Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on May 22, 2019


Put your hands in your pocket and splash some cum um cash for nifty http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Ugh I delayed sending this in because I hate the next 50 or so chapters and was thinking of rewriting the story from this point forwards.

But I've other writing projects on and won't have time until August to get started, so you'll have to put up with it.


Gervais awakes hard as a rock. He wriggles round to face Blue and reaches for his ass.

"My turn." Gervais growls.

"Mmm please." Blue murmurs wondering if he's awake or dreaming.

With minimal foreplay Gervais is pumping Blue's ass, they both want it. Blue groans in pleasure, he needs this. Needs to feel wanted by Gervais, just as Gervais needed him last night.

Blue is on all fours and Gervais is gripping his hips and pounding, going at it is all they need, not sensual like the night before, pure sex and they are loving it.

Across the hall Chris is riding Larry like it's a rodeo, enjoying all of Larry's thick dick, his own monster bouncing away cum flying everywhere as he cums hands free with a huge yell. Larry pushes him down and Chris hungrily gobbles Larry's dick until he gets a face full of cum.

They all shower and meet downstairs excited for opening day.

The four walk down to the roadside sign and pull off the covering and grin. Against all the odds they are open for business and they all feel their new life truly beginning.

"And now the wait." Blue says.

"Text if someone comes." Chris says.

"When customers arrive." Larry says nudging Chris.

"Yeah, when. We're going to do some more clearing of brambles and tidying up the land." Chris says.

"Sounds good. Come in for lunch when you're ready and put any reasonable sized wood in the woodshed. I will help with the hard work too, I won't leave it all to you." Blue says.

"Don't worry about that. You're not in good shape and you are needed inside. Come the spring we'll use you all we can." Larry says and Blue nods.

"Good luck bro." Chris says and pulls Blue into a hug. Blue smiles and grabs Gervais hand and goes indoors.

"Coffee?" Blue asks.

"I'll make it, I need to get the hang of this machine." Gervais says.

"We have great light in here." Blue says looking out the large window at the view.

"l was thinking in the new year about offering a family yoga class, with coffee after. Couple of mornings a week. Indoors until it warms up." Gervais says.

"Isn't it a bit icky, exercising where we eat? I love the idea though. Maybe we could make one of the out buildings into a studio. Though that's probably overkill for a couple of hours a week." Blue says.

"Maybe its me trying to recreate what we had. I kind of like the idea of us running our yoga classes here though. I mean Willow's retreat is more arts based now since the rise of Birch. Not like we're copying." Gervais says.

"If you want to teach yoga here and offer rooms for a retreat type experience you should explore that. I mean the animal shelter is years away." Blue says.

Before Gervais can reply a man comes in. They look at each other and grin, a customer already.

"Good morning, what can we get you?" Blue asks.

The man studies the menu behind the counter.

"l know it's early but is there soup?" The man asks.

"l can heat some, Pumpkin or Bean chili? We've not filled the counter pots yet. To have here or take out?" Blue asks.

"Pumpkin to take out and three cheese sandwiches please." The man says.

Gervais quickly takes him through the bread options while Blue gets the soup.

"Would you like some cake or cookies? On the house, you're our first customer." Gervais asks.

"Sure, a couple of those brownies would be great. This sure will make a change when I'm driving through." The man says.

"If you come back, bring a flask and we can put the soup straight in." Blue says.

"And you can always order ahead. Can we take a picture of you? As our first customer?" Gervais asks handing over a card with the contact details.

"Why not." The man grins and Blue takes a quick snap of him holding up his order.

"Have a great day." Blue says as the man leaves.

Once they hear the engine start the pair squeal in excitement.

"We forgot to tell the others." Gervais says.

"I'll send them the pic." Blue says.

The pair finish their coffee and tidy up. Blue starts prepping veg for the following day's soups. They know they won't get through it all but Blue wants a routine and is making soups that he knows will freeze well.

About an hour later 3 women with toddlers come in.

"We saw the sign on the way in to school and thought we'd come try you out." The first woman says.

"We are glad you did." Blue beams.

"What would you like?" Gervais asks.

"l have some low sugar cookies if you want for the kids, or we have fruit, veggie sticks and hummus." Blue says.

"We have regular cookies too and gingerbread. 0You can take a seat while you decide." Gervais says.

"No Petey, don't touch." One of the mothers says as her toddler wonders over to the gingerbread village.

"It's fine if they do. Though best not eat it." Blue says in a quiet voice.

"We totally want to be family friendly." Gervais says.

The woman smiles in relief.

"We thought you might be fancy city types." One of the women says.

"No, we are country boys. This is way more built up than where I'm from." Blue grins.

"Yeah there is cell service," Gervais laughs.

Blue preps the drinks once they order and Gervais takes over the food and has a quick chat. He then kneels down with the kids and talks them through all the things in the gingerbread village, making up a story about how it got there.

"You two are adorable." The first woman says as Blue sets down the coffee and babyccinos.

"G used to work as a nanny when we were in college. He's great with kids." Blue says.

"He certainly is. This place is so homely. I can't believe what you've done in a short time." The second woman says.

"And this brownie is to die for." The third woman says.

"Thank-you. That's what we want. Well we want it to feel homely and welcoming for informal days but we can also make the space pretty formal and stylish for private events." Blue says remembering he needs to be a salesman.

"Do you sell the gingerbread houses? I mean you made it right?" The first woman asks.

"We have 3 types of kit available. Ready baked pieces where you need to melt some chocolate to glue them together and then decorate, a mix ready to bake with a series of stencils to create the pieces which obviously has a short shelf life and a dry mix where you add the wet ingredients and that has stencils for the pieces too. We don't sell them ready made as, well, where's the fun in that?" Blue laughs.

"And there is an app to help you create your own from scratch. How much mix for what size building. You can print more complex stencils." Gervais explains.

"We know it is a bit late for most people this year but we couldn't wait for next." Blue grins.

"The mix can just be made into cookies?" The second woman asks.

"Of course." Blue says.

"Can I order 2 wet mixes and 2 house kits? Great Christmas eve activity for my lot." The second woman says.

"So you'd like to collect on the 23rd?" Blue asks.

"Or we can deliver locally. And as you're ordering in advance you can go for custom designs." Gervais says and is soon taking orders from all three women.

"Do come back to our pie event on Wednesday." Blue grins when they leave, several coffee refills later.

"And bring your friends." Gervais says.

Larry and Chris come in for lunch just as the women are leaving.

"So much for telling us bro." Chris grins.

"We were working." Gervais laughs as he sweeps up the toddler mess.

"Sit down I'll bring you some lunch." Blue laughs.

"We'll go wash up." Larry says with a grin as Blue prepares two big bowls of soup and a plate of sandwiches that he knows they will inhale.

They don't have any other customers that day but their first customer messages and asks for the weekly soup menu and the sandwich list. They are all feeling pretty buoyant that this might work and they might have a life here.

"Both Blue and I have had businesses that didn't go well. Or jobs we failed in when we were gone." Chris says.

"Yeah, I was worried lightening didn't strike twice and I'd never see success, the bakery did okay but I didn't try and make it more than just okay." Blue says.

"l have faith in us." Gervais says.

Just as they are going to bed a large soup and sandwich order comes through for the following morning making Blue's eyes pop out of his head.

"Is it legit?" Chris asks.

"l think so. The man seemed happy we were here. Maybe he runs a crew or something." Gervais says.

"Do you have enough supplies?" Larry asks.

"l think so. Best set our alarms early, you're all on sandwich duty in the morning." Blue says.

"And if it turns out to be bogus the elderly home we found gets a bumper load of sandwiches." Chris says.

"Exactly." Blue says.

They all bounce out of bed, happy to have something real to do. Blue soon has them all organized and gets on with making morning pastries, taking a gamble that some of those on the order might come in for coffee and breakfast too.

"I'm Ezra, thanks for this, I know it was quite short notice for a new business." Ezra the first customer says.

"We have it all ready. Each sandwich is clearly marked. And the soups are in two separate bags, with the garnishes wrapped too." Blue says.

"Wow you guys are on the ball. Some of the guys are meeting me here, can I get a coffee and Danish while I wait?" Ezra asks.

"Of course. So we pass the test?" Blue asks.

"If the soup is as good as yesterday's then yes. I take it you're a veggie place, no ham or turkey sandwiches." Ezra says.

"The soup will always be veggie but we can get in meat fillings if you have regular orders." Blue says.

"I think we're all happy with cheese and egg salad. No one complained." Ezra says.

Soon half a dozen men arrive and as Blue anticipated order coffee and pastries or extra sandwiches.

"Hope you like the soup, come again." Blue grins.

"Can I leave tomorrow's order now?" Ezra asks before leaving.

"Yes that would be great." Blue grins.

"We can do pumpkin soup, along with tomorrows regular options." Gervais says thinking on his feet.

"Add four portions of that." Ezra says and Blue amends the list.

"Thanks so much for coming back, and bringing so much custom." Blue says with a grin.

"We'll work out a bulk discount going forward, for today breakfast is on us." Gervais says. we want you to succeed. we miss options round here, we're rural and we know it. Sure the city isn't far but we're not city folk." Ezra says.

"We're all country boys too." Larry says coming through.

"We're working up at the boarding school, building a new wing. I can always use more laborers this time of year." Ezra says sizing up Larry.

"Thanks for the thought but I'm needed here while we're getting up and running." Larry says with a smile.

"What time do you close?" One of the men asks as they are leaving.

"We'll have someone here until 7 at the moment. Nothing is set in stone right now." Blue says.

"Great, so many lunch places close by 3, if we come by at 5 you'll be here?" The man asks.

"We will be open." Blue grins.

"You two help yourselves to coffee and food and we'll clear up." Gervais says.

"Thanks. That was so cool, our first morning rush." Chris says.

"Just like at home with the soup. You sell one portion and then suddenly you're making multiple batches." Larry says.

"We got lucky. I sense that the area has lost other options and we are filling a gap. I think we need to consider getting chickens earlier than we planned. I want to have the option of a hot egg breakfast." Blue says.

"l will investigate that today, some heat lamps in one of the cowsheds? That gives a fair bit of room.

"I'll look at getting run attached now, even if they won't use it." Larry asks,

"l think so." Blue says.

"Here you two take this coffee and go and have a look. Chris and I will hold the fort." Gervais says handing them each a mug.

"Thanks G." Blue says bending to kiss him.

"We can relax as long as those guys keep coming." Chris says once Blue and Larry step outside.

"Yes. I hope the moms bring their friends tomorrow. We have the gingerbread orders and if we have these regular lunch orders then we have a reason to get up in the morning. Pie sales would be cherries on top." Gervais says.

"Blue will be so happy and that means we can all relax and get on with everything else." Chris says.

"l expected this place to work if we could get to the right people, but I thought it would be the spring before we could do that. Once we're able to get out and meet people and have a few events." Gervais admits.

"A stroke of Blue luck Ezra finding us." Chris says.

"And that ruddy great sign, You're so talented creating that, it would have been a couple of months for a professional one." Gervais says.

"Thanks. My small contribution. Blue's food waste worries might not come off." Chris says.

"If people come tomorrow. If not then I am certain Ezra's guys will clean us out if we put anything old on half price." Gervais says.

Just as Blue and Larry come back the school run moms arrive with some friends.

"We couldn't wait for the pie event so we're back." The first mom says.

"We're glad to have you." Blue grins and heads to wash his hands and change.

"See you later." Chris says smiling as he leaves with Larry.

"What cheesecake is it today?" A mom asks looking at the menu.

"Honeycomb and lemon." Blue says.

"Is it good?" A new mom asks.

"We had cake and brownies yesterday. But they were amazing." The first mom says.

"It will be the best cheesecake you ever tasted, and will remain so unless you come in on a day when the sour cherry is on sale." Gervais says with a big smile.

"That is quite the claim." The third mom says.

"I'll do you a deal. I will serve your group a whole one, and you can pay what you think it was worth at the end." Blue says.

"Deal. Oh gosh I should not be having these treats, two days in a row." The first mom says.

"We also serve lovely salads and soups." Gervais grins.

Blue takes a cheesecake to the table and Gervais brings over plates and forks and a cake slice.

"We'll have your drinks in just a minute." Blue grins.

Once the drinks have been distributed Blue gets back in the kitchen and Gervais again gets down to entertain the kids, glad that the moms are totally open to him and don't view him suspiciously.

Blue is busy checking where they are with supplies when he realizes someone is calling his name from the counter, darn this stupid new name.

"Are the cheesecakes available for Christmas order? Or will it just be the pies?" The first mom asks her eyes dancing.

"There will be a limited number available to order, choice of 3 flavors." Blue says.

"Add one of each to my gingerbread order. What pies are you doing? Because I am hosting all the family this year for 3 days and need all the help I can get." The first mom says.

"Pumpkin, sweet potato, apple and pecan are planned. We moved here late to get fruits sorted. All can be open, closed or lattice top. Oh and citrus tart too." Blue says.

"And chocolate cream. Or I hope that is in the plan it's my favorite. Was I right about the cheesecake?" Gervais asks.

"l am without words. Honestly. You two are a godsend to the community. I know you have your event tomorrow, and I know you are finding your feet and this is short notice." The first mom says.

"Spit it out." Blue laughs.

"It is the elementary kids play on Friday, we would love to host an event here after for the committee. Nothing fancy, hot apple cider and cookies? Jill is meant to be hosting but she is overwhelmed, we all are it's almost Christmas." The first mom laughs.

"We can absolutely do that. Here is a cheesecake and pie order form. Fill that out then G can take you through event options." Blue says with a smile.

"l promise, not fancy is an option." Gervais grins.

Blue bustles around happily refilling drinks, chatting to the moms and kids and dipping back into the kitchen when he can. He's made a start on pies but has a feeling that the four of them will be baking every spare moment and he is very excited.

As he anticipated the trays of cookies he pulls out quickly get bought up as afterschool treats for the kids left in school.

"I'm Verity by the way, Gary pointed out I'd not introduced myself." Verity the first mom says.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Bart, please call me B I struggle to remember to answer to anything else." Blue grins.

"G was explaining. We're all set for Friday, thank you so much. Especially for letting me get in on the pie and cheesecake ordering a day in advance. I have invited everyone I know for tomorrow. You are going to be busy." Verity says.

"So ladies what will it be?" Gervais asks as he takes the empty plates.

"You're going to bankrupt us all." Jill, the second mom says with a smile.

"Hard to put a dollar value on priceless." Another mom says.

"But we've agreed ten bucks each." The third mom says.

"That is far too much. Opening discount, 30 for the whole and tell all your friends." Blue smiles.

"Oh we are already spreading the word don't you worry." Jill grins.

Blue and Gervais are tired as they clear up but very happy. Chris and Larry arrive just as they are done.

"Perfect timing to miss all the work." Blue grins.

"We had a crazy busy time. Great thought." Gervais says.

"Make your own lunch I need to get on with prep for tomorrow. I didn't expect to need so much soup on pie day, I want to get some pastry in the fridge too." Blue says.

"Sit with us for a minute, you must have some lunch." Gervais says and Blue does reluctantly. They all talk about their mornings and Chris and Larry are stunned at the progress.

"l do worry that people will dig up the old cheesecake article or put it all together. I knew it was a risk but I have missed it so much." Blue says.

"Blue we're staying whatever happens." Chris says.

"I get the feeling this is a tight community. Everyone comments negatively about city folk and I think they will protect us, if they see city folk making trouble." Gervais says.

"We got that feel when out at the agricultural suppliers today. They loved that we could talk farming without skipping a beat. We for sure passed the test." Larry says.

"Me included. That was why we were so long, got talking." Chris says.

"It has been a great day. I need to get on, those guys will be back in a couple of hours and I have a lot to do for tomorrow." Blue says.

"Can we get started on the run or do you need us?" Larry asks.

"Go, make use of the remaining light but I will need all hands later and early tomorrow." Blue says.

"No problem." Larry says.

"Things are happening." Chris says.

"Beginners luck, we just need to turn it into something more." Blue says.

"We just put a bunch of women under your cheesecake spell. We have orders for tomorrow, can't ask for more." Gervais grins and Blue smiles, he has hope, still some fear but real hope about the future.

Next: Chapter 23

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