Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Jun 17, 2019


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This is going to be the last chapter for a while. I'm going to take some time to rework the story so it makes more sense.


In the new year the café is busy all the time. Locals happily use it to socialize, the school parents, the seniors and even some of the farmers start coming in. Tommy and his school friends frequent the place a lot and drink all the milkshakes they can supply. Blue is enjoying making ice-cream again and being creative. His soups are as usual well received by all and the modest pricing keeps people coming back.Blue and Gervais take the early shift so they can do all the food prep, Chris and Larry the afternoons and they split the evenings. They close early Mondays and Tuesdays so they all get a night off and open later on the weekends so Blue and Gervais get to sleep in.

Blue and Gervais have their day out together but it isn't enough to heal their rift. They are getting along but not back together. They both miss being together and are struggling with it but neither can manage to make the first move. They are both hurting and not able to fully open up and talk about it yet.

One Wednesday evening Larry and Chris go out drinking in the city with some of Ezra's guys and Blue and Gervais are holding the fort. It isn't too busy until a group of teachers from Tommy's school come in, several groups. Blue and Gervais get on with serving them and chatting a little. They all say the boys have bigged the place up and they needed to visit without the students around.

Everything is fine until Blue feels Gervais stiffen. He follows Gervais sightline and sees a guy a couple of years older than them. Gervais is trembling and Blue's blood runs cold.

"Go home and lock the door. I'll be back as soon as I can." Blue says and Gervais bolts the second he steps out the door.

Blue picks up the phone and calls AB.

"Thank goodness you answered, I wasn't sure how I'd explain to W." Blue says.

"It is so weird to hear your voice, good but weird." AB says.

"I don't know how to deal with this but one of the teachers at Tommy's school is one of Gervais tormentors. I guess maybe Spence's too. I don't know what to do. I thought you should know. Tommy. I hell sorry AB he's still here and I don't know what to do." Blue says.

"Take his picture and send it to me. Can you do that? I will check him out via Spence and Tommy and raise hell at the school." AB says.

"Thanks. You should have seen G, I knew straight away. I hope they go soon." Blue says.

"Make sure G is okay, that is the main issue." AB says trying to stay calm and not fly up there to yank Tommy out of school.

"I hope he hasn't hurt any of the kids there. You know everything, right? G told you? Can you call Robin's mom? She knows everything. She tried for a while to do something about it. Get new processes at the school." Blue says.

"I know everything and yes I will call her. W and I will do everything. I'd it comes to it can Tom stay with you for a few days?" AB asks.

"Of course he can." Blue says happy to have someone else to deal with it.

"He was the worst one." Gervais says as he melts into Blue's arms when Blue gets back. He shut up early and left cleanup for the morning.

"Lets share a bath." Blue says.

"I already had a hot shower. I threw up when I got back." Gervais says.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here." Blue says.

"You knew, you knew who he was. I didn't have to say." Gervais says as Blue sets the water running.

"Do you want some whiskey or something? I don't think we have brandy. We should. We should go liquor shopping." Blue says.

"I don't need anything but you." Gervais says.

"I'm right here. I won't ever leave you. I'm sorry for everything." Blue says.

"Me too. Thanks for being here." Gervais says as he sits between Blue's legs and leans against his chest.

"My Gervais. My sweet sweet Gervais." Blue says stroking Gervais all over. Gervais snuggles as close as he can, he wants to burrow in to Blue, to be cocooned and safe.

AS the water cools and Gervais starts to sleep Blue lifts him out the tub grabs a towel and takes him into the bedroom to dry him off and put him to bed.

"Stay with me." Gervais says.

"Of course I'm staying with you." Blue says. About an hour after they drift off wrapped together Gervais phone rings.

Gervais answers it sleepily, it is AB, he passes the phone straight to Blue.

"Thank-you. Blue thank you for calling me. I called Spence and he confirmed the name, W knew his older brother and said straight away he had moved on from other schools quickly. I spoke to the headmaster, threatened to withdraw Tommy and even though at that point I had no proof, I was sure, certain he'd be up to no good. W was calling people too and finding out what had been swept under the carpet elsewhere. Anyway the headmaster gave me short shrift and called me back 30 minutes later and apologised. The police are there now." AB says.

"So the headmaster caught him? Or found out a complaint? I mean he was here most of this evening." Blue says confused at the speed.

"He couldn't tell me the details but it didn't take him long to get proof. It ends here, tell Gervais it ends here." AB says.

"Of course. Thanks AB. Thanks for believing us and being so forceful." Blue says.

"Tommy knows some of what Gervais went through, I told him when he was looking to board and made him promise he would call if anyone tried anything. I'd like to believe he would have raised merry hell if anyone tried but no one can predict what will happen." AB says.

"No, thank you for everything." Blue says.

"What happened?" Gervais asks.

"He's not going to hurt you or anyone else ever again. The school principle didn't believe AB at first but he called back and the police are there now. Luckily he didn't just write AB off as a hysterical mother." Blue says.

"He's probably been doing it for the last 15 years. I felt his eyes on me and I thought I was going to have a heart attack but you stopped it. You were there." Gervais says holding Blue and sobbing against his chest.

"I will always be there for you, I love you G and I can't stand to see you so scared and upset." Blue says.

"You won't leave?" Gervais asks between sobs.

"I won't ever leave you. I will never, ever leave you." Blue says trying to calm Gervais tears. Happy that it is true. Tonight he was reminded how much he loves Gervais, how much he needs G to be okay, to be safe and how much effort it took not to tear that man limb from limb.

Over at the boarding house Kai and Johnny have rolled into their room drunk.

"Let me suck you off. Please." Kai says to Johnny, the drink allowing him to speak aloud what he has wanted ever since that night.

"I'm not like that." Johnny says, his erection betraying him.

"Pretend I'm your girl." Kai pleads.

"Like she would beg to suck my dick." Johnny laughs, his dick getting harder.

Kai sinks to his knees and Johnny unbuttons his fly, unable to resist.

Kai moans as he breathes in his friends scent and takes the head in his mouth.

"Get naked, if you are doing this I want to see you're enjoying it." Johnny says. He has tried to push his attraction to Kai away, his desire to repeat that night, just the two of them. He's drunk, this doesn't count Johnny tells himself.

Kai undresses a little self consciously and Johnny holds back a gasp at his friend muscular torso and strong legs. How many times has he dreamed of this, of his Kai wanting him. Kai is not just hard but his bulging cock head is dripping with precum. Johnny licks his lips.

Kai kneels again and slowly, so slowly teases Johnny licking all over his dick and balls, exploring every millimetre. Enjoying every taste, the smell, the texture and the response.

He begins to suck properly and stroke himself in rhythm. Johnny holds his head and fucks his moth a little, causing Kai to moan. Kai keeps sucking deep and shallow, stopping to lick to enjoy all Johnny has not knowing if he will ever get the chance again.

Fuck Johnny tastes so good, smells so good. Kai tugs harder and harder on himself, his head bobbing, his hand stroking, Johnny's eyes bulging at the sight and sensation.

Kai's dam bursts first and he leans back on his heels and groans in satisfaction before bowing again and bringing Johnny to a wonderful orgasm. Johnny bends his head and kisses Kai briefly.

"Thank you." Johnny says.

"Next time you'll fuck me." Kai says standing up and feeling bold, powerful and utterly, utterly satisfied.

Next: Chapter 28

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