Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Apr 28, 2020


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"Are you sure it's okay for me to hang here for a while?" Andy asks.

"It is fine, as long as your business isn't suffering. You clearly need some space and time away from the drama." Blue says.

"You two have a safe journey, take your time. Make sure Sunny doesn't get too hot." Andy says.

"Alright grandad." Blue laughs.

"He means thanks for caring. Call us if there are any issues." Will says.

"Call when you get there. Give Roe a huge kiss from me." Andy says with a smile.

"Are you okay with Andy staying, you were fighting pretty recently?" Will asks. Not worried himself but making sure Blue is doing what he actually wants to do.

"I am. I feel like he's in the same position as us. Sure it is more of his own doing but not all of it. I could see him up here with us. If another farm came up. Not good for Spence I suppose. I'd like it though. I've missed Andy's humor and encouragement. It'll be hard to be friends with him and Spence though. And I can't give up Spence. He has been an amazing friend." Blue says.

"Spence is a good enough friend that he won't ask you to choose. Just as you wouldn't as him to choose between you and Gervais." Will says.

"It was cool to have a night out though wasn't it? You were enjoying some smooches." Blue grins.

"It was fun. You danced up a storm, I forgot how much you love to dance." Will says.

"It was amazing. Being free to be me, no looking over my shoulder. And it was fun to have a sleep over at the hotel. I was shocked Andy didn't bring anyone back." Blue says.

"Maybe he thought you and he would do something." Will says.

"Hardly. We haven't in years." Blue says.

"You have sex with all your friends babe." Will laughs.

"Not any more. The time with Wyatt was the end of all that. And with you and Robin it was just so wrong." Blue says.

"You regret both nights?" Will asks.

"Yes and no. I think both drove a wedge between me and Gervais, not what I did, that he wanted me to. I was stupid, I let my cock rule my head. My head wasn't working. The sex was great but it wasn't right. I wasn't right." Blue says.

"Don't beat yourself up. We were all more than willing." Will says.

"I know. I just need to avoid sex with such consequences. Stick to meaningless hook-ups. Or my hand." Blue grins.

"Not many chances of randoms up at the lake. Though Spence found Craig and Wyatt." Will laughs.

"We were robbed of a normal sex life. Your training and injury and everything stopped us being free to do what we wanted." Blue says.

"You put in the groundwork but didn't get to share my success. We didn't get to enjoy normality after." Will says.

"And we didn't get to enjoy my ice cream success either. We missed out on so much. Not just me. Is it too much to get over?" Blue asks.

"I was so angry with you when you left. I thought you'd run off from our fight. Gervais didn't fill me in and when I found out he knew I was so mad that you had told him and not me. I know it was because of money and you were panicked but damn Blue. It hurt. It really hurt." Will says.

"Have you forgiven me? I was 21 and we'd just had a huge fight. They were telling me you would die if I tried to see you. I wasn't allowed to say goodbye. I needed money, Gervais had money and would buy the house in a heartbeat. He could. If I'd not done that then it would have been sold by the program and you would have all had to find somewhere to live. Gervais owed me and he would have done anything for me. I didn't know he wouldn't tell you. I am sorry it put you in limbo." Blue says.

"I forgave you long ago and again more recently. Rationally I completely understand and I am long past the hurt. I know you don't owe me anything for back then. We both wish it was different. Can I be adult and not let it get to me in future? Can I have a relationship with you and not have past resentments surface? Can I be with you and not worry you'll be gone in the morning? I don't know and while I don't know it has to be no. Are you and Gervais truly over?" Will asks.

"He hasn't called. He asked me not to. To give him space. I thought about calling after the accident but Robin and Spence both said not to unless it was to ask to get back together." Blue says.

"And the accident didn't trigger a life is too short to be apart feeling?" Will asks, he's tried to keep away from the Gervais topic recently.

"No. I called Andy, obviously, and I have been talking to momma and Bea more too. When Ocean found me for sure I was all about making up for lost time but now I am free and have time and money. I don't feel that same rush. I just want to let things happen." Blue says.

"You're ducking out of making a decision?" Will asks.

"No, and there isn't really a decision to be made. I don't have to be in a relationship with you, Gervais or anyone else. You get that. I am starting my life over and while I would love to eventually share it with someone, I'm in no rush. I have time now. I have space. I have a future." Blue grins.

"Yes you do." Will grins.

"And it is time to break out the bubble, to a slightly bigger bubble for a few months. Then I'll work out part time at the hotel and part time at my place. Meeting people and doing things. I think Larry will have Sunny on the farm if he doesn't like the hotel. He loves the car." Blue grins.

"Time for a toilet break?" Will asks.

"Yeah, I think he'll need to pee and run around." Blue says.

"Me too." Will laughs.

"Thanks for being there and giving me space. You never once questioned when I've said I'm off fishing or taking Sunny out you just let me go. Even making dinner for the three of us if I was gone a while. You've been what I needed and I feel like I've improved so much in a couple of weeks." Blue says.

"You have. Also, you're a grown man and can go off alone for however long you want to." Will laughs and pulls over so they can have a pee break.

They take their time getting back to the lake. They stop at tourist places, visit restaurants that they have read about and take Sunny for walks. Hey have a great time and both enjoy just being friends, no pressure for more.

They pull up at Clara's place and Sunny gets out excited to explore another new place. Spence is in the kitchen working but no one else is home.

"Your mom and Roe will be back in an hour, they didn't expect you yet." Spence says.

"Are you staying here?" Blue asks.

"No we're back at our place, your mom has the best wifi. I am working on a few things for the hotel." Spence says.

"Will can you leave us for a bit, I need to talk with Spence." Blue says.

"Sure, I'll grab a shower and then show Sunny around a bit." Will says.

"Thanks." Blue grins.

"You two still not?" Spence asks.

"No, I think it is a step too far for us both. What we had wasn't perfect but it was on its way and I'm scared we wouldn't come close this time. He would be too stressed about me leaving and I would be so worried about not measuring up." Blue says.

"That's a shame. You know everyone assumes you're at it. Chris told everyone otherwise but no one believed him." Spence says.

"I don't care. It's pretty flattering for anyone to believe I could get someone as hot as Will. Anyway, about Andy." Blue says.

"I am so, so, fine with you being friends. It won't affect our friendship and I was grateful you got him out the way during the funerals. No one made him out to be more to nick than he was and I didn't have to deal with him." Spence says.

"You know he isn't happy and wants to move on. I think Liberty screwed him on his contract with the soup company and although he has lots of other revenue streams his heart isn't in it." Blue says.

"Agreed. It isn't my problem any more. What's the plan?" Spence asks.

"I don't know if it would be same shit different location but I think that if he was up with me, maybe working with Larry until his own space came up. I don't want to fuck up your plans and I wouldn't promise anything without running it by you first. It will be your home too, at least part of the year. He'd have nothing to do with the camp, unless he was supplying you with food." Blue says.

"I think I'd be okay with it. In time. And it is a year or two before I will be up there. I have Wyatt, we're happy and secure and in time I hope Andy and I will be friends. Blue I am grateful you took my side during the fall out, I know how close you and Andy were, it meant a lot. He always expected to work with you, it was always the two of you in business together, it started up here and it was your dream he latched on to. It wasn't easy for him without you and I think it will do you both good to have some success together. It also means we can sell up, have a clean break and move on." Spence says.

"You are amazing. Thank-you." Blue says and hugs Spence close.

Will comes down from the shower just as Clara and Roe arrive. Blue and Will smother Roe in a huge hug.

"That's from Andy." Blue grins.

"You are friends again?" Clara asks hugging her son.

"Yeah we're good." Blue smiles.

"Are you both staying here?" Clara asks.

"I am taking Birch's room over at Willow's place. As he's unlikely to be back this summer." Will says.

"I'm staying. Spence did accommodation get sorted for Ocean and his friends?" Blue asks.

"Yes, we've fixed up a bunkhouse. Fitted some air con units and we're trying to get internet up there. Garrett said they'd all be fine with it. They are grateful to not have an expensive summer." Spence says.

"Sounds great. How was Gervais?" Blue asks.

"He was great. Sorry if that is insensitive. He and George have picked up their project from years ago and are reworking it with Birch's input and seem happy with their progress. I'm sad they won't be at the hotel but understand." Spence says.

"I miss him like crazy." Blue admits and Will rubs Blue's back.

Up at the laborers bunkhouse Craig is horny. A couple of the guys are sharing a woman and the noises are making it worse. He looks down the row of beds to see who is about. If there is an easy ass to pound. A new guy is on one of the beds. His shorts are tented.

"Want to fuck?" Craig asks, standing at the foot of the new guy's bed.

"Not in here, outside." The new guy says and Craig nods.

They walk up into the woods and make out against a tree. The guy is easy, more than willing for Craig to lead the way. Craig begins to pump away, getting lots of encouragement. He slaps the guys ass and gets further encouraging yelps. Craig is more and more turned on, pumps deep and reaches for the guys cock. He's surprised by the long skinny dick he finds, it is soon shooting at his touch.

"Wyatt I have a proposition for you." Craig says the following lunch time.

"Yeah?" Wyatt asks.

"You have what I need and I think I have a mutually beneficial idea." Craig grins and gives Wyatt the details of his plan.

"That sounds exactly what I need. This guy is he cute?" Wyatt asks.

"Nope, skinny, ginger, late twenties. No idea who he is working for as he has zero muscles." Craig says.

"Tomorrow at 9. Usual spot in the deep wood." Wyatt says.

"Should I talk to Spence?" Craig asks.

"You know his boundaries." Wyatt grins and Craig laughs.

"I have set something up for tomorrow night." Wyatt says to Spence in bed later.

"I am happy with what we're doing." Spence says.

"I know you want something more. You've got me in this romantic mood and we've toned everything down. It has been fun but I think you need sorting out. You seem to be getting far too big for your boots." Wyatt says and Spence quivers.

The following evening Wyatt strips Spence of his clothes bar his boots and socks and leads him through the woods, the daring and humiliation has Spence as hard as can be.

They get to the clearing, Craig is sat in a camping chair, the new guy bobbing away on his dick.

"Deke?" Spence asks surprised.

"You know this guy?" Wyatt asks surprised.

"Sure, we were at school together, his mom is who has helped with the gym." Spence says.

"So why are you staying in the bunkhouse boy?" Craig asks cuffing Deke around the head.

"For the hot cock and because my brothers cannot stand me." Deke says.

"It is true, they are homophobic assholes." Spence says.

"I'm home for the summer. I teach now." Deke says and Spence nods.

"Are we still okay to go?" Craig asks.

"I take it Deke and I won't interact." Spence says.

"No." Wyatt says.

"Where's Andy?" Deke asks suddenly realising Wyatt isn't Andy and wondering what is going on.

"We're getting divorced." Spence says.

"I'm sorry." Deke says.

"Enough. Spence you need putting in your place. All this talking without permission. Fraternising with fuck toys." Wyatt says and Spence groans, remembering he's naked.

He and Andy never went too physical but ever since he and Wyatt has been on his muscle worship kick, Spence has been craving something much harder. He's not unhappy at all but this is perfect.

Wyatt settles in the chair, unzips and pushes Deke down.

Craig begins his punishment of Spence. Spence winces and groans with each strike and when he thinks he can't take another Craig spins him round and jerks Spence's cock with his big hands, entertaining Wyatt who is enjoying the display and the deepthroating from Deke.

Craig repeats his actions on Spence, his own dick stiff as can be in the excitement of inflicting the pain and of showing off to Wyatt.

"He's getting too close. Naughty Spence." Craig says tweaking Spence's nipple and slapping his butt.

"Bring him off. You can stuff this one after." Wyatt says totally mesmerised by Spence, how turned on he is, how much he can take from Craig.

"One more round." Craig says and Wyatt nods, thrusting into Deke's face, upping the pace.

As Craig spins Spence around one more time and pumps his dick dry with his big hand, Wyatt groans and loses his own load down Deke's throat.

Wyatt pushes Deke aside and Craig grabs him for a quick stuffing.

"You're amazing." Wyatt whispers to Spence as he pulls him into his lap.

"You liked the show?" Spence asks.

"Perfect, you are perfect." Wyatt says stroking Spence's face and kissing him.

Next: Chapter 69

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