Of Carlos

By B.

Published on Jul 10, 2003


"Of Carlos" Part Three

Thank you for the continued comments! You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Disclaimer: This is a work of gay male fiction with graphic sexual descriptions. If for some reason you shouldn't be here - whether you are underage or it is just plain illegal where you are - may I recommend doing a web search on your own name. Nothing like a vanity search to liven up your web activities.

There is no mention in my little fantasy world of condoms or any other aspect of safe sex, since that is how I would prefer real life really was. Remember, this is fiction. Please play safe in your own activities.

All rights reserved. No portion of this text may be published or re-distributed beyond the Nifty site and a personal copy for the reader's own collection, if s/he so desires..

"GOOD MORNING!" Carlos bellowed as Jose's door flung open.

"WOULD YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE?" Jose yelled back at Carlos.

"You know, Jose, locks are pretty cheap. They keep the riff-raff out." I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. At least we were covered up.

"Oh, now, don't get modest on me. Two naked guys. Big deal. Anyway, what do you want for breakfast?"

Jose looked at me and rolled his eyes. "You better say cereal. Anything else is a disaster."

"How does he do with toast?"

"Do you like it blackened?"

I looked back towards Carlos. "Got any corn flakes?"

"Fine. I'll have to surprise you." He closed the door, and then we could here him rattling pans around in the kitchen.

"Is he going to do that often?"

"Make breakfast? Let's hope not."

"No, burst in like that."

"Don't know. I think he's curious."

"He's what?"

"Curious. You know, he's lived a pretty sheltered life. He brought up that 'Maurice' film a couple of times after he watched it. I don't know, I just think..."

"No. You don't think that..."

"He's gay? No, probably not. Just curious."

At this point I couldn't imagine it. But still. He was awfully accepting of this new arrangement between Jose and I, and...

"Your wheels are turning. What's up?"

"Well, I'm just wondering what's up with Carlos."

"Probably nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Were you ever interested in Carlos?"

"Well, he is awfully attractive - I'll never disagree with you on that. When he first moved in here I found it very frustrating to have him around. But after a while, once I got to know him, I realized that any sexual interaction I had with him would be simply that. Sex. That's not my style - I want something that's going to last."

"But would you ever? Mess with him, I mean? Just to see what it was like?"

"To be honest, I have had a fleeting fantasy about a grudge fuck. I know, it's a little cruel - and I'm not talking about rape - but taking him as hard as I could, making him want it. Knocking down his little machismo veneer once and for all."

"I never noticed that he had one."

"He doesn't show it much around you, because you don't play along. He needs his little Brazilian homeboys to get the full effect going. Then he can be kind of intolerable."


"Yeah, that Brazilian crowd that he hangs with sometimes. He used to hang around them all the time, but then one of them showed up here with crack, and he cut most of those friendships real fast."

"Smart move."

"Yeah, well, he's a little naive. He thinks everyone is basically a good person at heart."

"Yikes. Too much Anne Frank."

"Yeah. He never remembers that she was gassed at the end. But what about you - still having hot and heavy visions of Carlos dancing in your head?"

"Not as much as before. I, uh - well, I'd still like to blow him. Just to see what it's like. But not fucking. You're the only one who gets that honor."

"I'm honored."

"You're welcome."

"HEY! Breakfast!"

"Well, we better go see what Chef Carlos has in store for us."

We sat down at the table and I have to admit, the spread that Carlos put out actually looked pretty good. None of it terribly difficult to prepare - scrambled eggs, bacon - but Jose had made it sound like Carlos could screw up cold cereal.

"Carlos! What did you do here? Call a caterer?" Jose was wide-eyed.

"Oh, come on, Jose - just because I screwed up a few times doesn't mean I couldn't pull it off once in a while."

"A few times? What about that purple chicken?" He looked over at me. "Purple chicken! How does that happen?"

I had to butt in. "What the hell are you complaining about? It looks good, and I'm starving. Why don't you just say thank you?"

"Get a load of 'my better half' over there - all right, thank you Carlos. And you, dear John, we'll discuss your punishment for subordination later."


"You guys make me sick. Here, John. Have some eggs."

"Thanks. So, Carlos, how's it going with - uh - what's the new one's name?"

"Tatiana. I think there is something wrong with her. She's very pretty, but she acts like she's completely helpless all the time. And I get nothing in return for being so nice to her."

"Nothing, as in... sex?"

"Not just that... anything. I haven't gotten anything out of her but a kiss on the cheek."

"Well, some people just take longer to get comfortable."

"We've been out on four dates!"

"That's the way it goes."

"Not anymore. We'll see what happens on Friday - another little kiss, and I'm gone."

"Carlos, have you ever thought about getting to know one of these girls before asking them out instead of just going after her because of her body? Like you said before - sometimes the pretty one isn't the right one."

"I don't know. Maybe. I just don't have good luck with women in general. Maybe you guys have the right idea - I dunno. I get along better with guys, but wrong parts. You know?"

Jose and I stole a look at each other. Then Jose grinned and said, "No, Carlos. We don't. Tell us."

"Shut up, Jose. Pass the toast."

Later Jose and I were on the subway on our way to the movies. "You know, John, I think it's time for a little test."

"Oh, no. You promised no more tests."

"I promised no more tests for you - not for Carlos."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you heard him. Maybe the reason he always strikes out with these women is he sends the wrong signals. Look at the facts. He goes out with these dumb-ass girls. You think they go with him for a conversation? Doubtful. They're into gettin' down just as much as he is - he's pretty hot, we agree on that. But somehow he manages to keep them at arm's length."

"Maybe they think he has money? I mean, he does, but he's so stingy I'm surprised he takes them out at all."

"Anything's possible. Still, nothing wrong with a little test. Here's what I had in mind..."

He laid out the whole plan for me. It was a long shot, and could be very destructive, but Jose knew Carlos better than I did. I trusted him to know what he was doing. Friday was going to be interesting, one way or another.

When I got out of my last class on Friday I headed over to Jose and Carlos' place. Carlos was in the process of getting all swanked up for his date, and Jose was watching him with bemused interest. "So, John, I've been trying to counsel Carlos here on the best way to bag his babe..."

"And I've been telling Jose that I can't listen to him... look who he bagged..."

"Clever, Carlos. I would still keep your night light on. You're gonna have both of us seeking revenge soon."

"Sure, sure. Hey, which cologne do you think works best on me?"

"Ooh... ooh... I know... that one you wore that night, you know, a few months ago, when we went to the opening for Jose's group show..." I blurted out a little too enthusiastically. They both slowly turned and looked at me like I was speaking in tongues. I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer. "... Or, um, maybe Jose would know better..."

"Geez, John, memory for detail much? Or only when it's about Carlos?"

"Oh, relax, Jose - smell is the strongest trigger of memory, you know."

"Uh huh. We'll talk about that later."

"John, thanks for the suggestion. Jose, you're ugly when you're jealous. I think this is the one you meant, John..." and with that he liberally squirted about ten times more than any normal human being should apply over his body. Jose and I ran from the room.

"Well, John, I think we found the reason his dates won't get anywhere near him. It's fear of suffocation."

"Oh, shit, too much?" He tore off his shirt. "John can you run this through the dryer for a few minutes? No dryer sheet. I'll try to rinse some off in the shower."

"What do I look like, your maid?"

"You have to earn your keep around here somehow, don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah." I left to bring his shirt down to the basement. When I returned Carlos was pacing around the hallway.

"Finally. Does it smell okay?"

"Good as its gonna get without washing it again."

"Great. Thanks. I have to meet what's-her-name at the restaurant in 15 minutes."

"Well, good luck, and try to remember her name before you get there." He did look pretty hot, and smelled a lot better now too. I couldn't imagine who in their right mind would pass up a chance to have him, even if it was just for one night.

After he finally left I turned to Jose. "Well, what do you want to do now?"

"I still want to carry out our little plan, but he won't be back until late no matter what happens, so I was thinking we could go to dinner."

"Alright, but are you sure this is still a good idea? I mean, with Carlos?"

"Why not? I have a hunch it will work out okay in the end, but if it's really making you uncomfortable we can forget it..."

"No, to be honest, it's kind of exciting. Okay, I trust you. We'll do it. Where for dinner?"

We went out and had an unremarkable meal at this new place downtown. The food was okay, but the atmosphere was lousy. They were clearly trying to become some sort of trendy-chic hotspot, and would probably succeed. Wasn't really our speed, though. After that we went to a pub that had been something of a favorite of mine, but that Jose had never been to.

After getting a little buzzed on a few draughts, we headed back to the apartment. It was getting late, and Carlos would probably be coming home fairly soon. When we got there we sat down in the living room and contemplated our next step. "So what do we do now?" I asked Jose.

"Well, at the very least, I think we should have a beer and smoke a joint."

"Sounds good to me." While Jose headed off to his bedroom to get his weed, I went to the kitchen to grab a few beers. Then I headed over to the stereo to put on some piano trio jazz, very light in the background.

"Nice choice. Do you want to roll or should I?" He was walking down the hall naked as the day he was born.

"Nice outfit. Uh, no. I roll joints about as well as I... uh... I don't do it very well." I got up to shuck my clothes. When in Rome...

"Gotcha. I'll roll." We sat down and had a smoke and a beer. After the weed had kicked in I was feeling even better than before. Jose was sitting low in his chair, his legs spread wide and his dick hanging over the very edge of the seat cushion. Perfect for...

I slowly slid over onto the floor and took the head in my mouth. It immediately started to lengthen and firm up under my touch. Jose put his head back and took a big hit off the joint and at the same time I opened my mouth wide and descended on his cock, taking as much of it as I possibly could. I had never heard Jose make so much noise. He was hard as a rock about two seconds later. I had been sitting between his legs, but now I was up on my hands and knees; my sole purpose to worship his throbbing dick. I worked it as hard as I could, keeping the tightest pressure that I could muster with my lips as I worked my way up and down the shaft. Periodically I would pull all the way up until just the head remained, and work my tongue lightly in and around his slit. This was something that we had both come to love; a technique that I used sparingly so that neither of us would grow too accustomed to it.

Eventually Jose gasped out "Don't get me too close... I don't want to come there, I want to be inside you tonight."

I reluctantly sat back down on the floor and looked up at him. "But, if you come now, won't it take even longer to come again when you finally fuck me?"

A wide grin slowly spread over his face. "Good point. Well, go to it then. I want to fuck you as soon as I can."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I pounced back down on his cock and worked it like I never had before. Jose was practically going into convulsions. He moaned loudly and thrust his crotch forward; his head fell back with his mouth open in a continual moan. That drove me crazy with lust. I reached up and took the shaft in my hand as I worked his slit with passion. I then switched back to working my lips up and down the upper part of his dick, my hand working the lower half for all it was worth. Jose started panting and pushing his crotch up and down in rhythmic motions. I knew he was close. I worked my tongue with all the strength I had all around the head, sliding the tip over his slit a few times. That pushed him over the edge. He let out a loud gasp and I felt his come blast into my mouth. A few more bursts much like the first one and he collapsed back into the chair.

"Oh. My. God. You just keep getting better and better."

"So do you."

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Sure you did. Every move you make, every sound that escapes your mouth gets me going like you wouldn't believe."


"Sure. And I'll tell you a little secret. I would go insane with lust if you made me work for it."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, if when you had been sitting there you suddenly sat up straight and brought your ass to the back of the chair so that I had to follow you back if I wanted to keep your dick in my mouth. You know, like, moving around a bit so I had to chase you."

"Why, you kinky little bastard. You're on. Next time, I promise."

"Good. Now. Somebody mentioned a good fuck at one point?"

"Oh, you know it. But give me a few minutes. You know how it goes."

"Well, don't take too long. It's getting late."

"Shit. You're right. Well, how about we have another beer, finish this joint and then get down to business?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll grab the beer, but then you have to come sit beside me here on the couch."

When I came back he moved over next to me an sat kind of sideways, resting his back on my left shoulder. "So how do you want it? Missionary? Doggy?"

"Decisions, decisions. Well, under the circumstances, I say doggy."

"Then that's what you'll get." We sat for a little bit longer, knocking back the beer and smoking the joint 'til the bitter end. I couldn't speak for Jose, but I was flying.

"How you feeling, Jose?"

"High and horny." He reached up, grabbed my hand, and brought it down to his dick. He wasn't kidding. He could have hammered nails with that thing.

"Well, then, I suggest we hit the floor." With that Jose got up, moved the coffee table over to the side of the room by the wall, and then went to the kitchen. He returned with some olive oil, his dick leading the way in front of him. I got on my hands and knees on the floor. Jose came back, sat behind me, and began to massage my buttocks with just a little bit of oil on each hand. Soon I could feel his breath near my ass. Then I felt just the tiniest little hint of his tongue on my ass. It felt electric. I let out a gasp, encouraging him to continue. Soon I felt his tongue all around my hole, massaging here and probing there. He poured just the slightest amount of oil over it, allowing his tongue to gain entrance. It felt amazing. He worked it around and around, licking here and there and then pushing in as far as he could.

I collapsed a little bit, resting my forearms on the floor and my head on my arms. "That's right, baby," Jose murmured, "Open up for me." A little more oil, and I could feel one of his fingers rubbing around my hole. "Come on, relax for me." I let my breath out and relaxed as much as I could. I felt his middle finger slip in to the second joint. "That's right. You're doing great." He eased it in the rest of the way and I felt him search around for my prostate. As soon as he found it he ground into it slowly and persistently and I bucked back into his hand. "Easy, baby. We've got time." He pulled his finger back out and added his index finger. The buildup of pressure was driving me wild. Soon he had both of his fingers imbedded in me, rubbing insistently on my prostate. I couldn't get enough. After he worked them in and out a few times, adding just a dab of oil each time, he slowly pulled them back out. Then he added a third. He pushed all three in with a certain urgency, and I knew I was ready.

"Now, Jose. Take me now... please..."

"You got it, baby. Get back up on your hands."

I got back into the position he wanted, and could hear him slicking up his cock. I soon felt the head of it seeking to gain entrance. "Ready for me?" I only moaned in affirmation and did my best to relax as much as I could. I could feel him slowly start to push inward. I would never stop being impressed with how wonderfully thick he was. As he pushed farther in there was a bit of resistance, but as I relaxed and he kept his pressure going in, we broke through and his head and part of the shaft was firmly imbedded. I let out a gasp and Jose rubbed his hands all over my hips. "That's it, baby. You've got it. Are you ready for the rest?" I only moaned again. He started that slow, delicious conquest inward. Inch by inch he pressed in until I felt the head pass my prostrate and keep going in. I thought I was going to lose my mind.

Evenutally he struck bottom, although I knew he was not in all the way. He must have felt it too, for he reversed direction and started a slow retreat back out. Just when he had almost the whole thing out, he came back in with much more speed than before. I shuddered and gasped. "Oh my God, Jose, you're the fucking best. I'm all yours."

"I know." He ground into me a little bit, and then pulled back almost all the way again. He lingered there for a moment, teasing me with just the head still inside, then pushed back in again. Then back, and this time he pulled out all the way. To tease me some more, he slipped just the first few inches in, then all the way back out. In and out, in and out - I though I was going to go insane.

"Please, Jose, take me. Pound me... please."

He slammed back into me as far as he could. He then long-dicked me, pulling almost all the way out before crashing back into me again and again. "Baby?"


"Think we can go all the way?"

"If you're careful first, I think so... maybe..." He pulled all the way out and coated his dick with another layer of oil, concentrating on the head. Then he pushed back into me again until he met the resistance. "How much more do you have to go?"

"Not much, baby. Just a little bit. Think you can take it?"

"Yeah, but slowly... if I say 'stop', you stop and pull out real slow." I could feel the pressure building. I let out all my breath and willed myself to relax as much as I could. I wanted to take him just as badly as he wanted to take me. The pressure felt too strong but I remebered that it hurt like this the first time I was fucked, just in a different place. I pushed a little more like I was taking the dump of a lifetime, and Jose kept up his slow pressure inward. Suddenly someting shifted, and he slipped into me all the way. I was caught between relief, pain, and sheer ecstacy. It was heaven to finally feel his pubes on my ass, but... "HOLD UP" I panted, "Just wait right there for a minute, please..."

"Oh my sweet baby, you did it. Oh my God you feel so good."

"You too. Just give me a minute."

"Anything you want." I could feel the initial shock of pain wear off and settle into a dull ache that was starting to feel a lot more like pleasure.

"Okay, you can move but just a little... work me a bit right there before you do anything crazy."

"You got it baby." I could feel him delicately testing the waters. The motion was making everything feel that much better, especially now that his cock was rubbing against my prostate again. Like the wonderful lover that he is, he kept up like that letting me get used to it before trying anything more. When I noticed myself pushing back into him to feel all that I could, I decided he could get a little more daring.

"Jose... you can go a little longer now if you want. Just take it easy." He didn't say a word. He just pulled out until he caught my prostate with the head, and then agonizingly pushed all the way in until I felt his hairs on my ass. I couldn't believe anything could feel like that.

"You doin' okay?"

"You have no idea how great you feel in there." He pulled out, again catching my prostate, and inched back in ever-so-slowly until he was imbedded all the way in. A slow rhythm began as he worked me like I've never felt before. Low, guttural noises started emanating from my throat as he ground in and out of me. I started to thrust my ass backward to meet his strokes. He kept up like that for what seemed like forever, until I finally turned my head back towards him. "You feel like fucking me like you really mean it?"

"Oh, baby," he murmered as he pulled almost all the way out, "You mean like this?" He slammed back into me with such force that I was pushed forward about an inch on the rug. I'd died and gone to heaven. A strange howl came from deep in my lungs.

"Uuungh, yeah, just like that. You take my ass." He started to pound my ass like I never thought possible. Over and over he reamed me, grinding every part of my ass. I forced myself backward to match him at every thrust, no longer worrying about being careful and delicate. Every stroke felt like pure heaven. I started panting and gasping, concentrating on the feelings coming from my ass and who was giving them to me.

What a moment to hear keys at the door. Jose suddenly stopped, and I looked over my shoulder at him. "Well, here goes nothing," he whispered, and resumed his pounding. I threw myself into it, spreading my legs father apart, closing my eyes, and throwing my head back, putting on the best show possible - it wasn't much of a stretch, considering what we had just been doing. Jose was right - Carlos must have been trashed; we could hear him going through every key, missing the key hole several times until he finally got it right.

The door swung open. "I'M HOM... oh my god..." It must have been quite a sight for Carlos. From his angle, there was absolutely no doubt about what was going on. There we were, fucking like a couple of wild animals in the middle of the living room floor. He had a perfect side view of us, and could no doubt see the length of Jose's cock as it pounded in and out of my ass. Jose didn't let up for a second. Carlos reached behind him and shut the door, never taking his eyes off us.

"Umm... guys?" Carlos said quietly, clearly a little shaky. I brought my head back down and looked over at him. He was kind of pale. Jose crammed himself all the way up me again before he stopped and addressed Carlos.

"Oh. Hi, Carlos. How was your night?" As he said this he very slowly pulled almost his whole length out of me. Carlos was hypnotized - his eyes got wider and wider as each inch emerged from my ass.

"Well, urm... I mean, okay, uh... well, not as good as yours. I guess." As soon as the last word leaked out of Carlos' mouth, Jose slammed back into me like a jackhammer. I let out another growl and Carlos visibly jumped about an inch.

"Umm... uh... well, I guess I'll be going to bed now." I swear he hadn't blinked once since he came in the door.

"No! No, Carlos. Have a beer. Have a seat. Look, I rolled a joint for you there. Don't mind us, we're just having ourselves a little fun here." Jose pulled out and slammed back into me again. Carlos jumped again, like someone had just given him a static shock.

"Uh, well, it seems like a kind of... um... private fun, know what I mean?" Still hadn't blinked.

"No, don't be silly. We're family, right? Sit down. We'll be done eventually."

"Well, umm, John? You okay with this?"

"Are you kidding? Relax. Have a beer." Carlos wandered off to the kitchen, rummaged around for a beer, and came back into the living room.

"Didn't bring us one?" Jose was toying with him. Carlos wandered off to the kitchen again, then came back with a couple more. "Don't forget the joint there. Spark up, Carlos. Takes the edge off. Just one thing though." Jose had started his slow pull out of my ass again.


"No clothes. It's only fair." As 'fair' left Jose's mouth, he treated me to another split-second slam back into my ass. I growled deeply, all the sound coming from somewhere deep between my throat and my lungs. Low and gruff. Animal noises. Carlos jumped again - he was really keyed up.

"Umm... alright." He got up and started to strip off. His shirt came off no problem, and he took his trousers off fairly easily. He hesitated when he got to his underwear, and it was not difficult to understand why - he was clearly hard as a rock and there was even a small spot where the precum had started. Jose was right. He was so excited I was willing to bet that one stroke down his cock would see him exploding in an instant.

"Oh, come on, you're going to be shy when there's people fucking in front of you?" Jose had better be careful. I felt he was in danger of blowing it. Wrong again, for in one swift motion Carlos pulled down his briefs and his dick popped free, standing up at an impressive angle with a glistening drop forming at the tip. He sat down on the couch where he had a perfect view of everything we did and lit the joint.

Never having seen Carlos completely naked, I took this opportunity to look him over. He was sitting with his legs spread wide. His dick was impressive - not as much as Jose's, but still beautiful. He had a bushy forest of pubic hair, and his dick - about 7.5", uncut, and pointing straight up at his navel - was nice and thick. I watched as the pearl of fluid grew at the slit until it finally rolled down, spreading around the rim of his foreskin. Another drop immediately started to form at the tip.

Jose, in the meantime, had not let up on my ass. I looked at Carlos' face - all his attention was at my back end, watching Jose's dick work its way up me again and again. He smoked the joint like it contained all the oxygen he'd ever be allowed to breathe, and knocked back the beer in between hits. Once he had finished his beer he got up to go get another one. When he came back I noticed that a drop had started to fall from the tip of his dick, resulting in a long runner that was just about to hit the floor.

Suddenly I felt a light tap-tap-tap of Jose's fingers on my right hip, out of Carlos' vision. It was time. Suddenly I lurched forward, freeing myself of Jose's dick. I stood up and drank about half my beer. Carlos watched my ass the whole time. I then got back down on my hands and knees, this time facing Carlos. I crawled my way closer, Carlos' eyes getting wider and wider. Without another word I dropped my head into Carlos' lap and worked my tongue around his head, collecting all the salty moisture that had formed there. I worked around, savoring as much as I could, digging the tip into his foreskin as much as it would yield. He let out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan that I had never heard come from a human being. There was no turning back now, for me or for him.

Jose had gotten up to drink some of his beer, and was now approaching me once again. As I worked my lips and my tongue over Carlos' dick, Jose started to inch his cock back up into my body. It felt great to be in the middle of those two. Carlos had started panting and making little moaning noises, and really squirming around a lot on the couch. I was in heaven. Jose must have picked up on this, because he whispered, "Carlos."


"Make him chase it. He loves that."

"Oh yeah?" As soon as Carlos heard that, he leaned forward to grab another swig of his beer. His dick came forward and then I was crowded by his abdomen as he leaned over. I had to angle my head down and to the side, and really fight to keep it in my mouth. I was really getting worked up now. He sat back and nursed his beer a little bit, and I had free access like before. Then the whole cycle repeated as he leaned forward to put his beer back on the floor. As he straightened up again he started moving his ass farther and farther back on the couch so I had to move myself forward to keep up. He then stepped up the game a little bit by raising one leg up and resting it on the couch. This allowed him to raise his crotch up, so that I had to crane my neck up to continue to work his dick into my mouth. Eventually he got the other leg up, and started to tease me by lifting his cock out of my range, and then lowering just the tip back to rest on my tongue. I would work my hardest to suck the head back into my mouth, but no such luck, for he would lift it back up just as I really started getting into it. Carlos was relaxing and enjoying himself now, and it was amazing to look up at him on the couch and his cock sticking out hard as a rock.

A small smile started to spread across Carlos' face. He was clearly loving the idea of me being desperate for his cock, and being able to keep it just out my reach, making me crazy for it. He eyes wandered back and forth between me anxiously pursuing his cock and Jose fucking in and out of me. Jose was keeping a slow, steady pace now so that he wouldn't suddenly slam me forward into Carlos as he worked me over. It felt fantastic. Carlos continued to slowly lower himself down until he was just in my reach, let me work just the head a little bit, then raise himself up. I thought I was going to lose it. Finally he settled back down into the couch and I immediately took as much of it into my mouth as I could. I closed my lips around the shaft tightly, then dragged them back up the length until I reached the head. There I started to swirl the tongue all around his head until I finally dug around his slit with just the very tip of my tongue. Carlos started moving around on the couch like he was in some kind of sweet pain. I kept it up until he finally placed his hand gently on my forehead, pushing my head back, leaving me panting and struggling to return to what I was doing. He relaxed a little bit, then let me go back to it. I decided to step things up a bit, and really went to work on his cock - closing my mouth as tight as I could around him and working my way down, then dragging my way back up and working his head and slit while he squirmed around and panted. I worked my way back up and down a few more times and I heard his breathing get deep and ragged. It was time to go for broke. I worked my way back up to the tip and worked his head with everything I had. He started panting and thrusting his crotch forward. Suddenly I felt him lurch and felt a warm blast coating my tongue. He released again and again; I couldn't believe he was holding that much in him. When he finally relaxed back down into the couch I pulled off and smiled up at him. He gave me a small grin and then let his head fall back, taking deep breaths and winding down, his cock softening and relaxing.

Now that Carlos had been taken care of, I turned my attention back to what was going on behind me. Jose had been watching, of course, and was now free to pound me as he wanted to - and pound he did. I spread my legs a little bit and started pushing back into him, and the combined effort resulted in this delicious slapping sound as Jose slammed into me again and again. It awakened Carlos out of his semi-slumber, for he raised his head back up to watch us in amazement. His dick had suddenly halted in its attempt to go flaccid, and noticeably expanded a little bit. If I watched carefully I could still see it pulse with each heartbeat. I looked up into his eyes and didn't turn away from him once. Jose stepped up the pace even more - I wasn't aware such a thing was possible - and pounded at the very deepest parts of me for what seemed like hours, although I'm sure it was only a few minutes.

Soon he started progressively taking longer strokes, until he was pulling his cock almost all the way out and slamming forcefully back into me, working back and forth over my prostate and bringing my ecstasy up another level. At some point I started to feel a build-up - I had always heard about coming just from getting fucked, but always thought it was one of those erotic story devices like 13-inch cocks and guys who come in buckets 8 times in a row. This was no bit of fiction. I felt a delicious glow spreading out from somewhere deep in my ass and spread to my balls, which prompted me to start slamming back harder against Jose in an attempt to encourage the sensation. Suddenly I released and let out a yelp. Carlos' mouth slowly opened in an expression of shock and disbelief. Tentatively he looked down between me and the floor, where he found the confirmation he was looking for. I had indeed come just from getting the life reamed out of me by Jose. I looked down at Carlos' crotch, and at some point he had completely hardened up again, and a little drop was glistening away at the tip and growing.

It wasn't long after that that Jose pushed himself all the way up me and started a feverish grind deep inside. He must have been coming, for he collapsed on top of me, wrapping his arms around my chest while still working his cock in the deepest parts of me. Eventually he slowed down to a crawl and just laid on top of me panting and trying to catch his breath. After he finally regained control I felt him slip out of me and he relaxed, sitting back on the floor. Carlos looked like someone had given him a lobotomy. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were glassy. Only when I put my hand on his knee and said "Carlos?" did he snap out of it and look me in the eyes. "You doin' okay?" A small smile spread across his lips. Apparently he had no intention of speaking. He only sat staring with a small grin.

Jose broke the silence. "Carlos? Beer?" Carlos nodded slightly. "Good. John? Ours are fairly warm, right?" I felt the bottles. They were. "Thought so. Three beers, and some water. John, if you look over on the coffee table I think you will find another joint. Care to get us started?"

"Sure." I got up, found the joint on the table, and sat down in the chair. I really wanted to join Carlos on the couch, but thought it might be best to give him a little space. Jose came back in with the beer and water on a big tray, and put it down on the coffee table. He brought the water over for us first.

"I think we have all sweated out a bit more water than we can spare. Drink up." I took a big drink of water, waited a second, and then drank the rest. After all three of us finished our water Jose took our glasses and brought us each back a beer. I took a big swig and then took a moment to check out Jose. He stood glistening with sweat, looking so beautiful as he took the joint from me. He was halfway between soft and hard, but as he took a hit from the joint I could see that the blood was rushing to his dick, slightly pulsing with each heartbeat. We clearly weren't done yet. Jose then passed the joint to Carlos, who was still looking slightly dazed on the couch. Carlos took the joint, took a big hit and held it in his lungs as he passed the joint over to me. He then spread his legs wide, threw his head back, and exhaled towards the ceiling. He was hard as a rock, his beautiful cock pointing to the sky and also pulsing gently as his heart beat. The head was fairly slick now, as his excitement had not let up since he had entered the apartment.

Jose tapped me lightly on the shoulder and nodded his head a little bit towards Carlos. It was time. I settled back into the chair, but stayed alert in case things got weird. Jose moved over in front of Carlos, who was still staring at the ceiling, and then descended to his knees in between Carlos' legs. He then place a hand under each of Carlos' legs. Carlos brought his head forward, looking a little worried, but not panicked. Jose then gently raised his legs up until Carlos' asshole was pointing straight out at Jose. Lowering his head down, Jose tentatively took a swipe at Carlos' ass with just the very tip of his tongue.

Carlos let out a low moan and let his head relax back on the couch. Jose then got a bit more agressive, licking and working around Carlos' pucker in a steady ministration of pressure, digging right in the center occasionally and then working back around the rim. I got up and put the joint in Carlos' hand. He brought it to his lips, took an enormous hit, and then put his arm back down again. I decided to leave it with him - he'd probably want it - and moved to sit back down in the chair, but not before moving the oil over close to Jose's side.

Jose grabbed the bottle and poured a small amount over Carlos' hole. He then started to work at it with his tongue. Carlos took another big hit off the joint and held it. It must have relaxed him a lot, for Jose was able to start digging his tongue even farther in. He was really getting into it now, licking and pushing on Carlos' hole with noticeable enthusiasm. He fished around with his hands a little bit until he found the bottle of oil, never once taking his face away from Carlos' ass. He finally found it and got his right hand fairly slick when I heard Carlos whisper "John."

I looked up and he still had his head back, but was waving the hand with the joint, which was little more than a roach now. I grabbed it from him, dropped it in the ashtray, and sat back down. Carlos grabbed his own legs underneath the knees, and then raised and spread his legs high and wide. This fired Jose on who now was playing with the rim of Carlos' asshole with his finger in between working it with his tongue. He then pulled his face away and only his middle finger remained, slowly pressing inward. A little more pressure, and his finger was imedded in Carlos' ass. It wasn't hard to figure out the exact moment that Jose found his prostrate; Carlos' eyes sprang open and a strangled cry escaped from his lips. I looked back down and could see Jose's finger working up Carlos' ass in a circular motion - he was really doing a number on Carlos' prostate, and Carlos responded by pulling his legs even wider open and panting like a dog on a hot summer day.

Jose then pulled his finger out and Carlos' head settled back down on the couch. After liberally coating his fingers with oil again, he set back to work with his middle and index fingers. I took this moment to grab the bottle and liberally coat my own cock and hand with it. If I was going to sit here and watch this, the least I was going to do was enjoy my own body. I started an extremely slow rhythm on my cock.

Carlos was practically levitating off the couch he was so excited from the work Jose's two fingers were doing deep inside him. He was breathing very heavily now, and I was half afraid that he would start hyperventilating. Jose was getting exactly what he had hoped for - Carlos was so worked up now that any moment he would be begging to be fucked. I couldn't wait to see that.

Jose didn't even bother extracting his two fingers before adding a third. Carlos' breathing had settled somewhat, but stepped up again as Jose slowly worked the third in. As soon as all three were deeply plugged up Carlos' ass, Jose started an almost violent rhythm on his prostate. Carlos was really worked up now and little moans and squeaks came out of this throat with each press of Jose's fingers. I could swear he was almost crying from the pleasure. Jose had a wide smile on his face. He kept it up for a good five minutes, and I watched as the fluid surged out of Carlos' dick in little drops and tiny rivers. Jose was really doing a number on him.

Suddenly, Jose stopped and slowly removed his fingers from Carlos' ass. Carlos' head sprang up from the back of the couch in an instant. "No, please, Jose...please don't stop... please..." as his head slowly settle back onto the couch and he pleaded to the ceiling. "Please, Jose..."

This was the moment that Jose had been waiting for. He liberally coated his dick with oil and pressed at Carlos' hole. Carlos evidently could tell what was coming, for he panted low in his throat "Yeah, Jose, fuck me... please..." Jose got that little smile on his face again and stabbed the head in. Carlos let out a yelp, and pulled his legs, that he had let relax a little bit, farther apart. "YEAH, Jose, please..."

"You want that, Carlos?"

"Please, Jose... fuck me hard..."

"Like this?" he buried another five inches in Carlos' ass. I thought Carlos would explode. He pulled his legs wide, pushed his chest upward, and his head ground further back into the cushions.

"YEAH, Jose... just like that... oh..." Jose pressed almost all of what he had left further up into Carlos. He then pulled slowly back out, and I knew where Carlos must have been. The beautiful agony of having a cock like that slowly withdrawn from your body. Jose got almost the whole way back out and reversed direction, working Carlos slowly for about three minutes until he was sure that Carlos could take what was coming next. At one point Carlos had taken his own dick in his hand, and had it swiftly slapped away by Jose. Finally Jose pulled the whole length out, and Carlos let out something like a small whimper.

Jose waited a full minute before approaching Carlos again, during which Carlos kept right on quietly pleading. Jose then started teasing Carlos by rubbing his dick all around Carlos' ass, occasionally catching just the head inside his ass and working it ever so slightly. Carlos was shaking now, his cock head slick with the moisture that had leaked out. I couldn't help it. I tiptoed over and quickly licked it all off, savoring the taste of Carlos on my lips. Carlos gasped and shuddered a bit, and then I went back to sit in the chair. This was their scene, after all.

Jose eventually left just the head inside of Carlos and worked his hips side to side, driving Carlos insane. Without warning he slammed into Carlos as hard as he could. Carlos lurched again, and arched his back so his chest was sticking high in the air. As soon as he settled back down, Jose started up with a brutal pounding. He worked himself up inside Carlos with amazing speed. Carlos was taking it like I couldn't believe, since I knew Jose had to be bottoming out on each thrust.

After what seemed like an endless pounding, Jose slowed down again. Carlos was panting and had started quietly muttering in Portuguese. Jose pulled all the way out once again and then slowly went back in, repeating this cycle several times. Carlos was quite slack now, and Jose met with absolutely no resistance as he made his way back inside Carlos' body. On one stroke he pushed in as far as he could and then leaned over to whisper something in Carlos' ear. I didn't hear what it was, but I could imagine. Carlos' face looked like he was struggling fiercely, and Jose was steadily pushing the last inch inward. Suddenly Carlos let out an unbelievable yell and Jose slid all the way in. Carlos' eyes shot open and he was panting heavily. "Please! Wait, Jose!" he gasped. Jose knew what to do, he waited there and rubbed his hands all over Carlos' chest and waist, trying to relax him.

"Okay... I think it's okay now..." Jose started his motion again. Slow and slight at first, and then getting more insistent. It was like watching one of those old steam locomotives coming up to speed. Soon Jose was pounding him for all he was worth, and Carlos was making low growling noises as his head fell from side to side. Suddenly it occurred to me that his arms were probably quite tired, I could see them shaking, and I walked over to hold Carlos' legs wide for him. As I grabbed his ankles he opened his eyes slightly up at me and gave me a small nod, dropped his arms to his side, and then went back to concentrating on what was going on in his ass.

Jose kept it up for another good five minutes. Sometimes slowing down and long-dicking him, sometimes burying his cock deep up Carlos' ass and working him over that way. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Carlos had given up on his babblings and was now just letting whatever sound his lungs released come out of his mouth. He was beyond rational thought. Jose then pulled out about halfway, found his prostate with the head of his dick, and worked that spot at a furious pace. Carlos started thrashing around on the couch and let out a mighty yell. He started to come, the fluid coming out in lazy spurts that matched the rhythm of Jose's fucking. Jose leaned down and licked it off his stomach, then went back to pounding the crap out of Carlos.

Thirty seconds later it was all over. Jose had forced himself way up inside Carlos, thrust a few more times, and then slipped out of him and collapsed backwards until he was laying spread out on the carpet. I let Carlos' legs go and he slowly let them fall back to the floor. I laid down near Jose and rested my head on his thigh. As hot as watching the two of them was, I felt more than a twinge of jealousy and was quick to reclaim my territory. Jose reached down and started running his hands through my hair.

About half an hour later Jose got up and headed to the bathroom. I could hear him start the water, and then he called down the hallway: "Come on you guys, time to get cleaned up." I tapped Carlos on the knee and he shakily got to his feet. I took his hand in mine and walked both of us into the bathroom. We climbed in, Carlos standing between Jose and I. Quietly we soaped each other down until we were all cleaner and refreshed. After toweling off a bit, we left the bathroom to get dressed. I climbed into bed and lay down, and I heard Jose call to Carlos: "Hey, Carlos."


"Come... stay with us tonight. I don't want you to be alone."

"Uh, alright."

He quietly walked into Jose's room and lay down next to me, in the middle of the bed. Jose lay down on the other side and pushed himself up close to Carlos and put his arm under Carlos's neck and around his shoulder. I moved closer to Carlos, took Jose's hand in one of mine, and laid the other arm across Carlos' chest. His heart was beating way too rapidly. We didn't speak, and eventually individually pretended that we were sleeping.

At around 4am I got up to take a leak. When I came back Carlos was quietly getting up from the bed.

"Carlos? You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. Just... not drunk anymore. I'll be in my room."

"Well, okay."

When Jose and I got up in the morning, all we found was a note on the table: 'I'm taking off for a little bit, but I am okay. Carlos.'

We didn't hear from him for another two days.

That's it for number three. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. There will be one more chapter to wrap up the future for these three guys, and then that will probably be it, unless I have some epiphany about a new direction. We'll see. Comments to: brenclar@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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