Odessa Ranch

By moc.loa@reniartegavaS

Published on Aug 24, 2002


The actual damage was minimal, especially when compared to the level and length of the punishment. This is what everyone wanted. Swift, severe, unfair, painful, humiliating were adjectives that, to a slave, they all wanted to feel. The treatment as honeyboys is typically so far beyond what any of them had experienced before, that when they make it through, they realize that they are in what they would consider some sort of epic paradise. Like basic training, it reshapes them into something more than they were before. Perhaps unlike basic (or more accurately, unlike the men-cum-soldiers who endure it), these slaves become addicted to, entranced in, the brutality of the initial weeks. So much so, they gladly remain.


Dax knew what was coming next, at least in general; he didn't know what Buck would choose to do the job. Buck would return shortly and focus on the process of turning at least one of the offenders against the other (it occurred to him from the night he and Ty spent in Buck's office that Buck wouldn't have to succeed in turning both against the other; it might equate to a victory, but it might also take far more time and energy to do it-one would easily be enough). But Dax also knew that he would not be the one to break.

For Dax, this was all part of the game, part of his paradise. He wasn't smiling or joyful in any real sense of the word, but he was certainly turned on and fully engaged. He had the burning in the pit of his stomach that he always got just before he was whipped, a burning craving, unmitigated sexual want. And his cock was rock hard in his shit-filled diaper, as it had been almost non-stop for a day and a half. He loved the less than brilliant boy across from him. That wouldn't change regardless of what was about to happen, but he was also ready (intellectually anyway) to accept the simple fact that shortly, Ty would no longer feel the same way. From the looks of it, Buck wouldn't have to try very hard.

"You doing ok?" Dax saw Ty shivering, despite the heat; he obviously wasn't doing ok.

Ty just stared at Dax. Dax couldn't tell if it was anger or hatred or even confusion. He did know though, that whatever passion his stare contained, it wasn't carnal. This chilled Dax far more than he thought it would. His hardon lost some of its tension and the rash on his ass and balls was becoming more noticeable.


"I hate this." Ty turned around to face away from Dax.

He was still shivering. He had wanted for more than a day to rip the diaper off and face whatever consequence he had just to scratch his burning ass. This morning, he no longer cared. He believed he would eventually be out of the diaper, out from under the smell of his own shit, and what is worse, his fellow slave's shit-some of which was beginning to drip from the diapers on top of his cage.

Until now, Ty never questioned anyone in authority over him at the ranch. What they did, they did. He could take his lashes like anyone else and have a stronger cum because of it. He could suffer the humiliation like most other slaves, sublimating the embarrassment into a horny urge, all without bothering to question why. Why was never a favorite concept for Ty outside the ranch, it stopped being any concern of his when he stripped for his inspection months before. Until now.

Now he couldn't get his mind around how anyone could concoct such a punishment. This took humiliation to a level that he never considered existed. At least as a honeyboy, he knew the man in front of him--pissing on him or whipping him-was getting something out of the situation (as Ty was). Ty didn't see anyone taking pleasure in his and his fellows' suffering. Ty never saw any other witnesses to the ordeal, and there was no way in his mind anyway, that the men controlling it could stomach the smell of a dozen men wearing days worth of shit.

For the first time since being whipped at the post when he entered, he wasn't having fun. The price for a score of, admittedly great, orgasms was four days of torment that would never have entered his mind even in his most frantic jerk off fantasies. He concluded that what he felt for Dax was just lust, perfect, mutable, changeable lust. If Ty's world contained love before, it no longer did.

He wanted to cry. He had really been broken. Emerging from being a honeyboy, he was broken in, broken into the functionings of the ranch. His spirit was wholly intact. Now, as he saw Buck approach, his spirit was rent.

"Please sir. Please I don't want no more." Begging was new to Ty.


"Please let me out of this. This sucks."

"That it does, but you're not finished." Buck knew the ordeal was nearly over. He didn't think Ty was bright enough to pull off this as a performance. He knew the kid meant it. He knew that whatever Ty felt, it wasn't now, and never would be again, love.

Ty started to whimper. Buck kicked the cage near his head.

"Buck up you pile of shit."


Buck ignored Ty and moved over to Dax's cage. "You ready?"

"For what sir?"

"It doesn't matter how smart you are, you won't be ready. It doesn't matter how smart you are, you won't feel the same about him by lunch."

Buck opened Dax's cage. Dax crawled out and started to stand. Buck put a boot to Dax's neck and pressed the slave into the concrete. Dax struggled lightly at first, then stopped. Buck wanted the little phenom to know that he didn't see this as a game. He removed the boot and Dax kept his position.

Buck opened Ty's cage and had to coax a little to get him out. "It's nearly over now." He whispered into the slave's ear.

Buck took his whip from off his belt. Pointing the coiled whip at Dax, he asked Ty, "what's that?"

"Sir a slave sir."

"Is that all he is to you?"

"Sir no sir."

"Oh? What is he then?"

Ty didn't know enough words. The slave with his head on the ground and ass pointing out as if ready to receive a cock would have nearly make Ty cum in his diaper just forty-eight hours before. Now what he saw he hated. Simple.

"Sir he ain't shit no more."

Buck chuckled a little. "Prove it." Buck handed Ty the whip.

It was the certainty of the way these personalities, these desires, worked that kept the ranch from becoming a complete chaos. All were here by choice, those falling victim to whip and whim could, at any moment, decide that it was time to shake things up. They didn't. Even when one wanted to leave, he didn't bother trying to take anyone with him. He just walked to Buck, said the word, and was in Midland by sundown. Buck had just armed a slave pushed past the brink. There was no doubt in Buck's mind that he could quickly take Ty down if he attacked him, but he was just as certain Ty would try no such thing.

Ty held the whip handle. He had never been on this side of it before (he had held a belt that he used on himself some, but never anything as powerful and meaningful as this). He was struck simultaneously by the need to whip Dax and the need to drop this thing whose business end was the only part he understood. He was a slave, always had been in his mind and now in body for several months. He was now given the instrument that symbolized his slavery, to use as a master would.

"Having second thoughts?"

"Sir . . . um no Sir. Can you make him stand up sir?"

"You're the one with the whip boy, you do it."

"Sir yes sir. Stand up slave."

Dax complied as quickly as he would have had Buck given the order. But he was silent. He faced Ty and understood finally that 1) Ty as he knew him was gone, and 2) this was a whole new game.

Buck walked over to Dax. "He's got a whip boy, you better treat him like he does."

"Sir yes sir."

"Grab one of them diapers boy off your cage and take it over to that post." Ty pointed to a whipping post near the barn.

"Sir yes sir." Dax grabbed a diaper from his cage and walked to the post. It didn't take a genius to know what was about to happen.

"Put that shitty diaper on the ground slave."

"Sir yes sir."

"Not like that slave, open it up."

"Sir yes sir." Dax opened the diaper fully. The smell was beyond words.

"Now, do twenty pushups, I want your face in that shit every time you go down." He moved to Dax's side, so he could get a better view.

"Sir yes sir."

Ty was too focused now to consider. Now that he had the whip, now that he had the chance to get back at the man he saw as causing this, he was using the same tactics he had questioned in the cage. He went from almost cursing the nameless person who invented this diaper treatment to using a form of it in minutes. He watched Dax do the pushups, counting as a slave would: sir one slavemaster sir. Ty began to salivate at the sight of this slave doing as he wanted, doing something so humiliating as diving face first into someone else's shit; further, though were his thoughts about the lashing.

When Dax had reached the downbeat on the last pushup, Ty put his boot on his neck and forced him down and kept him there. Dax couldn't breathe, even if he had been able to bring himself to suck air through this pile of shit. He started to struggle, and after a moment of this, Ty removed his boot. Dax pulled up onto his hands and knees and panted.

"Kneel in front of me."

"Sir yes sir."

"Look at me slave."

"Sir yes sir."

Ty looked at Dax. Dax's face was hidden, only his eyes and mouth were free of shit. Dax now looked and smelled like the thing Ty now believed him to be. Ty hocked up a lugie and spat it onto Dax's upturned face.

"Now go over to that post slave." Ty said this very quietly, through a very tight jaw."

"Sir yes sir." Both Ty and Buck noticed Dax's new tone. All the other assents had been said almost sarcastically. This time, it sounded defeated.

Dax moved to the post and took the position, arms all the way up, palms on either side of the post. Ty quickly secured Dax's wrists.

The first lash hit Dax's neck. This was a pain that he hadn't felt before and he yelled. (To the uninitiated, using a whip seems simple; in fact, it is pretty difficult to wield it in an effective way, or at least it takes practice, something Ty had none of). By the fifth one, they were landing solidly on Dax's back, and tears of both pain and disappointment began to fall onto his shit-covered cheeks.

Buck stopped Ty at twenty. A little blood began to appear nearly dead center of Dax's back. Dax's head hung limply against one of his up stretched arms, in defeat.

"Ok Ty, that's enough." Buck took the whip from the panting boy. Ty was covered in a specific kind of sweat-that generated by the sating of vengeance.

For now, Dax was left where he was bound. Buck handed Ty his knife and told him to cut the diaper off himself. He was in such a hurry to do it, he nicked himself on the right and left side where he inserted the knife into the diaper. Buck hosed him down and gave him the tube the doctor had provided to the other slaves.

"Go back to my office boy and let the doctor check you out. Then wait for me there." Buck said.

"Sir yes sir." Ty left, nearly running.

Buck turned to Dax. "Was I right?"

"Sir yes sir."

"Funny thing about you smart slaves, it doesn't matter how smart you are, you can't escape simple psychology."

"Sir yes sir"

Buck had been right. Dax no longer felt the same way about Ty that he did before this recent fiasco. He didn't feel the way Buck probably thought though. He hurt and was humiliated to low he would never have considered before; he stank and was beginning to think he would never be clean again, but what he felt was not hate. He felt something worse because it was something he didn't believe he would ever be rid of it. What he felt was a burning disappointment; this was like being dumped by someone he loved deeply in a horrific way. If pressed he would probably still say he loved the little urchin, but he no longer felt the same way he had.

"You ready to clean up boy?"

"Please sir."

Buck untied the slave and ran through the same steps he had with Ty, also hosing off Dax's shit covered face. Dax was finally free of shit and the salve had worked immediately to remove most of the burning of his rash. His body felt like running, as Ty had, but his mind and heart felt otherwise. He followed Buck to his office.

Pool House

The exhausted slaves were timid at first. They sort of traveled as a group would through potentially dangerous territory. They were afraid to sit on any of the furniture or to go to the food table. Finally a couple braved going to get food while the others took turns in the shower, doubling up to save time and allow their mates quicker access. After a couple of hours, they were relaxed enough to eat, swim, nap, enjoy themselves.

There were 10 cots set up for them in the pool house. They were never all occupied at the same time. Sam's chefs kept the table stocked as long as they had willing mouths, so they were basically working in shifts.

Buck found this situation when he arrived after dropping off Dax to be inspected by the doctor.

"Fall in fellas." The tone was more suggestion than order, but they responded as if it had been bellowed. One slave took the initiative to wake up the couple of nappers.

"Y'all still have one more day of this, y'all recovering well?" General murmurs of consent, of content. "Good. But there is one more piece of business, hold on, it ain't bad," Buck had to quash the sense of fear that invaded their faces. "You were all told when this started that you could do whatever you want to Ty or Dax if you want. None of you is required to do it, but if you want to, you have to come with me now." Buck expected Pete and Aaron for certain and one or two others. He was a bit surprised.

Pete needed no time to think. Seth was mulling it over as the remaining three from Ty's crew declined. A pair of twenty year old slaves from California, Tom and Mark, stepped next to Buck-they turned out to be the only ones from Dax's crew.


"I'm going to stay here, boss."

"You sure?"

"Yes sir."


"I can do anything I want?"

"Pretty much." With that Seth joined the vengeance crowd as they headed back to Buck's office.


Tom and Mark just wanted to make sure that Dax didn't escape this part of the punishment, especially since Aaron opted not to. They opted to whip him as Ty had done, each limited to 10. Like Ty, they proved very ineffective with the leather, but each was pleased to get a couple of satisfying yelps out of the subject of their torment. Dax was released as Tom and Mark returned to the pool house. The doctor took another quick look at Dax and pronounced him fine "all things considered." Buck sent him into his bedroom.

On his way, Buck called for Ty to come out of the bedroom. The two former lovers passed each other; neither made eye contact. Dax saw which cot Ty had taken and lay face down on the other one and fell asleep in very short order.

Buck knew that Pete would want the longest time and would probably require physical intervention to pull him off his smaller tormenter. So he decided to let Seth go first. He was very shocked to see what happened.

Ty stood mostly erect, with his eyes staring almost straight down. He was more frightened now than he had been in the last couple of days. After his diaper was taped on, he pretty much knew what to expect, and while it wasn't easy, it wasn't frightening. Now he had to pay the real price for his behavior.

Seth walked up very closely, close enough to whale on Ty, but he just said: "What did I tell you days ago about how places like this work?"

"You said they make more than just the one pay."

"Was I right?"

"Yep." He was near tears.

"Ok, can I go now, boss?"

"What? Uh, yeah if that's all you want."

"That's all, sir".

"Git then."

Now it was Pete's turn. He requested that Ty be suspended from the ceiling by his wrists. Buck had to get Pete to promise that he wouldn't use his fists on Ty in that position. Pete was given the tools to make it happen. With a little help from Buck, Pete was able to get Ty hanging so that he had to use his tip toes to relieve the stress on his wrists. Then Pete just stood back and watched for a while.

"You going to do anything else?" Buck asked after about 5 minutes.

"Do I have to do this fast boss? I was hoping I could take my time."

"You plan on finishing before sundown?"

"Yes sir, I just want to enjoy it."

Buck was comfortable that Pete offered no mortal threat to Ty, so he dissolved into a far corner.

Pete stood back and watched as Ty struggled to find some way to be less stretched. He was sweating heavily and beginning to drool. Then he started to struggle to breathe, and began to moan slightly. This was Pete's cue. He walked over to the hanging boy and grabbed his balls. And pulled down hard. The extra pressure pulled at his already agonized wrists. Ty screamed.

"Beg me to whip you!"

"Just do it." He struggled to say that much.

"Beg me fucker, beg me or I just keep watching you hang there til you do."

"Please whip me." The pain added a real sound of desperation to his voice.

"Good, now beg me and call me master you piece of shit."

"Please whip me master."

Pete lowered Ty just enough for his feet to touch the floor fully. His wrists were given some relief, but with the pressure released a little, his shoulders exploded with pain. Pete was far handier with the whip than any of the others had been-he seemed to have Buck's touch even without Buck's experience. Ty screamed throughout the twenty lashes Buck allowed Pete.

Pete's cock was dripping and hard. He walked over to the now slack slave. "Now beg me to fuck you."

Through pants, Ty said, "Please fuck me master."

Pete untied the rope keeping Ty hanging and Ty collapsed to the floor moaning. Pete positioned Ty to his ass was high and his face forced to the floor. He spit on the little man's asshole and raped him. He fucked Ty's tender ass with as much force as a full day of rest would allow him. Ty was essentially screamed out; he just grunted with each thrust. Pete pulled out before cumming. He squirted an enormous load onto Ty's wounded back. The hot load burned his newly whipped back and Ty found one more scream within him.

"I think I'm done boss, can I go?"

"Go on."

Before he left though, Pete added a mouthful of spit to his jiz on Ty's back.

"Ok little man, let's get you cleaned up." Buck helped Ty to his feet and led him to the bathroom.

While Ty and Dax slept, and the other ten finished their last day in the pool house. Buck was going to have to finish the new cabin assignments. He had little doubt that once the description of this treatment spread through the fields, it would be quite a while before he had to face it again.

Next: Chapter 12

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