Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Oct 5, 2019


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Spence leans against the barn wall and groans. He has no intention of going back to the club and just wants Andy to stew for a bit. Holy fuck it feels good. That Andy got instantly jealous in the club means a lot to Spence. His husband still wants him, wants him all to himself. Spence sighs and looks down at his throbbing dick. Spence smiles to himself, his husband needs putting in his place and a good pounding.

Andy is feeling amazing. He is trying to rub his cock against the floor, he's so fucking horny. Hid mind is flashing to Spence on his knees with all those cocks. Fuck his husband is hot.

"Oh dear, trying to get relief from the barn floor." Spence says looking at Andy.

"You left me in a bad way babe." Andy says.

"Pathetic." Spence says as he loosens the rope and rearranges Andy's legs for better access.

"I am totally pathetic." Andy groans.

Spence doesn't hold back and gives Andy the pounding he's been craving. Spence is mad that Andy bypassed switching things up and went straight to playing around. Still the guys dressed as cops were fucking hot and it was fun for a minute.

"God that feels so good." Andy moans, he needs this.

"You're okay." Spence says gripping the ropes around Andy's back and slamming in to him. Spence is never, ever this aggressive in bed and is loving the change. Andy is feeling off the charts good. Everything is right tonight, everything.

"Oh babe, babe, fuck, FUCK, FUCK." Andy cries out as he cums totally out of control, his first hands free in years.

Spence keeps pounding away, using Andy as his sex toy. He always takes a long time when he tops. Andy is loving it, usually he's lose interest after nutting but tonight he wants to be everything that Spence needs.

"Fill me babe, use me, fill me." Andy pants and Spence obliges grunting and growling as he unloads in Andy's tight ass.

"Oh babe we needed that." Spence says kissing Andy's back before pulling out slowly and gently untying Andy.

"We did. I am sorry for pulling you out the club earlier." Andy says.

"You should be. Come on lets go shower." Spence says.

They spend an age in the shower kissing and washing each other. They feel like they are reconnecting and Andy starts to fuck Spence slowly under the spray. Gentle and loving, although still athletic as they are standing.

After they dry each other off gently and get into bed, Andy snuggles on to Spence's shoulder.

"Experiment over?" Spence asks.

"I cheated on you. I fucked up and instead of asking for what I wanted I went elsewhere." Andy says rolling away from Spence and curling up in a ball, so ashamed.

"Before we went to Hawaii?" Spence asks gently, everything slotting in to place.

"Yes. Things haven't been great have they? I mean we have been having a lot less sex." Andy says.

"Because you've been too tired. I initiate often and I never say no. Unlike you." Spence says.

"I know. Sometimes I fucking hate being a full-time farmer. I hate market season and I hate that we've grown so distant and I know it was me clamming up, not being open with you. It's us and I felt I couldn't talk about sex. Then I saw you tonight living out a fantasy and I didn't want you to, not without me. I've been such a selfish prick." Andy says.

"You took your resentment of farming out on Blue. Time for a change. But you need to tell me what happened, so I know what I'm expected to forgive." Spence says.

"It was Tad. I wanted, well I wanted a bit of what we had tonight. I was always happy being in charge in bed, given you were in charge out of it. But the last few years running the business, alone or with Tad, well I've had to be in charge all the time. I hate it. And Tad I guess is the opposite, we might be in business together but I get final say and at home and in bed Ollie is in charge and we were talking about it and it lead to an afternoon of fucking and a shit ton of guilt." Andy says.

"I guess that is why Tad and Ollie haven't been around, even though Larry has been back. Shit Andy you know better than to shit where you eat." Spence says exasperated.

"I know. Will you forgive me? I do want this, I love you, I only love you." Andy says.

"I know you don't love Tad and I know it was just sex. I am super mad that you got inbetween their marriage. Fucking a married friend just isn't on." Spence says.

"I know. I feel terrible. And then I try and fuck us up, asking for freedom. I thought if we both fucked around I'd feel less guilty." Andy says.

"You are such a dick. But you are mine and I love you, despite your stupid behavior. Taking out your guilt on Blue wasn't on. It wasn't his fault you rode Tad's thick dick. He isn't the reason you haven't found a balance with your job here." Spence says.

"He is. I mean he couldn't help it but it is his fault for not being here." Andy says.

"It isn't his fault he wasn't here. He would kill to be as unhappy as we have been. He didn't get a shot at his dream or his man. You must know how badly you hurt him. How much us just being there hurt him." Spence says.

"You sound more mad at me for what happened with Blue than what happened with Tad." Andy says.

"It is easier to forgive you for Tad." Spence says simply.

"We will be okay though. Now Ocean is okay." Andy says.

"I think it is time we moved on from here. We both want something different." Spence says.

"Tad couldn't afford to buy us out." Andy says.

"So what? He fucked my husband, I owe him jack shit." Spence says.

"My cheating sets us free." Andy says with a giggle and the pair are soon laughing together in a way they haven't in a long time.

"What are you doing here?" Blue asks as Aled walks through the door.

"I wanted to tell you myself what has been going on, why you're here." Aled says.

"Is it Ocean? Is he okay?" Blue asks.

"I should have known you'd guess. Chris always said you were smart. He's fine, his mom and Gervais have gone to him." Aled says and he tells them what they know so far about Ocean being taken.

"So we can go back now?" Chris asks.

"The kidnappers are still under surveillance. We are hopeful they'll lead us to the remaining members. You need to be patient. They clearly wanted to smoke you out and we still don't know why." Aled says.

"Wait, if Ocean was dropped in the woods, how do you have those that took him under surveillance?" Bea asks.

"They sent out a video and we found them from that. Why they let Ocean go we have no idea, other than to smoke you out, and to spread us more thinly. There were some other incidents. Truth is if you hold tight you might be able to be totally free." Aled says.

"Please tell Gervais I love him and Ocean too. We've all been thinking of him and hoping he was okay." Blue says.

"Same, tell the little dude I owe him a milkshake." Bea says.

"And tell Larry, please. Tell him I miss him like crazy and he better be waiting for me." Chris says.

"I am sure he is." Aled says.

"Did you love Will?" Blue asks bluntly.

"I do love Will, I will always love him. My feelings were real, the guilt was screwing me up and killing our marriage and we couldn't have lasted but I love him." Aled says and Blue nods."

"So why divorce? Why not work it out?" Chris asks, he hates Aled for what he did but if his feelings are real it seems such a waste to throw it away.

"He doesn't love me. He never loved me." Aled says simply, looking Blue in the eye.

"How long are we going to be cooped up and is there a reason I can't go back? I have a job where kids depend on me." Bea says.

"I know you're frustrated Bea, but right now the higher ups are saying no. They took Ocean, they didn't hurt him but they scared the shit out of all of us. Taking Ocean in broad daylight on his college campus is a huge concern. Bea I know you feel safe at the lake but you have a routine just like Ocean. If they got there, they would get you." Aled says.

"They'd not get half way down the mountain with her." Blue says.

"Look I know we all think we'd fight off attackers and set ourselves free but it isn't always possible." Aled says.

"He's not saying that. There is only one route down and it would be blocked by falling trees in a heartbeat if anyone tried to take Bea, or anyone else." Chris says with a laugh.

"They might not all love Bea up there but she's my momma's daughter and therefore no one would succeed in taking her." Blue says.

"She still can't go." Aled says and leaves the room.

"They took Ocean in broad daylight. Why now?" Blue says.

"I feel really uneasy about this and for the first time since they killed our cousins I am thankful to be here." Bea says quietly.

"Me too. Plus I have you two which makes it a lot more bearable." Chris says.

"Another game of monopoly?" Blue asks.

"As long as Bea doesn't cheat this time." Chris says.

"Well we could play scrabble if you weren't so dumb." Bea replies and Chris pokes out his tongue. The three play and squabble and feel grateful for the time they are spending together.

"That was great." Willow says stretching out like a cat.

"It really was, you have the cutest nips." Heidi says grinning.

"You have an amazing body. I rarely get to have anyone different to me, its all yoga buffs and skinny artists at the lake." Willow sighs.

"Calling me fat?" Heidi asks, eyebrow raised.

"Curvy, voluptuous, fucking hot. No insult, you are sheer perfection." Willow grins.

"I'm a baker, I would never get offended." Heidi grins back.

"This feels like something. I always get a jolt seeing Cheryl, she's married and happy and I am happy for her. I am. This feels like more than a distraction." Willow says looking at Heidi and pushing her hair out of her face.

"You are over her, you are still attracted to her, because she's your type but you couldn't be with her." Heidi says.

"I could be with you." Willow says.

"I feel the same. Truly. But I have my work here, the bakery, the charity." Heidi says.

"You could have both at the retreat. Differently, but we could use you. You'd be of value." Willow says.

"Let me think about it. I kinda really feel it is time to move on. We've all been waiting on Blue. Waiting to show him what we've done, waiting on his approval. But I can't do that to him, how cruel would it be? The lake sounds tempting. You are tempting." Heidi smiles.

"I'd come here for you. If you really can't leave." Willow says suddenly wanting to grab this chance at happiness with both hands and never let go.

"I wouldn't ask that. I'd be insecure about Cheryl and so would Marsha. I'll come to the lake with you. I'll try it for a few weeks and if we think this is real then I'll come back here and sort everything out." Heidi says and Willow kisses her hard.

"I know it is crazy and a total lesbian cliché." Willow says.

"Bullshit, we've known each other for years. And fuck it, who cares. I like you, we have similar values and goals and you are so hot." Heidi grins.

"Right back at ya." Willow says, her face lit up with happiness.

The following morning Larry knocks on Spence and Andy's door. Andy answers butt naked.

"Sorry, I can come back later." Larry says staring at the floor.

"Shit sorry." Andy says pulling on a pair of shorts, he and Spence leave clean shorts and underwear in strategic places incase they need to answer the door unexpectedly. Their housekeeper despairs on the days she comes in of what she might find where.

"Honestly if it is too early." Larry says making to leave.

"Nah come and join us for breakfast. It is really nice to have you back." Andy says ushering Larry through to the kitchen where Spence is eating eggs.

"Want some food?" Andy asks.

"Coffee and toast would be great." Larry says helping himself and sitting down.

"Any news?" Spence asks.

"G and Cheryl got down there okay and Ocean is okay. He has to stay for more questioning but he isn't much help from his own admission. Aside from bruising and sore feet he's fine. Totally fine. They even left food and water for him." Larry says.

"I could kill them." Andy says.

"Get in line." Spence says.

"So what did you get up so early for?" Andy asks.

"I figured you'd be up, farmers curse and all that. I wanted to pick your brain on tomatoes and other crops. You still grow the things Blue likes to cook with, and I thought I should get all the tips before we leave." Larry says.

"Let us come with you." Spence says.

"What about the gym?" Larry asks.

"I'll sell it. Or get a manager in. We both need a new challenge." Spence says.

"You ready to tackle wine?" Larry asks.

"Hell yes." Andy says with a grin. He loves what he has done with the farm and Tad has been great but it wasn't the plan. Larry and Spence are offering the plan.

"Will it be weird though, I mean I'm Spence's ex and you used to date Chris?" Larry asks.

"I trust me and you. Do you trust Chris around my husband? As far as I know Andy is the only cheat out of the four of us." Spence says.

"I trust Chris completely. He is not the jerk you knew before and he has never been a cheat. Quick to suggest a group thing but that suits me." Larry says.

"Just me that is a fucking idiot." Andy says with a sigh.

"What about you Spence?" Larry asks.

"I have to hope there is a college with a vacancy for an assistant coach. If not for gymnastics for wrestling in the vicinity. I am happy to volunteer, even if its just club. Wherever Chris ends up will have some sort of sports." Spence says.

"Being rich gives you options I guess." Larry says.

"I am very lucky. I know that." Spence says.

"How are things with your dad?" Andy asks.

"The same. I don't need him. Man it will be so cool if the six of us start something together. I will admit extra eyes on Blue and Chris will be welcome. Those two need a lot of love and attention." Larry says.

"We love Blue, it won't be hard." Spence smiles.

"Tell me what food he made at the café." Andy says with a big smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 41

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