Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Sep 6, 2020


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Birch meets Blue and Will at the airport with a big hug.

"I owe you a huge apology." Blue says.

"No you don't. Blue back then you were, well I didn't go about things in the right way." Birch says.

"You really tried and you told me and Robin to go and get him because you didn't trust G." Will says.

"Are you doing okay? I know you were in to Robin for a long time. I'm sorry he couldn't be a good guy for you." Blue says.

"Ahh I'll stick to groupies and painting. No need for computer games or anything." Birch says.

"Feel like a minor detour into interior decorating? Or design at least." Blue asks and explains his ideas for the ice cream parlor and juice bar.

"You shouldn't do it all in one. I know you're worried about the ice-cream not having enough custom but you could limit its hours. You should have a mini food court. That space would do it. Then when you're using the outside for a farmer's market you'd get a weekend trade for it and it would grow because, well, because you are you." Birch says.

"Is that a yes? I was thinking the characters you wanted to put in the game could have a life. Murals on the walls, napkins and stuff? You know? Make it really clear we're not a chain." Blue says.

"He really is back." Birch laughs.

"Yes, in full creative Blue mode. Totally hot." Will grins.

"Totally, you two are lucky, you suit each other so well." Birch says.

"We are. I am so lucky. You'll find someone Birch." Blue says.

"I've checked out of that for now. Robin tries to woo me back every few weeks but he can go to hell." Birch says.

"And you are okay hosted us and Magnus and DeShawn?" Blue asks.

"Are you kidding? I owe you a million dinners. Blue you'll be no trouble, my housekeeper made up the beds and stocked the fridge. I told her you bake and so she got in supplies. It is absolutely no bother." Birch says.

"Are you going to live here?" Will asks.

"I'll host you guys then I'll close up the house for the winter and head up to the retreat to get ready for my spring tour. Well I'll rejig to help you with the décor, its exactly the project I need." Birch says.

"Thanks man. I'm so excited to see Magnus and DeShawn. Is Gervais here?" Blue asks.

"Yes and that Fergus. Blue I hope I didn't make things worse but I basically screamed at G in the street for having that guy here. Everything he did to you. I am so sorry I entertained going in to business with him." Birch says.

"I encouraged it. Fergus, shit. I thought W had hauled him home." Blue says quietly.

"Don't stress it babe, your lawyer is handling it." Will says.

"I know. I know. I am focused on the future." Blue says.

"Birch this might be totally out there but there is this guy, and he's kind of been seeing Gervais but if G is here I imagine it is over. He's busy, super busy, a vet. He would be so good for you." Will says.

"OMG he totally would. We have a lake, you'd get inspired and his parents have a fruit farm, orchard upon orchard." Blue says.

"I appreciate the offer. I do. But lay off the match making. You are right maybe I need inspiration. I need to channel my joy of your return and my heartbreak. Having you and your pup around might be what I need." Birch says.

"Blue has a need to look after people and he knows you are hurting." Will says.

"I think Robin and Tad will end up together through convenience. Sharing the farm and the kids. Arnold hasn't had anything to do with the kids since the deaths. He's talking about retiring to Costa Rica." Birch says.

"That sounds a good idea. I imagine everything reminds him of deep pain right now." Will says.

"I'll bake him something. Something new." Blue says.

"You can't cure everything with food, but damn you come close." Birch grins.

"Wow, these pictures are amazing." Blue says looking round Birch's home. It looks nothing like it did when Abby or Spence and Andy lived there. Birch has transformed the place and his and Blue suspects some of Roe's pictures are everywhere.

"You best have a good alarm system." Will says.

"Ollie and the kids will keep an eye on the place when I'm gone. The middle one still home loves coming here for a break. Drops by after school most nights asking to help with chores." Birch grins.

"That's great. I hate to be rude but is it okay if I go and see Ocean and Cheryl?" Blue asks.

"Yeah sure. You don't need to check in with me all the time. Geeze Blue make yourself at home." Birch says.

"I am so used to hosting I am terrified of being a bad guest." Blue shrugs.

"Here's my car keys, I have a truck too so you're not putting me out. What about you Will?" Birch asks.

"I will stay if that's okay. I have some work to do." Will says tapping his laptop bag.

"See you later babe." Blue says and kisses Will and turns to hug Birch too.

"He is so much better." Birch says.

"He is. I take it someone sent you the report?" Will says.

"Larry did. I wish Abby had trusted one of us. Bur he's not letting it get to him, I'm amazed it didn't knock him down." Birch says.

"He's better, I'm not saying he isn't taking the knock hard he is but his resilience is so much better and he is talking to me." Will says.

"You played the long game and won." Birch says.

"With a lot of false starts. I hate that it was Gervais who did the first stint. I lost the kids anyway." Will sighs.

"You gave him the space he needed. Gervais fucked it." Birch laughs.

"As did Robin. I am so sorry. I still can't get over him doing that." Will says.

"Makes my skin crawl. I was never that keen to work with George, being I picked Blue up from that disaster when we were in college. I thought he matured when he was with Dylan. But he is the same toad he always was and I can't help but think it was personal. That he always wanted revenge on me. He's the one jobless and homeless though, so I win." Birch laughs.

"How is Ollie doing?" Will asks.

"He's working flat out. Freelance for the ice-cream company, and with the charity and now Blue's idea. He'll be fine. He can't leave for a few more years. I have told him all of his siblings are always welcome here and so he can sell up when he's ready to." Birch says.

"Funny this world we've been dragged into." Will says.

"You forget I was raised in a commune." Birch says.

"I totally did." Will laughs.

Blue visits Gladys first. He shows Sunny's former owner lots of pictures and the old man is delighted and he is also excited to take some of Blue's treats.

"You spoil me boy." Gladys says.

"I hate being so far away." Blue says.

"You've been visiting a lot and we all love the treats. We've no time for salad at our age." Gladys grins.

They have a lovely visit and then Blue heads to Cheryl's place.

"Hey guys." Blue grins.

Ocean throws himself at Blue and they hug for ages.

"Sorry I couldn't come and watch but we streamed every minute and cheered and cheered." Blue says.

"You had a lot going on. I love that you hosted everyone. I hope you've been spoiling Will. He was my rock out there. It was so hard being round Garrett. I thought I didn't care but he's such a ho. He was the one who was always so focused and ambitious and now I'm the one wanting the Olympics and everything." Ocean says.

"Are you going pro?" Blue asks.

"Yes. Mom says I have to go back to school if I'm going pro." Ocean says.

"I don't like the idea of him putting it off too long. But if he isn't competing for a college team he can do less credits, take a quarter off for worlds and more for the Olympics. But he'll keep racking up credits and have a distraction from training." Cheryl says.

"So when you do, put your agent on to me because my protein cookies will be endorsing you. If that fits with your image. I think it will do you good to be in print ads with DeShawn. We have pics and vids of the pair of you over the years. Could be an amazing campaign." Blue grins.

"Wow. Blue, really?" Ocean asks.

"Of course. It'll take a while to get up and running but that is my vision, if you excuse the shitty phrase." Blue giggles.

"Sounds perfect. We are interviewing agents next week. The gay, gay, gay has actually brought Ocean lots of attention, from companies that want to be more gay friendly." Cheryl says.

"Are you certain about giving up college competition?" Blue asks to be sure.

"Yeah. I loved it but it was a time suck and this way I get more assignments. I did good at worlds. I did so good." Ocean grins.

"Will you be living with us so Will and Spence can train you? We can make you a suite at the hotel and fit you out with all you need." Blue says.

"If he can transfer in then yes. We've been doing his apps with training in mind, we need schools on quarters that will accept his credits. There is a lot to consider." Cheryl says.

"But for now?" Blue asks.

"I'll be talking to Will and Spence and the national staff. I am working out here for now, at my old gym with the new coaches." Ocean says.

"I won't be mad if you need someone new to get you to the next level. Politics held you back too long." Blue says.

Blue and Cheryl talk about the protein cookies and Blue's other plans.

"So many kids with different abilities could manage working in a juice bar. It's a solid idea and your idea for the central kitchen for prep for all the places is awesome. Especially as you have space for chill out zones and the like. You need to get Heidi down and borrow someone from here to get you set up. I can see it working." Cheryl says.

"Me too. And maybe it'll take the pressure off here, I know that kids with different issues are coming here because there is work rather than it being just a community project. Katelyn is interested in a roll out across half a dozen places. Not just kids with disabilities but abuse survivors too." Blue says.

"My Blue is back. Making things happen." Ocean grins.

"You'll both come to dinner tonight?" Blue asks.

"Of course. We'd love to." Cheryl smiles.

"And Marsha?" Ocean asks.

"Of course." Blue grins.

DeShawn and Magnus make it just in time for dinner and it is a fun affair. Ocean is asked a million questions about worlds and Ollie and DeShawn are delighted with Blue's idea for the campaign an DeShawn is up for adding new footage of him and Ocean doing sports together.

"I know I didn't play as big a part as Will or Spence but I like to think I helped you get where you are. I am so proud of you." DeShawn says.

"Of course you did. Your success gave me belief. I remember you working out every morning. Having the weights in your room. I knew how dedicated you were and that hard work was needed. You and Will were my role models in sports. Of course you were. And you didn't ditch us. You always returned my calls." Ocean says.

"You know you'll need some straight athletes too. It might look weird if you only give cookies to gay athletes. Like straight men drink shakes grrr." Birch says.

"Oh sure. We'll work that out. I am sure DeShawn knows plenty." Blue says.

"I sure do. We'll find some hot women too. Not just athletes, brains too. But first we need the product." DeShawn says.

"I've been working on mass production and it isn't too hard. I think we'll get there quickly. I know this business." Ollie says.

"And I have lots of contacts. There is a buzz. People want to invest and you should consider it." Magnus says.

"Babe, I said no, not yet. We launch and then we look to investors for expansion. Us 3 want something that is ours. At least to start." DeShawn says.

"Babe I am just saying your name opens door and I know you don't like trading on it too much but you could." Magnus says.

"Are we hurting for money?" DeShawn asks.

"No of course not. But you are taking a big risk and it might not pay off." Magnus says.

"If we fail, we fail." Blue says.

"Well we have images to maintain and a beach house to keep up and a brother who has no idea how to budget." Magnus says.

"Is this because I cut off your brother? You know that was to make him do some real work and not because we can't afford it." DeShawn says and Magnus shrugs clearly an ongoing argument is starting to erupt.

"How is Grant? Birch filled me in a little." Blue asks.

"He's bumming around acting like he's still in college, weed all night, sleep all day and working as little as he can." DeShawn says.

"Oh he takes a few classes for me. He's not a total druggie or lazy. He's struggling to find his voice again in his art." Birch says.

"Not helped by your fame and fortune." Magnus says.

"I'm sorry but I am not going to retire to make Grant feel better." Birch says.

"I am just saying you could be less vulgar." Magnus says.

"You better watch your mouth babe, we are guests in Birch's house and he doesn't owe your brother a damn thing." DeShawn says glaring at Magnus.

"Grant is always great with the kids when he runs workshops in the schools here. He is so talented and it is unfair that Birch made it and he didn't. He just needs to stop thinking he is any less of an artist." Cheryl says.

"He has a real way with kids and there is nothing wrong with teaching." Ollie says.

"I know, I know. I think he needs one more shot. One more showing and if it doesn't come off he can say he gave it his all and then followed his vocation to teach." Magnus says.

"I'm not paying for it." Birch and DeShawn say together.

"Magnus, we hope to get your advice on agents for Ocean while you are here." Marsha says forcing a subject change.

"Sure, send me the list and I'll give you the pros and cons." Magnus says calmer.

"Grant should go and talk to Bea about teaching." Blue says risking the wrong subject.

"Blue your sister is dating again. Stop matchmaking." Will laughs and Blue grins like crazy.

Next: Chapter 87

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