Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Aug 7, 2020


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"Well? Was anything real or were you just playing me this whole time to make your fortune with Fergus?" Blue asks.

"It was real. Blue you know it was real. I put all of this aside for you. To be with you. Sure I sold a building to Fergus but that was to make sure we had money if I couldn't access my own. I walked away from my life for you. From all the deals, from Ocean, my friends, my home. All of it for you and it wasn't enough for you." Gervais says.

"Stop with the sentimental shit. How did things start. Some of these deals have been years in the making. I am certain you didn't want me to know. I am certain you kept me short of money so I couldn't afford a lawyer. I am certain you kept me busier than was safe for me so that I wouldn't have a moment to think. That I wouldn't ask about the inheritance. I think you got back with me after Birch's visit because you were scared." Blue says.

"I never think that long term. I am just not that calculating." Gervais says.

"You lied to me at trials." Blue says.

"No I didn't. I've never tried to stop you doing anything, I never hid anything, you never asked my plans." Gervais says.

"Seriously? At no point did you mention Fergus, not when we were getting ready to leave, not when I agreed to split the will with you, never. But now I know why you wanted to stay at the farm and not move on. You could have told me you had business opportunities there. You made it sound like you were not giving much up when you came with me. Fergus, how the fuck could you go to Fergus?" Blue asks.

"He came to me. At Spence and Andy's wedding he got talking to Abby and he already knew about some opportunities in the area a friend of his. I offered to help. I was bored. It wasn't real, Abby was still alive. I took deals to her and she refused them. Then she left it all to me and I called up Fergus." Gervais says.

"And planned to rip me off, low balling the sales and taking a cut on the other side. Gervais you're doing deals with guys like my Grandfather. You're insane." Blue says.

"It wasn't like that. Sure some of the ideas were close to the edge but I've not done any of it." Gervais says.

"But you will. With Fergus. Fergus who took you away from me. Who started all this shit off. If you hadn't left me for him you would never have dated Chris." Blue says.

"And now? You want me to forget it all? You know that whatever happens the arena is happening. You can be part of my deal or it'll be compulsory purchase soon." Gervais says.

"I don't know. I can't do anything can I? You own it all anyway. You always claim to be looking after my share. But you never, ever are. I will not be a part of any dodgy deals. You know that. And you will never, ever own the farmhouse or barn again, that land will not go to Fergus." Blue says.

"I'm not with him." Gervais says.

"You're exploiting me and my mental health to make him rich. I hate you. I hate both of you. I was going to just give you what you wanted for an easy life but I am more and more angry at you." Blue says.

"You did just as bad to me. You know you did. Your hotel project, some poor guys would have lost their life savings on that project for you to get it cheap. You are making me homeless." Gervais says.

"You can afford a house. You own a ton of buildings. I've not done anything to you. You've hidden and manipulated me. You couldn't have hurt me more if you tried. Fucking Fergus." Blue says.

"If it hadn't been him it would have been someone else. You should be thanking me for maximizing your profit." Gervais says.

"I never wanted the money. You know it'll go into charities and work schemes. Some of the buildings could have helped people. Or the money. I don't know. I was just getting to it, and you come here and fuck it up for me. It's all tainted. Keep all of it and go. Never talk to me again. Never call me. I'm done. Totally done." Blue says.

"You treated me just as badly. Remember that. You strung me along and ran back to Will. I gave up everything to be with you. Everything. All of this was for you. I would have told you when I pulled it off but you never trusted me. Never put me first. You are just as much as asshole as me." Gervais says.

"Maybe I am. We are toxic together. Now get out." Blue says.

"I'm going to be here. I like Kayden. I'm staying. Sure I need to go back and see my lawyer but as you are taking my home away I will be settling here." Gervais says.

"Fuck you. Kayden will work out who you really are and dump you soon enough." Blue says.

"So we're back to sorting all this through lawyers? You won't be civil to me?" Gervais asks.

"I will try to reclaim everything unless you cut Fergus out entirely. It's your call, you can give my lawyer your answer." Blue says and Gervais leaves shaking his head.

Blue texts Will to update him and grabs his backpack and Sunny and goes for a run. He lets the anger run out of him. The last thing he wants is a lengthy legal battle but he also doesn't want to give in, wants to honor what Abby wanted.

Blue stops and sits against a tree, takes out his water and a brownie. Smiles to himself. He's forgotten he had the brownie, it smells so good. Sunny races off to chase rabbits or squirrels and Blue laughs as he goes.

As he takes another drink he hears a group of people approaching. He calls sunny and he come tearing up to Blue panting and happy. Blue fishes out his leash and snaps it on, Sunny looks up a little confused, he's usually allowed to run free in the woods.

"What are you doing here?" A tall man with a clipped accent asks.

"Just walking my dog." Blue says casually.

"Well these are private woods and you have no right to be here." The man says, his friends nodding behind him.

"Is that so. And who gave you permission?" Blue asks curious and amused.

"We camp here every year, our college buddy owns this land, well his parents." The man says.

"Your college buddy, Kayden?" Blue asks.

"That's right." The man says.

"I suggest you look up the title before ordering me off my land again. You're free to camp but leave nothing behind." Blue says and sets off with Sunny before they can reply.

Blue can't be bothered keeping other people's secrets and lies any more. He likes Kayden and understands why he might have wanted to fit in with those guys but they are too old for such shit and no one is going to tell him what he can and can't do here.

Blue and Sunny run up to see Larry and Chris.

"You guys awake?" Blue asks.

"Yeah, you okay?" Larry asks.

"Gervais and I imploded everything. We'll sort everything through our lawyers now. He can fuck off if he thinks I'll go easy on him to have an easy life. I am about to go into business with DeShawn and he has an image to protect. Everything has to be above board." Blue says.

"Sounds sensible. Was it that bad?" Larry asks.

"I'll send you the report." Blue says fishing out his phone.

"So what brings you here." Larry asks.

"I thought we could do the stall. Get selling." Blue says.

"I thought I'd wait for Andy to get back." Larry says.

"Okay, make sure you include me. What did you think of Kayden's parents?" Blue asks and tells Larry about his run in earlier.

"What dicks. I love Kayden's parents. I'm pretty sure they were pretty well to do but sold their home to put Kayden through school. They love the orchard though." Larry says.

"Sorry I'm interrupting your first proper day with Chris." Blue says.

"It is fine, he's in the bath. I have some peaches from yesterday, why don't you turn them in to something while I read this." Larry says.

"Okay. I love peaches." Blue grins and takes stock of what other ingredients they have.

"Blue this is shocking." Larry says looking up from what he's reading.

"I know. I am so mad." Blue says.

"I could kill him. I really could. What was he thinking? Some of this is so close to the line." Larry says.

"I have told him if Fergus stays involved then I will go after getting everything." Blue says.

"That is a lot milder than I would have done." Larry says.

"I told Will everything. You know this has made us closer and me going nuclear on Gervais gives us a better starting point I think." Blue says.

"I really feel like there is still a piece missing." Larry says and Blue tells Larry Gervais version of things as he cooks, not noticing Chris coming in as he talks.

"I could kill him." Chris says.

"Sorry bro, I was going to tell you." Blue says.

"Hey I love that you're confiding in Larry. This report is something else. Are you going to dig some more?" Chris asks.

"No, I don't want to know. This is more than enough to deal with. I don't want Gervais to lose any more of his privacy, I just want to sort it out without screwing anyone over, well except maybe Fergus." Blue says.

"You are too nice. He best not come anywhere near me." Chris says.

"He says he likes Kayden and is staying here." Blue says shaking his head.

"Is he hell." Chris shouts banging his fist on the table.

"Don't do anything. I can handle it." Blue says.

"What are you making Blue? It smells amazing." Larry asks trying to diffuse Chris.

"It really does." Chris says getting up to hug his brother.

"Here, have a grilled peach with some yogurt." Blue says handing Chris a bowl and passing one to Larry.

"So good. What else? Is that cobbler and more muffins?" Chris asks poking about.

"Yes and yes. And I'll do a big peach melba cake tomorrow, I need to pick up a few things." Blue says.

"Just like this is amazing. I didn't even notice you putting them on the griddle." Larry says.

"I should have made waffles too." Blue says.

"Mmmmmmmmmm." Chris says with a smile, anger gone.

Next: Chapter 84

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