Obeying the Bosses Rules

By Stephen

Published on Feb 21, 2022


Obeying the Bosses Rules Chapter 05

The story is copyrighted by me in 2022 as the owner of it and all legal rights pertaining to it.

(1) If you are not of legal age where you live, do not read this story!

(2) This is an fictional story based on real life experience, a fantasy if you will, some the sex is bareback. In real life, BE CAREFUL and BE PROTECTED and DON'T DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT TO DO.

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Give it a try at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html or click on "Donate" on your screen ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here are my stories ---------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/my-hero https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/my-new-doctor https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/elite-swim-squad/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/obeying-the-bosses-rules ---------------------------------------------------------------- I should tell you this is a continuation years later of Stevie in ELITE SWIM SQUAD ---------------------------------------------------------------- WHO'S WHO ----------------------------------------------------------------

Let me tell you who's who. My Boss is

Richard Stensen He tall 6' tall with broad shoulders and well built probably in his late 30's early 40's Strawberry Blond Hair Blue Eyes with Freckles 9.5" Uncut 3" around a truly well sculpted manhood

the other 3 VP's in the DP department are

Carl Johnson 6"3" tall slender body Blond Hair and Blue Eyes, 8" by 5" wonder wand and uncut Yikes!

Andrew Shin Liu 5'8" tall with a muscular tight body Jet Black Hair 7" uncut curved up very dark shaft with a gentle disposition

Virendra Sumathra 5'11" thin body Brown Hair and Dark Green Eyes, 11" by 2" slender schwantz also uncut very soft spoken with an accent that pierces you right to the core almost hypnotizing

The 4 interns are

Stephen Siano I was 23 yo tiny kid 5'4" Tight Swimmers Body Sandy Brown Hair Hazel Green Eyes and 5.5" Cut bushy and Gynacomastia ( enlarged male breasts )

Jerry Ryan 21 5'8" tall Soft Curly Brown Hair Crystal Blue Eyes, 7" straight poker and cut and SHAVED. He becomes my office mentor and shows me the ropes. He says he is hetro trying to climb the corporate ladder

Julio Vasquez 24 yo 5' 6" Dark Complexion Brown Hair and Brown Eyes. he's well built, 8" 6" uncut always pulsing Mega-Pinga with manicured pube balls shaved. He is homo-flirtatious because a lot of the boys just want to see it.

Alan Cohen 21 yo 5'10" Black hair Blue Eyes Milky White Complexion. He is 8"3" standard sthcrungool. He is and easy going kid

---------------------------------------------------------------- end of chapter 04 ----------------------------------------------------------------

He stood me up, patted me on the butt and said go to the bathroom and do your business then wipe good and jump in the tub and call me when you are there. I couldn't believe it he wants me to take a bath.

I finished and got in the tub which was at the perfect temperature. I yelled "I'm in" I turned and he was there, LIKE out of nowhere. He knelt down on the bath mat and said "let me clean you sweetie" I was out of quiet thought comments so I sheepishly looked up blushed and nodded yes.

He started with my chest using soap and his hands at first then a soft cloth. It felt so good I was remembering when my mom bathed me and also when Freddy and I took our private baths together. Jerry kept giving me kisses on the forehead while working down my body. He told me to kneel up so he could clean between my legs and hole. He was not being 'fresh' at all with me just cleaning my body he did spend a lot of time on my pube but I did not get a woodie and it felt great. He found my tender hole and gently rubbed circles around it. After he finished privates he got the bottle of baby shampoo and did my hair.

He said "stand up cherub let me dry you off now". Cherub NOW I thought. I felt so relaxed and thanked him then hugged him. He let the water out stepped in and took a shower. I was mesmerized my his beautiful body watching him clean every part paying special attention to his cook and balls and then his hole. He looked at me and winked, said "Like what you see" I did blush hard and smiled. I wanted him so bad.

When we were done he handed me a bright blue satin Jock Strap to where. He put a black one on then basketball shorts. I asked "where are mine" He said "you don't have to wear one silly".

He said "you want a snack before bed" I shook my head no.

He said "Okay then lets hit the sack. I asked where will I sleep. He said "the sofa bed or mine where would you like"

I look at him with loving eyes and said "Really, Could I".

He didn't say a word he picked me up and carried me to his bed.

He pulled the covers back while still holding me and placed me down and tucked me in. He took his Shorts and Jockstrap off and got in the other side. I slipped my jockstrap of and tossed it on the floor. We faced each other and I snuggled closer to kissed and rubbed each others body and eventually fell asleep

---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 05 ----------------------------------------------------------------

I woke up in his arm with my coolie pressed to his pube. I felt safe and loved. "Freddy are you up" I said in a boyish voice.

I shook my coolie and he stirred. "Wake up Freddy you sleepy head" I whispered. "STEVIE" he said. "Silly Freddy who else would it be" I whispered. He turned me around and shook me gently and said "Stephen, Stephen". I was immediately aware now and said "sorry I must have been dreaming". He kissed me on the forehead and said "It's okay sweetie"

I was becoming aware of what was happening to me and started to tremble and shake and lose my breath. He pulled me on top of him pressing our chest and pubes together then he started to gently tickle my coolie with his finger nails humming in my ear and breathing deeply on my neck until I calmed down.

"I think know what's happening to me" I said. He just whispered "Shh, Shh we'll figure all of this out okay, okay - don't worry your little heart out, you are safe sweetie" . I relaxed again and crawled off of him jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom sat on the bowl and peed and pooped some leftover enema water.

I sat there for a few minutes and heard him talking to someone on the phone saying "he was in and out of being his boy and him" there was a pause then he said "Okay Sir".

He yelled for me to take a quick shower and get ready to head into the office. He startled me sliding the frosted shower door open. "Can I join you" he said "Of course silly come in". He took the soap and cloth and started washing me all over. The warm water felt good and I was happy to let him wash me. I was getting use to his gentle control over me freely touching me anywhere he wanted. He spent a lot of time on my aching willy still with my morning boner raging. He squeezed my balls and slid his lathered hand on my willy making me tingle and tremble with delight. I felt my sac tighten pushing my tiny balls back into me and started shaking and moaning "Freddy I love you so much" I let go and orgasmed so hard but nothing came out. He was sliding his hardness in my cheeks I felt his warm cream shoot all over my coolie.

I stopped for a second to think, It's happening again I am slipping into Stevie. I turned around looking Jerry in the eyes and said "I am so sorry I know you are not Freddy, I just got caught up in the memory and good feelings". "I know" he said and hugged me tight. "Let's get dressed and out of here we have to get to work" , I said "it is to early", He said "I spoke with Mr. S. and he wants us in asap, he's sending the his car"

He surprised me with an entirely new suit and tie. "Wow I said this is a Brookes Brothers." He said it's off the rack but soon you will have them made custom" He said stand still let me dress you" and I know I blushed it was like ma getting me ready for school. He made my tie and pulled it up. He said scoot lemme dress. I went to the kitchen where the Mr. coffee just finished brewing. He came in made himself a cup of coffee and started sipping it. "Don't I get a cup" I sneered. He put his cup to my lips and gave me a sip saying "when you get older you can have a cup"

He took one last gulp and said "we gotta go we're gonna be late". We ran to the elevator wait impatiently for it to arrive got in pressed G and went down I tried to snuggle with him but he said "NO you have to stay 'Stephen' till we get to work. We ran to the door Al said "Good Morning - Early day" Jerry said "yeah have a good one"

The drive was waiting with the door open, looked at me and said "By the way I'm Elesio" We jumped in and went to work. It was early enough so traffic was light. We got to work and went up right to Mr. Stensen's office and sat there waiting for him to arrive.

He came in saying "mornin gentlemen" closing and locking the door. He said "Stephen I want you to undo you trousers puling them and you underwear do to your knees and bend over the desk. He sat down in the chair and said "You smell clean and fresh" as I blushed. I felt his hands a little cold spread my cheeks and said "What the fuck Jerry" "Oh Shit his device, I forgot". He told me to dress up quickly and step aside.

He looked at Jerry not saying a word, Jerry fumbled with his belt then lowered his trousers and underpants bending over the Bosses lap obediently. The said "you know the rules you were given the responsibility to keep your charge safe" The Boss then started to spank Jerry so hard I turned my head away at first then looked in to Jerry's eyes. I could see he was fighting not to cry. The spanking went of for a couple of minutes making hi tush beet red"

He stopped "Thank you Sir" Jerry said. "Now get dressed and compose your self"

Mr S. said Jerry "you will be coming up to the Docs office for his exam" He told me this will be to sessions, a complete physical and a mental profile. "What are you waiting for move, PRONTO.

We went up to the 68 floor and walk to the Reception. He said "we have an appointment at 7:30 for The Doc. Pointing to me for him Stephen Siano. She said the Doc is waiting for you go down that hall 3rd door on the left" We walked slowly and entered the room. A larger than usual Drs. office with a strange contraption that had what looked to be an old fashioned toilet bowl water tower.

He came over and greeted me. He was a tall Nordic Type Blond Hair Blue Eyes a lanky skiers build. "Hello Mr. Siano I am Dr. Einar Christiansen just cal me Ein, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. ( what does he mean finally for crapsakes does everyone fuckin know about me ) This time I spoke up "Doc what to you mean finally It's only been a month or so since the first interview" I'm sorry I didn't mean anything my that"

He looked at my Boss and said "Ya got your hands full I see" Yes "he can be quite a handful but he has been through so much I tolerate it for now" Looking sternly at me. I knew what that meant and the implications of my actions thinking what just happened to Jerry. He also said hi to Jerry shook his hand.

My Boss said "thanks for taking him early" "No problem I got here early to read his file anyway" He said.

Mr. S. said "Ein Jerry needs some attention" Jerry said "huh" Mr. S. walked to him hugging him and said "I'm sorry doll I know you are doing your best I was to hard on you but you know the rules". Ein pushed a button and said "Gianni step in here please"

The young man came in, we look at each other and smiled. I ran to him and we hugged and kissed. He was on the elite swim squad with me when we were kids. I said SO it's you that has the info one me HUH" "Yeah Pal but don't be mad at me when I saw your name on the appointment sheet I was thrilled. I told Doc I knew you and about some of the episodes you had and what happened to Freddy. We both got teary and he said "I want to help"

I asked him what he's doing here and said he is a PA and got the Idea from Coach and Dr.V. I knew I want to be a medical professional. I said "I am so glad you did we have so much to catch up on let's do lunch sometime" "that would be Great! what about Friday" He asked "Yeah !" I winked'.

( To learn about Them please read https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/elite-swim-squad/)

Doc said "okay girls enough chit chat, Gianni help Jerry with his problem maybe an aloe based sav will help" Gianni motioned Jerry over to what looked like a strange knee cushioned seat/table that leaned forward. He followed him and told Jerry to put his hands over his head. Gianni then undid his trousers and letting them fall to his feet asking him to step out of them instructing him to kneel and lean forward resting on that chair. Gianni rolled a chair over sat in it and slowly lowered his underpants exposing hi redden cheeks pulling them down and off his feet.

Gianni asked if they also wanted him milked. All I could think during this was Jerry is being treated like a boy and he is being so obedient letting allowing them ( then I thought he is completely under their control) the access they needed to care for his needs. Bass said "Yeah, He could use a therapeutic ejaculation".

Not a peep out of Jerry.

Gianni applied the sav to his aching stinging cheeks and he sighed and moaned quietly. Gianni said "there you go doll this will help he also parted his cheeks with his fingers and squeezed some sav onto his quivering hole that I was in just the other day. I told Jerry that Gianni knew what he was doing. Gianni turned and winked at me.

Gi slip his hand between Jerry's Legs and pulled his cock and balls back fondling them loving and caringly. He slipped his finger into his waiting hole finding HIS door to the gateway of his sacred intimacy. He press and Jerry squeezed his cheeks and let out a gasp of pleasure. Doc and Mr. S. came to watch his milking. Mr. S said "Doll honor the ecstasy you sacred intimacy provides"

Gi started stroking his shaft and pressing his joy button then motioned me over to fondle his balls. I remember doing similar things in the swim team's private room with Coach. I was so happy to help Jerry. We were tantalizing his pube and hole and as he squirmed. His breathing became stronger. "There go his balls, Gi" I whispered.

His shaft stiffened and then he let out a huge gasp and started shooting explosively. Gi motioned me to put the cup near his glans and collect the specimen. As his orgasm subsided I leaned down and took his sensitive glans in my mouth warmly sucking making him quiver in his afterglow. Jerry looked back at me and said "Thanks Sweetie"

Boss said "that's what I want from my team, helping each other out because you care" Mr. S. came over to me picked me up and hugged me. Jerry thanked everyone for allowing him access to his sacred intimacy. Gianni helped jerry on with his underpants and trousers just like he was a little boy. ( thought to myself this isn't bad at all maybe I am quietly overreacting. I told my self to be just like Jerry and let my Bosses people care for me )

Readers Please let me know what you think and what you'd like to happen in the up coming chapters. Thank you for reading.

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More To Come

Next: Chapter 5: Obeying the Bosses Rules 6 7

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