Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Mar 26, 2020


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"Has Blue taken the dog out?" Will asks Clara as he grabs some coffee in the kitchen.

"Yes, I think he got up early as he just couldn't wait. I would never usually approve of giving animals as gifts but you made the right call. I have not seen him so happy in a long time." Clara says.

"They were instant best friends, did you see him feeding bits of the grilled salmon to Sunny under the table? It was so cute." Will grins.

"I am certain it will do Blue good to have a focus away from Gervais." Clara says.

"Blue hates being alone, especially at night. I thought the dog would help. Especially with Gervais away. Not just now, long term. Maybe he'll realise he doesn't need a boyfriend right now." Will says.

"He asked Gervais for a break, and Gervais said no and then fucked off to see George leaving Blue totally disorientated. As he always does. Can I ask Will, why have none of you talked to Blue about what Gervais was up to while he was gone? I find this whole Gervais was a saint for waiting for Blue very distasteful." Clara says.

"I hate that line too. I waited, and waited and waited, for years. Right until Bea came back and I gave up. I waited a whole lot longer than Gervais. And it isn't like Gervais gave up a whole lot to be with Blue in hiding. I'd have gone day one given the chance, I'd have given up gymnastics to be with him. I get why he didn't make me choose and I love him for that. But he would have won. I couldn't follow him last year because of the kids. He would never respected me if I had left them for him and I couldn't have done it." Will says.

Blue listens outside the door and wonders what they mean about what Gervais did. He didn't think Gervais had been a monk. But he also hadn't thought the timeline through, that Will had waited too is true. It doesn't matter. Blue didn't ask anyone to wait. He has chosen Gervais and that is that.

Or it was until Gervais started acting like a dick. And Will brought Sunny to him.

"I'm back, we're starving." Blue says coming in the door, Sunny tearing in past him.

"There is lots to eat." Clara smiles.

"Good. Want some Will?" Blue asks serving himself some eggs.

"That would be nice. You need to let me make lunch later." Will grins.

"I will be heading back later. Would you be able to show me your hotel? Katelyn and I were discussing whether it might be a good venue for some of her charities. If you're open to that." Clara says.

"Well Spence will do anything for Katelyn. I'd love to show it to you. Our offer was accepted. It is going to be ours. I can't believe it. It is huge but feels less stressful than the old dairy. Spence, Wyatt and Will are making me feel really supported and no one expects me to take the lead." Blue says smiling at Will.

"We're in it together. You're just the money man for now and I'll draft you in to teach yoga to my clients when you are ready." Will says with a smile.

"I am looking forward to it. I have been looking at an instructors course for hot yoga. I think I will do it in a few months when I'm more settled." Blue says.

"Well that's a good idea." Clara says encouragingly and Blue beams, he so rarely gets his mothers approval for his ideas.

"Well lets get going once we've cleaned the breakfast dishes. We best take Sunny with us, he won't want to be left alone so soon." Will says.

"I love him Will. Thank you a million times for bringing him to me." Blue grins as he pets the appreciative dog.

"I think he loves you too. Have you shown him to Chris?" Will asks.

"No, can I call him now?" Blue asks.

"Go on, I'll wash the dishes." Will says not wanting to dampen Blue's enthusiasm.

"Chris, bro, I have a new man in my life." Blue says as soon as Chris answers.

"About time. Who is it and what did Gervais say?" Chris asks.

"You think I should leave Gervais?" Blue asks confused.

"Only kidding bro. Who is the new man?" Chris asks.

"Meet Sunshine, Sunny." Blue says moving his phone to show off his dog.

"No way. He's gorgeous. Why did you choose him without me?" Chris asks.

"Will got him for me. I didn't even know I wanted him but he's my new bff. And he climbed on my bed last night to keep me company, which was nice with Gervais away." Blue grins.

"You look happy bro. When are you coming back?" Chris asks.

"I don't know. I kinda want to stay here but I'll have to ask Gervais what his plans are." Blue says.

"Well how about Larry and I come and visit soon. I need to meet that cute fur ball and see your new place." Chris says.

"Yeah. I'd like that. I'll call in a few days when I know what G wants to do." Blue says.

"Well at least show me round your place. I want to see this crazy view." Chris says.

"Okay. Hey Larry, this is Sunny. You want to see my place too?" Blue asks.

"Sure, I hear it is like here but better cell service." Larry laughs.

"Yeah that's right. Smaller but closer to the city. Come see the view from my awesome front porch." Blue says and shows them.

"When are you getting a rocking chair?" Larry jokes.

"I've got some hammocks to put up. I kinda would like a rocking chair but you two would break it having sex." Blue says laughing.

"We would try old man." Chris grins.

"I have to go, momma wants to see the hotel." Blue says.

"Let me say hi." Chris says and Blue finds his mom and hands her the phone.

"Was he jealous?" Will asks.

"I think so. He wants to come visit. When do you need to go back to start training Ocean and Garrett?" Blue asks.

"3 weeks." Will says.

"So will you be staying here with me until then?" Blue asks hopefully.

"I don't think Gervais will like that." Will says.

"I was listening in to you and momma earlier. You waited and waited while Gervais had fun fucking around and dating and hen he looks the hero when I come back and you're married." Blue says.

"I am a bit bitter yes. You can't base your relationship on it though." Will says.

"I don't but I still feel like you're all judging me. Everyone was happy for us before and I don't entirely understand what has changed. We have overstepped and he was right to pull me up on it. I did fuck up running off. You all seem to be on my side when I'm in the wrong." Blue says.

"I don't think you are in the wrong. He threatened to end your relationship when you asked for the break you clearly need. You so obviously need time for you right now, you can't be worrying about pleasing G right now. You're aware it's taking more out of you than you have to give. Look, how happy you are being here, focusing on you. You know what you need, trust yourself." Will says.

"Momma said the same. I can't face losing him forever, not right now. It's too big a decision. I do love him and we will be happy together, this is just a bump." Blue says.

"Ready to go?" Clara asks.

"You're more neutral than me Clara. Do you think Gervais should have given Blue such a big ultimatum, given his current mental state?" Will asks.

"I'm beyond angry with him. Blue knows how I feel." Clara says surprising Will with her level of venom.

"Momma always roots for the other guy, rarely supports my relationships." Blue shrugs.

The three talk about the hotel and Will's business plans on the drive. They all know Blue has had enough talk.

Sunny loves the car ride, sticks his head out the window, tongue out. Coming in when he wants affection. Blue adores him and sits in the back petting him as Will drives.

"Well?" Blue asks after the tour.

"I think it is too intimidating for what Katelyn had in mind. People would be uncomfortable here, however welcoming you make it." Clara says.

"I did wonder if that was the case. We're going to offer space to the community though, mommy and baby groups, senior groups, we don't want it to be a start up fortress." Blue says.

"Like Cheryl's old place but opulent." Clara giggles.

"Exactly and in time maybe it'll be less intimidating." Blue says.

"This is the right project for you, Spence, Wyatt and Will. Will Gervais manage to just be a tenant?" Clara asks.

"George is the bigger ego. But they fit and will attract other similar businesses. They'll get their pick of office space. Oops there's me overstepping ." Will giggles.

"Nah, you and Wyatt will be running things. It has become clear you and Wyatt have plans and ideas and are motivated. Spence and I love it. Especially if we see the hotel and camp as one business, or set of businesses, like Spence and I do." Blue says.

"So why isn't Gervais more involved?" Clara asks.

Blue explains Spence's view on the Ollie, Andy and Tad situation.

"He doesn't want you to feel trapped. He is a very good friend to you." Clara says.

"He is. Sometimes I wish Abby had left Spence in charge of the inheritance and not Gervais." Blue says.

"Abby wasn't to know you'd be romantic again." Clara says.

"Or Gervais wouldn't get proper advice for you when he found you." Will says.

"I guess I owe Birch for the Blue house, for sorting things out for me." Blue says.

"You got Robin to him, I think you're more than even." Will grins.

The three eat dinner in the car and drop Clara at the airport.

"I get a bed tonight." Will grins.

"I liked having a small place so I didn't have to host but I really liked having you and momma. Well momma invited herself. But it was fun grilling out and it would have been nice if Chris and Larry and Bea had been here too." Blue says.

"And Gervais?" Will asks.

"Of course." Blue says.

That evening the three sit on the porch watching the sun go down. Blue sits in the middle, one arm round Will the other on Sunny's back.

Will lets out a sigh.

"This wouldn't have been our life." Blue says catching Will's feelings.

"I know. You would be running the food businesses and I'd be a florist or something. We'd be busy all the time. But maybe we'd have planned this for our retirement. Maybe in 30 years this would have been us." Will says.

"That would have been nice. Do you think we'd have lasted 40 years?" Blue asks.

"I'd have tried my hardest. I loved you so much. Maybe we would have grown apart. Maybe we wouldn't have survived the olympics. Maybe I wouldn't have made it with you around, too distracting. I like to think we would have though." Will says.

"I thought of you sexually the other day. Not consciously. I was beating off out the other side of the lake and you came in to my head as I came. You and that pretty pink dick." Blue admits, not sure why he's putting it out there.

"I got hard when you called me, you looked adorable fresh from the shower. So relaxed you looked 20 again. I jacked off straight after." Will says also unsure why he's confessing. He and Blue were always more than sex.

"I don't want to lose you forever. You get me, you're here for me but not crowding me or asking me for anything. You got me a dog. I don't want to treat you this fucking badly, giving you hope and still being with G. I am such a fucking cunt. I think I locked my feelings for you away tighter than my feelings for anyone else. And being here unlocked them a little." Blue says.

"I can't be with you right now, I can't be with anyone. You have huge fucking what ifs about both of us and you chose Gervais. I think you jumped too fast and I understand things were different when you were in the program. But you're not now and you have all the options in the world. Not just Gervais, not just me or Gervais." Will says.

"You still love me." Blue says.

"I do. I'm falling back in love with you, learning about the Blue you are now. He's pretty awesome if somewhat volatile." Will grins.

"I need to end it with Gervais. Not because of you, you're right. It is too much and I have to be selfish and work on myself. Spend time with Sunny up here, enjoying my freedom. If Gervais sees it as being over forever then he never really loved me at all." Blue says quietly.

Next: Chapter 63

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