Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Feb 8, 2020


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"More?" Robin asks and Will laughs as he lies back panting.

"You are utterly insatiable. Bet you wish you'd been broken in years ago." Will says.

"Nah, I appreciate it more now. You are amazing. I love how strong you are and your stubble and the way you fill me right up." Robin says with a grin.

The pair have been fucking all week and they both know it is just sex. They are enjoying every second of it but are under no illusions that they are in a relationship. They are both short, strong and flexible and they match up really well in bed.

"Birch has been flirting again. You going to put him out of his misery?" Will asks.

"No. We had a lot of fun a couple of years ago and I have always been attracted to him but we're going to be working together and I need to sort the custody stuff out with Ella. He'd be a fun boyfriend but not a serious one. He has changed so much since he became famous. I can't talk to him about the custody issues the way I can to you, Blue, Spence or Gervais." Robin says.

"It is kind of a shame we're just fwb. We're going through so many similar issues." Will says.

"But we can't just turn on those feelings. Hell at least we've both had those feeling in the past, so we know this isn't it." Robin says.

"Spence and Wyatt have them. I see Wyatt looking at Spence all googly eyed and then putting on his

"I don't care if it is rebound or forever, seeing Spence so happy is wonderful. We'd not hung out much the last couple of years but I'd see him around and its only now I can see how miserable he was. Andy is such a fucking tool." Robin says.

"He could have left sooner, or made changes. Andy messed up a few months ago but before that it was salvageable. I feel responsible a little. We both lost our way at the gym, Ocean being blackballed really got us both down. We both wanted him to make it, probably more than Ocean wanted it." Will says.

"You were miserable in your marriage too. Not just at work. Maybe you and Spence fed off each other." Robin says.

"I offered to leave Aled the first time I spoke to Blue, when he was with Ocean. I knew then it was over, it took me a while to see how long it had already been over. I have to think that if I had got off my ass and ended it when it started going wrong that I might be with Blue now." Will says.

"Gervais will fuck up. He always does. I love them together, always root for them but history is what it is." Robin says.

"He apologized you know? Blue, he apologized for keeping me dangling the way Gervais did to him when he was with Jesse. I'd never thought he was doing that. Sure we'd talked a few what ifs but he was always clear he was with Gervais. I'm choosing to hang on and wait for him. I just can't give him up." Will says.

"It is so hard. He loves you both, always has. One of you has to lose." Robin says.

"I know. I'm not in the right place right now for anyone. Hopefully I'll get over him again. I don't want him to go through another break up, not after all he's been through. I care for him too much to see him in pain again." Will says.

"Well this trip should be fun. We can go a bit crazy and find our next adventure. I really hope you work out what you want and join us." Robin says.

"I don't think it would be healthy for me to be around him for the next stage of my life. I'll stick around for the summer and make sure he's okay, then it will be time to go my own way. You ready for more?" Will asks.

"Mmm I am always ready for dick." Robin smiles.

"Hey bro." Blue says as Chris opens the door.

"Hey stranger." Chris says.

"It's you who has been hiding." Blue grins.

"Sorry, I have been super busy. Larry told me about your plan. I love it." Chris says.

"It's clear you two are going to make a life here. I will visit often and you will come to me." Blue says.

"Yeah. Now we're friends I don't have a compulsive need for you to be right there." Chris says.

"You and Larry seem very happy. He fits up here." Blue says.

"He loves it. Everyone asks him about his old firm and want help negotiating new deals." Chris says.

"I hope he is charging properly." Blue says.

"He is. He's overhauling the garden at mommas too." Chris says.

"Good, it needs it as she's away so much." Blue says.

"Yeah. You're not mad and feeling pushed out?" Chris asks.

"No, this isn't my home. I want you to be happy and being here and being with Larry makes you happy." Blue says.

"That is true. I can't wait to get to school and get back here. Larry is the one for me. I owe you big time for getting us together." Chris says.

"I didn't do anything. You both seized the opportunity that presented itself. You're good for each other and it has been lovely to see what you have blossom into true love. Larry is a great guy, deserves someone lovely and he is lucky to have you. Despite your past you are a loyal sucker." Blue says and kisses Chris on the cheek.

"Thanks bro." Chris says.

"I best get back to G. See you in a couple of weeks. We're off to Aruba after the city." Blue says.

"Send a postcard." Chris laughs and hugs his brother goodbye.

"Hey babe." Larry says kissing Will as he comes in.

"Marry me." Chris says, knowing in the moment that Larry is the one for him. Larry pushes him sexually and supports him ambitions. When he needs it the roughness is gone and Larry is as loving as can be, gentle and sweet. Chris knows Larry loves him and he wants it to be forever.

"Not until you graduate from vet school." Larry says.

"That's a long ass engagement." Chris says.

"I'd be very proud to call myself your fiancé. But I want to wait to get married. We've been around too many divorces and breakups recently. I love you, you are the one for me but I won't marry you until we're in a stable place." Larry says.

"I love you even more for being sensible." Chris says.

"I love you for asking. It is a yes, but it is also a not now." Larry says and kisses Chris gently making him gasp.

"You are mine forever. That is enough for now." Chris smiles.

Larry smiles, kisses Chris again and then picks him up and carries him off to bed.

"This is a kick ass suite. What is the setup?" Robin asks.

"A two-bed suite, adjoining room and the one bed suite the other side. If you and Will are sharing you can have the second room in this suite with me and Gervais. Spence and Wyatt have the one bedroom and Birch the middle room." Blue says.

"That sounds awesome. Thanks guys this place is incredible." Will says with a grin looking round.

"I swear it is way too posh for me. I feel like I need to shit elsewhere." Wyatt says with crude honesty.

"I feel like that sometimes." Blue admits.

"Me too. Whenever I'm on tour or at an event I wonder what I'm doing there." Birch grins.

"I have shipped some wine in. I'll call down for it." Spence says.

"That's good. I think I need to get to know you lot better." Wyatt says.

"Lets go freshen up then have wine. I brought cookies and cheese puffs." Blue grins.

"Blue you are a marvel. I'll order some room service too." Robin grins.

"Babe I told you I wanted to be loud, why are we sharing the suite?" Blue asks Gervais once they get out the shower.

"I do not want to hear Spence and Wyatt." Gervais grins.

"That's fair. I can be loud in Aruba. Are we planning on sharing tonight?" Blue asks.

"I'm open to it. Whatever you want babe. I am always happy just us but I always love to see you sexually happy." Gervais says.

"Same. Well I get jealous but turned on too." Blue grins.

"Tonight we will have fun. Then it'll be just us." Gervais says.

"Yes. I love you so much. So much." Blue says kissing Gervais as he dries him gently.

"I love you too babe. My Blue Sky." Gervais says gently kissing Blue.

"I love being me again." Blue says.

"I love that I can shout from the rooftops that you are mine. No more secrets." Gervais says.

"No more secrets. Big loud loving." Blue says giving Gervais a loud smacking kiss.

"Ugh you two are sickeningly cute." Robin says as Blue and Gervais come in holding hands wearing matching pajama bottoms.

"We are." Blue grins.

Will looks at the pair and tries to be happy for them. Birch looks at Robin and Will and wonders how together they are and if it is just a way to hide Will's clear feelings for Blue. Damn he wants to cum in Robin's ass.

"What do you want to know?" Blue asks.

"What was everyones first gay experience?" Wyatt asks. He is curious how this group found each other. He's never been around so many out men, especially hot ones.

"Well I skyped a few guys to jack off. But in person it was a total disaster." Blue says and tells the story of his attempted hookup with Brad.

"Shit that sucked. I mean it was hot and I might have just gone with the threeway if it were me." Wyatt says.

"I was scared. And grossed out. I count my first kiss with Gervais as my real first experience. Though he denied we were anything other than friends after it. Said it was nothing special. My first few experiences sucked." Blue says and Wyatt looks at him surprised.

"Mine was with Spence, if we don't count sharing a bed with Blue. At wresting comp, he and Andy had split and we jerked off, switching hands, totally hot." Robin says moving conversation swiftly away from Blue's disasters.

"It was so hot. My first was blowing a senior when I was a freshman at boarding school. The only good thing that happened all year. Everything else first was with Andy." Spence says.

"You two really jerked off together?" Wyatt asks turned on.

"Yeah, everything else first was with Blue, or Blue and Birch." Robin says.

"I remember you watching us and jerking off one time. You were so never straight." Gervais grins.

"I just didn't want to fit the stereotype. I loved that I was tiny and camp and straight and Blue was a big gay lumberjack." Robin shrugs.

"So you and Blue dated?" Wyatt asks.

"No, I have dated Gervais, Birch and Will. Fooled around with the others." Blue says with a grin.

"My boyfriend sounds like a total slut." Gervais grins.

"You guys have all fucked? So jealous. How did a chump like Spence end up with such hot friends?" Wyatt asks making Spence's hole twitch.

"Blue, Gervais, Robin and I were suitemates freshman year. I worked with Will one summer and then he dated Blue." Spence says.

"And I met Blue through Willow. Fucked around with Spence's ex for a while then dated Blue. Robin joined us a few times. Taught him to suck cock like a pro." Birch grins and Robin smiles back.

"Not just Blue that is a ho then. What was your first experience?" Wyatt asks.

"I lived in a commune growing up. Nudity was all around. Nothing dodgy, I swear. I always knew I loved cock and ass. I came hard in my underwear just touching another guys dick when I was about 13. We fooled around a fair bit." Birch says and all the guys smile.

"For me I had a best friend at gym who I did everything with. We sucked each other off at about 12. It was crazy, we were way too young and totally clueless. I rarely had boyfriends and was only fully out to everyone when Blue came in to my life the second time. Falling in love makes everything before nothing." Will says.

"That is so true." Spence says feeling a wave of regret over Andy.

"Yeah I like that, my first times topping and bottoming sucked. I mean the sex was good with Elliot but the way he cut me down after just killed it. It wasn't until Gervais finally agreed to be mine the first time that everything made sense." Blue says.

"What about you Gervais, you've not said." Wyatt asks not caring for the mushy stuff.

"My first experiences were not consensual. Boarding school sucked and I didn't even have the redeeming episode Spence had." Gervais says.

"I wish I had done more for you." Spence says.

"We were kids. But anyway my first consensual stuff was at summer camp. I had a huge crush on my counselor one year and its kind of fucked up but he let me suck him off and would jerk me off after." Gervais says.

"You never told me." Blue says.

"I was embarrassed. What about you Wyatt?" Gervais asks.

"What I count was this footballer." Wyatt begins and tells the locker room story.

"But when did you get your dick wet?" Blue asks stroking himself through his pjs at the hot story.

"A couple of days later it was raining. I braved it and asked him for a ride home. He said sure and I told him I thought he had a hot cock. I have no idea why I said it but hell it was true and the worst he could do was kill me at practice right?" Wyatt laughs.

"Did you suck it in the car?" Robin asks as he nuzzles against Will.

"Nah we went to his place under the excuse of playing videogames. He sucked me and begged me to top him. I was a lot smaller than him back then and so surprised but I went for it, he came three times and it was incredible. I became a badass top from that minute." Wyatt grins.

"So hot." Will says not hiding his stiff dick.

"What else do you want to know?" Blue asks.

"Is it true you are huge and uncut?" Wyatt asks.

Next: Chapter 56

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