Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jun 26, 2020


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"Fleece you? Come on what paranoid delusions are you having now?" Gervais asks rolling his eyes.

"I agreed to split Abby's inheritance with you, we split the cash and as we've sold proceeds from properties have been split. But the properties are not selling. Spence and I have mystery shopped and we can't get appointments to view, outright offers to buy are rejected. They are all in your name and you get all the rent.

Part of the reason for splitting the inheritance was to compensate you for the farmhouse and barn, and for buying the old dairy. Now you're trying to take the farmhouse and land back from Ocean. You've moved George in who Ocean doesn't like or trust and changed the barn without clearing it with him.

I know I've taken the lake properties and farms but there is a lot more, right now from my calculations you have about eighty percent of the inheritance. So yeah I feel like you are fleecing me and Ocean, that you're hanging on to everything, controlling everything and making sure I get nothing more now we've broken up." Blue says.

"Do you need cash for anything right now?" Gervais asks.

"Not right now, I have a lot of money, you know that." Blue says.

"So what's the issue? I would have rebalanced things after getting the farmhouse back. I would never, ever stop Ocean from staying. You cannot expect me to come out of this homeless. The farmhouse has been my home for year, the only place I have felt at home. Ocean doesn't want or need it. I will buy him a home when he graduates or drops out given the way things are going. You know, he knows he'll be taken care of. I need a home now." Gervais says.

"Why not tell us what your plan was? And what about the rest?" Blue asks.

"I put all the sales on hold." Gervais says.

"So you admit it." Blue says.

"I did it to stop any more mix ups like with the lake properties. I didn't want you to start questioning why properties you wanted were sold. Yes, I still collect the rents, I also pay all the taxes and insurances. Anything left over is in an account ready to be split at the end of the year. I don't want to do it in dribs and drabs." Gervais says.

"When were you going to tell me? Why didn't you tell my lawyer?" Blue asks.

"As soon as you noticed. You could have asked my lawyer what was going on. You're finally taking notice and we can sort this out. Hopefully without you accusing me of screwing you." Gervais says.

"You should have never made those decisions without me. You had no right." Blue says.

"I was doing what I thought was best. Anything else? Going to serve me papers? Eviction notices?" Gervais asks.

"Why did you give such a biased run down of our past to Ocean? Making me out to be the bad guy." Blue asks.

"You are the bad guy this time. You took and took from me and tossed me aside for not being perfect. I was myself the whole time and you pushed me away." Gervais says.

"I'd disagree but I mean what happened in college, Fergus, Jesse all the shit you did to me." Blue says.

"I had to. Ocean was in a terrible place with Cheryl, he needed a stable, safe and secure home. He would never have trusted me or stayed with me. I had to do it, for him. I thought you would understand that. We both agree he comes first." Gervais says.

"It doesn't fit. It just doesn't make sense." Chris says, Blue has just left after telling them about his trip.

"What now babe?" Larry asks.

"Gervais answer for everything. He told Blue not to call. He fueled the Blue dumped him for Will rumors. He sabotaged the property sales, which could have gone on for years. I have no doubt he planned to keep everything for himself. Blue just buys the explanations. It doesn't make sense." Chris says.

"Blue accepts it though and it makes sense." Larry says.

"I just keep thinking back to the car situation and G accidentally not letting Blue have any money. I just don't buy all of it." Chris says.

"Explain the car thing." Andy says not sure which side he is on or if there are sides.

"When we got to the old dairy, Gervais let us two pick out nice new rides, and he got one. Leaving Blue with the car we'd bought on the way there, you know, the last switched car. It was okay but we had sweet rides. And Gervais gave us some cash. And there was a mix up with Blues. Blue was hauling ass trying to stay afloat, he thought he had to make the café work to fund us all. To get Chris started. But he didn't Gervais had a shit ton of money and Blue was sleeping in his shitty car." Larry says.

"He told me about that. It is interesting to hear your side. I think that as Blue has woken up and won't let G get away with anything it doesn't matter. Blue isn't going to be screwed over." Andy says.

"And he isn't going to get back with G, he clearly doesn't trust him." Larry says.

"I just don't see the end game. We are all missing something." Chris says.

"Gervais had it the worst of all of us. He just doesn't think or act the way most people do. His relationship with his dad, the relationship his dad had with money, it was all fucked up, beyond fucked up." Andy says.

"I know. Other than Blue I probably knew Gervais better than anyone back then. Our relationship was real." Chris says.

"I know. I know you better than anyone. No offence Larry." Andy says.

"Fuck, our lives are way too entwined." Larry says shaking his head.

"You need me to move out?" Andy asks.

"Can you stay with Blue for a bit?" Larry asks.

"Sure, I'll be off to watch worlds and you are starting school. Your suite is ready at the hotel." Andy says.

"Thanks Andy. I am so excited to get started." Chris says.

"Then you need to push all your worries about Blue out of your head. You need to be focused babe." Larry says.

"I am so proud of you. Finally getting your dream." Andy says and heads to pack a bag.

Blue is enjoying playing with Sunny, they missed each other. Blue is decompressing from the trip and planning his next few weeks. He needs to go and see Kayden and cook for him and needs to go through all the properties with a fine toothcomb. He's going to visit them and work out if it makes sense to keep any. He knows he needs to be fair and let Gervais keep what he wants. Fuck, it feels like a divorce.

"Okay if I crash for a few nights?" Andy asks flopping down on the deck.

"Sure, you feeling a bit of a spare part without Spence?" Blue asks.

"I kinda mentioned knowing Chris best. Dick move I know. Anyway, you want to book some sightseeing tours during worlds? While the women are competing?" Andy asks.

"I'm not going. I have a lot to do and I don't want to leave Sunny for too long and I want to be here for Chris starting school. Ocean understands and you, Cheryl and Gervais are going Ocean will have loads of support." Blue says.

"Are you sure? It'll be amazing." Andy says.

"Yeah. I will watch the stream and we'll all cheer here. I love Ocean but Chris will need me. He gets overwhelmed academically so easily and I would be worrying for him if I was away. I need to be here to take care of him." Blue says.

"You two really are that tight? It is quite the adjustment for me to see him seeing you as human." Andy says.

"Please don't tell me about how much he hated me back then. We're good now." Blue says.

"I know how important it is to get away from the past." Andy says.

"Right, we are both trying to work on a better future." Blue says.

"I missed having you around." Andy says.

"Here now." Blue says.

"I get so angry." Andy says.

"Me too. Angry and sad but mostly numb." Blue says.

"Are you really sure about not coming?" Andy asks.

"Yeah. I kinda want Will to really miss me." Blue grins.

"You two? Finally?" Andy asks.

"He said he was going to ask me on a date when he gets back. He has a bit of work to do and he'll be busy starting his business. But you know me, I flourish when I have someone to look after." Blue says.

"Don't lose yourself Blue. Surely you want more than being a househusband?" Andy asks.

"Not really. I have my home, my dog and I'd have my man. A few voluntary projects, keeping an eye on Chris, helping you guys with harvesting and canning the veggies. Fishing and hiking. It is enough for me." Blue says.

"Short term maybe." Andy says.

"It isn't like Will would hold me back if I wanted to do something else." Blue says.

"That is it. Strike two fucking Robin, and strike 3 fucking in the damn office. We are done. You are done here. Pack your shit and go." Gervais says as he walks into the office to find George balls deep in Robin.

"I thought you said he was away another day." Robin says pulling his pants up.

"I thought having a kid would make you grow the fuck up. You are still the same self absorbed cheat that you always were." Gervais says shaking his head.

"For fucks sake, he isn't married." George says.

"His boyfriend is our business partner. Did you come here to fuck up my life?" Gervais asks.

"What was strike one?" Robin asks.

"I fucked Garrett. Or I'm guessing that is what Mr Moral is complaining about. Though who I fuck on my own time shouldn't really count." George shrugs.

"How long has this been going on? Who is looking after the kids? How the fuck could you?" Gervais asks disgusted.

"We like sex, what is the big deal? You didn't want George and Tad has the kids." Robin says.

"Do you not give a shit about Birch?" Gervais asks.

"It isn't like he won't have a different groupie or student sucking his dick every night on tour." Robin shrugs.

"Like hell I would." Birch says coming in, angry as all hell.

Next: Chapter 79

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