Of Bets and Keys

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jun 12, 2019


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The game went into overtime. It was a fantastic game, almost like the players knew the stakes. Either AJ or Boyd was going to lose access to their cock for a month. Both men were on the edge of their seats. No trash talk any more, both just focused on the TV as the seconds counted down. Finally, it was over. AJ just kept staring at the screen in disbelief while Boyd cheered and danced around him.

Boyd grabbed the key and slid his boxers off to unlock himself. He didn't even pull his underwear back up afterwards.

"Oh man, that feels good," he said shaking his hips back and forth. "Feel the breeze! Love that freedom!" AJ just put his head in his hands.

"See you in a month loser!" Boyd shouted as he walked down the hallway to his room, naked from the waist down.

AJ was more humiliated than anything else. This punk had talked him into a dumb, drunken dare. And now he had some weird kinky lock on his dick for a month. He didn't think a month was something he couldn't handle. He'd toughed his way though many things in his life - he could get through this too. And with work being crazy lately, he hadn't cum in almost a week anyway. He was sure he cold handle it stoically.

He was wrong. Almost immediately, all he could think about was sex. The merest idea would send his mind racing and generate a dull throb in his cage. A sexy ad, a flirtation at a store, sometimes even just feeling the cage rub against his leg was enough to get him going.

His only escape was total concentration. Any distraction at the office would throw him off all day, so he eliminated them as much as he could. No goofing off, no procrastination, no small talk while getting coffee. He became incredibly productive. Outside of work, he rededicated himself to the gym. The only way he was able to sleep at night was if he was able to bring himself to complete physical exhaustion.

But he couldn't keep it up forever. In fact, he couldn't even keep it up for a week before his desire overwhelmed his pride. Friday, right after work, AJ knocked on Boyd's door. Boyd opened it a little and peeked out. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

"Hey man, can I come in? It's kind of personal?"

"Oh, so you want your cock back? Sure, come on in," Boyd announced loudly.

"Shhh!" AJ ducked inside Boyd's room and closed the door. The place was filthy, clothes everywhere, even some dirty cups and plates. But he has more pressing matters to attend to. "Look, I need out, ok. You win, I can't do this. I haven't cum in two weeks now and I'm just going crazy. Please, let me out."

"Two weeks? You've only been locked one."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not doing great on the dating front right now, ok? But please, I can't concentrate. I really need this," AJ pleaded.

"I'm not letting you out of the bet man. A bets a bet. You have to follow through on them. That said, the bet was for 30 days without cumming. To be really fair, you should have had a chance to get your rocks off before you were locked in. Tell you what, I'll unlock you and let you cum, but you've got to go the rest of the 25 days after that, ok?"

AJ couldn't do 5, so he wasn't sure how he could last another 25. But he could deal with that later. He was getting a chance to end his misery now.

"Awesome, thank you so much man. So, can I have the key?"

"What? You're already trying to bail on this bet. No fucking way I trust you with the key. Give me your hand."

Boyd grabbed his arm with one hand, and grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the nightstand with the other. Before AJ could react, one end of the handcuff was around his wrist, and the other end was attached to the headboard.

"What the hell? What are you doing, let me go!" AJ took a swing at him, but Boyd had wisely stepped out of reach.

"You want out or not? While your dick is out, something else has to stay locked. Otherwise you might do something stupid like try to punch me."

"Fine. Whatever. Just give me the key so I can jerk off already."

"Ok, take your pants off."

AJ struggled. His dominant hand was out of commission, and his left hand was fumbling at the button on his pants.

Boyd laughed. "Let me help with that."

AJ put his hand at his side, embarrassed as his sloppy, inconsiderate roommate unbuttoned his slacks, and unceremoniously pulled both them and his underwear down in one smooth motion. Boyd took a moment to look at the small cage between his huge thighs and chuckle, before removing the lock, and the cage. As soon as AJs cock was free, it sprang to life, inflating over a matter of seconds to stand at full mast. It's length wasn't impressive, but wasn't something to be ashamed of either. It's girth was impressive though. It probably needed two hands, thought Boyd. Shame he'd have to make due with one.

Boyd leaned back against a dresser, and crossed his arms.

"What, you're going to watch me you perv?"

"It's my room. I'm not leaving."

"I can't jerk off with you there!"

"Oh, ok." Boyd picked up the lock and started moving towards AJ again.

"Fine, fine! You win. Just give me a few, ok?"

AJ sat down on the bed, moved his shirttails out of his way, closed his eyes and started stroking himself. He let himself think all the perverted thoughts that he had been desperately trying to suppress for the previous week. Even using his off-hand, it didn't take long for AJ to get close. Boyd smiled as he listened to the little grunts that came with each exhalation.

And then it happened. His whole body tensed as thick, white ropes of cum flew up and decorated AJs dress shirt. It was the most intense thing that AJ had ever experienced, and it left him dazed. He didn't come around until he heard the heavy 'Click' of a lock between his legs. He was locked up again, sitting on Boyd's bed in a cum-soaked shirt.

"Looks like you really enjoyed that one bud!" Boyd patted him on the knee before getting the handcuff key. "I'm glad. Three weeks and 4 days until your next one."

Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement! Part three will be coming soon! In the meantime, hit me up and let me know how much you enjoyed it at adsvasd584@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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