Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Mar 12, 2020


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"Blue you already own this property and you asked us to arrange the sale, along with the other remaining properties." The lawyer says.

"What? Did you know?" Blue asks.

"I knew there was some farmland. It manages its self and brings a little income. It isn't like we could use it before, it was linked to us." Gervais says.

"Oh gosh, I want to keep it, all of it. I want to lease a large part to Spence. Shit the realtor, will I owe her? I mean it is okay if I do." Blue says flustered.

"We'll sort everything. We'll need more details on the lease you want." The lawyer says.

"And I need full information on current tenants and how the land is split up." Blue says.

"Come back in tomorrow and we'll go through it." The lawyer says.

"Thanks so much. I can't believe I own it. That Abby bought it for me." Blue grins.

"She must have known you'd need somewhere to start over." The lawyer says.

"Yeah she was the best. Is it all in my name? Or Gervais?" Blue asks.

"It is in Gervais name. The plan was to transfer half the money after the sale to each of you so we didn't see the need to get the title amended." The lawyer says.

"So I don't own it at all." Blue says disappointed.

"You do, it is just a technicality, due to the complexity of your identity changes." The lawyer says.

"But right now I can't do anything? Gervais might not agree." Blue says.

"I am right here. I'll sign it all over." Gervais says.

"Is it that easy? But then Gervais doesn't have half." Blue says.

"We can get it sorted out. You have a think and come back with what you want. It is in Gervais name but it isn't his." The lawyer says.

"Thanks for all your help." Blue says.

"What was that all about? Suggesting I'd withhold the land?" Gervais asks in the car.

"You hid it from me. You've hidden a lot from me." Blue says.

"I've hidden nothing. You just didn't look." Gervais says.

"I couldn't. I couldn't focus, I couldn't take anything in. I would have remembered if you'd said I owned a lake and a farm." Blue says.

"I forgot. It wasn't an investment I had much to do with. It handled itself. Abby had set it up that way. I didn't deliberately set out to hide it from you. You listen to Will and Birch too much and not me. Anyway I thought you wanted a city life." Gervais says annoyed. He has no idea how things have become so ridiculous.

"You knew I was looking for a bolt hole too." Blue says.

"I just forgot. Can you accept it wasn't malicious? That not calling you, wasn't malicious? That leaving you to sleep alone wasn't a premeditated act engineered to hurt you?" Gervais asks exasperated.

"I think we need to take a break. I need to take a break. I keep fucking up. I keep over reacting. I can't be the boyfriend you need right now." Blue says.

"Lets get home first. We've barely spoken, you dragged me from my flight to the lawyers office." Gervais says.

"I'm sorry." Blue says.

"You don't need to apologise all the time." Gervais says still mad. His life is slipping away. In just a couple of days Blue has found a new life, aided by Spence and Will and he feels himself being sliced right out.

"Sorry." Blue says head down, exhausted.

The pair get back to the farm house. Will, Spence and Wyatt are staying at Will's place, giving Blue and Gervais space and avoiding Andy.

"The answer is no." Gervais says putting a cup of herbal tea in front of Blue.

"No?" Blue asks.

"No, we are not taking a break. I didn't wait for you all that time for you to put us on hold and let Will worm his way back in. We are either together and we work through these issues or we split up for good. I am not waiting around any longer, I am not putting my life on hold for you. Not again. Not any more." Gervais says bluntly.

"So I lose you now or I lose you in a few weeks when you get tired of my shit and leave." Blue says.

"When are you going to forgive me for Fergus?" Gervais asks.

"That isn't fair. You got fed up with me at the old dairy. You got fed up of me a couple of nights ago. This isn't about ancient history. It is about me waking up and you not being there and not calling. I can't deal with that. I just can't right now." Blue says.

"You didn't call me. You didn't let me know your plans had changed. This is not on me. You ran off. If anyone has form for leaving it is you." Gervais says.

"So we're over forever? I don't want that." Blue says.

"Neither do I. You are the one splitting us up." Gervais says.

"You won't give me the space to sort out my head." Blue says.

"You don't need space. You need me to help you. Now stop it with all this shit and get Will and Spence and Birch out of your head." Gervais says.

"It wasn't them. Not just them." Blue says.

"Do you want me or not? It is that simple?" Gervais asks.

"You know how much I love you. You know I want to be with you forever. I just need to work on me for a bit and not worry about you. Just a couple of months. You can get on with your company or something." Blue says.

"No. I am not leaving you to go through this alone. You're stuck with me or you lose me. I am not negotiating. You need me and if you actually love me then you would realise pushing me away is stupid. That you can only get better with me by your side." Gervais says.

"Okay." Blue says giving in.

"You need to come back. We are floundering without you. Name your deal. I mean it, you can name your deal." Ollie says.

"I hated that job." Robin says.

"Because no one respected or thanked you. No one realised what a good job you were doing." Ollie says.

"I don't know. I have this new business." Robin says.

"Babe. We could live here, together. We don't need the drama of Gervais. I'll find another outlet for my ideas and you can see your kid regularly." Birch says.

"Exactly. Think about it properly Robin. Not just salary and stock. Think about doing condensed hours so you can see your kid more. Flexible hours, all the stuff you really need. All the things I had when I took on my siblings. I've set a meeting for Friday." Ollie says.

"Why don't you do it?" Robin asks.

"The company still needs me to do the fucking work." Ollie grins.

"And if you being my right-hand man is a condition?" Robin asks.

"It's a necessity. You and me. I need a focus." Ollie says.

"No chance with Tad?" Robin asks.

"Fuck no. He fucked up and I deserve better." Ollie says.

"Spence will screw him over, during the divorce with Andy." Robin says.

"They deserve it. It isn't like he loses. He runs Mike's farm and Mike will change his will once he realizes the other kid isn't his either." Ollie says.

"It isn't?" Robin asks shocked.

"Nah. One of the ice-cream guys is the absolute spit of the kid. Shift leader, bit of rough for princess Ella. Slut." Ollie says.

"Interesting." Birch says surprised.

"I guess I need to talk to Spence about my home." Ollie says suddenly worried.

"He has no beef with you." Robin says.

"No but I have to make certain I'll be okay." Ollie says.

"Worst case Ocean will let you use the farmhouse. Or Will's place. It wouldn't be too much upheaval." Birch says.

"I know, I'd just feel unsettled. Thanks for thinking about the job." Ollie says.

"It is just thinking. I will come to the meeting. Ping me the details." Robin says.

"How is Blue?" Ollie asks before leaving.

"A mess. Its so scary to see him so lost and scared." Birch says quietly.

"I'll make time to see him properly this visit." Ollie says and heads off.

"Hey are you ducking out of the business just as Spence and Blue have found premises?" Robin asks.

"You know it makes sense, for you to get proper visitation. I'll fit in with you and we'll work out how we handle my tours. I'm getting a bigger name for myself, maybe I'll get longer sit downs and less suitcase shows in the future." Birch says.

"You really want this to work." Robin says.

"I really do. We've both been on the outside of the group, neither able to quite quit it. We fit Robin, we always did, from the day you gave your first bj." Birch says.

"Oh no I really did go off you that night before Australia." Robin grins and he and Birch fall into each other kissing, happy and excited for their new start together.

"Shall we still buy the hotel? I love the idea still." Blue says.

"I am all for it. Wyatt and Will have loads of ideas. It's a chance for us to try something new and fun. We can afford it, more so now you already own the lake and land." Spence says.

"Good. I was worried I was out of my new career before it started again. Wyatt and I have been talking about the camp too. We're thinking of fat camps for adults, extreme fitness events and the like, we want to tie it to the hotel too." Will says and Blue's eyes start to shine.

"You'll be awesome at that. Wyatt you want to be in too?" Blue asks.

"I actually want to work on the marketing side. I figure I can intern for Will alongside going back to college. I don't want to be a janitor. I will oversee any renovations and organize all of that. I'm not shirking from that side of things, but long term I want something else. Will has some good ideas. Spence will need help with that side for his camp." Wyatt says and Blue gets caught in the enthusiasm.

"You can be my first client. We'll get you back into shape. Get those muscles back." Will says.

"Yeah." Blue grins and Spence, Wyatt and Will grin back.

"Lets not get too far ahead. You might not get it." Gervais says throwing cold water on the plans.

"Babe we'll find a career for you too if you want one. You and George can still get on with the original plan." Blue says.

"Robin and Birch have totally screwed me and George over. George is lucky he can stay at his job. I'm left with nothing." Gervais says.

"We'll find you something. You are so smart and talented." Blue says kissing Gervais cheek.

Later in bed Blue and Gervais are snuggling together.

"You won't really train with Will, will you?" Gervais asks.

"I thought it was a good idea. I am still too thin." Blue says.

"You are perfect. I don't want you spending lots of time alone with Will. Not while we're unstable and he's already tried to poison our relationship." Gervais says.

"I don't think we'll last if you dictate who I can and can't spend time with." Blue says.

"He's your ex and he has been talking shit about me to you every chance he gets." Gervais says.

"I guess so." Blue sighs.

Next: Chapter 60

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