Obeying the Bosses Rules

By Stephen

Published on Feb 19, 2022


Obeying the Bosses Rules Chapter 02

The story is copyrighted by me in 2022 as the owner of it and all legal rights pertaining to it.

(1) If you are not of legal age where you live, do not read this story!

(2) This is an fictional story based on real life experience, a fantasy if you will, some the sex is bareback. In real life, BE CAREFUL and BE PROTECTED and DON'T DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT TO DO.

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---------------------------------------------------------------- WHO'S WHO ----------------------------------------------------------------

Let me tell you who's who. My Boss is

Richard Stensen He tall 6' tall with broad shoulders and well built probably in his late 30's early 40's Strawberry Blond Hair Blue Eyes with Freckles 9.5" Uncut 3" around a truly well sculpted manhood

the other 3 VP's in the DP department are

Carl Johnson 6"3" tall slender body Blond Hair and Blue Eyes, 8" by 5" wonder wand and uncut Yikes!

Andrew Shin Liu 5'8" tall with a muscular tight body Jet Black Hair 7" uncut curved up very dark shaft with a gentle disposition

Virendra Sumathra 5'11" thin body Brown Hair and Dark Green Eyes, 11" by 2" slender schwantz also uncut very soft spoken with an accent that pierces you right to the core almost hypnotizing

The 4 interns are

Stephen Siano I was 23 yo tiny kid 5'4" Tight Swimmers Body Sandy Brown Hair Hazel Green Eyes and 5.5" Cut bushy and Gynacomastia ( enlarged male breasts )

Jerry Ryan 21 5'8" tall Soft Curly Brown Hair Crystal Blue Eyes, 7" straight poker and cut and SHAVED. He becomes my office mentor and shows me the ropes. He says he is hetro trying to climb the corporate ladder

Julio Vasquez 24 yo 5' 6" Dark Complexion Brown Hair and Brown Eyes. he's well built, 8" 6" uncut always pulsing Mega-Pinga with manicured pube balls shaved. He is homo-flirtatious because a lot of the boys just want to see it.

Alan Cohen 21 yo 5'10" Black hair Blue Eyes Milky White Complexion. He is 8"3" standard sthcrungool. He is and easy going kid

---------------------------------------------------------------- end of chapter o1 ----------------------------------------------------------------

He stood me up and sat me on his lap and wiped my tears, kissed my forehead and asked if I had ever spoken about my boyfriend and his death with anyone at the same time cupping my aroused pub and hugging me with his other arm. I put my head in his shoulder and sobbed some more.

He said there there you are a good boy and I sorry you had a hard time when you were young. Now you have someone to talk to about this and eventually you will get by this trauma. He stood me up slid both of his hands under my shirt and gently fondled my plum breasts then picked up my briefs tucked my undershirt back in then my trousers. He zipped me up, buckled my belt like I was a boy all over again, I didn't mind I felt strangely safe with him.

He asked me what my living situation was and I told him I have the 1st floor apartment in my parents house. He then said for a month I would have to live in the corporate apartment. I started to protest and said what about my folks. He told me they would understand if I told them I needed to be close to work during the year end closing of the books. He then told me it would be good for me to get away from home.

He told me that being mentored by strong men will help me overcome all obstacles he further went on to say that my sexual orientation will be addressed respectfully and responsibly and your needs and desires will be addressed in a kind and gentle manner as long as you abide by the rules, DO YOU UNDERSTAND. I just nodded yes.

He looked kindly into my eyes and ask if my breasts and nipples have always been large and did I understand why, I shrugged my shoulders. He told me I will have an opportunity to talk to the private corporate doctor about that when I go see him next week for a complete physical that he would take me to himself.

He stood up patted me on my bottom and said go back to work and remember the rules. I scooted off and went back to work.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 02 ----------------------------------------------------------------

Strangely as I walked back to my corner cubicle I felt relieved like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders and knew I would be in good hands. I sat down at my desk and turned on my new IBM AT that I requisitioned. I set it up and show the muckity muck how it works last week. I pulled up the annual statement for one of our subsidiaries and started a program to download annual statement information. I was really into analyzing it when Jerry came up from behind me and started rubbing my shoulders I did jump for a second but smelled his Armani cologne and his reflection on the screen and said "if you want to suck me it will have to be later".

He took his hands of my shoulders and said "HA HA".

I turned around as he was taking a seat in the chair against the cubicle wall. He said straight out "So he did it to you in the storage room". I just blushed and said "did what". He just stared at me for a minute or 2 without saying a word. I cleared my throat and said "we were going over the inventory" He gently asked me if I was put over his knee or bent over the table.

I got all flustered and couldn't come up with words to say and had a tear rolling down my eye. He rolled his chair closer to me and wiped the tear saying "Don't be embarrassed we have all been chastised by him or one of the other VPs and yes it was a shock the first time having our pants and underpants pulled down vulnerably exposed to another male, It doesn't make us queer we just learned our first lesson"

He asked me how it was and if he used a strap or his hand, I blushed and said "HAND". He looked into my eyes and asked if he molested me in any way. I just looked at him kind of clueless. He said sternly "Did he cup your privates, touch your cherry or breasts". I stammered " waddya mean my cherry or breasts" and looked down at the floor.

He looked at me with a friendly smirk and said "I'm guessing no one has penetrated you yet and your breasts are obvious but you did not answer my question" He placed his hand under my chin lifting my head to look into my eyes. I quietly murmured "yes" He said "yes to what". I murmured again "my, my breasts and my privates". He looked in my eyes and said "Jeeze you're a member of the club now I guess". He said "let's get outa here and go get some lunch where we can talk. It's going to be okay"

Just as we were leaving my BOSS step into my cubicle and asked how the annual statement software was working.

Jerry stood up and quietly whispered quite frankly "Sir YOU broke the main rule, why did you have to do that to him like that you said you will never mix punishment with pleasure" My Boss did blush a little and apologized to me. Jerry said "that's better!" then grabbed my arm and said let's go.

Jerry and I walked hastily to the diner on the corner without speaking. We got a booth and sat down, the waitress brought us menus and asked if we wanted a drink. Jerry said "dry martini straight up 3 olives" I said "a bud and a glass". She walked away and he said in a kinda sweet voice "are you okay" while laying his hand on mine. I let out a huge sigh and meekly said "yeah".

He said "so what happened ALL OF IT Spill". The waitress came back and placed our drinks down and asked "may I take your order". I said "blt mayo" he said "grilled Swiss and bacon on rye" then left.

I looked at him trembling and told him what happened and everything I told Mr. S. including my boyfriend that died. He sigh and said "I can help you navigate through the club you've been initiated as a member then said let's forget about this and eat our lunch. He pressed his hand on mine and said really relax, you'll get through this okay" and winked at me.

He asked me if I had any plans after work and I nodded no. He told me to hang with him. I mean he TOLD ME in a sterner voice. I nodded okay. We headed back to work silently and a few times he put his arm on my shoulder looked down and smiled at. As we approached the front door he turned to me and asked me if I could please trust him, again I timidly nodded yes. My mind was whirling with so many thoughts about what was happening to me.

I was sitting at my desk when my Boss walked in and said gently "please come with me". I followed him back to his office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He pressed a button on his phone and said "please step in here now" Jerry came in and sat in the chair next to me and smiled.

Mr. Stensen looked at us both then informed us that we would be installing 125 PC ATs in the controllers department complete with the New Annual Statement Software fully tested and ready to go and have 3 weeks to complete the task and 1 week to train everyone. The PC's are already in the store room and gave us each a key.

He said you are both promoted to Coordinators and have interdepartmental supervisory authority. I just beamed and stood up to say thank you sir and shook his hand. He squeezed my hand hard crunching my tiny hand. He then said "you need to work on a stronger handshake - JERRY you help him with that". He nodded and I went back to my cubicle, Jerry followed me and sat down.

Jerry was smiling proudly and said "we scored the biggest most visible project in the company, do you know what that means!!!"

I meekly said "cheeze that is a big responsibly and 125 of them ! we gotta get started asap"

Jerry said "piece a cake. this is easy, let's go see what we are working with" He darted out of my cubicle and said 'come on let's go" I scooted to catch up to him, he grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him. He squeezed my hand hard and mumbled "it is squishy". We walked to the storeroom, Jerry unlocked the door and we went in and saw a mountain of gigantic boxes.

He said "come on" and walked to the back of the storeroom. I just stopped and thought this is where I was chastised.

He said "breathe, I know what you are feeling" then gathered me up in his arms and whispered "sweetie it is going to be all right, trust me". I thougth JEEZE he called me SWEETIE what is going on here.

I don't know why but I surrendered to his will and relaxed into hug and thought "he won't hurt me, he is my mentor"

He whispered "did he really hurt you" I said "nooo not really, he actually made me feel ok and safe" He said "you know he really wants you to be the best you can be in everything you do even your Homosexuality" He then kissed me at the nape my neck making me tremble and go weak at the knees.

I was shock though and said "but but I thought you were Straight" He said "sometimes it's ok to help a buddy out when he needs it and I thought you needed to be in a safe and loving space, I know you are a homosexual and know what calms you down"

We stayed there embracing and then we slowly sat down on the bench. He put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He whispered "that's good I see you can trust me and accept my support, I only wants what's best for you"

He then ran his hand on my breast and squeezed through my shirt. He heard me sigh and squeezed harder and said "I know these cause you a lot of concern and worry" He started to unbutton my shirt and I tried to pull away then I hesitantly allowed him to continue.

He said "that's right I won't hurt you, I just want to see them for myself, remember I am your buddy and mentor and sometimes I may ask you to do something that could make you feel uncomfortable, just trust me sweetie I won't hurt you." Again he called me Sweetie.

He unbuckled my belt and undid my trousers then pulled my shirt up sliding his very warm hand up to my chest. My little buddy started to stir and arouse as he tweaked and pinched my nipples.

He whispered "surrender to the pleasure you body can give you, you are so lucky to have plump breasts and sensitive areoles" while breathing deeply on my ear and neck. I strangely enjoyed the attention I was getting from him . I am gay and respond to male attention and NEED it to be happy and Healthy.

I looked up at him and tentative voice " do you really like them" He smiled and said "OF COURSE I DO BABY". My GOD now he's calling me BABY. I didn't know what to do or say as seduced me. I know he has a girlfriend and was confused.

I pulled away and said 'STOP JERRY, we can't do this you are spoken for and it would be wrong of me to take advantage of you. I am Gay and want more than any thing to make love to you but it's just wrong"

Jerry just looked at me for a minute or 2 then sighed and told me that he is bisexual and only realized it when he went through the training program that I will begin in a week. I said "HUH" he went on to explain that most of the people in our group were hired because of our nature.

I looked at him and said "WHAT". He then explained the hiring and interview process.

He "OK listen you first interviewed with Andy in HR right?" I said "Yeah so?". "Well he was sitting in his chair behind his desk and slowly during the interview he came around to the front of his desk and leaned back against it with his zipper eye level with your face right?" Again I said "SO, Yeah" You looked at his zipper for a few seconds until he reached down and lifted you chin up to get your attention then you looked up at him and blushed" I thought jeeze he knew, and without me saying anything Jerry said "Exactly! I know what you are thinking".

I was speechless. Jerry went on to explain once Andy knows for sure and he believes you are 'cute' enough he sets up an interview with Mr. Stensen for his approval, Stensen looks you over ask you some technical questions and WA La you are hired! I said "and the CLUB" he said "Ahh now you are ketching on RIGHT!"

Jerry got serious and told me Stensen ordered him to prepare me psychologically, emotionally and physically for the training program.... I said "SO YOU REALLY DON'T LIKE ME" and I did get a little teary. Jerry wrapped his arms around and said " NO NO don't cry baby don't go to your dark side, I am here for you and your special buddy and I DO LIKE YOU" then wiped my tears.

He rocked me for a few minutes placing his warm hand back under my shirt and rubbed my breasts. Strangely again it seemed to calm me. He told me that I may be to super sensitive for this program. We cannot have people from our department crying or even sniffling, that would be a sign of weakness.

I said " no no I will be strong I want this position and know I have what it takes." He said "I HOPE YOU DO, because I really need you here because I need a buddy to talk to about things"

He looked at me and calmly and curtly said "coming to terms with you Homosexuality and using to your advantage will help you climb the corporate ladder, Do You Understand". I thought for a few minutes and finally said "I see what you mean I have to be a Man in the Office"

Jerry said "Yes and in private we will all help the Little Boy in you 'that you protect like a lioness' to heal and grow up into the best homosexual male you can be, Please let us help you" He was tearing up also and wiped his eyes then kisses me on the mouth passionately and slid his hand into my undies and cupped my entire pube. My trousers slipped down my legs and I found my self very vulnerable.

I just thought this was almost what happened in this very spot with Mr. Stensen. This time was different so I kissed him back and relaxed feeling his heated hand on my privates I felt desired again and spread my legs for his pleasure. He went from my pubes to my breast then leaned me back a bit and slid his middle finger past my balls and taint until it cam to rest on my quivering tight hole and gently rubbed sending electric shocks thought my balls and shivers up my spine causing me to tremble uncontrollably . I offered it to him but he said "NO, I don't have permission, he told me this is the most sacredly intimate place on your body and must wait for Mr. Stensens approval for the time being"

He told me he is supposed to protect this for Management. I did not know what to believe my mind went into over drive breathing hard and my eyes welling up again. Jerry realized what was happening and thought he may have said to much. He turned me around on his knee and started spanking me hard as I struggled to get up he spanked harder then the pushed his finger to find my 'sacred intimacy' and rubbed and rubbed until I calmed down.

He the told me that he was instructed to help protect me in a special way he continued to rub then gently finger me until he found my prostate and I jumped and he said "in some cultures this is a males sacred gateway to pleasure" remember this it is important for you development. He told me he was instructed to insert a protective device similar to a butt plug but with a key to expand it preventing anyone but the key holder from direct access.

He slid it in swiftly with a few seconds of searing pain. He let it rest for a minute the turned the key. I felt it expand and push on my gland making my eyes roll back for a second. I happened so fast and I thought why didn't I fight this more and try to get away, what's wrong with me. He said "I know what you're thinking I thought the same thing ONLY I had a girlfriend to hide it or explain it so don't fret to much.

My Only thought was what to I do when I have to go to the bathroom. Again without me saying anything Jerry said "I know what you are thinking, you will spend the night with me at my place and when you have to go you will ask permission, once you move into the loft all of that will be taken care of and all of your needs.

Tomorrow morning I will give you an enema to clean you out for the day and you will be on a special diet that will slow down the accumulation of waste in your bowls. I will reinsert the device in you then when we meet with Mr. Stensen I will give him the key.

He stood me up and said "You are such GOOD BOY and so adorable". I felt awkwardly proud and noticed I my willy was sticking out and dripping and then I thought why did I think the word 'willy' that was strange. Jerry said "Okay we have to milk you now before we go back to work" and started massaging my pube squeezing my balls making me wince.

Jerry said these seem a little sensitive for a MAN. My minded when back and forth to memories of being a boy and now grown up looking down at Jerry now rubbing my glans making me squirm. He tapped my device into my sacred gateway again why was I thinking like this.

Jerry said "notice the way you are thinking, when I kissed you before I had some drug on my lips making you pliable and easy to surrender. It's okay it will not hurt you it triggers boyhood in your brain so you will feel like one for 24 hours.

He put his lips on my willy and slurped hard tapping my device and soon my balls pull back into my body and I began to explode into his mouth squirting shot after shot of sperm into his mouth. I noticed I wasn't tired from this orgasm. He stood up grabbed my head and planted his lips on mine sharing my sperm with me. Our tongues mingled until he shared all that was in my mouth.

I felt so satisfied and relieved. He said "your sperm is very sweet just like my sweet boy charge"

Readers Please let me know what you think and what you'd like to happen in the up coming chapters. Thank you for reading.

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More To Come

Next: Chapter 3: Obeying the Bosses Rules 3 4

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