Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jun 15, 2020


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"I think Ocean needs his own bed tonight. You can come in with me." Blue says.

"I'll take the sofa, it's fine." Will says.

"My bed is huge." Blue says.

"Maybe you should have asked Kayden back." Will says.

"Why are you mad? I don't like him like that." Blue says.

"Maybe you should." Will says.

"See you tomorrow." Blue says sadly.

"Blue I saw how you looked at him today." Will says.

"No, you saw how I look at you." Blue says.

Will lies on the couch confused. He knows Blue is a better. A lot better. But he also knows he isn't and he's putting off doing the work until after these trials.

Blue can't sleep at all. Seeing Will today was yet another jolt to his heart. He never for one second thought of Kayden that way. Not before Will arrived or after. That was why he was so candid at dinner, he just wanted a new friend and a mentor for Chris.

"You can't sleep either." Blue says as he walks through ton get some water.

"No, thinking too much." Will says.

"Come to bed and I could remove the tension, no strings." Blue grins.

"That is so not you." Will says.

"I am totally trying to take advantage. You see I have this crush on you and I want to suck your dick." Blue grins.

"Blue!" Will exclaims.

"A boy has to try." Blue says looking at Will lustily and making Will's heart melt.

"Where's Sunny?" Will asks.

"I left him up with Chris as we're off tomorrow. Hopefully his foot will be okay." Blue says.

"Come here and give me a hug." Will says and Blue bounds over.

Will sits up and Blue pulls him close and sighs.

"You still have things to sort out with Gervais." Will says when they break apart.

"Don't put conditions on us. That is what killed me and G, years ago and now." Blue says.

"I'm not asking you to wait." Will says.

"You waited for me. I didn't think anything could happen but you've been so jealous today, it is so cute and gave me a huge dose of hope. I will hold on to my hope and I will wait. I've been so down thinking I would be single forever, that my baggage is too much. Tonight with Kayden was me experimenting, I know he's a nice guy, I just wanted to see what a strangers reaction would be." Blue says.

"He didn't seem to mind. I'm not sure he believed it all, though I bet he's down a rabbit hole reading up on us all tonight." Will laughs.

"I would be." Blue grins.

"Me too." Will grins.

"Come to bed, I won't do anything more than cuddle." Blue says.

"Thanks Blue, for being so open and honest. You've given me hope too." Will says following Blue into his bedroom.

Blue falls asleep smiling and wakes in a Will and Ocean sandwich.

"Ocean, you are not eight any more." Blue says.

"I saw you weren't naked so figured it was okay. I woke in the night, it was a bit chilly so I joined you." Ocean grins.

"Will didn't bribe you to chaperone?" Blue asks.

"No, I maybe I should have." Will say sleepily, snuggling closer to Blue.

"Honestly, it is awesome to wake with you both." Blue says cuddling them both to his chest.

"I slept so deeply, thanks for getting me off the couch." Will says.

"Yoga then breakfast?" Blue asks.

"Yup. I need a serious stretch before we get the plane." Ocean says.

The trio walk down to the shore and Ocean leads them through the poses and they all relax and feel good. Will helps stretch Ocean out fully as Blue watches.

"You are going to do amazing at trials. You're in great shape, you've not lost any of your flexibility." Blue says as they walk back.

"I firmly believe all you taught Ocean saved him from injuries that others got along the way." Will says.

"Totally, my strength and flexibility served me well and my fearlessness. Plus I lucked out having you and Spence to coach me. I am ready." Ocean says.

Blue makes omelets for breakfast as Will and Ocean shower and get ready.

"Smells so good." Will says.

"Dig in. Do you want some milk Ocean?" Blue asks.

"Yes please." Ocean grins.

Blue pours milk for Ocean as Will pours coffee for him and Blue.

"You two totally have my blessing." Ocean says.

"Thanks kid. I'm not there yet but we're on track." Will says.

"Good. I am so embarrassed how I was this summer." Ocean says.

"It has been a weird year. Taking it out on us just means you love and trust us." Will says.

"I didn't even think of that. Thanks Will." Ocean says.

"I will shower. Please double and triple check your gym bag Ocean." Blue says.

Will starts to clean up the kitchen.

"Don't make him wait too long." Ocean says.

"I won't. Lets get you on the team first." Will says.

"You think I can make it? Even after everything?" Ocean asks.

"I expect you to win trials, unless you're screwed over." Will says.

"No pressure." Ocean laughs.

"We've never given you major targets before. Time that changed. Go in thinking you're a winner. You can do this. Spence and I don't coach losers." Will says.

"Thanks Will." Ocean says feeling good that Will has confidence in him.

"All ready?" Spence says coming in.

"I just need to pack up the cookies." Blue says coming through from his shower.

"Perfect." Spence grins.

"So did you and Kayden organize a date?" Andy asks.

"He isn't my type." Blue says.

"Why not?" Andy asks.

"He has a beard, he works long hours." Blue says.

"He didn't run screaming when we unloaded our history." Andy says.

"You date him." Blue huffs and heads out to the car.

Once they arrive Andy and Blue go and get some lunch while the other three head to register and podium training.

"Why so huffy about Kayden?" Andy asks.

"Will and I are talking. We're not there yet but we have hope and while Kayden is a nice guy, he might be a lovely boyfriend, Will could be everything." Blue says.

"I get it. I'm so lucky Spence had a change of heart. I thought Wyatt was the ultimate younger me and I would never, ever have another chance." Andy says.

"I didn't do anything to Will. I mean I chose Gervais, but Will was married at the time." Blue says.

"I know. And everyone wants to see you happy, except maybe Gervais." Andy says.

"Did you speak to him much? Before you left?" Blue asks.

"No. Once they welcomed Tad on board, and so shutting out Ollie I didn't even care that even Robin had dropped me." Andy says.

"Tad is going through a lot." Blue says.

"So is Ollie." Andy says.

"I know, we still talk." Blue says.

"So you and Will? We could have a double wedding." Andy says.

"Chris would kill you." Blue says.

"Shit. I live with him and I still forget we used to date and he's your twin." Andy says.

"Are you and Spence going to build a place on the camp land?" Blue asks.

"I am leaving all that up to Spence. While Chris and Larry are happy to have us around, I won't push for anything else." Andy says.

"You are working it out? You're going to be okay? I mean it was a huge shock him dumping Wyatt and getting back with you within a few hours. I had no idea he and Wyatt were having issues." Blue says.

"They weren't, not really. Well maybe a little sexually. It's a weird story. Both Spence and I were at a sex gathering. And Spence heard me, and it turned him on. I had no idea he was there. He dumped Wyatt the next morning, came over to me and we banged it out. We're working on it. The trust is there, weirdly the trust is fine and we are communicating and I am supporting him. I'm actually relieved that his career is taking a front seat again. I like helping Larry harvesting and planning. He's so much smarter than Tad, has real ideas." Andy says.

"Tad had ideas." Blue says.

"Tad had crops he wanted to try but no proper follow through on who would buy them. Sure Ollie wanted the figs, as did Heidi but mostly he wanted to grow things that his dad had never tried. And that was the only reason for them. It was hard work and I totally understood why Mike was so resistant. Still he gets to run his family farm into the ground now and Larry gets a new start here and has me along for the ride." Andy grins.

"You should call me up when you need help with harvesting. I enjoyed the canning day. I will do more of that too." Blue says.

"Thanks babe. It is really nice to have you back. Just remember to keep some of those selfish traits." Andy says.

"I will. Being helpful and generous makes me happy. Being taken advantage of and taken for granted piss me off. I just need to speak up and not let it fester." Blue says and tells Andy the story of what happened at Christmas.

"Fuck me. Not much changes. Chris and Larry are great at home. Helps that you have cooked ahead for us. We really, really appreciate it. I can't wait for next year when it is my stuff in the sauces." Andy says.

"Me too. I missed your tomatoes. I lived on hot and sour soup and bread for years." Blue says.

"Makes me so sad. Katelyn is trying to get here, she'll hopefully get here in the morning." Andy says with a grin.

"Mom and Roe are so proud of her. She's everything we expected." Blue smiles.

"She is incredible. I haven't told her about me and Spence. She thinks I am keeping you company supporting Ocean." Andy grins.

"She will be over the moon, I'm sure she loves Spence more than she love you or me." Blue grins.

"I know. Your mom was so great with her. She handled the money just great and keeping it was the right call. She's so much more mature than we ever were." Andy says.

"Spence was a good example too." Blue says.

"I hear Fergus is sniffing around Gervais again." Andy says.

"Were they together when I was gone?" Blue asks.

"No, no I never saw them together, other than the wedding." Andy says.

"Just wondered if they were playing a long game to fleece me." Blue says.

"What do you mean? Blue what are you hiding? Chris has some ideas and is always spouting Gervais conspiracy theories." Andy says.

"We agreed to split the inheritance 50:50. The properties we were selling, which is all of them, stayed in Gervais name and the plan was I would get half the proceeds. We sold a few quickly in a rush when Gervais was joining me. Since then, nothing. Where we live now had had so little interest due to how it was being divided. I have fake called a bunch of the listings and been put off viewings, been told they were off market or owner had changed their mind. He's screwing me. I thought maybe Fergus was behind it." Blue says.

"Add to that asking for the farmhouse and barn back from Ocean, for free, is another slap in the face. I could kill him. He has so much money. I know he still has most of it. I get that he lost some on your old dairy project but your share of the inheritance covered that over and over." Andy says.

"Right, and he kept all his profits from the share of the company I sold him, for me, which is what I thought we used for the dairy. Why keep that for me and fleece me now I'm back?" Blue asks.

"I don't know. You're confronting him here?" Andy asks.

"Yes. After the meet. I'll follow him home if I have to." Blue says.

"I have your back. Spence too." Andy says.

"I know Spence does. He has helped me, called some agents and made actual offers on places, which have never reached me or my lawyer, I got a new one just in case." Blue says.

"I am so proud of you. For sharing with me and Spence, not bottling it all up. And for staying on an even keel while dealing with this." Andy says.

"I have more money than I need. Far, far more. I feel a greedy shit but also feel like I need to find out what is going on." Blue says.

"Abby wanted you to have it. All of it. You get that right? She wasn't senile. She loved you. She loved what you did for the town. She loved your cookies and all those meals you made for her and Gladys. How you looked after the pair of them. How she came out to you and you didn't bat an eyelid. She knew you could turn what she had into something great." Andy says.

"I don't know if I can. I really don't." Blue says.

"Not yet. Fuck Blue you have another 50 years to have an idea and do it. Look at what Abby was doing in her nineties." Andy says.

"I guess so. I hate that they didn't tell me she was gone." Blue says.

Next: Chapter 77

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