Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jan 27, 2020


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"Stop it G. He loves you. He has apologized and he has offered to cut Will off, for you. Listen to him. He isn't holding a grudge about your past. He has long forgiven you for everything. Accept that he loves you and wants to be with you." Spence says.

"Its true. Don't try being all noble. You don't need to. He has been really clear. We have all suggested he dump you for Will but he loves you." Birch says.

"And he always did. He and Will were amazing but they might not have survived Will's training. Did you ever think of that? Remember how crazy the time before Rio was." Robin says.

"And if it doesn't work out. You can survive him dumping you. I'm not sure he would deal with you walking away right now." Spence says quietly.

"So, you all okay to go to the city next week? The kids are on break here and the gym equipment is another week away." Robin asks.

"Yes. I'm looking forward to it. I can't believe the plan Blue has but I love it." Birch says.

"Same. He wants a real fresh start. No more farms and foods." Gervais says with a small smile.

"It feels so right. It has taken us both a long time to come back to the idea that we want to do this for a living. I think we're ready now, we've both been getting our skills back in different ways. Birch is the missing piece." Robin says.

"George wants in. Thoughts?" Gervais asks.

"We could use his skills. Can he afford it?" Robin asks.

"Yes." Gervais says.

"Good with me." Spence says.

"And me. As long as he's nice George not uptight controlling George." Birch says.

"l think you'd keep him in line." Robin says with a grin.

"We can get started up here. George has to tie things up where he is anyway. And it will take a while to find the right building." Gervais says.

"Blue and I have a bunch ready to see. We have narrow options as we don't want renovations to take years but we also want what we want. We're looking at hotels, projects that ran out of money and ones that are complete but lost buyers. You guys are all neutral on location? Blue wants a place with a view within a couple of hours drive." Spence says.

The guys look at Spence's options and discuss locations for a while until Wyatt returns from work and Will and Blue get in from class.

"Wyatt will you be able to come with us? I'd really like your option on work that will need doing." Blue asks once they are all caught up.

"We'd cover your costs." Gervais says.

"Seriously?" Wyatt asks. He has never really been around rich guys before.

"We want your professional opinion. So we can pay you for your time too." Blue says.

"Spence?" Wyatt asks.

"You'll only get paid for the time looking round the buildings and any evaluations you write after. You won't lose out from not being here for work. But I won't pay you for hanging out." Spence says.

"I don't know that I want to be with Spence much longer but you guys seem like you need to hire me for longer than just this trip." Wyatt says. Spence feels chastised and delighted all at once.

"We always work best with each other, learning as we go. If you are up to project managing any building work, the job is yours." Robin says speaking for them all, knowing he can.

"For real?" Wyatt asks not sure of his luck.

"Spence said you're saving to go back to school. This will pay better than up here and you'll have somewhere nicer to sleep than the bunk house." Blue says.

"We'll fire you if you're shit." Gervais says.

"You guys are so weird." Wyatt grins.

"We are happiest when we're all friends and looking out for each other." Spence says simply.

"We fuck up a lot. But now we're all back together we don't want to be apart. Since everything went down with Blue we are pretty distrustful of outsiders. If you are secretly part of the mob and here to spy on Chris, Clara, Bea and Blue then get the fuck out, but if not then feel privileged that we are letting you in." Birch says.

Blue grins. Right now, Andy aside all his friends love him and are looking out of him. They like his plan and they are going to be living close to each other, but not in the same apartment. So Blue won't end up doing extra housework. Spence is always happy to throw money at something rather than expecting Blue to solve it. Things are good.

"I am nothing to do with the mob. I would never have ended up in a bunkhouse if I were." Wyatt grins. These guys are his ticket to the next stage of his life and he can't believe his luck. Damn he needs to cum.

"Good." Spence says.

"Come on lets go. I need to abuse that slack hole of yours." Wyatt says making Spence blush and stiffen. The pair make a hasty exit.

"Those two are so cute together." Blue says.

"The casualness of the sexy put downs from Wyatt are so perfect for Spence." Birch says.

"l thought Andy and Spence were an odd couple that worked, once they were married but seeing the way Wyatt and Spence look at each other and the spark they have. I kind of forget that Spence was ever with Andy." Will says.

"l am so jealous. I really want a boyfriend." Robin says.

"Seriously?" Blue asks.

"Yeah. My hetro-romantic, bi for sex identity has shifted and I'm just bi now. And I really want to try dating a man and see where it goes." Robin says.

"l am so proud of you." Blue says and kisses his friend's cheek.

"l would totally date you, if it wouldn't cause an earthquake here." Will says.

"l would be so okay with it. Two of my best friends dating. If you're both ready." Blue says quietly.

"Seeing Spence get back on the horse has inspired me out of my funk. Robin, what do you say? Want to go hiking tomorrow?" Will asks.

"I would love that." Robin replies and it is Birch not Blue who has the flash of jealousy.

"Get your dick out." Wyatt says as soon as they are in the car.

Spence complies readily.

"That's right, show it some love. Yeah that looks good." Wyatt says approvingly.

They get to their place and Spence makes to zip up.

"No way are you putting that away." Wyatt says and Spence smiles.

Wyatt is horny as fuck. He just needs to get off.

"Bend over and spread." Wyatt says and Spence groans the second they get into their room.

Wyatt takes what he needs and Spence gladly submits.

"I love you." Gervais says to Blue when they get to their room.

"I love you oodles. You are looking so sexy tonight." Blue grins.

"I feel good." Gervais says and kisses Blue.

They kiss and kiss and kiss, undressing each other slowly before Blue makes a meal of Gervais cute ass.

"That feels so good." Gervais groans, all his insecurities fly away as Blue shows how turned on he is.

"You're so sexy, I love this ass and your back. Your soft skin is everything." Blue says stroking and kissing all of Gervais skin before heading back to the booty.

"My turn." Gervais says.

"Give me your dick then." Blue says maneuvering them into position.

The sound of slurping fills the air. They take their time, loving every moment. Gervais sits up and throws Blue down and pushes in. Blue groans and smiles up at his boyfriend, who he loves more than anything.

"Feels good babe." Blue smiles, his dick stretching and bouncing as Gervais pumps away.

"Yes you do." Gervais grins down at Blue. Loving watching his big dick bounce, loving his hairy body and the muscles that have been returning.

"Ride me." Blue grins.

"You bored of my dick?" Gervais teases.

"Wanna see you ride me." Blue pants groaning. He loves Gervais inside him but he wants a change too.

Gervais pulls out and sucks Blue's dick for a minute before positioning himself on it and taking him slowly.

Blue holds Gervais hips to help him steady.

"Yeah babe, love your big dick." Gervais smiles when he gets half way down.

"Nothing hotter than watching you ride me." Blue says stroking Gervais big dick a little.

"Then I best get bouncing." Gervais says.

He bounces and rests, Blue bucks up and they groan and moan and love every second.

"More, more, more. Fuck, fuck, FUCK." Gervais groans as he cums wildly, heath thrown back taking all the dick he can.

Blue pulls Gervais to him and kisses him hard as he fills Gervais with hot cum.

"l love it when that happens." Blue smiles.

"Me too. That was a lot of fun." Gervais says.

"l am looking forward to our trip. Are we having a big ass suite? I want to be LOUD." Blue says grinning.

"l think we can do that. This project has given me back my Blue." Gervais says.

"l need to show you that you are my number one, my only. I want you to be happy and secure and in tip top shape before you start this project." Blue says.

"l am Blue. I am. I had a major wobble a few days ago, thinking I should give you up so you can be with Will. But I get it now, you've the option to be with him and you are choosing me. I feel pretty good. If anything was going to happen with Will it would have, you have had the opportunity. And I watched you tonight when he said he would like to date Robin and you didn't flinch, your face didn't darken. You really were okay with it. And I knew you were mine." Gervais says.

"After this trip, maybe we could stay away an extra week. Go to the beach somewhere. Just us." Blue says.

"Mmm yes please. Lets go somewhere exotic. Hawaii was a bust in the end. We'll hit Aruba or somewhere." Gervais says.

"Mmmmm yes I want that. Anywhere with a nude beach." Blue says with a big grin, pulling Gervais on top of him to cuddle tightly.

"Naked, loud Blue. My dream vacation." Gervais says.

"Naked, sexy, Gervais. I dreamed of being back with you for so long. I missed you so much. Everything is right now. We are having a break and then we have a new project. I love you so, so much." Blue says.

"I know, I know you do. Your face when I was on your dick, you just looked into my eyes with love and it wasn't just the sex. You made me feel amazing and I remembered all the good times. I focus on the fuck ups a lot and forget how good we were too. I often feel I don't deserve you, that I messed up too much. But I know that you love me anyway. Even though I messed up at Christmas. You keep choosing me and not Will." Gervais says.

"I love you because you fucked up. You are human, just like me. I fuck up too. I am so proud of you for fighting everything and becoming who you are today. And you love me. Despite my heart turning to stone and my lack of focus and ambition. You love me. And you still find me attractive. I still fancy you like crazy, just as much as I always did. I love all of you, mistakes and perfections. This isn't convenience. This isn't the romance of you waiting for me. The is no holds barred full on sexy love. I love you body, mind and soul. You are my man." Blue says and Gervais can't hold back the tears.

Next: Chapter 55

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