Obsession Inc

Published on Oct 28, 2016


Obsession Inc. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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Part One: The Cum Hound

Some people say that money makes the world go around. That is a half-truth; money and sex make the world go around. I have made it my business to combine money and sex into a profitable enterprise.

That is by no means unique to me. Prostitution, whorehouses and blackmail have been a part of human existence since civilizations came into existence. While I want to make money, the criminal aspects of the sex business has no allure. I tend to think of sex as an entertainment rather than a job. If I can make money while entertaining others and myself, that is ideal.

I am William Bolt, the black sheep of a respectable and well placed family. My parents were well regarded and prominent. Apparently, there must have been a pirate or sex manic lurking somewhere in the family tree. They were good people as were my brothers and sisters.

I took another path. It wasn't criminal, but it was not respectable. At school, I was Billy Bolt, always good for a laugh and in trouble most of the time. I experimented with sex my pals in school. I thought it was a phase, but I never grew out of it. I like sex with guys.

Many teen agers would have worried about that, but introspection is not a part of my personality. I now think that being gay was god's gift to me. Whatever you said about gay sex, unwanted children are not a problem. If I had liked women, I would have ruined many lives. I like sex, but not romance. No one fell in love with me; we just had a good time.

I ended up finding a job with an advertising company. I was good at that, and my superficiality was regarded as a blessing and a gift. I handled the smaller accounts, but I did well. One of my clients was a small video production company that made commercials for small businesses. The owner was a man named Lou. The company had a sideline as "talent scouts" and did a few soft porn videos when business was slow.

Lou and I connected sexually and he liked me. Let's just say that versatile hardly begins to describe my sexual skills. I am pretty much up for anything that doesn't cause pain or lead to an arrest. Lou liked that a lot.

He was an older, heavy set man, but my interest in sex without romantic associations was prefect for him. Lou had a pal named Gustav. He was an older, retired widower. Lou introduced him to the joys of man sex. Most people have one or two little quirks. Lou like to suck, but he went crazy taking a load of hot man-cream in the mouth.

Gustav had another quirk. Lou introduced him to me and Gustav discovered that two loads were better than one, a lot better. Gustav knew of Lou's porn sideline. He was a wealthy man and he offered a considerable sum if we could find more men who were willing let him take their loads. This is when I had the idea to found Obsessions Inc.

I would find ways to help wealthy men experience their innermost obsessions. Experiencing a fantasy is not a crime. I made sure that no crimes were committed and made sure that all participants were healthy.

Leo loved the idea. He felt that a safe fantasy experience would be better than risky encounters, and might be profitable too. With his porn background, he knew people who might like to participate. I knew a lot of gay men.

Many of my friends were chronically in need of cash. They would have no problem combining a blow job with a little cash remuneration. I would organize the event. Gustav would pay for it and offer party favors for the participants. He referred to it as paying for the milk. Two months later, I had a little party at my house. My parents had died by then I had had taken the house as my part of the inheritance.

The house was old, but nice and sat on a wooded lot on the edge of town. It was secluded, which suited my needs. I had added a pool which I liked. I had been on the swimming team in college. Of course, I have a warm spot for naked men, and the pool was a good was to transition to nudity.

In addition to Leo, Gustav and me, I had asked three men to join in, Joel, Jerry and Johnny. They had jobs as a waiter, night clerk at a motel and an artist. Leo had two friends, Bobby and Don. They did straight porn, but liked being sucked off. The men ranged in age from 32 to 45. They had all been tested and were healthy.

I was a warm day. We had a few drinks around the pool. Joel and Bobby complained it was hot and mentioned the water looked cool. I mentioned they were free to jump in the pool. "It is so private here I usually skinny dip," I added. Everyone was ready to strip, but Bobby and Don took the lead. They were used to being nude in the porn movies.

Some men are uneasy getting nude in front of men they don't know. That wasn't a problem here. I knew that he actors were show offs. My friends were proudly showing their equipment and Jerry was semi hard. As is often the case, his excitement was contagious, and even Lou and I caught it. Gustav loved the display. He jumped in the water and joined the frolicking men.

After about fifteen minutes of playing in the water, Gustav sat on the edge of the pool. He seemed to have noticed that left his cock at mouth level for those in the pool. Don sat next to him. Don was a tall, bearish man. It looked as if he had received a double dose of testosterone at birth. He was almost fully erect.

Gustav looked at it. "It is a nice one," he said.

"It needs some attention, but I don't want to make a mess in the pool," Don replied. "I shoot a huge load."

Gustav smiled. "I could help you with that. Maybe we could go somewhere?" he said.

"It is nice in the sun. I know some of the guys here; they wouldn't mind," Don said, adding, "There is one problem. They might want to join in. Would that be too much for you?"

"I would like to find out," Gustav replied. In the next hour and a half, Gustav took care of the five men as well as Leo and me. After the men went home, I asked if he was all right.

"I sure am," he replied. "It was better than I could have hoped."

"You are a true cum hound," I said. "Did anyone stand out?"

Gustav was silent for a moment. "Well, Don was good. I never would have guessed that he was into it. He shot a huge load. Jerry came close to shooting as much as Don. That fireplug of his was impressive. Most of the men squirted and then drooled. His was like a fire hose," he replied.

He looked at me. "Did I insult you by not mentioning you?" Gustav asked.

I laughed, "Not at all. It wasn't a contest; it was an orgy! I had a good time too. I have a question for you. Was it the cock or the cum that turns you on?"

"It is hard to separate the two," he replied. "How about you?"

"At first I liked sucking cock. Cum was just a byproduct of a blow job. It then became an indicator of a job well done," I said. "It is a bit odd, but lately I have been getting more into cum. A guy makes it in his balls and later shoots it into my mouth or ass. Eating homemade sex juice may not be romantic, but it is intimate."

"It turns me on that it is still warm," Gustav whispered. I smiled.

Two months later we had another party for Gustav. He told us that he had a new interest in his cum-cravings. He wanted to be the first to take a man's load in the mouth. He remembered being young and scheming of ways to hide the results of jacking off. He was an adult before anyone took his load.

We would have had the party sooner, but finding men who met his requirements was difficult. Asking the question was difficult. It was a hard thing to ask out of the blue. Luckily, some of my playmates knew of men who might fit the bill.

Of course, I might have just found men who would make the claim. Despite my background, I do believe in truth in advertising. I had another reason to look for men who had never had a man take their load. I knew that Gustav would enjoy it, but I wanted to see the men's reactions.

Don found two friends, Bobby had one and I found four guys. I had assumed they would be all young, but most were middle aged. There were two men in their twenties. Sandy had gone to a born-again school, and had just discovered he was gay. Neil was a momma's boy who had just escaped his mother's clutches. Tom was a 39-year-old, divorced auto mechanic who was just beginning to admit he was gay. Tom didn't know how to meet gay men until Bobby told him about us. Jules and Ron were timid middle aged men and Randolph had just lost his controlling partner.

We were at my house and had a few drinks. The men were all nervous and they needed some Dutch courage. It was late summer and was unusually hot, so I mentioned skinny dipping in the pool. Most of the men went in the pool. Those who didn't were watching the others with great interest. A half hour later, all were in the pool.

Most of these men didn't spend hours at the gym exercising. They had normal bodies. Gustav and I were talking with Randolph. Randolph was in good shape for a 65-year old man but he had been under the control of his long-time partner, Phil. Phil died and Randolph was lost. Randolph had sucked his partner, who never reciprocated; Phil said he was afraid of germs. Randolph watched his partner ejaculate, wiped it up and then burned the paper towels. It was very sanitary.

"Phil told me he would have sucked me, but I ooze too much stuff. He didn't like that," Randolph explained.

"The ooze is the best part of sucking for me," I volunteered.

"I like the cream more than the ooze, but it is all good," Gustav added as he slipped into the pool and began to suck Randolph. I think Randolph was shocked. I put my arm around Randolph.

"Let Gustave work his magic," I whispered to him.

"Men are watching!" he said.

"Don't worry. They all wish they were in your place. Gustav is a good sucker. You will enjoy it," I said.

"What if I shoot off?" Randolph asked.

"Gustav knows just what to do. Don't worry one bit about that." I said. Five minutes later Randolph almost bellowed when he emptied his balls into Gustav's mouth. By then Sandy was on Randolph's other side. He was real nervous hoping that Gustav would drain him. He didn't know that Gustav wanted to drain everyone's balls.

Tom was with us too. When Gustav went down on Sandy's cock, Tom took a deep breath and went for Gustav's underwater cock. Once the sex was underway, everyone relaxed and got into it. They got into it big time. Sex is its own reward, and the men soon discovered its pleasures. Sandy had a short fuse and shot off quickly. Neil was next in line and he made Gustav work for his cock juice. Gustav had no problem with that especially since Neil was a precum soda fountain. Neil had a spectacular and very vocal orgasm.

I had planned to check out the men's reactions to being sucked to completion, but I got caught up in the sexual excitement, but there was no way to not notice Neil. Gustav moved on to Jules next. Jules was an ordinary looking man, and didn't react much. I first noticed he was climaxing when Gustav began slurping up the sperm. Neil had just closed his eyes and had a blissful look on his face. I later found out most of his sexual experiences were in public rest rooms. Quiet was an essential part of avoiding arrest.

I talked with him and found out this was his first experience in a private home with other men who were openly sexual. It was a revelation for him. Neil an I talked. He had lived at home with his controlling mother. He had never been with more than one man and that was usually in a dark public place, such as a public park. I know of some men who liked the excitement and danger of that sort of situation. For Neil and Jules that wasn't the case. They enjoy taking time and making the experience last.

They also said they would like to help me out with any of my group projects. "I'm not experienced," Neil said, "But I am willing to try almost anything." Jules nodded in agreement.

"Have you been fucked?" I asked.

"No," both men answered simultaneously. "I think I would be willing. I have wondered what it would be to have a cock in me," Jules added. "Do you have anyone who wants to fuck?"

"No," I said, "but I am pretty sure there are men who would like to be the first."

"If you had someone like Gustav, I would be willing," Neil said.

"I wouldn't mind someone like Tom," Jules said.

"You like men who are a bit rough?" I asked.

He nodded. "I like them to look rough but not be rough!" he said. "Does that sound strange?"

I smiled. "It sounds like that might be a useful bit on information," I said. Like a good host, I wandered away and talked with some of the other men.

After the initial frenzy, Gustav had taken five or six loads and most of the men were recharging for a second round. It was obvious that Gustav was up for it.

I was with Tom. Tom was not to the manor born and felt a little out of place. He was also well endowed and uncut. Those two characteristics are my favorites. He had already fed Gustav, but his semi-erect cock indicated there was a potential for more. I was in the water. He was sitting on the edge of the pool. I began sucking him.

"I'm afraid it might taste of motor oil," he said.

"That's a risk I will take," I replied. I knew he was uncut, but I hadn't realized he had some extra skin that could cover his knob even when he was fully erect. I could get my tongue into the tube of skin and go searching for his cock head. There was a trail of cum and precum leading to the slit. The remains of his post orgasmic drool had been trapped in the skin. It wasn't fresh, but it was not ripe either.

"Do you mind if I play with your skin some?" I asked. I didn't need an answer. I had pushed my tongue deeper into the skin tube and tasted fresh precum. Tom was into it. My probing tongue and Tom's expanding cock met. I soon realized that Tom's cock was ultra-sensitive, and every movement of my tongue induced a flood of precum. I thought it was sensitive, but when he shot off it became even more than just sensitive.

I have no idea how much he had shot into Gustav's greedy mouth. I know I swallowed two mouthfuls of his A-Number One, prime man-seed. There was no oily aftertaste. For me, there was one unexpected aspect of the party. I discovered that I was deeply attracted to Tom.

As the party wound down, we all had another exchange of cum trading, and the guests went home. As far as I could tell, everyone was happy. There was another nice aspect to the party. While everyone had shot off two or three times, there was no mess. Gustav's example must have inspired the men to swallow the creamy goo.

Two weeks later, Gustav called to thank me. he had exchanged phone numbers with several of the men and he had reconnected with them. Sandy and Neil had dropped by with another young man who wanted to drain his balls. That was most successful. Neil knew the new guy and knew he shot off a generous load. Gustav said he almost choked there was so much sperm. Gustav wasn't complaining at all.

Gustav called me once and a while, but by then he had a wide range of friends who were willing to feed him their loads. These included Sandy, Don and Randolph. Randolph came to see me. He had enjoyed his time with us.

"For all of my life, I had never thought of sex as being anything but an aberration. I thought of me sexual interests as a failing. It was a dirty secret that popped up at inconvenient times. My cock was an embarrassment." Gustav explained. "I now see that as wrong. Sex is part of life, not an added attraction. It seems to me that all the men I have recently met are normal guys having a good time. They aren't embarrassed or shy. They openly enjoy it."

I smiled. "Well, I have to say that it doesn't take much for a man to enjoy a blow job!" I added.

Gustav laughed. "That is true, but I been with some of them one-on-one. We have explored other mutual interests most successfully," he said.

Gustav was a wealthy man who moved in upper class circles. He gave our name to friends who had specialized desires. That gave my little business a boost. At first it was just a side line, more of a hobby than a job. Eventually it grew into an actual money making business.

It never became a chore. While I wasn't interested in all of our clients' obsessions, all were interesting and fun. Leo and I were hands on businessmen. We were both sexually active and versatile. That may not have been entirely professional, but it worked out well for our clients.

Next: Chapter 2

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