Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jul 13, 2020


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"I am sorry but Larry has asked for my help doing the harvest the next few days." Blue says when Gervais comes back from the call.

"No problem. I can't just interrupt your life. There is no rush." Gervais says.

"How was Kayden?" Blue asks.

"Hot, we didn't do anything, just talked and he was pretty tired." Gervais says.

"And you have a date on Friday?" Blue asks.

"Yeah, it's weird I'm sorry. Can I stay at the hotel?" Gervais asks.

"That would be better. This is too weird. Lets go over now, you can use my suite." Blue says.

The following day Blue and Larry accompany Chris to his first day of school. They take him to breakfast before dropping him off. Chris loves the fuss. He and Blue didn't get to share their first days at school and they are both wanting to make up for that.

"I love you, be good." Blue says as he hugs Chris goodbye.

"Thanks bro. This was perfect." Chris says.

"Not that I think you're 6, but I made you lunch and a snack." Blue says handing a bag to Chris.

"Now go be the best vet ever." Larry says hugging and kissing his man.

"Can we go for coffee?" Blue asks.

"Sure. Out or at mine?" Larry asks.

"At yours is fine. I need some advice." Blue says.

"What is it?" Larry asks once they are settle with drinks.

"Can you not tell Chris this yet? I don't want him to get mad or unfocused." Blue asks.

"I am not comfortable with hiding anything from him, but I'll give you time to tell him." Larry says.

"Gosh you are perfect for him. I think Gervais and possibly Fergus are trying to scam me and I'm not sure if I should stop them or just let them get on with it to separate from Gervais all the faster." Blue says.

"You will never be happy if you let it happen. With Dad and his will it wasn't about the money or the farm it was about fairness and my mom's legacy. Mom before she was sick put so much into the farm and dad could not have got to where he was without her and our support. Same with your mom and Chris when they sued Chris's parents. Sure it was about the money for Chris but for your momma it was about finding out where the money had gone and why there were ripping her off. She could afford to pay for their school twice over it was no big deal but she needed to know why. What do you know so far?" Larry asks.

Blue outlines things he has found out. About redevelopments going on and how Gervais is undervaluing properties to get more.

"I just scratched the surface. I have bought myself a few days, saying you need harvest help." Blue says.

"If I were you I would pay for an investigator, on all your buildings, on the developments you've found and Fergus and Gervais involvement in any of the companies." Larry says.

"I think you're right. I need the full picture first. I don't have an issue if Gervais has plans to redevelop a site but it feels like he is hiding everything. I have a huge feeling of unease, just as I have since he asked for the property back from Ocean. He says he would pay for it but it doesn't feel right." Blue says.

"I agree. But you seemed okay with his reasons when you got back from trials." Larry says.

"I was, and everything seemed okay dealing with lawyers. But then he got here, saying he wanted to avoid the legal costs and I thought okay, we'll be friends again and do it in person and I was okay. Them I was sure he was on the phone with Fergus or someone who knew Fergus and I started looking even more closely. If he'd just transferred a bunch to me a while ago I wouldn't have worried, I would have trusted him. Sold up my share or been a landlord or whatever and I wouldn't have looked into his half at all. But by being slow he tripped my Veronica Mars switch." Blue says.

"I'm glad. You need to tell Chris something because he has been going on about investigating Gervais himself. Knowing you're on it would actually make him focus more." Larry says.

"I'll come up with something. Can I help up here for a few days? If I set an investigator off I'll need some distractions." Blue says.

"Yeah we do need help. You're welcome any time. And Sunny." Larry says petting the dog who has pushed back in to the kitchen from outside.

"Thanks Larry. I'll get the facts and decide. I don't even know what I want from this." Blue says.

"You could just claim everything." Larry says.

"I gave my word. I don't need it all. If I had been around and known Abby's plan then it would be different." Blue says.

"Come on lets go help the crew." Larry says and Blue smiles. Physical labor is exactly what he needs. Sunny yelps and runs in circles round them trying to help.

"I'll make dinner while you collect Chris." Blue says.

"Do you have time to make dessert?" Larry asks.

"I hid some pies in your freezer already." Blue grins.

"Perfect. Thanks for today Blue." Larry says.

"Thanks for the advice, and letting me share Chris's first day." Blue says.

"He wouldn't have it any other way. I am glad you two get along." Larry says.

"Me too." Blue smiles.

Blue puts dinner on and takes Sunny for a quick walk thinking about what to do. Finding out the full extent or as much as he can about Gervais and Fergus plan feels best. On a whim Blue calls W, Spence's oldest brother.

"Sorry to call out the Blue. How is the family?" Blue asks.

"They are doing great. Tommy loves school, though isn't pleased that you and Gervais left. AB and I love the glamping on your old property, made dropping Tommy at school a lot of fun." W says.

"I guess you know it isn't a social call. I just wondered if you knew what Fergus is up to, on the real estate front. I imagine he has moved on from beach rentals." Blue says.

"Oh boy. I don't really keep in contact with him. He pops up every six months or so with a scheme. Currently it is a new arena near Spence's old gym. I don't listen too hard. He is always too close to the line with legalities for me to risk anything. But he always asks." W says.

"That makes sense. Thanks. I have some property and I was trying to work out his interest." Blue says.

"Tread carefully, if he can pull a favor he will, if he can skirt the law or manipulate a situation he will. He has not changed." W says.

"I'm sorry. You three are all so different." Blue says.

"Yes, I am so proud of Spence, off with the world team again. Starting a new business, the hotel of yours sounds a great idea. I love the idea of providing space to start ups, creating a campus like that. I think my grandparents would have been really proud that that is what the beach house was able to do. They loved that house but they were not against change." W says.

"I'll tell him you said that, it will mean a lot. Thanks for the information. I'll tread carefully." Blue says.

"Good to hear from you Blue. I am glad you are back in society and I am so proud of Ocean making that team, we will all be up in the small hours to watch." W says.

"Me too. I can't wait." Blue says and smiles.

"What's that look?" Chris asks coming in and hugging Blue.

"Just thinking. Good first day?" Blue asks.

"Yeah. I am not even the oldest which is cool. I'm excited and so ready." Chris says.

"Good, go wash up and I'll serve up." Blue says kissing his brother on the cheek.

"Cannelloni? My favorite." Chris grins as Blue puts out the meal.

"Mine too. Mmmmmm. I can't wait for it to get colder and you start making lasagna and bean stews." Larry grins.

"Baked potato soup." Chris and Larry say together.

"So Chris, I have taken on board your thoughts on Gervais and I'm hiring an investigator to look into some of the properties. Please don't let on to him." Blue says and Larry smiles.

"I am so proud of you bro. That sounds great." Chris grins.

"He's staying at the hotel, too weird to have him with me when he and Kayden are dating." Blue says.

"I thought Kayden had better taste." Chris says.

"You dated Gervais." Larry says.

"Ancient history." Chris laughs.

"Ocean's session will be about 6am. If you want to come down to watch over breakfast." Blue says changing the subject.

"Apple pancakes?" Chris asks.

"Could do. I have so much fruit, Kayden's parents leave a box every few days they are like Claude used to be." Blue laughs.

"They'll be wanting a rent reduction." Larry laughs.

"They can whistle, they have a very good deal." Blue grins.

"You think they sold up to pay for Kayden's school?" Chris asks.

"That makes sense. Your tuition is steep as fuck." Larry says.

"Lucky for me momma and Blue can afford it." Chris says.

"It is all momma right now. Are you okay with the commute this week? We can get you set up at the hotel if you need it." Blue says.

"Right now the commute is fine. When I'm needing to study long hours, then I'll want the hotel. We have 2 or three crops to finish and then Larry can come with me until pumpkin season." Chris says.

"Andy will be able to manage the workers for that." Larry says.

"Do I smell apple pie? Oh gosh can you imagine how good the cooking will be when those pumpkins ripen. Larry we will be so spoiled. Thanks for lunch too, that was perfect." Chris smiles.

"You're welcome. I loved to be able to do that for you. I had fun cooking for Kayden until he and Gervais started flirting. It wasn't that I wanted him. It just stung." Blue says honestly.

"Well you don't have to again. What a dick." Larry says.

Blue gets up early, does a quick yoga session and runs with Sunny before showering and making pancakes ready for Chris and Larry who pile in all sleepy.

"So this is day 2 but there are more sessions after so we won't know about finals til later?" Chris asks trying to understand.

"That's right but we'll have some idea. Some of the big teams have gone already." Blue says.

"Is it okay if I join you?" Gervais asks walking in.

"Bit late to say no." Chris says.

"It's fine, we're all here to cheer for Ocean. Help yourself to food and coffee." Blue says.

"What's this juice?" Gervais asks.

"Kayden's parents keep bringing loads of fruit, its apple, pear and celery. It's pretty good but has to be drunk fast." Blue says.

"Tasty." Gervais says drinking a glass.

The four watch, holding their breath through each of Ocean's routines. Garrett has been subbed on to the team for 3 events. Ocean is doing all six which is a surprise as last time Blue spoke to Will he had said it would be just four.

"Well he looked fucking awesome to me. I best get going." Chris says as Ocean hits his last routine.

"He should make all around and pbars." Gervais says looking relieved.

"And Garrett killed it on floor." Blue says.

"Our little Ocean, making world finals. Amazing." Larry says with a smile.

For a moment all animosity to Gervais is forgotten and the four are united in pride.

Next: Chapter 81

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