Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Sep 18, 2020


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"Back in the day I would have found it hot for a professor to do that. It would have annoyed me that it was in exchange for a grade but the situation would be hot. But not now, not with someone close to my own age. Not when they know my boyfriend, when my brother is their parent's landlord. Its so sleazy." Andy says.

"Right. I'd have been exactly the same. Annoyed that anyone questioned my ability to get an A, but excited. My daddy complex would have played straight into it. Now? Well believe me when I say he isn't worth it." Gervais says.

"I couldn't believe it. It's only one class and hardly a huge deal. It isn't like grades count, unless you're failing. I mean everything is about the internships and creating a network. I know as long as I don't mess up I have job options down the line, if I don't end up creating a shelter." Chris says. The three plus Spence are having dinner together at the hotel.

"I feel like this is my fault. I told him so much about us all. Not bad stuff, just you know, you all hit my dating history." Gervais says.

"It isn't your fault. You dumped him. Blue had that weird run in with his friends. We've all been wary of him." Spence says.

"I love his parents. They are so nice. It is hard to believe they raised him. Or that they raised him so entitled." Andy says.

"Only child, they spoiled him while trying to give him the best. They are not bad people." Gervais says.

"I do feel less inclined to help them though." Andy says.

"Agreed. You and Larry should steer clear going forwards. Blue can afford to buy fruit. I mean help in an emergency, of course, but I'd appreciate if you both stepped back." Chris says.

"Same, you and Larry don't need the extra work. I know you covet their orchard but you can't have it yet." Spence says.

"I'll talk to Larry tomorrow. Are you all coming to our event this weekend? Blue is baking up a storm and we could use as many extra pairs of hands on the trees as we can get." Andy says.

"I'm going to bring some of the kids up. Some will be helping Blue and others can carry trees to cars. None of them can handle the selling as people will be bargaining down the prices." Gervais says.

"That is great. Helping carry them out frees me and Larry up to keep selling." Andy smiles.

"Are you okay Chris?" Spence asks.

"Just replaying it in my head still. It'll take some time to get over I guess. You know I didn't expect life to be a fairy tale once I came back but to an extent it has been. Having Blue back and us being real brothers, finding Larry, falling in love and getting to go back to school. It is everything I dreamed of and more. I expected difficulties but I didn't expect s like this. I guess sitting here talking about it I see how it affects all of you. I see how hard things were for Blue when Bea and I caused issues. It didn't just affect him but all of you." Chris says.

"We've all been there. Me more than anyone. And Blue doesn't hold anything against you, not now. You are a decent man and he knows it and that is why he loves you and accepts you as his brother. We are all affected because we love you and we are all mad on your behalf." Gervais says.

"Thanks G. You sure had us all mad for a while, but we all understand now." Chris says gently, feeling bad at just how badly they all treated Gervais.

"Even if you have sent my brother to jail." Spence grins.

"Oh I doubt it'll be that bad for him." Andy says.

"I know, worst luck. W is so mad at me though." Spence says.

"Tommy called me. He said his parents are mad at me but he isn't and he isn't mad at you either." Gervais says.

"I wish I had a better relationship with them but at the same time, they could have made a lot more effort to invite us once in a while." Spence says.

"We're your family. Heck we don't know each other that well but I know we're closer than you are to your bio brothers." Chris says.

"Chris we've had more dinners together since you got back, than I have in a life time with my brothers. Andy helped me understand it wasn't on me. I just feel bad I don't know my nephews well." Spence says.

"I'll give you Tommy's email, he would love to hear from you now and then, send him pictures of here and the farm." Gervais says and Spence smiles.

Chris looks around the table and relaxes a little. Everyone has his back, despite everything he has ever done. They have been such a forgiving bunch over the years. He has done some terrible things and yet today they all believed him without him even having to play the recording. None of them believe he would cheat on Larry or try and mess things up for Kayden just because.

"What's that smile for?" Andy asks.

"You all believed me tonight. No proof, just took me at my word, despite everything in the past. It means a lot." Chris says.

"You've wanted to work with animals the whole time I've known you. We all knew you would never put that in jeopardy. I think it is time you believed yourself that you have changed." Gervais says.

"You're waiting for yourself to implode. Honestly it is no way to live and totally self-fulfilling, as I know too well." Andy says.

They move to less serious topics before heading off to their rooms. Ocean gets back and Gervais fills him in on the strange events.

"I thought we'd left people like that behind. What did any of us do to Kayden other than be lovely? Blue cooked him all that food and he does that to his brother. Why risk his career and reputation?" Ocean asks.

"He's jealous. Jealous that Chris is wealthy. Kayden is as wealth focused as Chris used to be." Gervais says.

"Is that why you broke up?" Ocean asks.

"Nah, I mean I expect gold diggers and it didn't bother me that much. It was the sleazy comments he always made about people. I guess I judged him on his profession and expected him to be a good person because he was a vet, I jumped in too fast and found out he wasn't that nice a guy. It happens." Gervais says.

"A good rebound though." Ocean says.

"Yes. Finally letting Blue go has been really hard." Gervais says.

"You were under so much strain, you should have confided in Blue, you would still be together." Ocean says.

"He and Will are right together. They just are. They would have found their way back to each other even if they had to wait fifty years. I think it is better they spend that time together." Gervais says.

"We'll find someone for you." Ocean says.

"Right now I am so happy to be doing the work that I am doing. I'm thinking about adopting on my own, once you're settled in school." Gervais says.

"That sounds like a really good idea. I always wanted to be a big brother." Ocean says and hugs Gervais.

That weekend it is all hands on deck with the Christmas trees. The farm is clearly a very popular spot for them and Blue was right to set up selling pies and warm drinks. He has made a gingerbread forest and Larry has made a display case for it.

The whole group has a great time selling the trees and meeting local families. It puts them all in the mood for Christmas and the troubles of the last few months feel behind them all. Once Blue has sold out he rounds up his helpers and gets them delivering mugs of soup to all the tree workers before setting out to make a feast for when they are done.

Once the last tree is sold they sit down on long tables and Blue brings out hot stews and soups and breads for all. Many of the food court workers parents have come out too and it feels like a great celebration meal. Once it is all cleared away Blue and Will go home and soak in the bath while Sunny snores in the corner, exhausted from the busy social day.

"You put these muscles to good use today." Blue says rubbing Will's arms.

"I had fun. You did more than you should with those pies but I know you had fun and I must have heard 50 people offer to buy the forest." Will says.

"Well I'll use it next week. I'll need to do a lot more cooking at the hotel now as I sold a lot of my stock for next week today." Blue says.

"I knew you would. But that is who you are. Don't go crazy." Will says.

"I'm enjoying it. I forgot how addictive it is to make people happy with my food. It's different in the food court. Of course some of my recipes are being used but it isn't the same." Blue says.

"Trade is steadily growing. I came out of a class the other day to get some soup and there was a line. Students are coming over in the evenings too. I had no idea so many college students lived in the area." Will says.

"I know. It is working out and Gervais is doing an amazing job placing the kids. And your business is growing." Blue says.

"It is. I don't begrudge coaching Ocean and I am thankful that the gym parents are making up the bulk of my clients but I wish I could concentrate fully on the business. And have clients that book me because they have a goal and not to try and curry favor with me, as they imagine it will help their kid in the gym. " Will says.

"Marry me." Blue says.

"What?" Will asks shocked and not sure he has heard right.

"Sorry that was a crap proposal. My dearest Will, would you do me the honor of being my husband?" Blue asks and kisses Will's neck.

"You are asking me here, naked in the bath?" Will asks laughing.

"Its our favorite place." Blue says.

"Yes." Will says.

"Really?" Blue asks quietly.

"Really." Will says.

"Thank you." Blue says and hugs Will tightly.

"What prompted this?" Will asks having an inkling.

"You taking clients you don't want to make money you don't need to be making. Train Ocean, take on clients that you want to work with and teach classes you want to teach. Let your business grow and stop worrying about money." Blue says.

"I thought you would say that. I hope you know I'm not marrying you for your money." Will says.

"Given I am proposing in part so you'll actually take some of it I don't think that it is an issue." Blue laughs.

"If I suggest we get married new years eve will Chris be mad that we're leapfrogging him and Larry?" Will asks.

"New Years sounds perfect. I know he'll be happy for us. I think we should tell Gervais first." Blue says.

"I think so too." Will says.

"I can't believe it." Blue says massaging Will's back.

"I have wanted to ask you since you turned up at my meet all those years ago." Will says.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted to take the moment away from you." Blue says.

"Are you kidding? I am on top of the world that you have chosen me. Now lets get out and get to bed." Will says.

"Uh oh, have I got a bossy fiancé?" Blue asks and splashes Will.

Next: Chapter 90

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