Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jul 5, 2020


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"What are you doing here. I thought you were going to worlds." Blue says confused.

"I gave my package to a parent who didn't have tickets. With all this back and forth over the property with our lawyers, I thought it would save us a pile of cash to do it in person." Gervais says.

"You could have called. Why show up?" Blue asks.

"Okay it is a total shitstorm at home. I caught George fucking Robin, then Birch arrived and caught me shouting at them. I'd told George he was out. Birch clearly isn't in the mood to collaborate now. I needed to get away while they work all their shit out." Gervais says.

"Is Birch okay? I should call him." Blue says.

"No he isn't. He thought Robin could be trusted, stupid fool. Robin has always been a ho." Gervais says.

"I thought Birch and the kids might tame him. I think he and Ella were as bad as each other in their way. Fuck I shouldn't judge so much." Blue says.

"Judge away. Ella was a cunt and Robin still is. I just don't want to be around that sort of crap." Gervais says.

"Want some dinner?" Blue asks.

"Can I shower? Feel pretty gross from the plane. Is it okay that I stay? I know we've not been friends or anything recently." Gervais says.

"Your choice. Yes you can stay, I'll make up the spare bed." Blue says confused and a little mad that Gervais has shown up while Will is away.

"You might want to avoid my brother while you're here. He doesn't believe you about the inheritance and thinks there is something you are hiding." Blue says as they sit down to eat.

"Well I don't give a shit what Chris thinks. He has been more than happy to take our money. You've given him a fucking farm. I appreciate all he has done for you but seriously he has broken your trust far more than I have with malicious intent, which I never had. Do you believe me?" Gervais asks.

"I did, but I don't now. Not now you've shown up. You turning up has my heckles raised. Especially now, coming when Will is away, not going to worlds." Blue says.

"You and Will are together?" Gervais asks.

"No, not yet. We have talked about having a date when you get back. Gervais you told me you didn't want to be friends. You didn't want us to be anything. So why exactly are you here? I don't believe it is just lawyer's fees and escaping Robin's shit." Blue says.

"Is this your way of telling me to get a hotel?" Gervais asks.

"I don't want any nasty surprises." Blue says.

"Did you ever trust me?" Gervais asks.

"I did. Right up until you told me we couldn't take a break. I loved you so much, I needed a few weeks, a month to decompress and get my shit together. I need more time alone than before. Once I got the balance right, I was back to being me. I was sad I couldn't be me for you." Blue says honestly.

"I waited enough. Pushing me away wasn't how we were going to solve our relationship issues." Gervais says.

"I know. I know there was too much resentment on both sides for us to work." Blue says.

"We could have worked through it." Gervais says.

"Ancient history now." Blue says.

"You do look well. I'm glad you're doing better, I am." Gervais says.

"What are you going to do next?" Blue asks.

"Get George the fuck away from me. Robin, fuck I don't know. He needs help with the kids, I'd hate for them to suffer but I can't be around him. He can't live at my place, he needs to sort himself out. Birch and I will talk but I don't know about hiring people or whatever. It's difficult, I wanted to do a project with my friends, running a business it's maybe not for me. I'm too lazy." Gervais says and grins.

"You're not but I totally get what you mean. We could use you on the hotel project. You know we'll have like shared receptionists and payroll for the startups. Maybe you could be an extra pair of hands where needed." Blue grins.

"That might be fun. Maybe me, you and Spence should have our version of shark tank. Pitch to us, we invest and give office space." Gervais grins.

"You're thinking about coming to live here." Blue says.

"You Spence and Andy are here. I don't know. I honestly have no clue where to go or what to do. I am hoping sorting out these buildings might give me an idea." Gervais says.

"Oh shit, tomorrow I am cooking for Kayden. We're rearranged like a million times. I have everything ready." Blue says.

"I can't expect you to drop everything. Who is Kayden?" Gervais asks.

"Sunny's vet. He injured his paw just before trials and Kayden was great and Chris asked him to dinner. His parents are my tenants, the ones with the orchards." Blue says.

"You're feeling sorry for the busy single vet and hoping he can help Chris out along the line." Gervais says.

"He teaches a class that Chris will probably take. Chris thought he would be a good guy for me but I'm not interested." Blue says.

"He is gay?" Gervais asks.

"Yes, Ocean flat out asked him." Blue laughs.

"I'll come and help. We can get out all the awkwardness between us while we cook and then it'll be easier to do the building stuff. I'm in no rush." Gervais says.

"Are we on our way back to being friends? We always have our worst fights before we decide we can't live without each other. I just worry that you have lived without me for so long that you realized life was better without me." Blue says.

"Blue it is hard being friends with someone I have amazing sex with. The trouble with us is the sex masks so much that is wrong and we get past the point of repair before realizing it. I adore you, I will always love you. We can't be together it is too destructive. I turn into a dick, you become an insecure mouse. We can be friends without benefits. I think. I want to anyway. At least I know you wouldn't be a total ho like Robin and George. You might have missed out on some development but you grew up more than they did in the last eight years." Gervais says.

"I love you G, I never wanted us to not be friends." Blue says and hugs his best friend tightly.

"If your brother dares to object I will throw history in his face. I mean it." Gervais says.

The following day Gervais and Blue are prepping and cooking at Kayden's place. Sunny is snoring at their feet, not wanting to be too far away from Blue. Sunny did not like Blue being away at trials.

"You make great pasta." Blue says as Gervais puts his dough through the roller.

"You taught me well and all these sauces smell so good." Gervais says.

"Everything smells amazing." Kayden says coming in.

"Kayden, this is Gervais, my ex. He's been helping with the food." Blue says.

"Good to meet you Gervais. Are you staying for a while?" Kayden asks.

"I don't know yet. I might get involved with the hotel project if Spence will have me." Gervais says.

"Well its really nice to meet you. It is so weird having the gay population explode like this." Kayden says.

"Maybe you could show me round a bit. Where the existing gay population hang out. When you have time." Gervais says.

"I'd like that. Friday night?" Kayden asks.

"Sure. Let me just give you my number." Gervais says.

Gervais and Kayden continue to flirt as they finish up the cooking and give Kayden instructions on everything.

"I feel like just eating the lot right now." Kayden grins.

"Well I made us some soup and bread for dinner and a spinach pie." Blue says getting the pie out the oven.

"My apartment has never smelt this good." Kayden grins.

"This pie is new. I didn't even notice you making it." Gervais grins.

"Trying to come up with some semi healthy options for Ocean. I like it." Blue says.

"It is real good and this soup too. So much better than the store one." Kayden says.

"I love to create. Gervais is pretty good at it too." Blue says.

"How are you two not insanely fat, I mean if you dated?" Kayden asks.

"Lots of sex." Gervais grins.

"We're both pretty lucky and keep active. You guys want some apple pie and ice cream?" Blue asks.

"Duh!" Kayden grins and Blue serves up.

"I've portioned up a bunch of pie slices and made a little ice cream. I know what it is like on a bad day when you get home and want something sweet. Your parents grow great fruits, I love them." Blue grins.

"They enjoy it." Kayden says.

Blue gets up and starts freezing the food that has cooled over dinner and writes up the instructions as Gervais and Kayden continue to get to know each other.

"I hate to break up a good time but I really need to take Sunny for a run. G I can leave you the car if you want to stay a while." Blue says.

"Is that okay?" Gervais asks.

"Yeah we need a long run." Blue grins.

"Thanks Blue." Gervais whispers as he hugs Blue goodbye.

Blue grins to himself the next morning as the car is still gone. Gervais dating someone will make it a lot easier to move on himself. He doesn't even feel jealous.

Once back from yoga and his run Blue sits down and works through the list of properties. He doesn't want to keep any of them in particular but sees a few have good income streams and so might be worth hanging on to.

"Coffee?" Blue asks when Gervais eventually shows up.

"Please. This looks serious." Gervais says indicating the papers and Blue's laptop and tablet.

"Want to do it properly. Are there any you want in particular? Do you want to keep some near the farm to magic up like Abby used to?" Blue asks.

"There are a cluster in the city I want. I've been thinking I might do my own project instead of trying to jump on you and Spence." Gervais says.

"Here mark them on my spreadsheet." Blue says.

Gervais does and Blue recalculates.

"How do you want to do this? We put half in your name and we both roll the dice on them selling?" Gervais asks.

"I need more control..." Blue begins but is interrupted by Gervais phone.

"Sorry I have to take this." Gervais says.

Blue tries not to listen too hard but is sure Gervais is talking to Fergus. Immediately Blue starts searching on the properties that Gervais has said he wants to see if he can find any permits applied for. Blue feels totally conflicted. Maybe Gervais is hiding something but it is okay for him to want to develop his half....

Next: Chapter 80

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