Obeying the Seniors


Published on Feb 19, 2023


After completing my training course I'm informed I will not be returning to the office or to any of the seniors for further service. Instead, in view of my totally submissive nature, I'm to be relocated to a special facility. Not knowing what to expect I sit completely naked and shaved, except for my head, in the back of a car. I cannot even see the driver up front although I can see through the darkened side windows the passing view. At first the hedges and fields of the countryside and now what I suppose to be the suburban streets of London. At first I'm worried I can be seen naked by anyone passing, but soon realise the darkened windows of the limousine make this impossible. We're going down The Strand and turn into a back street. The car stops, the driver gets out and slams his door. A moment and then the door next to me opens.

"Out you get boy," I hear what I presume to be the driver's voice.

I step out of the car completely naked and the car is driven off. I stand still in the empty street, waiting, my prick suddenly erect as I react to the humiliation of being naked in public. The nearest members of the public are those I can see passing at the end of the street. In front of me is a nondescript double door. A brass nameplate states tradesman's entrance. I wait, legs apart, head bowed. The door opens and a good looking guy about my own age, well built and over six feet tall, wearing tight jeans and sweat shirt, indicates with a finger for me to enter. The doors slam shut behind me. I'm in a dimly lit passageway. Without warning this guys hands grip my shoulders, flattens me against the wall, bends his head and kisses me hard on the mouth. His hands are all over me. Feeling my shaved cock, ass and balls. I open my mouth and give myself readily to him as he pushes his tongue deep down my throat. Through the covering of his jeans I can feel his even harder cock pressing into my belly. His long finger moves behind me, finds my hole and roughly finger fucks me. I'm in sexual ecstasy as I push back on his finger and suck on his tongue. Suddenly a shout from the end of the passage.

"What the fuck you doing Macdonald, bring that slave to my office."

One final stab with his forefinger and Macdonald quickly releases me and drags me by my hard prick along the passageway to where I can see light from an open door. He pulls me inside an expensively furnished office, releases my prick and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"Such petulance! I guess he wanted time to fuck you boy. And I have to say I don't blame him."

The public school voice comes from a tall, handsome man with prematurely grey hair sitting and smiling at me from behind a large desk. I note the leather-covered desktop is completely empty. The guy's probably in his 40's wears a well-cut dark suit with collar and tie. I naturally assume the submissive stance with my feet apart and head bowed.

"Sit down boy and relax. I'm Master Diamond, but you will call me Sir," he waves me to a visitor's chair in front of his desk. I sit down and feel it safe to look him in the eye. His brown twinkling eyes encourage me to relax.

"We'll have to find a name for you. Can't keep calling you boy, can we? What is your first name?"

"Phillip Sir. Usually people call me Phil."

"Not at all suitable. Rather common in my opinion. Please don't be offended. Do you want a boy's name or a girl's?"

"Whatever you decide Sir."

"Well what I've read about you and the way you sit with your knees daintily crossed, perhaps a girl's name might be in order."

"I'm sorry Sir," and immediately spread my legs wide so he can see my erect prick and hanging balls.

"And is that supposed to be more butch boy?"

"I don't know Sir."

"Oh I think you do boy. You are completely submissive by nature. More feminine that masculine. Am I right?"

"Yes I think I am," I might as well be honest with this man.

"You like to be used as I instructed Macdonald to use you, don't you?"

"I suppose I do Sir."

"Roughly, but not too roughly? But fucked everyday and spanked when naughty. Am I right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Perhaps we should cut off your penis and testicles. Make you more of a girl. How about that?"

"Oh no Sir. Please don't do that. I'll do anything you want, but please not that." I'm almost screaming with fright.

"For godsake calm yourself boy. You are far too valuable as the sort of boy you are."

"Thank you Sir. Sorry for shouting."

"Tell me, do you think you're effeminate?"

"No I don't think so Sir. Outwardly I don't think I am. No one has ever said so. And I don't act camp like some guys I know."

"Yes I agree with that assessment. But what about inwardly? For instance, do you sometimes think of yourself as a woman trapped in a man's body?"

"Well er... yes Sir. I think so. No, if I'm completely honest Sir, I've known for a long time that my sexual feelings are entirely feminine. I do want to be treated, loved and used as a girl. I often think if I'd been born a girl, now I'm older, I would be happier."

"Many boys like you choose to take the transsexual route. Have you not thought of that?"

"Yes Sir, many times, but I'm not sure my mind would cope with all that. I'm content and very happy being a gay submissive so long as I can find the right sort of guy."

"You express yourself well boy and it will be my job to find you the right guys. Notice I say guys. You're not ready for one guy yet. You need to be used by many guys to satisfy your submissive needs or should I say lust? Am I right?"

"If you say so Sir."

"I do say so. Jump up on the desk I want to examine you. Sit with your legs dangling in front of me."

I position myself as instructed. Mr Diamond pulls me forward until I'm sitting on the edge of the desk with my prick jutting out and almost touching his chest. His fingers roll my nipples backwards and forwards. I close my eyes and breathe heavily.

"Your tits have been worked well. Very nice indeed. Big enough to feed on."

Mr Diamond fastens his mouth onto each of my nipples in turn, sucking chewing. I'm now gasping with excitement. He removes his mouth and now rolls my balls in my sack. Feeling them gently. Now he pushes my foreskin hard back and peers closely at my knob that is leaking pre-cum. His forefinger smoothes away my precum. He licks his finger and judging by his moans, relishes the taste.

"Most agreeable boy, most agreeable. Now roll back and hold your legs up so I can inspect your rosebud."

I hold me legs up, spreading them so Mr Diamond can get the best possible view. I know from doing this in front of a mirror that I have nothing to be ashamed of. He spreads my ass cheeks wide and I again experience that complete feeling of vulnerability and humiliation at having my most private orifice viewed by a stranger.

"Ah, quite beautiful. I know you've been fucked frequently boy, but your fuckhole is a real gem."

A wet finger slides down my ass crack and I wait hopefully for it to be inserted. I'm not disappointed and Mr Diamond's finger is long and exciting when it twists and probes. It's withdrawn and I can hear him sniffing.

"And clean too. You clean yourself out regularly boy?"

"At least twice a day Sir."

He pulls me back to a sitting position and promptly inserts his finger into my mouth. I taste nothing, as it should be. He pulls me forward onto his lap and I put my arms around his neck and cuddle close. He will not know, but this is my favourite position. Naked in the arms of a clothed man. He whispers in my ear.

"Now for a name boy. Let me think. What about Troy or maybe er... Alexander or even Darien? No, I think Alexander is better. Or better still Alex. That could be male or female. What do you think baby," his fingers are rolling my tits vigorously and I'm squirming in his lap.

"Whatever you decide Sir," I manage to squeak.

"Alex it will be then. Now something you must help me decide. Guys come to this place to see boys like you in different scenarios before they make a choice. Perhaps I should show you one first so you can get an the idea of what's offered and expected."

Pushing me off his lap he says, "follow me Alex."

We leave the office and I pad along after him down a corridor and turn into a carpeted passageway lit by small chandeliers. We pass several doors with signs on them which I manage to read. The first is 'White slaves to Black Masters' then 'House Boys' and then 'Dungeon'.

We stop at a door with the sign 'Kennels'. Mr Diamond puts a finger to his lips to indicate I keep silent and then quietly opens the door and ushers me inside. We stand behind a row of five armchairs occupied by five well-dressed guys. Some are smoking, most have drinks in their hands and all have their eyes firmly fixed on what I presume is a two way mirror about four feet high and stretching the width of the room. On the other side of the mirror are five young guys shaved like myself, but looking as if they haven't washed or showered for a few days. They're wearing thick black leather collars, are on all fours and behaving like randy dogs. Two with blue ribbons attached to their collars are fucking two with pink ribbons. A third with a pink ribbon is squatting in a corner and I suddenly realise he's crapping. Ugh! No wonder they're so dirty. One blue ribboned boy climaxes with a great howl, pulls out his softening cock and pisses over what I suppose he thinks of as his bitch. I notice two guys in front of me have unzipped and are masturbating. This must be their fantasy. The bitch turns over his back and allows the stream of piss to cover his body before sitting up to take the stream into his mouth. The two turned and cums almost simultaneously with loud gasps, shooting jets of spunk. Some lands on the mirror and slowly dribbles down. Mr Diamond takes my arm and we quietly leave the room.

Mr Diamond grips my prick. "Your cock's hard Alex. Did that excite you?"

"I'm sorry Sir."

"Don't apologise boy. It made me hard too. Feel me."

I place my hand on his crotch and grip a huge ramrod. Now I'm doubly excited.

"Would you like to be someone's bitch Alex? Perhaps kept in a kennel with other boy dogs with nowhere to piss and shit like zoo animals?"

"Not really Sir. If I was ordered to I might, but I don't think I'd like it."

"We'll forget that then and consider some other sort of role play. Let's go back to my office."

Back in the office I sit on his lap and he kisses and finger fucks me until I can't withstand the pressure anymore and shoot my load in great streams of spunk onto the carpet between Mr Diamond's legs. Some spatters onto his trouser legs.

"Naughty boy. Get down and lick every spot up Alex."

I crawl around slurping up my own semen encouraged by Mr Diamond tapping my bottom with a cane. He points out spots on his trousers and I use my tongue to remove them. Now I sit back on my heels, looking up at him, seeking his approval. He ruffles my hair as he might a pet.

If this story does anything for you, let me know will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 6

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