Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jan 13, 2020


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After a few weeks at the lake everyone has their rhythm and are content. Spence and Wyatt have quickly become a couple and Clara has found them a home near the gym, on the property of one of her elderly friends. Spence is more than happy to visit with them and help out with shopping and chores and Wyatt happily follows Spence's lead.

Spence being happy means he is being easier on Andy in the divorce. Spence just wants it to be over. Andy seems to be accepting it and isn't pushing back too much. Clara is worried that Katelyn is bankrolling him but knows Katelyn is generally careful and won't give more than she can afford to.

Will and Blue have been enjoying their class together. Will is working on what he might like to do as a career and Blue is working through his feelings around his isolation. They have enjoyed being amongst similarly struggling people and the art itself. Blue's love of drawing the nature around him has returned in spades and Will finds himself painting the sky over and over.

Gervais keeps an eye on the friendship but his insecurity is dissipating. Blue is in his bed every night and shows no signs of wanting to be anywhere else. Gervais has seen how happy Larry and Chris are here and is expecting them to return after Chris finishes school. It worries him a little but it also gives him and Blue the freedom to go wherever they please.

Blue has been looking at properties online, he too has seen that it is obvious Chris will want to settle here, Blue knows he can't. Being on good terms with Clara is one thing, having her in his day to day life long term is another. He knows he should be looking with Gervais but he wants this to be his place. Just his. Maybe not to live in year-round but where he can escape to and be himself.

Birch is back from tour and has slotted back in to the group. He's close to Robin and Will and the three are keeping a close eye on Blue. They all have differing theories on what is up with him and what he needs to do to feel himself. Will doesn't share what Blue says in art class but joins in with the speculation from the other two. All three agree Blue is holding back and isn't himself.

Chris is also trying to keep an eye on his siblings but most the time he forgets, he is working hard with the vet and playing hard with Larry. He tries to make time for Blue and Bea but it isn't as much as he thinks he should.

"You are looking happy." Blue says to Will as they head to class.

"The kids are coming up with their grandparents for spring break. They miss me and want to see me." Will says with a smile.

"With Aled?" Blue asks.

"No. He's working. I'm excited. Can we take them out on your boat?" Will asks.

"Of course, you know how to sail it. I am sure we can get some kids lifejackets too." Blue smiles.

"Cool. I want everything to go smoothly." Will says.

"l am so happy for you. I know it was so hard letting them go." Blue says.

"l feel so much guilt but I think taking an uncle like role in their lives is good for all of us. They love their grandparents and they can give them true stability. When Aled and I have new partners it will be easier for them to not be around them full time. They have had enough change." Will says.

"l know it is hard for you. I know you miss them. But in some ways I am glad you have a clean slate to move forward with." Blue says.

Will gives Blue a look.

"Shit sorry. I didn't mean they were a millstone or anything. I know you are doing what is best for them and you hate that it means they are not with you." Blue says ashamed.

"I wish I could give them the life they deserve. It'll be easier for them with their grandparents and they can afford to give them a good life." Will says quietly.

Blue turns and hugs Will closely wanting to take away his pain.

"Thanks Blue. I am so glad I can count on you." Will says.

"Always." Blue says.

"You look happy, did you complain about my monster cock in class?" Gervais asks when Blue gets back in.

"Always. You know I never have to bitch about you. You're the best." Blue says and kisses his cheek.

"Is it helping?" Gervais asks.

"Yeah. I feel connected to nature again. All hippie nonsense I suppose but it is the way I was raised." Blue says.

"I remember that hippie out of water at school. We all think of the real you as the guy I turned you in to. George and I totally screwed you up. You became strong and amazing but maybe the real you is that carefree hippie kid you were before you met us. Not one who takes on the world and thinks he has to look after everyone." Gervais says.

"I guess so. Momma brought me up to give back, not give all of me. Maybe you've cracked it. I thought Will and Birch knew me best. My true character but maybe it is you after all." Blue says.

"Will was amazing for you. He did know you inside out. But he knew you inside out, after you'd already changed so much. Birch is a prick and you should remember what he did to you. I know that is rich coming from me. But hell, his life was a fucking walk in the park, he had no reason to be such a fucking bitch." Gervais says, still mad at Birch for what he did on his visit.

"I've been looking at places to buy. Just me." Blue admits quietly.

"That makes sense. You need to know you're not trapped or tied to me. You don't need to hide things Blue, I know your needs are different now. And I think its pretty hot that my boyfriend owns a vacation home. Though I doubt it will be as fancy as Spence's beach house." Gervais smiles. Blue beams at Gervais response.

"You don't mind?" Blue asks.

"No, we're not one person. We are coping pretty well doing a few separate things and we will do more. If we do everything together we'll have nothing to think about. You going to show me these places?" Gervais asks.

"Yeah. Some are fancy and some not. I looked at some fishing cabins and some lake houses." Blue says.

"I'd kind of like our home to be a lake house, but if you want a more rural one then for your bolt hole that is okay too. And a fishing shack, well nothing would suit you more. I have no problem with you heading off every few weeks to fish, especially if it coincides with a new game coming out, and it means I can play for 72 hours without you being on my case." Gervais says with a bright smile.

"You should get back into games. You always loved it and I know you said you didn't want to make it a career you did like working for Jeremy, even if he was a perv." Blue says.

"I want to. Birch and I have been talking about a collaboration with Robin. He's been experimenting with some characters and fantasy scenes. Don't tell anyone, it is such a departure from his normal style and he doesn't want it to affect his brand as it's a risk. He might be a prick, but he has talent." Gervais says.

"Maybe I could help with story ideas." Blue says.

"Would you be okay with me bankrolling Robin's share? If the three of us started a company? Birch has made loads of money. Robin is getting some from his settlement but doesn't have the same sort of money to invest. Its just an idea right now." Gervais says.

"A very exciting one. I don't want you to just follow me in my plans. We always planned that I would be on the property and you'd be out coding." Blue says quietly.

"Or in my home office watching you run through your vines with the kids." Gervais says, saying aloud their shared dream makes everything feel back on track.

"Yeah. I really, really want that for you. I just don't feel up to running a business, a vineyard, not yet. Ask Birch, Will and Robin to dinner tomorrow. I have an idea and I want to see how feasible it is. Oh and for sure we should help Robin out with his share. In fact, I think if I gifted him his share it might make things easier between the three of you, so it's equal." Blue says.

"I can see your mind racing. You have a plan." Gervais grins.

"You sparked an idea. I want to support your dreams." Blue says.

"Wait, why does Will need to be involved tomorrow?" Gervais asks.

"All part of the idea. He needs a new focus too. Is that okay? He's had a tough time too and we're good for each other, I think." Blue says.

"l told you, I'm not insecure about your friendship. Not now. You love me and he is in no state to be in a relationship. His trust in guys must be pretty dead since Aled." Gervais says.

"That is so true, he shouldn't be with anyone right now. And I am with you. I choose you. you are all mine." Blue says with a smile.

"This booty is all mine." Gervais says grabbing Blue's ass.

"Yes it is." Blue smiles.

"I am going to play with this ass for hours and hours." Gervais grins.

"Oh yeah?" Blue asks wriggling away. Gervais catches his wrist and pulls him back. They kiss and fuck and laugh together, enjoying each other's bodies to the fullest.

Blue and Gervais lie back on their bed staring at the ceiling, holding hands, giggling when they're done. Something has shifted. Now the business pressure is off Blue he feels so much lighter. Admitting he doesn't want to pursue his old dreams right now makes him feel lighter and focusing on Gervais and his dream is making him feel good. He knows it might not be entirely healthy but he feels really good.

"This is my Blue." Gervais says.

"You're more like you too." Blue says.

"I really feel like we've reset the clock. This time I am staying with you, not running off with Fergus. I really feel the second chance, I appreciate every second. I love you like crazy Blue." Gervais says.

"That is it. We are starting over for real. I love you crazy lots too." Blue says kissing Gervais nose.

Next: Chapter 53

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