Obeying the Seniors


Published on Sep 9, 2023


Back upstairs in the Probationer's Room I take a shower, dry myself, put on a clean Probationer's shirt and sit down waiting for a bell to ring. A guy in his forties enters and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Martin. You must be Phil. Welcome to the top floor."

He takes of his shirt and gets into the shower. I'm surprised how old he is. He must be over six feet tall and very well built with a cock like a donkey. He dries himself, puts on a shirt and sits down next to me.

"There's usually a lull after lunch Phil."

"May I ask how old you are Martin?"

"Forty-two. Surprised? Well, for many years I'd been a senior accountant in a city firm. Not married, no boyfriend and I began wondering what I was doing with my life. Then I happened to meet Mr Trent. Do I need to say more?"

"No, I get the picture. But how long have you been a probationer?"

"Oh, about six weeks. Never been so happy. Fucked and humiliated every day. It's so fulfilling, don't you think?"

"If you're a natural sub like me it is. Do you feel the same?"

"Since I was a teenager and a big tough friend insisted on me dropping my pants and he wanked me off."

A bell rings. Room 3.

"Mr Andrews. Do you mind if I take it? He's in his sixties and I adore old men."

"No, you go ahead," I respond. Thankful to have escaped such an old guy.

Martin rushes out and I continue sitting there. A bell rings. Room 1. I run and find Room 1. On the door is the name Mr Beecham. I knock.

"Come in."

Mr Beecham is a tall, slim guy in his late twenties. Dark hair, handsome chiselled features and a wide sensual mouth. No suit. He's dressed entirely in black leather with knee high black leather motor cycle boots. Black leather shirt and red leather tie. He lounges on a black leather three-seater sofa.

"You're Phil?"

"Yes Sir."

"On your knees and lick my boots to show your obedience and subservience." I lick up one side of a boot.

"Now the other one."

Moving over I lick up one side of the other boot.

"On your feet boy and get rid of that stupid shirt. I prefer my boys completely naked."

Mr Beecham looks me over; "you're not completely naked are you?"

"Not sure...."

"Hair boy. Not much I admit, but not satisfactory. You'll find a razor in my bathroom. Shave your armpits and crotch including balls and penis."

"Yes Sir."

Guessing another inner door must be the bathroom, I run to do his bidding. By the time I've finished and look in the mirror I do feel more naked. Looking more fourteen or younger than twenty-two. I go back for his inspection with my prick at attention.

"Much better. I love cute small blond boys with hairless bodies and erect cocks. Turn around, spread your legs and pull your ass cheeks apart."

Bending over, beyond my stiff prick, I can see Mr Beecham peering closely at my pink anus.

"Exquisite rosebud. Has Mr Cleaver fucked you?"

"Yes Sir and another red tie in the cafeteria."

"You'll find I'm much more demanding than those Phil. Will you obey me no matter what I ask?"

"Yes Sir." Wow! I'll do anything for this handsome guy.

"Go and stand in the corner facing the wall." He sounds very stern.

Running to the corner I do as he orders so my red arse is on display. The fact that he is only a few years older than I am makes me feel even more humiliated. He's speaking on his mobile.

"Bring the car round Wang. I'll meet you in the garage. Come here boy."

I turn and walk over to the sofa and stand with my head bowed.

"Sit here next to me Phil."

I'm immediately aware of my total nakedness as he pulls me against his cold black leather. He feels my hard cock and balls before transferring his fingers and thumbs to my nipples and twisting hard.

"Look at me Phil. Say when I'm hurting you."

Bearing with the awful pain for a minute or more until I have tears in my eyes I eventually have to say.

"Now Sir. I'm sorry."

He releases my tits, pulls me to him, licks up the tears in my eyes and then kisses me. The wide mouth pulls my lips into his mouth and his long hard tongue projects down my gullet. I can hardly breath until he pulls back and gently fucks my mouth with his tongue. Without thinking I have thrown my arms around his shoulders as he devours me. One of his hands reaches down between my legs, searches out my crack and a finger enters my anus. This is bliss and I'm happy for it to go on and on. His mobile rings and he breaks away.

"Okay Wang, we're there."

"Come on Phil. It's nearly dark. Time to play. Let's go."

Mr Beecham guides me to the lift and presses the button for basement. It's obviously an express elevator reserved for the senior managers. When the door opens, a sturdy Chinese guy even shorter than me in a dark suit with a pale blue tie is waiting beside a veteran, but sleek black Bentley limousine. Wang opens the rear door and Mr Beecham steps in. Wang takes hold of my arm and pulls me to the rear where he unlocks the boot (trunk). He indicates for me to get in and slams the door down. I'm naked in darkness. A moment and the engine purrs quietly into life and I can feel us driving up a ramp and then through the winding streets of London.

When we stop I can hear Wang opening and closing the door for Mr Beecham. Then he lets me out of the boot. I'm naked in a small parking area full of expensive cars. I turn to see a brightly-lit doorway and Mr Beecham talking to two big guys. When I turn back, Wand has stripped naked and thrown his clothes into the boot. He's also shaven from neck to feet and has a beautiful smooth well-muscled body with heavy stainless steel rings through his nipples. He takes a wide leather collar from the boot and fastens it around his neck and then another he puts around my neck and attaches a leash. I'm led to the doorway like a two-footed dog.

The two guys talking to Mr Beecham are really huge black guys. Bouncers I suppose. They give me a look.

"Can't let the cute white bitch in without rings Mr Beecham. Sorry."

"Ridiculous Moss," says Mr Beecham. Do something. You or Win. But now.

"Don't fuss Moss, we can remedy that here and now Mr Beecham."

Win takes two rings like Wang's out of his pocket and reaches for my left nipple. I'm scared to death I'm going to be pierced on the spot, but Win attaches first one and then the other with small clips. I breathe in quickly and then shriek out with pain as I double forward clutching at my breasts. The two bouncers pull me upright and as tears pour down my face, Wang licks around the two clips. The pain recedes. Mr Beecham is smiling broadly, clearly enjoying my pain.

Mr Beecham takes hold of my leash and leads me through the double doors followed by Wang. The club, if that's what it is, is crowded with guys in red ties. Some in suits, but mostly in black leather. The crowd parts and I'm led naked towards a long bar. The smell of leather is overwhelming and I realise what a turn-on it is for me. Hands reach out to feel my body or slap my ass cheeks. Another new wonderfully humiliating experience. All these guys dressed and me completely naked and shaved wearing a dog or slave collar and tit rings being led by Mr Beecham. At the bar, Mr Beecham attaches the end of my leash to a hook on the front of the bar. A barman hands Mr Beecham a glass of whiskey or something and my Master walks away. I'm left on my own. Wang seems to have disappeared.

Hands start groping me. Every part of me. My erect shaven cock, my balls, my ass cheeks, my nipples and the inside of my thighs. A beer can is presented to my lips, but as I try to drink from the can it's raised and the beer is poured over my head. The guy drops the can and from behind me inserts a finger into my mouth. I suck on it. Guys look on grinning. I'm bent forward and the finger from my mouth is removed and inserted into my anus. The crowd moves back and the guy with his finger up my arse unhooks my leash and propels me around the bar. I run slightly bent forward as they all whoop, clap and laugh. We go through an open door into a toilet. The finger leaves me and the guy forces me down into a kneeling position facing him between two urinals. He lifts up my head and I can see him for the first time. Black leather, red tie, about my age and height with red hair and a handsome grinning face. He slowly lowers the zip on his leather jeans, brings out a long thick cock and aims it at my face. I can see his red pubics. He starts pissing over me.

"Open your mouth dog."

Naturally I do and drink his stream of piss watched by a crowd of red ties enjoying my degradation. As the red head zips up and walks away, others take his place and piss over and into me. I'm drenched and stinking as they all leave. The door opens and Wang walks in. He picks up the end of my leash.

"Come on dog. On hands and knees."

We go back into the bar with Wang leading me on the leash with all the red ties looking on, joking and laughing, about me. Mr Beecham stands at the bar.

"Bowl for my dog barman," Mr Beecham orders.

He puts the bowl on the floor at his feet.

"Drink dog or should I say bitch. Something to take away the taste of the piss you've been wallowing in," he orders.

I lower my head and lap it up with my tongue, as I'm sure I'm expected to do. I think it's going to be piss, but it's white wine and I drink every drop.

"Think you're ready to be fucked bitch. That's why all my friends are here you know?" Mr Beecham laughs. "Lie over this table. Head up ready for mouth fucks and ass up ready for rosebud fucking."

Clutching the sides of the table with my hands, head and ass up, I can only say, "yes Sir."

"You in his mouth Gord, me up his arse."

Gord is the red head. He puts his cock into my mouth as I feel Mr Beecham wetting my hole and easing what feels like a huge cock up my arse. I want to open my mouth and scream with the pain, but young Gord is too busy plunging his big, red haired cock in and out of my mouth. I moan and struggle instead. Mr Beecham spanks my ass cheeks in turn in time to his thrusts and I gradually settle down to being a public fuck bitch speared at each end. The crowd of onlookers clap and shout. My prick is rock hard and rubbing against the tabletop. I notice several red ties with their cocks out of their pants wanking in excitement at seeing me fucked. It's a thrill to see them and still more wonderful when they spurt their spunk over my back or into my face. Gord screams out and shoots his spunk down my throat. I swallow every drop before he withdraws and slaps his limp cock contemptuously across my face.

"You're nothing but a bitch slave blondie. Who's next?"

Two cocks cram into my mouth and I suck like hell as Mr Beecham continues to ram my hole.

"Aaaargh!! Take my seed you bitch... you little pussyboy."

I feel Mr Beecham filling me with great gobs of his seed and my own prick jets my bitch fluid between my belly and the tabletop. As Mr Beecham withdraws, I feel his semen running down my thighs. Before I can stand up, clamps are being fixed around my ankles and wrists to the table legs so I'm unable to move. Another cock enters my rosebud and when he shoots, yet another enters me. I lie there being endlessly fucked front and rear by Mr Beecham's friends. When they've all finished, I'm left on show until Wang unfastens the clams, helps me stand and leads me around the floor on all fours.

"Time for the bitch's bath Wang," orders Mr Beecham.

I'm led to an old fashioned metal bath in the centre of the floor.

"It's going to be cold bitch, you better warm it up with your piss. Go on piss," orders Mr Beecham.

Why it should be so embarrassing to piss into the bath after everything that's happened to me, I don't know, but I do feel humiliated as I aim my prick into the bath and piss. It hardly covers the bottom of the bath.

"Step into it bitch. Sit down in your own piss. Now lie back and open your legs and your mouth wide," instruct Mr Beecham.

All eyes are on me as I obey. My piss is slightly warm and I lie in it with my legs and mouth wide open. An invitation! Mr Beecham waits.

"Okay Wang, piss on the bitch."

The only other naked guy in the bar moves forward, stands over me and squirts his piss over me, but not into my mouth I notice. That privilege is reserved for Mr Beecham. He stands facing me. His half-hard cock directed at me. As he lets go straight into my mouth, it's a signal for all his friends to follow suit. I'm bathed in hot piss from so many cocks. Face, mouth tits and my blond hair are the main targets. Wow! What an experience? I'm the lowest thing... bitch... slave in the room. The bath is three quarters full of piss and I'm lying in it. They go back to chatting and drinking. Only coming back to me when they want to empty their bladders.

"Take the pussyboy back to the office Wang and if he gives you any trouble spank his ass, okay?"

"Yes Mr Beecham Sir."

Wang leads me out to the car, opens the boot, and puts on his suit and pale blue tie. Before he puts me into the limo boot he bends me over it and spanks my bottom very hard. For no reason at all. He obviously thinks he can do anything. Actually, I enjoy it. The end of a perfect day as a sub.

Please let me know what you think of this fantasy. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 3

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