Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Feb 24, 2020


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"Hey Chris, what's up? Did you want Blue?" Gervais asks groggily after answering a call.

"Blue isn't there. He had a huge fight with Will last night and they have both left. Blue is on his way to see Ocean and in a terrible state. Where the fuck were you?" Chris asks super pissed with Gervais.

"What? Blue is gone? And Will? What?" Gervais asks scratching his head.

"Get off your ass and go and find him. Fucks sake Gervais, you know he needs looking out for. How could you not know? Did you break up? Do I need to go after him myself?" Chris asks.

"No of course we didn't break up. I'll call him now. I can't believe he left without saying anything." Gervais says.

"Did you go out without him? Did you not notice him get up?" Chris asks.

"I didn't make it to bed. He's left a note. I'll get after him. Fuck. I have so much to do here, I can't believe he's just taken off." Gervais says.

"Well maybe think with your head and not your dick when it comes to my brother. Maybe you shouldn't go if you can't treat him right. Set him free. He's better off without you." Chris says.

"I love him and he was fine with everything last night, in the middle of it. I guess he fought with Will instead of returning for round two. I will get to him and it will be okay." Gervais says.

"It better be, if it isn't I'll have Willow ship your things because you best not be within twenty miles of me." Chris says.

"Fuck!" Gervais exclaims as Chris cuts him off.

"What's up?" Spence asks.

"Will and Blue had a big fight and have both left." Gervais says.

"Seriously?" Robin asks.

"Usual fucking Blue, running off. Can someone call Will and find out what happened? I need to get going." Gervais asks.

"Where?" Spence asks.

"To Ocean, that is where Blue is headed according to Chris. Fuck I really wanted to get this business started." Gervais says.

"Stay and give him some space." Birch says.

"No, I can't leave him alone. You guys can update me on the best places. Hopefully we'll be back in a couple of days." Gervais says pulling on some clothes and gathering his things.

"Will is being a total little bitch and saying he's going home and bailing on the summer. Fucking asshole dropping me in it. How can I hire anyone to come to the lake? Fucking asshole." Spence says after getting off the phone.

"This trip is clearly a bust. Lets go see the place this morning and then head home so you can talk to Will. I can see my kid and we can show Wyatt around. We can stay at Oceans." Robin says.

"I'll come too." Birch says nuzzling Robin's neck.

"Get off, last night was a one off." Robin says irritated.

"Fine. Seems this whole fucking plan is dead in the water because Blue throws a fucking wobbly, again. He wasn't even in the business." Birch bitches.

"I am totally in to the business, I quit my job already. I don't want us dating and working together. I don't want to deal with you being all huffy like this." Robin says frustrated that his life is going down the toilet.

"You don't need the apartment block to start the business. You can get going up at the lake and find office space when you're ready to take on staff." Spence says.

"I know. Its just if Blue has lost it again then we don't have Gervais." Robin says.

"You, Birch and George can do it." Spence says.

"I wonder what Will said. Fucking dick." Birch says.

"Probably not much different to what you said to him a few months ago." Robin says.

"The question isn't what did Will say, the question is why did it have such an impact on them both." Wyatt says.

"You think they're fucking?" Birch asks.

"No they're not. They have become good friends again but Blue has chosen Gervais. He has been really, really clear on that to Gervais and to Will." Spence says.

"He clearly isn't sure." Wyatt says.

"He is. It is just what he had with Will before was pretty amazing. But he has always loved Gervais. Gervais is the big risk, he could fuck Blue over at any minute, drop him out the blue. Will would be safe." Robin says.

"I thought you were team Will." Spence says.

"I kind of am. But I know how much he loved Gervais, how intensely. Remember that first breakup, Blue totally lost it and has been under G's spell ever since. He has to be with him while he has the chance. Then Gervais will get overwhelmed, fuck up and Blue will be free to be with Will." Robin shrugs.

"Sounds fucking awful." Wyatt says.

"He has to go through a cycle of Gervais before he can face being with anyone new. It was Gervais fucking him over that finally got us together." Birch says.

"Gervais has changed." Spence says.

"Nah he hasn't. He already fucked up. He fucked up when I visited and he fucked up last night." Birch says.

"He didn't fuck up last night. They agreed to it, hell Blue was in the thick of it." Robin says.

"Round one. Clearly he was pissed at something and his boyfriend didn't check on him." Wyatt says.

"Sometimes I wish he'd never come back. I can't deal with him going through this again." Spence says sadly.

"Hey Ocean. Want to go for dinner?" Gervais asks calling from his cab on the way from the airport.

"Sure I would love to. Is Blue with you?" Ocean asks.

"He's not with you?" Gervais asks worried.

"No I've not heard from him in a few days." Ocean says.

"Shit. Okay well we'll have dinner any way. I have missed you. How is Garrett?" Gervais asks trying not to panic.

"We're doing great. The season is great. Classes are boring but my grades are great despite missing time. Everything is good." Ocean says.

"That's great. I'll be there in 20minutes. I'll head to the coffee place near campus, the one with the books and see you there after class." Gervais says.

"Sure thanks G." Ocean says smiling and a little confused.

"What's up?" Garrett asks.

"Gervais is coming to see me and he seemed to think Blue would be here." Ocean says.

"Phew, I thought you were feeling weird after last night." Garrett says.

"It was so fun. I wanna ride him next time. If you want a next time." Ocean says.

"That would be so hot. I couldn't believe a big football player like that wanted us to take turns on his ass all night. So fun." Garrett says happy that there is no weirdness and that it might happen again.

"It was so hot. You okay with going to dinner with Gervais?" Ocean asks.

"I actually have a lot of study to do. I'd love it if you brought me something back." Garrett says.

"Sure." Ocean says and kisses Garrett before hitting the shower.

Birch reaches for Robin's hand on the plane.

"Look I get that you don't want things to be messy. But We won't be working together that closely. We've had this whole amazing vibe for years, we have amazing sex and now you are vers too it is even more amazing. I like you. I like you a lot. Not just the sex. Just think about it." Birch says.

"I like you too. But we're heading to the farm and Ella will be there and if she thinks we're together I'll never get to see my kid. Ever." Robin says worried.

"I am happy to be down low at the farm. I am not asking you to join me on a float at pride. I just want you to consider dating me. My life is amazing but lonely on the road. You could come with me, you can work remotely like you do now. We could see the world together. You love those stupid receptions and events. You love them. I'd feel so proud to have you on my arm." Birch says.

"I would fucking love that, I really would. But I can't be on the road while I am trying to get access formalised." Robin says.

`Understood. I am booked for the next year but I will make sure that I fit in with you after that. Please Robin. I am crazy about you." Birch begs.

"Okay." Robin says quietly, inside his heart is flipping out. He has always had a lot of fun with Birch and he would love to be on the road with him, working, sightseeing and schmoozing.

When the plane lands Birch jumps up to get down both their bags, so Robin doesn't struggle to reach. Robin smiles and kisses Birch on the mouth, right in the middle of the aisle.

"I can't believe he is texting you and not me." Garrett says as Ocean's phone beeps again as he gets ready to leave.

"Uh babe." Ocean says eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, its just he is so hot and it is so cool he likes you." Garrett says.

"Enjoy your study, I'll bring you back something tasty later." Ocean says kissing Garrett.

"Are you okay?" Gervais asks as Ocean seems distracted over dinner.

"I so don't want to go in to details with you but hell I need advice. Garrett and I had a threeway last night and the guy keeps texting me. Garrett is jealous that he is texting me and not him, which is making me feel like he wants that guy and not me." Ocean says.

"Do you like the other guy?" Gervais asks.

"Kind of. I love Garrett but if we were not together then yes I would pursue this." Ocean admits.

"I love Garrett and so do you. You are nineteen though and don't need to be in a relationship. It sounds like you both want some time to explore your options. Just because you felt you wanted a boyfriend earlier in the year doesn't mean that hookups are off the table now. Things change." Gervais says.

"I need to talk to him, don't I?" Ocean asks.

"Yes you do." Gervais smiles wishing he was taking his own advice.

"Hey Ocean." A tall, broad hot athlete says approaching the table.

"Hey Tre. Surprised to see you here." Ocean says.

"Excuse me, I need the rest room." Gervais says melting away.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Tre asks.

"I have a boyfriend." Ocean says.

"You want me more. I know I want you. Can't get you out of my head." Tre says.

"I have a boyfriend. Last night was fun, I admit, great fun and you are welcome to join us again." Ocean says trying to keep calm. He knows Tre is bad news, way too arrogant and used to getting whatever he wants. Dangerous but so, so damn sexy.

"Oh no, next time we will be alone. I know it and you know it." Tre says and leans in to kiss Gervais cheek goodbye. As he does he grabs Ocean's hand and holds it to his crotch. Ocean can't help but gasp at the pulsing hardness and blushes as he realises Tre is cumming.

Tre stands up and walks away, not caring about the damp mark.

"That the guy?" Gervais asks coming back.

"Yeah." Ocean sighs.

"Talk to Garrett. Look I was a total fuckup at your age and there are a million things I would do differently. Having a lot of sex with a lot of guys is not one of them." Gervais says.

"That was delicious. What's up?" Garrett asks later finishing his take out.

"I ran in to Tre." Ocean says.

"And?" Garrett asks. Ocean describes the whole encounter, including the throbbing, cumming cock.

"Wow. I am so jealous." Garrett says.

"Of me or him." Ocean asks bluntly.

"Ocean I love you, I really love you. I love that you were my first and you've been guiding me through everything. I thought because of gymnastics and my ambitions a boyfriend was what I needed. That it would make me less preoccupied with sex and fit guys. But lately it isn't. I love you and want forever with you but I think we should take a break and explore a bit more. Tre just cracked open feelings I've been having for a while." Garrett says.

"Same. Totally the same. I thought I wanted a relationship and it has been awesome but I want to get back out there. I was worried I was fucking up the summer. I was going to wait it out. You are so much braver than me." Ocean says.

"So we can still be friends? I really value your friendship and you as a training partner. I forgot about the summer. I really want to go to the lake with you and train with Spence and Will." Garrett says.

"Awesome. So wing men?" Ocean asks.

"Abso fucking lutely." Garrett grins.

"I'm going to give Blue a call. Why don't you order some room service and find a movie?" Spence says.

"Sounds good. Burgers and wings?" Wyatt asks.

"Perfect. Beers too." Spence says.

"Hey Blue, how are you doing?" Spence asks gently.

"I am so sorry for ditching you. I needed some space." Blue says.

"Where are you?" Spence asks.

"I'm at an airport hotel. I just needed to cool down. Will really let me have it and I needed to work out whether he was right or not. He wasn't. I mean you are the only one who has called me. Will is full of shit not checking up on me and Gervais is too. I leave and he doesn't even call and check on me. I'm not playing games, fuck, I mean that wasn't my intention but today has taught me that you and Chris are the only people I can count on." Blue says.

"Gervais has gone to find you. But he should have called you, messaged at least. Look why don't we meet for breakfast tomorrow and maybe look at some places. Not for Robin and Gervais but for us." Spence says.

"I wouldn't want to fuck up their plans. Breakfast sounds good. Sorry for fucking up the trip." Blue says.

"You didn't. We all need to look out for you." Spence says.

"At least things are going well for you and Wyatt." Blue says.

"I really, really like him. I know it is bad timing and he's too young and everything but I really like him. I'm so excited about us." Spence says and Blue can hear the joy in his voice.

"He's really in to you too. I see the way he looks at you." Blue says.

"I've caught him too. He makes me feel amazing whether he is being rough or loving." Spence says.

"You deserve it. You deserve all the squishy butterflies over something new. I've never seen you this excited, not over anyone." Blue says.

"Not since the first time Andy and I got together. I'm cautious, I had so many false starts back then and nothing stuck. This feels worth working on. I wish you had the same." Spence says.

"G and I will work it out. If he fucking calls me. Please don't tell anyone where I am. I know it is a dick move but my friends do need to prove themselves and come to me." Blue says.

"You're right. Stick it out Blue. You'll find out all you need to." Spence says.

Next: Chapter 58

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