Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jul 27, 2020


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Blue makes a huge sigh. There is a lot of information to take in. He bends down and pets Sunny who enthusiastically tries lick Blue's face.

"You goof. You are the greatest dog ever. You are the greatest doggie, you are, you are." Blue says and he gets down and plays with the dog on the floor.

"What are we going to do Sunny?" Blue asks his pup, hoping for an answer.

"Yeah I think a bubble bath sounds really good too." Blue says as Sunny yelps.

Blue tries to push everything out of his head as he soaks in the hot water. He feels ill with worry. With a heavy heart Blue goes to bed. Sunny jumps up and sleeps next to Blue, knowing he doesn't want to be alone.

Blue wakes early, he slept okay but knows he won't be able to get back to sleep. Blue calls Will figuring he has a day off as the women are competing.

"Hey Blue how are things?" Will asks.

"I miss you. A lot is going on and I just needed to talk to you." Blue says.

"Well I am really glad you called. You always frustrated me trying to save me from your problems." Will says.

"We're starting off right. Though it is a lot to ask a new not even had our first date relationship. Can you be friend Will for now?" Blue asks.

"Blue we're never going to manage taking it slow. I will be whatever you need right now." Will says and his words and smile melt Blue's heart.

"Gervais showed up a few days ago. Said we were spending too much on lawyers sorting out the properties." Blue begins.

"Gervais showed up at your house? Are you shitting me? Did you have sex?" Will asks.

"No Will. I would never. He stayed in the spare room. He came with me to cook for Kayden and they flirted and basically started dating right in front of me." Blue says.

"Oh babe, that is cold. What a dick. What a colossal dick." Will says.

"He's at the hotel now, though comes over to watch Ocean, great job, amazing. Is he thrilled or disappointed?" Blue asks.

"Thrilled. Tenth first time out is amazing and he's cemented his place on the national team and his international rep, whatever happens. Now stop it and back to you. You're not on an ego trip, we can celebrate Ocean's success when we get back." Will says.

"So when Gervais and I started to go through the properties it was fine, there were some he wanted and I thought nothing of it. Then I overheard him on a call to Fergus and my senses went insane. I did a little digging, I talked to W and to Ollie and Larry. I employed an investigator. Can I send you the report, the interim report and my options? Maybe call me back in an hour? Do you have the time?" Blue asks.

"Yes of course I do. You're not your bio dad Blue. Whatever Gervais is mixed up you are not okay? You're not the mob, you're not supporting the mob." Will says.

"I know. Please just read it. I'll take Sunny out and then we can talk." Blue says.

"I love you Blue. Whatever is in this. Whatever you decide to do about it. I am by your side. I'm yours." Will says.

"I love you too. I'm doing great some days and shit others. I am so proud of myself for doing this. Oh and I'm going to do with cookies with DeShawn and Ollie. Ocean too if he decides to go pro." Blue says.

"Really? Oh Blue, there you are. My sexy entrepreneur." Will grins.

"You like the idea? You'll endorse them?" Blue asks.

"You bet your ass I will. Talk to you soon. Text me when you're back from your walk." Will says.

"I will. Thanks babe." Blue grins.

"Come on pup, lets go for a walk." Blue says and Sunny gets up and yelps in delight.

Will reads through the report and is surprised, surprised at the complexity of the deals, the amount of planning that must have gone in to them, the palms greased.

Will reads about the most recent events and gets angry. Gervais is clearly on both sides, selling properties to himself, planning to low ball Blue and make his money on the other side. Sneaky.

The only thing Will knows for sure is that Abby would hate all of these big deals. Chances are she bought some of the property to prevent things happening in the past. But Abby is gone and Blue doesn't need the money or the hassle.

"What do you want Blue? Revenge, Justice or a fast exit?" Will asks.

"I don't know. The need for revenge is strong right now but I'll regret that down the line. When I thought Gervais was doing this to get revenge on me, for dumping him I really wanted revenge but it isn't that." Blue says.

"You have to have it out with Gervais and then decide. I will love you and be by your side whatever you decide. Quite honestly, I don't think you need more background or further detail. This is enough and for what it is worth I do not think Gervais manipulated Abby if that is what you are worried about. You should go and visit Gladys to confirm. She would know." Will says.

"You're right. I will go and see Gladys and then confront Gervais. I'll go today. Thanks Will, you've been amazing. Please keep it from Spence and Andy for now." Blue says.

"Of course. Thanks for trusting me." Will says.

"I should have before." Blue says.

Will smiles after the call. He's so ready to be with Blue. Blue is finally ready too. This time it will work out. This time they truly trust each other and there will be no Gervais in the back of Blue's heart.

"My darling boy, you came to see me." Gladys says smiling.

"I did, and I bought you cookies. Strong ginger bread, they're soft not crisp. And Abby's old favorites." Blue says hugging his old friend.

"You know the way to a girl's heart." Gladys says.

"Not bad for a gay boy." Blue laughs.

"Now you didn't come all this way just to bring me cookies." Gladys says.

"No? Are you sure? I know I've asked you about Abby and her will before but I need to know for sure. Gervais and I broke up. Will and I are going to be back together, if that makes any difference." Blue asks.

"She loved you as a son, you know that. She trusted you. She wasn't attached to the buildings, only the farms." Gladys says.

"Did Gervais persuade her to leave things to him in the interim?" Blue asks.

"She wanted me to do it and I said no. I worried that I wouldn't live to see you again. I love that you came back to me Blue. Abby was going to use the board as trustees for you but she fell out with the board and so she changed it to Gervais. Blue, I hope she didn't do the wrong thing." Gladys says.

"No, no she didn't. I just have some decisions to make. Sorry if I tired you out with these boring things. Did you hear about Ocean?" Blue asks and they sit and gossip until Gladys is too tired.

"You come back to me boy, don't leave it too long." Gladys says.

"I will always come back, you know that. I will bring cake next time, I promise." Blue says hugging his friend.

Blue ponders his options on the plane home and can't work out if he wants to confront Gervais tonight or sleep on it. He collects Sunny and they run before falling asleep in a pile together.

The next morning Chris, Larry and Gervais arrive to watch Garrett's floor final and Blue drags himself out of bed, not expecting them. Only Larry knows he was gone the day before.

"You're slacking on breakfast duties." Chris grins.

"Would it have hurt you to bring some egg sandwiches for once." Blue replies.

"Fine, fine. I can deal with toast. You have those lovely preserves any way." Chris grins and kisses Blue's cheek, worried about him.

Garrett is seventh after several falls.

"He looks done in." Blue says.

"Too much fucking around probably." Gervais says.

"Little slut." Chris laughs.

"Will will be mad as hell. Still its fucking awesome to be seventh in the world at anything." Larry says.

"I am going back to bed. You coming for dinner later?" Chris asks.

"I have things to do today bro. Enjoy your lazy day." Blue laughs.

Larry looks at Blue slightly worried but figures he has it in hand.

"Lets get things sorted now Gervais. We've procrastinated long enough and Will will be back in a couple of days." Blue says.

"Sure. Let me make some more coffee, I'm not awake." Gervais says.

"Fine." Blue says tidying up and making sure Sunny is okay.

"Where's all your charts and plans?" Gervais asks.

"Why are you in business with Fergus and trying to rip me off?" Blue asks.

"Oh please. Sure I have some deals lined up. Why shouldn't I? It's half mine. You cut me out of the hotel deal with Spence. You cut me out of development here. You have tried to get Ocean to make me homeless. You dumped me. You dumped me and took my home. I gave up everything for you. Why shouldn't I make something from what I have left. Rip you off? You've been mugging me off for months." Gervais replies getting louder and louder.

"So it was revenge? For the hotel? For dumping you? You called Fergus, of all people? Revenge? After everything I have been through you still thought I needed a lesson?" Blue asks coldly.

"Yeah, I don't have a future with you and you made that clear the minute you cut me out of the hotel. When you started making plans without me. When you didn't tell Will to fuck off. Which I imagine he is about to do to me. So what if I make a little out of this. You can't have everything. I had to look out for me. I gave up everything for you. I gave up the company, my home, I used my money to get us settled and you threw it all away." Gervais says turning on the waterworks.

"If this was all about me dumping you, how come you and Fergus have been putting together plans since before Abby even died?" Blue says and throws a print out of the PI report in Gervais face.

Next: Chapter 83

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