Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Apr 8, 2020


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"How you doing today?" George asks Robin as he comes down to the kitchen.

"Still pretty pissed. I can't believe Will moved straight in after spinning a line about not being ready." Gervais says.

"You don't know they're together." George says.

"There are 2 beds and Chris and Larry are in one. I know Will stayed on the sofa when Clara was there but that was different." Gervais says.

"Thing is Blue dumped you, which as you know is totally out of character for Blue." Robin says.

"He is king of letting things limp along and trying desperately to fix them or being dumped out the blue." Birch says.

"He dumped me." George says.

"You were a mega twat though." Gervais grins.

"I was and it limped along a good while, when we were long dead." George shrugs.

"Exactly. Blue must be pretty fucking fed up with you to dump you is all I mean." Robin says.

"Thanks so much. I feel so much better now." Gervais grins.

"We're here for you. All of us. We might be playing both sides but you're not going to be a pariah like Andy." Birch says.

"So we going to turn the barn into a studio and office today?" Robin asks.

"Yeah, is Tad coming over?" Gervais asks.

"Yes, he's bringing the kids down. Mike is going to see Larry today." Robin says.

"So what is happening there?" Gervais asks.

"I make my move. Mike wants us to stay at his for a while, which we're fine with. My lawyer has a PI looking for Ella. But she has essentially abandoned them. I don't know about the younger one. I want to talk to Liberty and Arnold and see if they know what the plans are. I don't know if I can deal with 2 but I can try." Robin says.

"We can try." Birch says.

"All of us. We are all here for you." Gervais says.

"I'm glad you two decided to come here and not live in the fancy hotel."Robin says.

"I can't be around Blue and this is my home. It has been my home for years. It's Ocean's home too. I would have resented Blue long term not being able to live here. We can get the business going, this place is big enough for all of us, plus the kids. I love the idea of it being a full house again and using the barn for a studio and office. Opening up the second floor again will be an amazing studio." Gervais says.

"Are you sure? Is Ocean sure?" Birch asks.

"Yes, as he said, its my house, he just had temporary custody. Now I'm back I get it back. Will has moved out. Aled will come by and get the last of their things this weekend. I did buy this place from Blue fair and square, not the best of circumstances but all legal." Gervais says.

"Hey guys." Tad says coming in, leading Robin's son by the hand hand carrying the baby in a sling, he's getting a bit big for it.

Robin's boy, Quintin runs straight to him and jumps up at him. Robin swoops him up and swings him round.

"Here I'll take the baby." Gervais says.

"Thanks, he's getting big." Tad says.

"Still no word?" Birch asks.

"Nothing. Dad is a mess. I was so grateful that Larry called him, getting away is exactly what he needs." Tad says.

"Are you and Larry talking?" Gervais asks.

"Nah. I get it. I really do. I mean fuck he had the worst of it from the cunt, well other than you and dad. What she did was so spiteful, and if Larry had told me I might not have reconciled so easily. I think I'll be with you lot in outcast corner for a while." Tad shrugs.

"No chance of changing Ollie's mind?" Robin asks.

"No, I don't blame him. I fucked up, screwed the business and we're lucky Spence is letting him keep the house and a little land. Else I'd have screwed the kids over too. It was a moment of madness and I know I was all my mistake but Ollie won't admit we were having troubles too." Tad sighs.

"You are young and hot, loads of time to find someone else." George says.

"And by that George means he's up for anything anytime. Slut." Gervais grins.

"Hey I might not be as pretty as you or Ollie but I'm little and I top and could totally be Tad's type." George grins, he has made it clear to his friends he would love some fun with Tad if the opportunity arose.

Tad looks at George and grins, he doesn't know him well but knows that all of this group are great in bed and he'll get to have some fun, especially if Robin and Birch babysit.

At college Ocean is face down being ploughed by a basketball player with a massive dick. Across the room Garrett is in the same position. Since their breakup they have been approached by no end of closeted athletes and are having great fun with it.

The guy fucking Ocean reaches round for Ocean's dick.

"Man you're so hard, wanna switch?" The guy asks.

"Sure thing." Ocean grins, this is happening a lot too. Big guys presenting as tops when all they really want is stuffing by guys like Ocean and Garrett. Sure enough soon Garret and his man have switched too.

"That was so fun." Garrett says after the ball players leave.

"It was. We have been super sluts recently." Ocean grins. His phone rings and he rejects the call.

"Still dodging Tre?" Garrett asks.

"Nah, It was Blue." Ocean shrugs.

"We still have to arrange summer plans." Garrett says.

"It will be fine, everyone knows we're going. Road trip up for all of us. Just need to call Willow and Clara to see what shopping they need us to bring. Blue is irrelevant." Ocean says.

"Wow. You are seriously mad." Garrett says.

"Yeah I am. Don't worry it wont affect the summer." Ocean says.

"I can't wait. Train hard, chill hard." Garrett says.

"And us? Bored of slutdom yet?" Ocean asks, suddenly feeling done with it himself and craving waking in Garrett's arms.

"I thought you'd never ask. Get over here." Garrett says with a big grin. He's found fucking around so hot but gets so jealous of the attention Ocean gets and has wanted his man back for a little while.

Ocean leaps out of his bed and into Garrett's and the pair make out for the next hour before falling asleep tangled up together.

"You okay?" Birch asks as Robin gets up to leave. The guys had a long day reconfiguring the barn conversion and have had dinner up at Mike's farm after Robin and Tad put the kids to bed. Robin is checking on the kids and Tad and George are taking a walk.

"Tad and George are clearly beginning a summer fling. You and Robin are a couple and I am alone with no prospects. The worst part about moving home is the lack of options. I logged in to the apps earlier and its all the same profiles as last year and the year before." Gervais sighs.

"You are really not expecting to get back with Blue?" Birch asks.

"What's the point?" Gervais says.

"You love him. I'm sorry about trying to break you up before, I didn't know the implications of your program, of not having your identity. I really thought you were trying to rip him off." Birch says.

"It's okay. You were looking out for him. I love him but we're just not right for each other. I don't want to live up at his lake. If we're living rurally I want to live here. We have support and friends and opportunity here." Gervais says.

"You can't end it over geography, you left here once. Would it be such a deal to not live here again?" Birch asks.

"If we were deciding together maybe. But we didn't it was his place or split up. His way or split is his current thing so I agreed that split was best. He's worn me down. I need someone who is less high maintenance, someone who enjoys just having fun. Blue and I were going to travel and have fun but he's just not in to it. So I'll work with you guys, live my life and hope one day I meet someone." Gervais says.

"Or Blue crawls back to you." Birch says.

"Nah it won't happen. Will has won." Gervais says.

"I regretted letting him go, not fighting for him for a long time. You will too." Birch says.

"Nah, I'm done. I really think I am done. He threw me away so easily. I just don't mean as much to him as I'd like." Gervais says.

"Even if he comes crawling back?" Birch asks.

"I don't know. I'm not made of stone. But I don't expect to see him again." Gervais says.

"What do you think of George and Tad?" Birch asks.

"I think Tad will fall hard and George will get bored. Tad will love George's bossy side. But no one ever pushes back the way Dylan did." Gervais says.

"Tad is pretty vulnerable. Should we warn him?" Birch asks.

"And face George's wrath, no thanks." Gervais says.

"They're both sleeping like logs." Robin says coming back in.

"Are you planning on keeping them both? If she doesn't come back?" Gervais asks.

"I don't see how I can. I would if I could. I'm really surprised Arnold and Liberty haven't come to collect them." Robin sighs.

"They can't take Q." Birch says.

"I'll babysit tomorrow, and you two can go and see them." Gervais offers.

"Thanks. What a shitstorm." Robin says shaking his head.

"In one way she's done us a favour." Birch says.

"I know. I'd hate to split them up. Feels wrong. Ugh I wish she would have just told me she was pregnant. I wouldn't have married her but I would have supported her and Q right from the start." Robin says.

"He won't remember you not being there." Gervais says.

"I've invited my parents up, to get some proper time with him while the hellbitch is gone." Robin says.

"Cool, I'd love to see your mom. When do you start back at the company?" Gervais asks.

"I'm doing just 1 day a week right now, to get up to speed and then I should be 4 long days a week in 2 weeks time but I dunno." Robin says.

"We'll take care of them. Don't stress about that." Birch says.

"I know. Normally that would be awesome. It's just the waiting for her to reappear and cause more shit, you know?" Robin says.

"I hate her so much." Birch says.

"Not as mush as I do. I wish she were dead." Tad says coming back with George.

Next: Chapter 66

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