Ocean Blue

By Sam Bam

Published on Mar 21, 2019


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I guess you needed this one faster.

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Thanks Sam

"Who is he really?" Gervais asks totally terrified and very confused.

"He's James, one of my first handlers, he was with me all through the trial in the safe house. Well his name was James then. Who the fuck knows what it is for real." Chris spits incredibly angry.

"Chris please. Let me explain." Aled pleads.

"Explain? EXPLAIN! Explain why you stole my brother's life? Why you are living on my brother's land in my brother's barn with my brother's boyfriend? Does Will have any idea who you are?" Chris pauses for breath and Aled shakes his head.

"So it is a total sham marriage? And what about the kids? Holy fuck they are your kids from your crazy first marriage? Does he know they are your kids? Does anyone? Are you really married or is everything fake?" Chris asks.

"He knows they are my kids, we kept it quiet so people didn't treat Will differently." Aled says finally getting a word in.

Will is frozen to the spot in the bathroom. He can't believe Blue is here and has been far more focused on that than on what Aled is saying. Is he married or not? Shit. Things haven't been good for a while and Blue's reemergence has opened Will's eyes to just how much compromise he made.

Of course he knows he is romanticizing his time with Blue and that they might never have made it. But he also knows that he and Aled have gone from being lovers to co parents and he's been desperate to know what he's doing wrong and how to close the gap between them. Now he's finding out that he has no idea who his husband is.

What now?

"Why are you here? Why steal Blue's life? You took Will, you used everything I ever told you and used it to steal Will. To con him into marriage. Promising him a ready made family. Did you come here to work, to spy on everyone, make sure we didn't come back? Doing some reconnaissance? Are Blue and I still in danger or are you just feeding bogus shit back so you can keep the life you've stolen? Knowing Will would leave you for Blue in a heartbeat if he could? Well you can go ahead and fuck off, get off my brothers land and go back to where you came from." Chris says finally running out of steam.

"I am here to protect everyone." Aled says.

"But you weaseled your way in here, targeting Will, being everything you knew he wanted." Chris says.

Aled finally has the decency to look embarrassed, a little ashamed.

"I was placed here to protect everyone, after the trial there were worries. This area had been targeted. Yes coming in as Will's partner was strategic, a way to be accepted." Aled says.

"Did he know?" Blue asks quietly.

"He doesn't know. No." Aled says.

"So he married you for love?" Blue asks and Aled looks at the floor.

"He's free now thought bro, he was never really married, he doesn't really have kids. It is all fake. A lie. You can have the life you wanted." Chris says and Gervais heart plummets.

"He married for love. It isn't fake to Will. I am going to see Gladys." Blue says and takes the rental keys from Gervais.

"You have to tell Will. And I need to know how much you've been fucking with me and my life." Chris says determined to give Blue back the life he used to have.

"I'm not that unprofessional." Aled says.

"Fuck that, you married me. You were beyond unprofessional. It's tantamount to fraud and rape." Will says coming in, now that Blue is gone he feels able to speak.

"Will lets go home and talk." Aled says.

"I need some space. You can go somewhere for the night." Will says.

"But the kids." Aled says.

"Will be fine with me. It isn't like you didn't leave them with your in laws for months when you were trying to seal the deal with me." Will says feeling sick.

"I'll call later." Aled says.

"To say goodnight to the kids sure. But I need space which means no calling." Will says.

Aled nods and leaves the house.

"Are you okay?" Gervais asks.

"I'm sorry you found out like that. I was so angry." Will says.

"I can't lose my kids." Will says slumping into a chair.

"You adopted them. You are just as much their dad as Aled." Gervais says.

"Oh come on. I'm not, am I? I've been in their lives a few years not from birth." Will says.

"I don't get it. Is he straight? What happened to his wife?" Gervais asks.

"She died, car crash when the youngest was a few weeks old. Or that is the story he told me." Chris says.

"He told me the same. He's bi, always been bi." Will says.

"He certainly loves cock." Chris says bitterly.

"You were sleeping with him?" Will asks.

"It was really boring in the safe house." Chris shrugs.

"Do you still love Blue?" Gervais asks.

"I've no idea. My feelings for Blue were locked shut long ago. The call the other week was hard, it was closure really. Why are you guys here?" Will asks.

"We're starting over the three of us. Gervais needs to sort out selling up." Chris says.

"You're selling this place? What about the barn?" Will asks.

"Ocean has this place for as long as he wants it. The barn I don't know. I mean it's yours but I feel fucking awful about giving Blue's property to you now. Really shit. A fucking sham marriage? How could you let us all think it was real? How could you let Blue think you'd moved on?" Gervais asks.

"I had no fucking idea." Will says.

"You must have seen his real name on the adoption documents. The kids must know he isn't called Aled." Gervais says.

"It's his middle name. He uses it instead. Or that is what he said and that was on the documents." Will says.

"You must have known something." Gervais says.

"I had no idea. I'm going home the kids will be back from school soon." Will says.

"What about work? With Spence off?" Gervais asks.

"I worked this morning. Nice to see you Chris. I hope you're okay. I'm sorry about this mess. I really had no idea." Will says.

"I don't blame you at all. I feel responsible. I told him all about you and all about this place." Chris says.

"I'd like to see Blue before you go." Will says.

"We can ask him." Gervais says.

"Thanks. How long are you here for?" Will asks.

"We don't know yet." Chris says not wanting any info getting out.

"Call if you need to talk Will. I want to be here for you while I can." Gervais says.

"Thanks G." Will says and heads off to the barn.

"Holy shit." Chris says.

"Did you have to push Will back to Blue?" Gervais asks.

"I just wanted him to have back what he lost. Sorry you know how I get. I suck at thinking things through and how they affect others. I'm sorry. I know you are right for Blue and I fully support you together." Chris says.

"You are an idiot. I am really shocked about Aled. I was totally taken in by him. I feel so violated and I cannot see how he and Will can survive this. How he could bring his kids here, when we were in danger. Well if he was any kind of parent he wouldn't have been suck a fucking cunt." Gervais says.

"Man I hadn't thought of that. Will should use it to get custody, though it makes him sound like a target." Chris says.

"Do you think he is? Or was before he got married. Only Ocean and I would be targets now surely?" Gervais says.

"I don't know. My fucking family. I have no fucking idea." Chris sighs.

"You ever think about going to see them? You uncle or something?" Gervais asks.

"I can't. If I requested visitation I'd have to give my current name and likely end up dead." Chris says.

"Yeah and they wouldn't know who you were anyway with your stupid name. Who the fuck is Hugo." Gervais laughs.

"Lets go get some food. Lets have one last lovely family meal in this house." Chris says.

"You stay here and wait for Blue. Can you clear out the fridge? I didn't expect to be gone so long. There is ice-cream if you get hungry." Gervais says.

"Thanks. Fuck I know I wasn't here long but I have missed this house." Chris says.

"Me too." Blue says coming back in.

"How are you honey?" Gervais asks.

"Good. Gladys was happy to see me. I don't suppose I'll see her again and that kind of sucks." Blue says.

"It was thanks to her that you ever had this place." Gervais says.

"She took me in for walking her home and helped get me into the right place. She was so pleased when I told her I completed college. She asked me to come back and boot Robin out but I told her about the café and animal plans and she was delighted." Blue says.

"I hate how you missed out on your support system. Are you sure about not moving back here?" Chris asks.

"I'm sure." Blue says.

"I'm going to get some groceries. Your things are in the small bedroom, you should go see what you want. Also Will would like to see you but we said we'd leave that up to you." Gervais says.

"Get cocoa and butter and we'll make brownies." Blue says.

"Butter?" Gervais asks.

"Fuck being vegan I want to bake." Blue says.

"Halli fucking lujah." Chris says and kisses Blue on the cheek.

Blue goes up to look at his things while Chris cleans out the fridge. When done Chris goes up to join Blue.

"Wow, are those Birch's paintings?" Chris asks.

"Yeah Spence bought them for me when I was still dating Birch. G has some downstairs. We should take them, could keep the wolf from the door." Blue says.

"And look beautiful in our new home in the meantime. Anything else you want?" Chris asks.

"Not really. Some of these shoes are good though. See if you want any clothes or anything. The things that meant the most to me are my kitchen things and I feel like they belong in this kitchen. I bet Ocean is a good cook and will get joy out of them still." Blue says.

"We should pack up bed linen and towels and things that Gervais has. Not leave Ocean short but it will help us get started, you know how much of a pain all that is." Chris says.

"Yeah. Great idea. Fucking sucks all this moving. Though we don't usually have to deal with packing." Blue giggles.

"Finally choosing somewhere that is ours makes all the difference." Chris says.

"We all loved it. An old dairy, suits me, the secret ice-cream king." Blue giggles.

"Will we go see Robin tomorrow?" Chris asks.

"Yeah I think so. We'll pack up and be ready to go. I want G to get Heidi to come over. I feel like she's the one person I want to see." Blue says.

"Good idea. What about Will?" Chris asks.

"That chapter is closed. Whoever his husband is, he made that choice. He didn't have to get married or adopt the kids. He could have been a fabulous uncle and daddy's special friend but he chose to make things legal. Final. Locked me out. I am not mad at him for moving on or getting over me. I wanted that for him. For G too." Blue says.

"You're way too nice. You and Gervais going to make a go of it? You had that glow this morning." Chris asks.

"I always loved Gervais, always will. But what I had with Will was more. It wouldn't be settling to be with Gervais but it wouldn't be first choice either and maybe I should let Gervais find someone for whom he is the ultimate choice." Blue says.

"So you do love Will?" Chris asks.

"I know what I had with him was real but it is over and I don't want him back. Maybe now we're more mature G and I might have that. We still have crazy sex chemistry." Blue says.

"You fight for it bro. He loves you and he is a really good man, selfless and kind. Plus he has that amazing big dick." Chris says and Blue giggles too.

Next: Chapter 12

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