Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jun 24, 2020


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"He could do it." Gervais says to George.

"You think?" George asks.

"He's in second, his best event is last." Gervais says.

"But the guy in first has vault to go and that always scores higher." George says.

"Still second is amazing. He should still make it right?" Gervais says.

"Who knows." George says.

"You think he can do it?" Blue asks.

"No, they've been lowballing him all night. He and Garrett have the same start scores and Garrett has had a fall and that big step out on floor, Ocean has been on fire and is only .3 ahead. They don't want him." Andy says.

"You really know the sport." Blue says.

"I was married to a coach. You remember that trip to Vegas? It was the first time I loved watching sports. I've followed it ever since, I love it. I go to nationals every year, watching Will in Rio was the highlight of my life, after my wedding." Andy says.

"Ocean could be second and not make the team?" Blue asks.

"He has to be first to be guaranteed a spot." Andy says.

"The guy who is leading wasn't at nationals, the winner from there is doing shit." Blue says.

"Yep. All Spence and Will's summer kids are doing great, Garrett has had a few mistakes but they clearly like him. And the others have hit their best events." Andy says.

"You have got this. Your new set is perfect. Stage strong, keep it tight." Spence says as Ocean awaits his turn.

"Great job Garrett. Tiny shuffle but you should get your full start value." Will says as Garrett steps off the podium.

"Thanks so much man." Garrett says and hugs Will tightly.

"Lets see if both of you can make this dang team." Will says and they turn to watch Ocean.

"Perfect." Blue, Gervais, Andy and George all say in their seats before jumping up and screaming.

Blue and Gervais lock glances for a second and grin at each other, they are on the same side today at least.

Ocean is in the lead with one gymnast to go.

Blue can hardly bear to look.

Ocean busies himself removing tape from his wrists and tries not to pay attention.

"Holy shit." Blue says.

"Did he land head first?" George asks.

"That'll be a zero." Andy says.

"Ocean has it." Gervais says trying not to jump up in glee when the leader's competition has ended in disaster.

"You've got it. Go shake hands." Will says touching Ocean on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, you're Ocean's college coach aren't you? Or former I suppose now." Blue says to a man across the aisle.

"Yeah that's right, terrific performance tonight." The coach says.

"I'm really sorry all the stress and trouble my family caused you this year." Blue says.

"It wasn't ideal." The coach says.

"Was it why he was dropped from the team?" Blue asks.

"I'm no longer the headcoach I was offered a job close to where my wife is from, it is a better fit with my family. The new head coach dismissed all the walkons. It was a coincidence it happened when it did. I think they're nuts." The coach says.

"And that's why you didn't return his calls, you no doubt have a new number." Blue says relieved.

"I tried calling him at the time, but with everything I couldn't even leave a message." The coach says.

"Thanks for all you did last year, trying to keep Ocean safe." Blue says.

"He more than contributed and he was a great example to the rest of the team." The coach says and Blue smiles, feeling more relaxed but unhappy for Ocean.

"They're bringing out the team." Andy says.

"Lets go stand with G&G. Lets show Ocean a united front." Blue says.

"Good idea." Andy says.

"How cool was that." Blue says.

"I'm still stupidly nervous." Gervais says.

"Me too." Blue says.

"He's made it. No question, that goofball fucked it." George says.

"Be quiet his parents could be close by." Andy says.

"They could still make him alternate." Gervais says.

"Nah he's in today, they could shaft him right up to competition." Andy says.

The four cheer at the top of their lungs as Ocean is announced first. Garrett is first alternate which Blue knows will cause friction but they cheer anyway.

"Gervais we need to talk." Blue says.

"Not tonight." Gervais says.

Tomorrow then? When is your flight?" Blue asks.

"Not until 3. What about you?" Gervais asks.

"2. Enough time." Blue says.

"Lets meet at 10." Gervais says and describes a coffee place he saw earlier.

"Sounds great." Blue says with a smile.

After the debrief and celebratory drinks with the other coaches and national staff Will is hyped up and horny. He would love to just call up Blue and dive into bed but even in his drunk state he knows that is a bad idea. All he wants is an easy fuck.

He starts swiping, swaps pics with a couple of guys. Then sees a fine ass and within a few minutes has given him his room number without even a face pic.

"Garrett uh, can you come by tomorrow." Will says.

"No, its me G2ABG." Garrett says.

"I'm sorry. This can't happen. Why are you not with Ocean?" Will asks.

"We're over, this process is too stressful to go through with a boyfriend." Garrett says.

"I'm sorry about that. It must be tough. I'm your coach and Ocean is a great friend of mine. This will never happen." Will says.

"Worth a shot. You're hot Will." Garrett says and leaves good naturedly.

Will lies back on his bed and laughs. What a mess that could have been.

"Want to come over and listen to my drunken ramblings?" Will asks.

"That sounds good, though come up to mine, it's an awesome suite." Blue says and gives the number.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Will slurs.

"Shall I come and walk you up?" Blue asks.

"Yesh." Will says feeling drunker by the second.

"Babe, look at you." Blue grins opening the door.

"I tried to have sex and Garrett turned up. Had to have another drink. Might have been one too many." Will giggles.

"Come on. I have a huge bathtub." Blue says.

Will hugs Blue and when they get in the elevator nuzzles against Blue's neck and grins.

"Blue saving me." Will giggles.

"I never saw you drink more than one beer before." Blue says.

"I ssssssssssssssssssselebratinc." Will grins and Blue laughs.

"Here we go." Blue smiles as the elevator opens straight into his room.

"Holy macaroni." Will says.

Blue runs the bath tub and helps Will undress. They climb in and enjoy the view of the city. They sit facing each other in the huge tub.

"Come here." Blue says.

"I might drown if I try and move." Will says.

"I'll save you." Blue says.

Will shifts around and sits between Blue's legs. Blue wraps his arms around Will and kisses his neck.

"I got drunk because of you." Will says.

"Because you looked up and I was here." Blue says.

"Yeah, you missed out on everything. I never got to show you my true best. I was still getting past my injury when you left. Tonight was about as good as it gets for a coach and you were here." Will says.

"And I got to cheer for you." Blue says.

"But it wasn't the same. Didn't make up for it." Will says.

"I don't think I ever can make it up to you." Blue says.

"I always said I would have given it up for you. That it meant nothing without you. But that isn't true. I did an amazing thing. I was an amazing gymnast and I carried you in my heart to every competition, every practice, every ice bath, every physio session, every day. You were with me. You took the decision away from me and it was the right decision. It was so much harder without you." Will says.

"But you did it. You made it and because you made you gave Spence the experience coaching and you two got Ocean there. I couldn't be more proud of you." Blue says.

"I love you Blue." Will says and falls asleep on Blue's chest.

Blue smiles and hugs Will a little longer before lifting him out of the tub, and putting him to bed.

The alarm on Will's phone wakes him.

"Blurrrgh." Will groans.

"Shut it off." Blue says.

"Ugh sorry babe, I have a coaches breakfast and debrief." Will says.

"You best get back and get dressed then. Thanks for last night." Blue says.

"Wait, what did we do?" Will asks.

"We took a bath and we talked. You were adorable. I'm going to miss you." Blue says.

"When I get back I am going to ask you on a date." Will says.

"When you get back, and you ask me on a date. I am going to say yes." Blue says and hugs Will goodbye.

"I'll call you later." Will says.

"You better." Blue grins.

"You did what with who?" Gervais asks stunned.

"I did everything, everything with Garrett, such a hot body." George says over breakfast.

"You fucked Ocean's boyfriend? You piece of shit." Gervais says.

"They broke up." George protests.

"Yeah a couple of hours before you fucked him. George how the fuck could you?" Gervais asks.

"He's young and hot and was gagging for it. Why shouldn't I?" George asks.

"Have a bit of loyalty to Ocean? You know the reason we're here, the kid you've known forever, who you tutored through school. Who loves you as a brother. You are a piece of shit." Gervais says.

"Like you ever waited for anyone's bed to get cold." George says.

"George you're pathetic." Gervais says and throws down his napkin and leaves.

Gervais walks around the block twice trying to calm down before meeting with Blue. He has no idea what to do or say.

Ocean says Blue and Will are not together but are close.

"I got you a scone, they smelled so good when I got here, fresh." Blue says as Gervais sits down.

"Thanks. George put me off my breakfast this morning." Gervais says.

"Why?" Blue asks.

"He fucked Garrett last night." Gervais says.

"Gross. He got turned down by Will too." Blue says.

"George?" Gervais asks.

"No, Garrett." Blue laughs.

"That would have been weird." Gervais says.

"Why didn't you call? It's been months." Blue asks sadly.

"I moved on. Didn't seem any point calling, I don't want the complication of you as a lover or friend." Gervais says.

"Is that why you're ripping me off? Not even friends, so you can fleece me?" Blue asks.

Next: Chapter 78

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