Obeying the Seniors


Published on Mar 1, 2023


I'd been left to sleep late so the next afternoon, standing naked as usual, I'm facing Mr Diamond across his desk in his office.

"Turn around Alex and let me see those marks."

He looks at what I had viewed in my bathroom mirror. My very red bubble butt and the clear purple lines of the cane across both my cheeks.

"Very satisfactory. My cock is hard looking at those fantastic cane marks. You're a credit to the club Alex."

I harden up at his words because I love to see my bottom-lined with the marks of a cane. Anyone looking at them immediately knows what I am. A submissive man willing to take orders and punishment.

"Turn and look at me Alex."

Now I turn to show off my erect prick and because of it I'm far too embarrassed to look Mr Diamond in the eye.

"Wonderful Alex. A few words of praise about your ass and you're cock's sticking up ready for a hard wank. You're a sexy boy for sure. Look at me boy."

I raise my eyes to see Mr Diamond is smiling. I feel quite proud to be the bumboy he obviously thinks I am.

"I've decided Alex that although I and the others creamed ourselves watching you being so severely spanking and caned, that your real calling is as a submissive in a different world where you will succeed in earning us money. Tell me, do you like that idea?"

Not really knowing what the idea is, I simply smile. I watch as he takes some clothes from a drawer in his desk and lays them out on the desktop.

"You will wear these, he indicates them in turn. "This looks like a tartan kilt except it is made of silk. This is a sort of waistcoat of the same material. Short and no buttons. Lastly these black leather pumps. Now try them on."

I wrap the tartan around my waist and fasten it with a hook. It's three inches above my knee and pleated. The silk has a sexy feel to it. The waistcoat is also short and hangs loose and open. I pull on the pumps and look to Mr Diamond to check his reaction.

"Very nice indeed. Except for not wearing underpants, as I'm sure a Scots army sergeant would approve of, it gives you that sexy almost girlish look that certain members I know will go for. Now twist around a few times very fast."

As I spin around the tartan floats up to reveal my naked and shaved genitals and marked bottom.

"Excellent Alex. Now I suppose you are eager to know what sort of work you will be doing?"

"Yes Sir."

"Let me tell you Alex, in these premises in addition to the rooms and studios, some of which you have seen, we also have a bar and restaurant with a dance floor. Naturally, if members wish, we provide partners. You will be one of these and naturally, you will do anything you are required to do. Do you understand?"

"I think so Sir."

"Good. Now take them off and come and sit on my knee."

Naked on his knee I feel one hand under my arse while the other plays with my hard prick. A finger probes my anus. I fling my arms around his neck and his mouth finds mine and I suck gently on his tongue as he fondles me. This is what I most want. To be treated by a butch man as his submissive fuck boy. As if reading my thoughts, Mr Diamond picks me up in his arms, carries me into an adjoining room and lays me down on a bed. He strips in front of me. Finally his briefs and I can see his thick, long, very hard cock. He waggles it at me and comes closer, kneels on the bed and places the tip of his manhood to my lips. I open my mouth, lick his slit, engulf the huge knob in my mouth and start sucking. As content as a newborn pup. I sense him opening and taking things from a bedside drawer. I suck harder as I feel him tying my wrists to the head of the bed. My mouth loses contact with his cock as he lifts my legs up above my head, spreads them wide and ties my ankles to the bedposts. He kneels up and smiles down at me as he plays with his rigid cock. He purses his lips and dribbles spittle onto my fully exposed rosebud. A finger and then two work my hole as he dribbles more spit. I'm on full heat, panting like a bitch as he slowly brings his monstrous tool to the entrance of my fuckhole.

"This is what you want, isn't it Alex? To be a bumboy wife?"

"Oh yes Sir," I gasp. "Please fuck me Mr Diamond. Fuck me. Make me your girl."

"Girlyboy," corrects Mr Diamond as he slowly enters into me. His eyes glint with lust. "I'm going to breed you my bitch. Fill you with my seed."

I'm now pulling back as I feel the pain, but he's not interested. He pushes in harder and I whimper loudly and my eyes water and turn to tears. He bends forward and licks the tears off my cheeks, licks my nose, probes my nostrils with the tip of his tongue and transfers my snot to my mouth before kissing me hard. He withdraws a little and I sigh with relief before he promptly fucks me even deeper. Withdraws a little and fucks. I can feel his pubics up against my ass cheeks and balls. A steady rhythm builds up. My pounded prostate responds. His hand is stroking my erect prick and I know I can't hold off much longer. Panting and squirming, partly in pain, more so in sexual ecstasy. Mr Diamond notices.

"Don't dare cum Alex until you feel my spunk filling you. You belong to me. You do just as you're told boy."

How can I? He's fucking me like an engine and I love the feel of being his bumboy wife as he called me. Sweat drops and mixes with my tears. He constantly dribbles spit onto my face and licks it up. The strokes come more speedily as he grunts and groans, nearing his climax. Suddenly he shouts out. I feel great gobs of his spunk filling me.

"Take it boy, take it bitchboy. Aaaarg ... straight up your ass you bitch... aaargh. That's it. Now cum boy. Let me see it."

Without realising I had held off, now with this order my spunk spumes out over my chest and face. He smiles down at me and uses a finger to scrape up my own semen and feed it into my welcoming mouth.

"Go and shower Alex and clean yourself out. Make sure you're shaved smooth, put on the clothes and I'll take to meet your work pals."

When I'm ready Mr Diamond escorts me upstairs to what he refers to as the boys' lounge. It's more like what I think of as a theatre dressing room with four armchairs in front of brightly-lit mirrors. An archway leads to an adjoining shower and toilet. My three 'work palls' jump up from their chairs as soon as Mr Diamond enters the room.

"This is Alex, your new workmate. I want you to teach him the ropes. Give him a kiss and make him welcome."

Mr Diamond leaves and the three guys, all about my own age, dutifully come forward and kiss me. The first is good looking and dark haired with flashing green eyes. He's wearing what appears to be white ballet dancer's tights showing a large packet and a short white tight T-shirt revealing a well-muscled torso.

"Welcome Alex, my name's Deni." He kisses me on both cheeks.

The second is a slim, fresh faced youngster with sandy hair and blue eyes, dressed in a pale denim shirt without sleeves and a pair of very tight well worn pale blue jeans frayed at the knees, crutch and I imagine the backside.

"Hi Alex, I'm Sandy. Nice to meet you." He kisses me lightly on the mouth.

Last is without doubt the alpha male of the group. Strong handsome features with a large sensuous mouth, dark eyes and thick black hair. His gym-trained body bulges against the straps of his upper body leather harness and deliciously fills his tight black leather jeans.

"Well what are you Alex? A girlyboy by the looks of you. I'm known as Tiger. The only versatile member of this little lot."

Tiger pulls me towards him and kisses my hard on the mouth and his tongue twists around my tongue. Wow! One of his hands is under my kilt feeling my hardening prick. He releases me and steps back.

"Turn around boy."

He pushes my head down to my knees and throws up my kilt to see and show the others my red and cane marked buttocks.

"Looks like girlyboy Alex is into punishment boys."

He straightens me up from my humiliating exposure.

"Welcome to the club Alex. Let's all have a drink before we're called."

Sandy brings a bottle of vodka and fills four quite large tumblers arranged by Deni on a table. I sip at the strong spirit, as does Sandy. Tiger knocks it back in one gulp and Deni finishes his almost as quickly. We all look at each other and laugh. Tiger lays a hand on my shoulder.

"You won't get another drink until a member buys you one girly. They only allow us water at the bar."

"We better fill him in on how it all works," said Deni.

"Well," says Tiger, "When his majesty Mr Diamond rings for us, we go along to the club room and sit on the high stools at the bar and wait for a member to take an interest."

"And then?"

"We do as we're told. You do obey orders I hope girly."

"Of course."

"Then you've nothing to worry about."

The bell rings and I follow the others out of the door, along a passageway and through a door marked 'Member's Room'. It's huge and reminds me of the Hollywood nightclub places I've seen in old films. A long bar with subdued lighting, mirrors and shelves of bottles. Standing behind the bar is Macdonald in a white shirt with a bow tie looking extremely handsome. A few members, mostly in business suits and some casual, are in the dining area being served by attractive looking waiters. Others line the bar having drinks and keenly eyeing us as we take our seats on the high stools at one end of the bar. Macdonald brings a tray with four champagne glasses brimming with something sparkling. He gives me a grin.

"Hi fuckboy, how are you? And remember well brought up boys sip their drinks."

Macdonald moves off to serve a member. We all sip our sparkling water and I stare around taking in this new world.

"Don't sit on your kilt girlyboy, Mr D wouldn't approve," said Tiger sitting next to me.

I pull the kilt out and I'm conscious of my bare ass on the stool seat.

I spot a young guy in his mid twenties wearing a smart suit and tie heading towards me and I'm immediately anxious about what I should do, but I needn't have worried, he smiles at me, but places a hand on Tiger's leather clad knee.

"Let's dance boy."

They go off to the dance floor, hold each other close and I notice the guy's hand is stroking Tiger's leather clad butt. I'm getting hard under my kilt. Then I'm startled when I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see a smartly suited, tall, very handsome guy with hazel eyes in his thirties smiling at me.

"May I buy you a drink Alex?"

"You know my name Sir?"

"We all know your name Alex and a lot more besides from the club website. Let's dance."

On the floor, together with several other couples, we move around to the soft music. I'm being held close and both my partners' hands are on my butt as he kisses my nose, ears and lips. Nothing heavy, but sexily enjoyable. The music quickens. He holds me at arm length and spins me around. My kilt floats up and to the sound of 'oohs' 'aahs' and whistles from other dancers and members I show off my naked shaved body. My partner grins and blushing, I grin back.

"So what about a drink?" he says as the music slows down.

"Of course Sir. Thank you."

Still smiling, he takes my hand and leads me to the bar where another equally well built, good looking man sits on a stool.

"Good, you've got him Geoff. Come and sit next to me Alex. Loved the show and especially your cute little butt."

Geoff pulls his own stool close on the other side so their two sets of knees are touching me as I sit down.

"Large gins and tonics all round if you please Macdonald," orders Geoff. "That okay Tim?"

Tim nods, opens my waistcoat and plays with my nipples. Geoff meanwhile has slipped a hand under my kilt and is fondling my bottom. Macdonald arrives with the drinks and winks as he places a glass in front of me. Tim and Geoff lift their glasses and clink them with mine while their other hands still fondle me. I take a long gulp, the strong spirit hits me immediately and I give them each a big smile. Tim gives my tits a hard twist, moves his hand behind my neck, pulls me towards him and kisses me hard and long on the mouth. I open up to him, suck on his tongue and we kiss passionately. Such a kiss from a big dominant guy never fails to arouse me, Both his hands are back on my breasts twisting and nipping my teats hard. As I lean into the kiss I realise my bum is raised off the seat and Geoff is exploring my anus with wet fingers that begin finger fucking me. With one guy kissing me it's an awesome feeling, but with another finger fucking me, it's super awesome! Sitting half on the stool I let them use me.

"Let's swing him round," I hear Tim say.

They exchange places. Geoff kisses me and thrusts his tongue deep down my throat while stroking my hard prick. Tim finger fucks me hard. Other guys at the bar I can see are witnessing how I'm being used, but out of the corner of my eyes I see two other suited guys busy groping Sandy in the same way.

"Time we took him to bed," says Geoff.

"Or the sling," adds Tim.

"Room three has both," suggests Geoff, "let's go."

They pull away from me, finish their drinks and tell me to finish mine. They take me by my arms and lead me out to the passageway, open a door marked '3', take me inside, strip off all my clothes and lift me into a leather sling hanging from the ceiling. To one side is a leather covered king size bed. My legs and arms are tightly secured with cuffs and my legs are spread wide. In turn they spit on my anus, finger fuck me and then both strip naked. Their smart business suits had been covering two very hunky bodies. Their erect monster cocks rear up from bull-like ball sacks. Geoff nudges his cock against my fuckhole.

"Ready for some real man's meat fuckboy?"

"That's what I'm for Sir."

Tim lowers the sling at his end and his purple knob touches my lips. Both cocks push forward at the same time and I struggle at both ends to cope with my duties. Tim's cock is in my mouth and I'm washing it with my tongue as it moves quickly backwards and forwards. Geoff is gentle, but determined and his great tool enters me gradually, withdraws and enters again. Now I relax and let them use me as I think for the first time about how fantastic it would be to have two Masters and husbands like these two. Keeping me as their naked houseboi to serve all their needs. Wow! What a thought. My own prick is rock hard and Geoff is pumping it in time with his own fucking. He dribbles spit from his mouth onto his throbbing cock to lubricate his throbbing machine like piston. Both are sweating and droplets spatter over me as they accelerate their use of my mouth and anus. I look up at these two big, handsome, grinning Dom men and want this use of my body to go on forever. Their grins disappear as the build up of their sexual lust speeds up the action. Geoff's fist around my hard prick is pumping me to what I can feel is going to be an awesome climax. I begin to whimper loudly, to gasp and pant. This sound of their sub's sexual excitement seems to trigger their own needs. As my cum jets into the air, Tim unloads gushes of spunk down my throat and Geoff begins shooting bolts of his seed into my ass. Although my mouth is overflowing I gratefully taste and swallow one Master's cum and tighten my anus to retain the seed of the other.

Hope this story interested you Please let me know. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 8

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