Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Aug 23, 2020


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A few days later Blue heads to the airport to meet Will.

"Just you?" Blue asks.

"Andy and Spence have gone to see W. I uh, I showed them the report and they are having a family summit. Ocean went home with Cheryl. He's taking a week off training. He and Cheryl are looking into college options and discussing him turning pro or continuing to compete in college." Will says.

"So we get the night to ourselves." Blue grins and takes Will's bag from him.

"Yes we do." Will smiles back.

"You have something to ask me?" Blue asks.

"Blue Sky Cloudy Day, will you be my boyfriend?" Will asks.

"That's a bigger question than a date." Blue says.

"I wanted to do everything right, to date you, to get to know you now as a man, to let you get to know me." Will says.

"But we did that all summer. We're best friends who are going to be lovers." Blue says.

"That is what I hoped. How do you feel? You were pretty mad earlier in the summer at not getting to do the dating stage." Will asks.

"We will have date nights and we will take trips and we will have cosy nights by the fire with our dog." Blue says.

"We'll split the chores and we'll take turns to take care of the other when work is heavy. We'll be happy because all I want to do is make you happy." Will says.

"Same. We're going to have the life we should have had. This time we're in charge of everything. I will make protein cookies and you will build a fitness empire, our businesses compliment each other. So we can go to trade events together. We can live in the city and in the country and we can go hiking, camping and fishing." Blue says feeling more hopeful than he has since being reunited with Will years ago.

"I do love you, very, very much. This isn't just about business or your money or anything else really." Will says.

"I know. I don't worry about opening up to you. I never worry you're hiding anything. Not really. I mean I know you were saying you weren't ready when you knew I wasn't. That was what was best for me. It took the pressure off deciding between you and Gervais. You always had my back this summer. You shut down my mom, you've held my hand over Gervais and you even sacrificed your relationship with Ocean over me. I wouldn't swap that for the thrill of a first date. My stomach flips every time I see you." Blue says and gives Will that look and Will knows all is well.

Blue takes Sunny for a quick walk while Will gets settled. He thought they might be tearing each other's clothes off the second they got in but they want to take their time. When they get back Sunny curls up on the deck and goes to sleep, as if he knew his master needed some alone time. Blue walks into the bedroom where Will is wrapped in a towel having just got out of the bath.

"Wow." Blue says.

"I cannot wait any longer." Will says and drops the towel to show off his hard dick.

Blue just stares at the man before him for a minute, taking in every inch of him. Not knowing where to start.

Blue strips off, his big dick pulsing and already forming a big drop of precum.

Will stares. And stares. And grins.

"Sit on my face." Blue says and lies back and pulls Will on to him.

Will giggles and then groans.

"Missed you and your splendid tongue." Will murmurs.

Missed your peachy ass." Blue says lifting him for a moment.

"My turn?" Will asks.

Blue ignores him and keeps on having his fun.

Will relaxes and lets it happen for a while longer until he cant take it any more, he claims off and rolls Blue over and sets to work himself. Blue is loud, beyond loud. He lets everything go. Every ounce of tension is leaving his body and Will marvels as Blue relaxes and is super turned on at the moans.

"I am going to fill you so deep." Will says as he sits up and rolls Blue on to his side. Will pushes Blue's leg to his chest and starts to finger him. Blue grins and groans some more. He's hungry for Will now but is happy for Will to set the pace.

"I want every bit of you." Blue whispers. All he wants is Will. He's so hungry for him.

Will teases around Blue's hole a while longer, Blue pushing back and groaning with desire. Will grabs Blue's jaw and holds him as they kiss hungry for everything. Needing each other. As Will begins to push in Blue growls and groans. Will grins at the faces Blue makes and when he is ready beings to thrust and thrust.

They shift so Blue is fully on is back and Will is going deep. Blue's cries escalate and Will check's he's okay.

"More, more, more." Blue screams and Will keeps going, loving every second.

Blue stiffens and shoots and Will pulls out and covers Blue with cum.

They are enjoying their post orgasm bliss, just smiling at each other when Sunny starts barking and they hear the door bang open.

"Who the fuck doesn't knock?" Blue says angry.

"I'll go, you clean up." Will says pulling on some shorts.

"Thanks babe and that was amazing. Get rid of them so we can get to round 2." Blue says.

"That's my Blue." Will grins.

Will goes through to the kitchen to find an angry Gervais pacing up and down.

"Who do you think you are, letting yourself in?" Will asks in a clipped tone.

"Fuck off Will. Where is Blue?" Gervais asks.

"You barge in to his house and tell me to fuck off. Just go." Will says.

"Get Blue, I have to talk to him. NOW." Gervais shouts.

"What?" Blue asks coming in, mad as hell that Gervais has interrupted their bliss.

"Going to W? Telling everyone our business? How could you? Setting your lawyer on me and Spence, W and Andy? Why?" Gervais asks.

"People care about me and are angry with you. What did you expect? Seriously?" Blue asks.

"You are getting none of it. Nothing." Gervais says.

"See you in court. I have all the evidence that you made sure that offers were rejected. You're a greedy shit and you know it. This is not what Abby wanted and you know it." Blue says and Gervais looks like he's been slapped.

"You'll regret this." Gervais repeats.

"G the thing is I won't. You can't hurt me any more than you have already hurt me. There is nothing else you can do to me. Nothing. Take this place? Take the hotel? Go ahead. Take and take and take. I don't care. I will get through it and bounce back. That is what I do. I start over and over and over and I succeed. Always succeed." Blue says.

"Your Blue luck won't last forever." Gervais says.

"If you ever loved me, ever cared for me at all, bringing me down wouldn't be so all encompassing to you. You fucked me over and over and over. And foolishly I gave you chance after chance. Even now I gave you an out. I would have stayed friends.

But the whole time I was away, the whole time we were back together you were working on fucking me over again.

Therapy did nothing for you. You are just the same as always. Pathetic. Hurting me to make your life seem better. Your life will never be better.

You can't accept anything good. You always have to have a grenade ready to throw. You've thrown the last one because I will never, ever forgive this. Ever. Have a nice life with Fergus. Clambering for the next deal to make you rich, losing your fortune alone the way.

You will never be happy and that is why I don't need to take revenge." Blue says and holds the door open.

Will crosses the room quickly and catches Blue as he crumples in tears.

"You were so mean babe but so brave. I am so proud of you." Will says comforting Blue.

Blue sobs and sobs and Will holds him and Sunny tries to comfort him too.

"I feel so bad." Blue sobs.

"You did the right thing. You cannot go another round with him. He will break you." Will says.

"I know. I am over him. I am. I love you. But oh Will, it hurts. He betrayed me so much." Blue cries.

"You are so strong. I am going to make you a hot chocolate and you are going to have a soak in the tub and I will hold you all night long." Will says.

"I want round two." Blue says with a smile and hugs Will closely.

"Round one was amazing." Will says.

"I feel so skinny next to you. You need to muscle me up." Blue says.

"You don't need to fake it for me. You can wallow for the night." Will says.

"Will, I am actually okay. I really am. I needed that closure. He just doesn't see that he has done me wrong. I'm more mad that Abby's trust was misplaced." Blue says.

"Me too babe. But it's okay. You have me and Chris, Larry, Andy, Spence and Ocean. Birch has always had your back too. We all love you. We have so much." Will says.

"I know. That's why I am okay. And I'm feeling bad but I am not apologising and I am not calling him. Now get in bed because I am going to ride you all night long." Blue grins and Will carries Blue to the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 85

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