Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Feb 17, 2020


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Blue stares at Wyatt for a second and then looks to Gervais who nods.

"You tell me." Blue says fishing his dick out and pulling the skin back and forth.

"Get him ready Spence." Wyatt says looking Gervais in the eye. Gervais nods, totally under the spell.

Robin joins Spence, worshipping Blue's cock and hole. Birch looks on jealous and kneels by Blue's head and Blue opens wide.

Gervais smiles and begins to stroke himself, Wyatt looks over licking his lips.

"I never saw such a big one on such a small guy." Wyatt says.

"Good for stuffing Blue full." Gervais says.

"You okay with me fucking your man?" Wyatt asks.

"As long as it's a hot show. I've fucked your boyfriend before, might as well even things up." Gervais says not intimidated at all but utterly turned on.

Will hangs back surveying the room and all that is going on. He isn't jealous of Robin's involvement, it is all kind of hot but not really his thing. He watches kind of detached. He doesn't want to leave.

"Go play with your little friend." Wyatt says to Spence. Spence grins and sits in the arm chair next to the bed and pulls Robin into his lap, making out and playing with each other, putting on the sort of production Wyatt adores.

Blue turns away from Birch for a moment and stares intently at Wyatt, teasing him running one finger over his dick as Wyatt lines himself up, ready to enter Blue's well prepped hole. Spence and Robin have been very attentive and Blue is more than ready.

Will watches Gervais reaction intently, not understanding how he can be so calm, so generous? How can he let Birch fuck his boyfriend's face as Wyatt thrusts in deep? How can Gervais not be tearing everyone off his man? Will Blue be okay with the same?

Will approaches Gervais from behind.

"Can I fuck you? Make you scream while you watch?" Will whispers in Gervais ear as he feels Gervais cute ass.

"Yeah, take me." Gervais moans.

With a mouth full of Birch's cock Blue doesn't see it happening.

Will knows he is just using the available hole and maybe point scoring to himself. Whatever he is telling his friends, whatever he says aloud to them or to Blue, secretly in his head he is keeping score and everything points to him being the right guy for Blue. Blue needs undivided attention right now. Not being pushed to fuck Robin or Wyatt. Will grips Gervais hips and pumps harder, getting his anger out.

Blue is groaning loudly and alternating between sucking Birch and starring at Wyatt. Wyatt is in heaven with Blue's willingness and the sight of him stroking his big hard cock. He looks over at Spence playing with Robin and smiles, so hot, everything is so hot it is like sensory overload.

Will comes to his senses and falls soft. Withdrawing from Spence and slipping out to the balcony to cool down, he feels so stupid.

Gervais climbs on to the bed and kneels alongside Blue jerking off, driving Wyatt wild and making Blue grin and groan all the more. Spence gets up and kneels the other side to do the same.

Birch seizing his chance picks Robin up and kisses him hard.

"Fill me up." Robin says breathless and thirsty.

Birch holds Robin aloft and lowers him on to his cock. Leaning Robin's shoulders against the wall for balance. Robin groans, he was made for this. All resolve to keep away from Birch flies out the window as their chemistry reignites. Robin wraps his legs around Birch's waist and then slowly moves one then the other aloft, holding himself folded in two against the wall so Birch can push in as deeply as possible.

Blue looks over and smiles, so hot. His orgasm builds and he's soon shooting towards the ceiling as Gervais and Spence cover him and Wyatt pulls out to add his own load, aided by Spence.

"That was something." Blue says and kisses each of them before slipping off to the bathroom to the sounds of Birch and Robin's athletic fuck.

Cleaned off Blue stands in the doorway watching Wyatt being the meat in a Spence, Gervais sandwich as Robin and Birch switch positions. It is hot but he's spent. He slips outside and is surprised to see Will, he'd forgotten he was on the trip.

"I'm not superman you know. I am just as human as you." Will says as Blue sits next to him.

"Spence blabbed?" Blue asks.

"He is worried about both of us. I talked to him after your apology, I was confused." Will says.

"I'm not mad at him. I know he's a true friend and I didn't tell him anything that was a secret." Blue says.

"Why are you doing this? Sex with me and Robin, tonight? This isn't you." Will asks.

"Uh it isn't you. You were the one who always objected or reluctantly agreed to group stuff." Blue says.

"But you always said never again. I was enough for you and you didn`t want to share anymore. You and Gervais have barely been together 5 minutes and he's letting me fuck him and you are entertaining everyone you can." Will says.

"You fucked Gervais? Why?" Blue asks.

"To see if I could. Don't worry I came to my senses and left him to your sordid group." Will says.

"You're so fucking judgemental. Are you doing this to prove your imperfections? Hardly the way to win me over, is it?" Blue asks.

"I am who I am. I am scared for you. I am scared that you are doing things you don't want to do. I am scared you are acting like you are fine and doing what you think you should do. Making a big show of supporting Gervais and Robin going in to business. Starting something with Spence. Trying to fix my life. Deflecting, distracting." Will says.

"I don't want another food business. I don't want a vineyard not now. You know all this. Why are you being so mean?" Blue asks.

"Because you are rushing everything again. I am worried that Gervais is behind it, maybe not directly but I know you. I know that you need time off. That jumping in to decisions already is repeating the mistake you just went through and no one is telling you to stop, step back, not make any decisions." Will says.

"I can't just do nothing." Blue says.

"You and G were going to travel and see the world while Chris was in school. What happened to that plan? You feel guilty that Gervais hasn't pursued his dreams and so now you have to support them? Never mind he and Robin and Birch had seven years to do this if they wanted to. Spence had years to plan what to do with his money. You're attending to everyone but yourself again. Oh sure you are saying you can't participate fully but you are still the one doing the organizing, all the practicalities. You'll be burnt out again in a month." Will says.

"Stop it. Just stop okay? I can't deal with this right now. Not from you." Blue says crying.

"Yes from me. No one else is questioning you. Everyone is tip toeing around you and jumping on every idea. You know that everyone has been to tell me how unreasonable I am for not falling in with you plans. Why the hell would I want to be around those guys? Look at them." Will says standing up and gesturing the mass of bodies writhing together.

"We're not 20 and on spring break anymore. We're grown men." Will says shaking his head.

"Its fun. I get it isn't for you but for me it is fun." Blue shrugs.

"And you are not jealous as hell of Gervais doing what he is? Do you love him at all?" Will asks.

"Very, very much. He's my whole world and I want him to be happy." Blue says honestly.

"At the expense of you. We were working on our dreams together, it wasn't a one at a time thing. It was hard but we were getting there. Why lose yourself to him?" Will asks.

"I'm worthless. Empty. Utterly barren. I am nothing without him and helping Gervais achieve his dreams makes me feel useful." Blue admits.

"So you are back to how you were with Birch? Taking a backseat and losing yourself. Oh I know from him how you worshipped the ground he walked on, worked your fingers to the bone for him, only for him to accuse you of cheating the minute you had one night to yourself. Can't you see that this is what that is?" Will asks.

"We're going to Aruba. He's taking care of me. He isn't asking for anything from me. I offered. He would follow me if I wanted a vineyard but I don't. He is letting me buy a lake house and fishing shack so I have somewhere to get away on my own. He is supporting me the best he can. I am not easy to be around and I know it." Blue says.

"Letting you? For fucks sake Blue, why do you think you might need time out from your life? Time out from your boyfriend? Take a fucking good look at your life and be honest about it." Will says angrily.

"Letting was the wrong word. Supporting it. He supports my need for a space away. So I don't run away when things get tough, or at least rather he'll know where I am when I do." Blue says.

"You could go to the lake, to the farm, to visit Ocean. But no you are prepping for needing total isolation. The thing you have had years of. You're planning to punish yourself with the isolation you have just escaped." Will says.

"Yeah well like I said to Spence. We can't all be perfect like you." Blue says and goes through to his suite and gets into bed alone.

Will put his head in his hands. All he wants to do is follow Blue and hold him and make him feel all better. But that is all anyone is doing. Will hits the shower, grabs his bag and takes off for the farm. He'll sleep in the airport if he has to. He just can't be around these people and he can't be around Blue. He texts Spence to let him know where he is and doesn't look back.

Blue watches him get into a cab from the balcony and sobs. Like Will he just can't stay here. It was a fun idea but he's feeling too crowded and hemmed in.

Blue sleeps alone and in the early morning he grabs his bag. All the guys are asleep on the one bed wrapped together. Blue leaves a note letting them know he's going to look at lake houses and he trusts their judgement on apartments.

From the airport Blue calls Chris, not wanting him to worry.

"Just being here, I can't do a city again. I feel so paranoid." Blue says after relaying Will's rant.

"So come back here. It was too soon." Chris says.

"I need some space from everyone. I thought Gervais was all I needed. I'm going to visit Ocean and look at houses not far from his school. I think it will do me good to be near him." Blue says.

"Yeah but you cannot be alone all the time. Gervais loves you, he would follow you anywhere." Chris says.

"He would but now I know he has dreams and ambitions of his own I would just be holding him back. I will call you every day I promise." Blue says.

"You better. I will be calling Ocean to check up on you and if he says you need me I will be there. Okay? I'm not letting you slip backwards because your ex is a tool." Chris says.

"He had a point. That is why I need some space from G. I was slipping in to him. Like I always do." Blue sighs.

"Go be with Ocean. Go find a fabulous house I can visit. Call Gervais and tell him you love him. Don't lose him over this. You deserve happiness." Chris says.

"I know. I will. I'm not running away. I'm just visiting Ocean." Blue says.

"You are doing both, but I won't let you get lost." Chris says and Blue smiles.

Next: Chapter 57

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