left eyebrow. He looked like a typical student brat. Obviously doing time for giving the ladies some unwanted attention. And so it was that these were four of the boys instructed to carry the queers around from entertainment to entertainment, while their passenger looked on and took in the glorious sight of their straining, muscled bodies.

The boys carried their first paying customer to the gym hall, accompanied by a large gaggle of guests, who made it their business to comment on the boys' physiques, strengths and prowess, as their muscles tightened and they carried the sedan chair across the playing field to the next attraction. The accompanying guests made lewd observations about the lads' appearance and several of them grabbed and groped the boys' flexing, globular glutes. Enthusiasm got the better of them as they neared the doors to the main building and, his hands otherwise occupied and therefore helpless to defend him, poor Jamie's shorts were grabbed, yanked down, and to a cheer from the other guests, exposed the boy's very minimal blue cotton briefs. He struggled bravely to stop himself being exposed as his paying passenger lurched sideways and, startled, nearly toppled from his plush perch. His cock tented out the front of the briefs suggestively and the governor, accompanying the mob, ordered the poor embarrassed lad to step out of his shorts.

"Can't you see the gentlemen want to get a good view of your ass, you ignorant little fuck. Mr Galloway has paid good money for a ride with you; how dare you nearly topple him onto the grass."

Another guest wedgied Jamie's briefs right up his tight little buttcrack to cheers from the other men, while yet another participant made free with poor Robbie's shorts. Down they came, to more cheers, and a whoop of delight as his red jockstrap was exposed to the crowd. He blushed red as his cock and balls were suggestively felt up, and the governor ordered him to allow it. It wasn't long before Scott, our wrestler, had his singlet ripped from his shoulders and the straps dangled around his knees.

"Our guests are right, you all look far too hot for shorts. Rest Mr Galloway a moment while you remove your shorts and continue in only your knickers. That should teach you a lesson to dress up too cockily. You'll all learn eventually. Suddenly, Yuri's footie shorts were pulled clean off him, and with no underwear to shield him, his uncut five inch cock popped out for all the world to see. Yuri was mortified. He was doing time for working illegally in a male brothel. You could see that he must have earned plenty of money in there. The audience howled with laughter and several of them pulled on the humiliated Russian boy's cock.

"Let's go into the gym," announced the governor, as the sedan chair and around thirty paying guests entered the exercise quarters. The gym was adjacent to one of the large showering areas and the party could hear laughter and amusement as another group of guests teased and tormented the four showering boys from the assault course competition. It sounded like fun in there, and several observers were determined to see some horny lads take their bath:

"He's dropped the soap again, the cheeky boy. He keeps bending over. I think he wants to encourage his friend to pop his cock up there," came the sounds of the crowd in the shower room.

But the governor led the bigger party on into the weights room.

"This is where we ensure our boys learn some discipline and grow up into firm, strong, muscled lads, isn't it boys?"

"Yes sir," chimed the youths, as they set down rich, old Mr Galloway and went to sit down in a corner of the gym, as instructed, in their underwear, except Yuri, who was nude, crosslegged on the floor.

The guests seated themselves for the next show on three spectators' bleakers, tiered along one side of the gymnasium.

"Gentlemen, I think you will find this show rather fun, because we have some discipline to hand out, and we want to make sure a little tough newcomer learns a hard lesson and learns it well. Please welcome squaddie Owen Jones. Owen is serving in Cardiff barracks and has been sentenced here for theft from the army stores, He has only been here for two days and already, yesterday, he found it amusing to grab hold of the kilt of one of our male visitors and jeer suggestions about his sexuality for wearing a dress. Not only that, last night he was flicking jam and potato across the dining room hall, obviously thinking it highly amusing, and generally acting like a spoilt child."

Owen, a hunky, crop headed squaddie, was brought into the room, mortified that he was going to be part of an afternoon's entertainment for this bunch of old queers. He had just turned 19, wore a dark green T shirt, showing off hardboy tattoos at each bicep, one a Welsh crest and the other a wreath of intertwines snakes. He had a sneering, arrogant mouth, cute little ears and piercing green eyes. His bull neck matched his muscled arms. He wore black army boots and camouflage trousers as he swaggered to the center of the hall.

"Now, strip."


"You heard. Get your clothes off. Now. I, and these gentlemen, are not going to wait."

"Fuck off, I'm not taking my trousers off for you shits."

"I'm warning you, if you continue, like you did last night, to behave like a little baby, you will be treated like one."


And with that, hunky, but only 5'6" squaddie Owen pulled his T shirt over his head, revealing his perfect smooth armyboy chest. He reddened as he undid his belt, took off his boots, and shucked down his combats. He stood there embarrassed in just his green military issue cotton briefs and socks.

"All of it!"

"You don't expect me to strip butt naked here in front of these fucking queers?"

"Get on with it, you little snotface."

The boy did as he was told. Off came the briefs, as he was ordered to show off and display his hard, sexy, bubble butt to the crowd, who laughed and cheered heartily. They couldn't believe this squaddie was at their mercy, beck and call.

"Now, up on the table."


"You heard."

Owen hitched his muscled frame up on to a table lined with a foam top, placed six feet in front of the guests, who eagerly anticipated what was going to happen next.

"Nurse!", called out the governor. A fifty year old woman in a blue medical outfit entered carrying a basket full of equipment.

Now, since you enjoy so much behaving like a child, you are going to be treated like one. And I'm warning you to go along with this, because if you don't, things will be very difficult for you're here.

As Owen lay on his back as instructed, the nurse set her bags down by the table and took hold of Owen's ankles. Spotting that a woman had come in to deal with him, the dumb jock put both hands over his rather large cock, easily six inches flaccid and surmounted by a glorious dark bush of pubes. Other than that, he was entirely hairless.

"Don't worry about a little insignificant pee-pee like that, I've seen it all before," she admonished, as the crowd laughed, since his meat clearly wasn't all that little and the boy looked shocked to see his penis so badly underestimated in the size department.

"I hear you've been acting like a baby?"

"Well, I..."

"Oh, dear, dear. You know what happens then? You get treated like one. First of all, it doesn't do to have big, hairy, sticky-out pee-pees. We will need to get rid of your little sprouting pubes here."

There was nothing little or sprouting about them. It was a full manly bush. Except he was beginning to doubt himself now.

"I...I... gnugh." Owen gagged as the nurse stuffed a big pink pacifier into the soldier's mouth.

"That's what babies get to keep them quiet." And with that she carefully soaped up the boy's cock and balls with shaving cream, and set about removing every last trace of masculinity from his sex. As the hair disappeared, and the guests sat in awe at the sight of this hunk being shaved bare before them, the nurse deliberately fingered and groped the boy's cock, which was soon standing out proud. Eight inches of hard soldier dick.

"Oh, my goodness, little baby's willy has gone all hard. Now, baby, only big boys get a hard pee-pee, which they use to make babies with their girlfriends. Yours is only a little one and quite useless for that purpose. I'd better put some oil on it and hope it goes away."

The audience lapped up the woman's performance and roared with laughter as the governor smiled approvingly from the sidelines. This wasn't the first time the nurse had put boys through this lesson, but it was the first time in public, for sure. She slapped the boys ass and sprinkled it liberally with baby powder.

"Now, let's get you clean and diapered."

"Nggg fgh," burbled the frantic jock from behind his gag, his eyes bolting with horror. He couldn't believe these terrible humiliations were happening to him. Why did no-one come to his rescue? Why were they laughing at him so much. Indeed, some of the guests laughed so much their sides hurt. His huge erection bobbed from side to side under the woman's touch.

"I'm afraid I've only got girl's things with me, as I thought I was dressing a little girl. Still, never mind, I don't suppose anyone will mind. Now just sit up and let me pop your top on before we do your diaper, so you look nice and smart."

Nurse produced a bright pink, satin smock which she slid over the squaddie's head. It had short, puffed sleeves and only came down to his waist. She put pink cloth boots on each foot and order the big soldier to stand up with his giant erection and curtsey to the crowd. Amazingly, he obeyed, to huge wolf whistles, though in reality he had very little choice. He looked adorable with his big cock barely covered by the stupid, embarrassing outfit.

"There. That should teach you a lesson not to be a naughty, insolent little boy," mocked the nurse, as she slapped the squaddie's ass. "Now, back on the table so I can get your diaper on and stop you having any nasty wet, squishy accidents."

As he lay back, she once again fingered the tip if the boy's cock. This time it was too much. The boy's legs bucked forwards and he groaned and writhed as his cock shot forth bolts of cream all over the pinafore.

"Naughty, naughty boy. Now what is that nasty, white, gluey, disgusting mess?" The soldier blushed, mortified and ashamed that he'd shot his wad with only the merest touch from a woman's hand. "My, my look at all this horrible juice. You are a naughty boy," she continued as she mopped up the pools of cum with a damp cloth, as the guys on the benches continued to laugh and holler. Cream continued to pour out of the horny soldier's dick and splat on the floor. "We'd better get this diaper on you quickly," she, and set about fastening the cloth over his balls and cock, which was still twitching violently in post-climactic spasms, popping out little dobs of cockcream with each bounce. The nurse smacked it like she was swatting a fly, More laughter from the onlookers.

When all was in place, the governor instructed the boy to put on a special pink romper suit, adorned with teddies and rabbits, and take his place in a special play pen and to stay their quietly without making a nuisance of himself, or there'd be trouble. Wondering what the hell he'd got himself into and how he was going to get out of it, Owen complied.

End of Part 2

More adventures from the gym boys in Part 4 -- entitled OWEN'S LUNCH. All feedback appreciated. Any resemblance to real events or persons entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 3

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