Obeying the Seniors


Published on Mar 3, 2023


On orders from Mr Diamond, Sandy lends me a pair of his well worn denim cut off shorts and a torn white T-shirt plus a pair of trainers. I pose in front of my work pals.

"Almost butch," laughs Tiger, "and before you go down to meet him, let me warn you Master Denis is a real bastard."

I run down the back stairs to the alleyway behind the club where Mr Diamond has instructed me to meet Master Denis.

"I'm somewhat reluctant to send you off with Denis, but knowing your tastes, you might even enjoy it Alex," Mr Diamond had said.

Master Denis is waiting. A big, darkly handsome guy in full black leather. He says nothing as he drives into a part of the city I don't recognise. Any unease is matched by a certain submissive delight at being in the control of such a Dom guy. We enter a dark non-residential street and Denis deftly turns the car through a brick archway into the cobbled yard of what looks like an old Victorian warehouse. He turns off the engine.

"This is it Alex. Tonight you play a different role for my enjoyment and no doubt for yours too. Just remember, you obey all orders from this moment on no matter who gives them. Okay?"

"Yes Sir."

Denis reaches over to the back seat and picks up what I see is a wide black leather collar with several D rings attached. He buckles it around my neck and checks it is not too tight. Stretching around again he picks up and shows me what is obviously a black leather dog leash.

"I prefer leather to chain as it can also be used for chastisement. Open your mouth."

He folds the leash and places it between my teeth.

"That's a good dog, now get out of the car."

Stepping out, I look around, but there is not a glimmer of light in any of the surrounding buildings. I'm about to close the car door.

"Leave it open boy. Strip naked and put your clothes back in the car."

It takes only a moment to take off my ragged shirt, denim cut-offs and trainers. I stand naked in the cool evening air aware of the leather leash hanging from my mouth. Denis locks the car.

"On your hands and knees boy and follow at heel."

He walks towards an old double door I hadn't seen in the darkness and I follow feeling the humiliation of being naked and walking on my hands and knees at heel. He knocks three times with his knuckles and stands back waiting. I hear footsteps clattering down a stone staircase. One half of the door swings open. In the dim light from within I discern a guy dressed in a full black leather outfit.

"Hi Denis, pleased you could make it."

"Never miss one of your parties Jerry, you know that."

They give each other a hug.

"In you go boy and up those steps," Denis encourages me with a few arse slaps.

As I climb up the cold stone staircase on my hands and knees I hear the door slam behind me and Jerry's voice.

"Looks good. Small and slim. Nice pink ass too and I love the way his balls swing between his legs."

"Don't let the balls fool you Jerry, she's a bitch," said Denis.

"Just what we need tonight."

Their comments add to my sense of humiliation at being observed naked and treated like a female animal.

Slightly panting, I reach a more brightly-lit landing at the top of the steps.

"Stand up boy and show yourself to Master Jerry."

With head bowed, legs apart and holding the leash in my mouth I stand naked in front of this stranger. My prick sticks out hard.

"Completely shaved I see," says Jerry as his hands smooth over my prick and balls and then check my armpits to be sure they are without hair, before he moves around to see my spanked butt. His fingers prise apart my ass cheeks and I know he's looking at my most private hole.

"That's a beautiful fuckhole Denis and I love the way she's been kept pale white. It shows off her pink butt, tits and foreskin. Good thinking. With the blond hair, blue eyes, she's a real cute bitch."

"And she needs using. I particularly want to see you mark her with your cane tonight Jerry."

"Be my pleasure," Jerry slaps both my ass cheeks hard.

"Down bitch," Denis orders.

Back down on the floor, Denis takes the leash from my mouth and fastens it to my collar. Jerry puts his hand to my mouth and I lick it, as I know a pet dog would. Jerry opens the inner door and thankfully I feel the warmer air as I crawl in after them. Glancing around quickly I see it's huge and probably not much changed since it was used for storage. Clearly though it gas been divided into different areas for various activities. The first part is a sort of living room with sofas, armchairs, coffee tables, drinks bar, a 50" inch TV and a large brick fireplace with a roaring log fire. There must be a dozen guys aged between 20 and 40 sitting and standing around drinking. And their eyes are on me. Naked on a dog leash. I feel a spasm of sexual excitement pass through me to be so demeaned in front of these fully dressed guys. Some in leather and others in a mixture of leather and denim. Denis lashes my arse with the end of the leather lead.

"Spread your legs and raise your ass bitch. Show these guys your bitch fuckhole."

Dropping forward onto my shoulders I pull my cheeks apart and present my hole for them all to see. Wow! What a moment! The guys press around to get a better look and I hear their comments that only serve to degrade me even more.

"Fantastic bitch hole."

"Needs fucking... and how."

"Bet the bitch can take two at a time."

"Probably prefer a real dog, a bitch like that."

"She ever been shagged by a dog Denis?" Jerry asks.

"Not yet, but you never know. She plays doggie games, don't you bitch," is Denis's response.

Denis unfastens the leash and throws it into a corner. "Fetch bitch."

Scampering across the floor I pick up the leash with my teeth, bring it back to my Master's feet, drop it and look up into his face. Denis ruffles my hair and I grin and hang out my tongue.

"How cute!" someone says?

"Perverted bitch," comes from another.

"Think he needs a drink," Jerry observes and places a metal dish marked 'dog' filled with water on the floor in front of me. I look up to Master Denis for his permission.

"Show my friends how a bitch drinks Alex."

Lowering my face into the dish I start lapping with my tongue. It's not just water. At least half must be vodka. By the time I've emptied the dish I feel more than slightly drunk and of course quite uninhibited and prepared for anything. Denis refastens the leash on my collar and pulls my head up.

"Come on, time for you to greet my friends as any doggie would."

I'm unsure what he means until he stops me in front of hunky guy sitting down with his leather clad legs sprawled apart. Denis places a hand on the back of my head and presses my face into the guy's crotch. Remembering how dogs tend to check out guests, I sniff hard at the crotch. The mixed aroma of leather, piss and male musk gets me going. I bury my head deep, sniffing loudly and licking the leather.

"Come on bitch, move around and say hi to everyone."

Denis unleashes me and I go from guy to guy repeating the process admist laughter and bawdy comments. My reward is to have my hair ruffled; my ass slapped or fingers probing my bitch hole. The last two wearing washed out denim outfits sit on the floor and if anything are even younger then me. The first giggles as I thrust my face into his crotch and find myself licking his balls through a hole in his jeans. The second is more prepared and as I snuffle his crotch he rams his hard black cock into my mouth. I naturally suck enthusiastically until lashes from Denis's leash on my naked butt make me cower back to his feet. I lick at his black boots to show my utter docility.

"Time we took you for walkies bitch," said Denis.

He walks me around the area and stops at a coffee table.

"This could be your piss place? Go on give it a good sniff."

My nose goes up the coffee table and I sniff noisily. Laughter and clapping from the guys as I'm led out of the sitting room area into the next section of the apartment. Someone turns on very subdued lighting to reveal it's a shower and toilet area. Several showers against one wall. Toilets without seats against the other wall. In the centre a bathtub. I'm led to the shower area.

"Come on bitch, lift your leg and show the guys how a dog takes a leak," orders Denis.

Reluctant with the shame of doing it, I lift one leg against the wall and try like hell to piss. Even though my bladder's full, my prick is hard and nothing comes. Denis straps my arse hard and the others shout crude encouragement for 'go on doggie, piss' and at last my prick softens a little and I produce a trickle then a torrent of piss. Most of it spurts onto my body and splatters my face as I empty my bladder in front of these men. Humiliating and sexually thrilling at one and the same time. They're watching me behave like an animal and I'm getting off doing it front of them. I finish and look up to see Denis unzipping his flies, pulling out his wonderful semi-erect cock and aiming it at my face. I move closer and he pisses over my face. I open my mouth and he fills it with his piss. I gulp it down. Gulp after gulp of his seemingly never-ending stream of golden, and to me, sweet tasting urine. From my mouth to my chest to my groin until he drains his bladder. My eyes are open and I can see guys rubbing their cocks, excited by seeing me debased. Denis zips up and throws me a towel.

"Dry yourself bitch then come and kiss my boots. Come on guys we've other games to play."

Denis and Jerry lead everyone back to the lounge area. I hear Jerry's voice.

"You two strip off."

Down on my hands and knees I crawl back. The two young guys are now naked and down on all fours at Jerry's feet. As ordered I go forward and kiss my Master's boots. He pushes me with his boot into the open space at the centre of the room. I look around at all the faces. Some grinning at my plight. Others looking more expectant for what might happen next to entertain them. Jerry slaps the rumps of his two pups and they scamper towards me and start licking my face. I lick back. The black guy turns around and pushes his butt into my face while the other one bends under me and licks my hard prick. I sniff and lick the arsehole being pressed harder into my face. He whimpers as my tongue enters his musky delicious rosebud. His companion has transferred his attentions to my backside and is slavering at my hole and sliding his tongue in and out. They change around again and while I'm tongue fucking one, the black guy mounts me, swiftly inserts his cock up my fuckhole and shags me hard. The audience is laughing; clapping and hooting until I hear the swish of a cane as Jerry beats off his pups. They yelp in pain and duck for cover behind his legs.

"Alex bitch, over my knees," snaps Denis.

Acting like a bitchdog in front of other dressed guys is one form of humiliation for a young man, bending over a Master's knee like a naughty boy is equally humiliating. He tucks my stiff prick between his legs and starts spanking me.

"Tom, over my knees," orders Jerry and the sturdy black guy obeys immediately. "You Jason, get your ass over Brad's lap," Jerry adds.

Jason drapes himself obediently over the knees of a hunky denim clad older guy. Denis is setting the pace beating my ass cheeks. Jerry and Brad join in on swatting Tom and Jason's butts. The crowd of men close in to watch the punishment. Denis is spanking me real hard now and I'm whimpering and trying to escape his grip, but it's impossible. I can hear Jason blubbering and Tom yelping loud as obviously their punishment is getting harder. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. Someone notices.

"Look at that, a grown man crying like a girl, poor little thing." I could tell by the tone it was not meant sympathetically.

"Someone get the horse, it's time for the cane," Denis shouts.

I'm pushed off his lap and Denis hoists me up and lies my lengthways over a leather padded horse. Jerry and Brad stop spanking Tom and Jason and the two boys come and hold my wrists and ankles firmly. They've clearly done this task before.

Tom, who is holding my wrists lets go for a moment and holds a bottle of poppers to my nostrils in turn. I inhale deeply. Tom whispers as he grips my wrists again. "Relax Alex and take it. That's what we slaves are for isn't it?"

With the poppers I'm drifting off into deep relaxation and quite eager for whatever public punishment I'm going to get. I want my red arse to be marked properly so guys will know I'm a willing, obedient slave. Jerry bends down and holds his cane to my lips.

"Kiss it Alex. After a warm up I'm going to mark you for my friend Denis."

I kiss the thick bamboo cane. "Thank you Master."

At first the cane skips across both my ass cheeks quite quickly and lightly. After the hard spanking it feels almost refreshing. Gradually the strikes increase in strength and I begin to wiggle and breathe more heavily because of the pain. Tom gives me more popper sniffs and I relax again. When the caning stops I have a feeling of absolute satisfaction in knowing my naked body is the centre of attraction for all these sadistic guys standing around me? This is what I'm truly for. To be seen and mocked as a slave. I suddenly hear the swish of the cane and I'm struck by intense lightening pain across both my bottom cheeks. The two guys holding me, grip more firmly as I buck up and scream out in pain. This is too much. I collapse sobbing onto the bench. The cane whistles through the air again and I open my mouth wide and scream. Then again and then a fourth time. I'm howling. Tom throws his arms around my neck, holds me and kisses me on my open slobbering mouth. Jason is licking my ass and cooling the marks. My audience hoots and claps.

"Stand up Alex and let your Master see you are marked," orders Jerry.

I rise up rather stiffly and turn to allow Denis to see the results of my punishment. Denis smiles. He's pleased. He drapes an arm around my shoulders and leads me to the wall where there is a full-length mirror.

"Turn your head and look Alex."

I wipe my eyes clumsily with my hands and turn my head to see my blazing red bottom with four very clear purple cane marks across both cheeks. I start to cry as I look, pleased to be so properly marked although the pain is still intense. Denis smoothes a hand across my inflamed butt, pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately on my mouth. As always I suck eagerly on the hard tongue for comfort. He moves his mouth to me ear, kisses it and whispers.

"Now you really are ready to be fucked in front of all these guys and who knows how many of them will want to fuck my bitchdog? Even Jerry's two slaves will fuck you. You ready boy?"

"Yes Sir, I am."

Chapter 9

Mr Diamond kept me as a dancing partner to be fucked and used by any club member for several months. To add to my humiliation he took away my kilt and waistcoat and I went naked among all the well-dressed members. Then Mr Diamond introduced me to a hunky, 35-year-old dishy guy, part African and part Swedish named Morris with an enormous cock and balls. He's wealthy too and I now live with him as his naked boywife on a West Indian island.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this story and the ending. will.obe@btinternet.com

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