Occupational humiliation

By dante umbero

Published on Jul 24, 2001



This story may or may not be true, the names however are most certainly fake. I leave it to you, gentle reader, to decide. This story contains adult material, and was not intended for minor audiences. If you find such material offensive, do not read further.

These events happened a few years back. I happened to be thinking of them the other day and thought I would share a dark episode in the pursuit of love.

O.K. I was in trouble. Big trouble. The Network administrator was looking for me and I knew what it was about. I'd spent an afternoon surfing my favorite gay porn sites and he had seen the proxy log. I didn't even know this two bit place had a proxy til about five minutes ago. Jez was I in trouble. I could try to deny the whole thing. I could just walk out and go somewhere else. The problem with either of those options were. I needed this job bad and since the dot com biz had fizzled there weren't any new ones out there and they had me dead to rights, I can't just deny it. Oh well when in doubt play dumb.

At that moment Andy, the network guy, came lumbering around the corner. He was about 6'4" weighed and easy 230 lbs. To say he is out of shape is to say it all. He's about 30 and, from what I could tell, married, straight as an arrow and mean as they come. He was notorious for riping his guys heads off whenever they screwed up and then firing them. He walked around lookin like he had crawled through the dirty clothes hamper to find his current attire. He had dark hair, nearly black, and had a five o'clock shadow at noon. >From the open neck of his shirt you can tell he was a bear.

"In my office, Cooper, now!" He yelled down the hall at me.

"O.K., Andy" I yelled back. I causually wandered through the deserted computer work room, the guys were all out hiding from Andy, and entered his office. He pointed at a chair and walked over and closed the door, returned to his chair behind his desk and glared at me. I took a second and looked at his office. The place was a wreck. He hadn't cleaned his desk off in months at least and there was old fast food bags crumpled in the floor. The place smelled too.

"O.K. Cooper, you screwed up this time." he said.

"How's that Andy," I replied blandly. I had decided the best bet was a shocked surprise and a there must be some mistake attitude.

"You faggot", he growled,"I told Mark not to hire you that I thought you had lace on your drawers. We don't need your kind around here. I saw what you were lookin at. That stuff is sick. Someone ought to bash your head in..........."

Man he was frothing at the mouth. He kept on in that vein, I'd heard it before. Anyone who has my penchant for attractive men, has heard it. While he was detailing what I had been watching, I noticed he had one hand on his desktop and the other was under the desk. HIs arm was moving slightly. I thought,"was he jerking?", It looked like it.

"I don't know what you mean, Andy?" I said.

"You little cocksucker, you were sittin there all afternoon, looking at those freaks, I bet you were even playin with yourself the whole time." He said.

I just looked at him, he was clearly irrational.

"We oughta kick you outta here, that's what we oughta do." He said.

It looked like he really was jerking. Man what a freak, I thought. I looked at him and he was getting red in the face. Man he's gonna cum, I thought. Suddenly he slowed down the motions with his arm.

"O.K. freak, you want to keep your job?" He said

"Sure, Andy, I won't do that anymore, I didn't even know you had a proxy." I said, maybe this was gonna just be a tail tearing and then he would leave me alone. I wanted out of this situation, he was starting to freak me out.

Andy rolled back from his desk in his tilted back swivel chair. He folded his hands behind his head, and said quietly. "Well you know what you have to do to keep me quiet about what I saw in the log."

I didn't understand at first, until I saw what had to be an erection rising out of his crotch. He had his legs apart and being tilted back it was hard to miss. He saw me look at his crotch and said.

"You greasey faggot, you know what I want. You do a good job and I keep quiet," he growled. "Or I can tell Mark and you'll be outta here this afternoon and I'll see you never work in the city again."

This was only suppose to happen in bad movies. Man, this guy was serious. If I did this, I would never be rid of him. If I didn't it would be a long time before I found another job. I wasn't adverse to givin head. I hung out in restrooms to give it to strangers, but this was different. At least there both parties were anonymous, and so protected.

I thought that at least I would get him to tell me exactly what he wanted so, if it ever came up, he was the one who harrassed me. "What do I have to do, Andy?" I said

He moved a hand down from his head and started to rub his crotch. "You know what I want, faggot."

"You have to tell me, Andy, I want you to tell me clearly what you want." I said. He was already shaking his head before I could finish. "Then show me, Andy, pull it out and show me." I whispered, I was getting turned on. I didn't understand why, he was not handsome and he was as crass as they came. While I was thinking this he slowly started to unzip his pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his stiff dick popped out. He immediately started stroking it with two fingers.

"Do it", he groaned, "Or your dead meat."

Well what was I suppose to do, I was already throbbing hard and he wasn't gonna take "no" for an answer. I knelt between his legs.

"Oh yeah, cock sucker, do it." He moved his hands away so I could get to it.

Instead I reached for the waistband of his pants, and unsnapped them. Then I rolled his shirt up over his big belly. He was covered in course black hair. I ran my fingers across his stomach and down to his pubes. They were covered in very thick long black hair. His balls were nearly hidden by it. His 6 inch cock was already jerking slightly. His cut head was purple from the tension. He grabbed my head and forced my mouth down onto his dick. I opened my mouth and let it slide into me. I could smell his rank musk, like old sex and piss. He groaned with passion as he slide all the way into my mouth. His pubes were surrounding my nose. I slid my hands up his belly and under his shirt to his chest. He was covered up there too. I twisted a nipple gently and he moaned then started to shoot. His jis was thick and hot and stank of old piss. He hammered his rod into my mouth while he was shooting. He was cussing me and cumming in my mouth. At that moment I shot without even touching myself, I was so turned on by the whole scene. He stopped bucking against me and let my head go.

"Get outta here faggot, and be careful about what you look at. I'm gonna be watching you." He whispered.

Great I thought, not even a thank you. I walked around for the rest of the week wondering what would happen next. I knew this guy wasn't finished with me yet. It was the next week when it happened.

I went into the john to take a leak and was bellied up to a urinal when Andy came in. Usually he would have went to the urinal at the other end of the room from me, but he stood at the one right beside me. I looked over and he had his dick out already. He was stroking it slowly but it wasn't hard yet. Soft he was only about 4 inches, and his pubes were pushing out through the fly of his pants. I looked up and caught him looking at my rod. I started stroking for him. I looked down and he was hard. He stopped and zipped up and walked to the door. I thought he had been put off by my show, but I heard him lock the door and walk up behind me.

"alright faggot", he said,"drop your pants."

"What?" I said shocked.

"You heard me, faggot, drop your pants." He was right up against me and I felt his hands on my waist then he was pulling on my pants and boxers. I managed to unfasten my pants and he pulled my clothes down. Then I felt his heated rod against my butt.

"Yeah faggot I want your ass. I want to rip it open, man" He whispered.

I felt his rod start to probe in between my cheeks, he was already breathing heavy. His hands wandered around my waist and down to my hard meat. He circled my dick with his fist and started to stroke it. His dick was touching my puckered hole, his precum moist against my flesh. He pushed slowly and moaned with pleasure as it slid into me. I was leaning back against him, he was just the right size to easily slide in and out of me, I was sinking into the rythm of sex. His hand was working on me and his dick was stabbing me, then I felt his hot wet lips and mustache on my neck,

"You dirty little faggot, take it deeper, Oh yeah." He breathed.

I felt his panting breath as he lunged deeper and deeper, cursing me with every breath. I was at the brink and then I started to shoot, it went all over the urinal and wall. I could feel his hand slicking up with it as he stroked me. Then he moaned and was shooting deep into me. I could feel his rod jerking in me. In a few minutes I felt him slide out of me. He zipped up and left. I was left in a haze. I managed to rearrange my clothes and went back to work.

This is psycho, I thought. I hate this guy, he's ugly, fat and rude. He hates me and I was incredibly turned on by him.

I happened to be off for a few days to make a short trip up the coast. I thought about this bizarre relationship on the way up, and back also. I had decided that this was gonna have to stop. The scene was just too weird. I was coming to see things within myself I didn't know before. This guy made me feel like dirt but yet turned me on. I had heard of humiliation and the whole S&M thing, but had never "played" there before. It was starting to play with my head. By the time I got home I had decided to quit and flip burgers til something better came along and to tell this guy that I wasn't the only "faggot" employed there.

When I got to work the next day, the office was all in a buzz. Andy had been "terminated" due to inappropriate use of the internet. I guess there is a certain justice after all. I never saw him again and left to a better job shortly afterward. I have never forgotten my little trip into the dark world of humiliation.

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