Obeying Rollo


Published on May 26, 2023


Naked on my hands and knees I lap up what remains of the piss left when I failed to drink all that my two Masters had put into my mouth. I look up at them, attempting to make my docile puppy dog eyes seem appealing.

"On your feet cuntboy." Rollo said. My lover's putting on a tough front to impress Master Sinclair I decide.

Master Sinclair pulls on his cigar until the end burns bright red. He takes it out of his mouth and blows the smoke into my face. I can't help coughing. He holds the end of the cigar close to my right tit. I can feel the heat, and worried, glance quickly at Rollo.

"How about me giving our slave another mark?" He looks at Rollo for approval.

"Well, I'm not sure..."

"Of course you're sure Rollo. I know at least four guys in here who are looking for a black slave. You'd have no chance, would you? Anyway I think our slave wants a mark, don't you boy?"

The thought of being marked really scares me, yet in spite of the pain involved, I'm at the same time sexually excited at the prospect of being personally marked by my new Master and my need to be obedient to his orders. A lesser consideration is that I can see no other way out for either Rollo or myself. I make a decision.

"Whatever you decide Master."

"Right, turn round and present your arse slaveboy. " Master Sinclair pulls afresh on his cigar.

I turn around and look at Rollo. He looks as scared as I feel and grips my wrists tightly as I bend forward and present my butt to my Master Sinclair. And at the same time of course to all the guys who are pressing forward to view a submissive slave about to be marked on his naked flesh. The next second I scream loud and long as the burning cigar is pressed against my right arse cheek. I jump up and down as the cigar is removed and fall forward into Rollo's arms, tears streaming down my face. He hugs me and kisses my neck. The crowd claps and laughs. Master Sinclair pulls me back and offers me my drink. I swallow the lot and he orders another round. Danny reaches forward and gently pats my tear soaked face as if congratulating a little boy on being brave.

"You did well boy," said Master Sinclair stroking my shaven head. "And you too Rollo. I've decided that you and I will make good Masters for this boy. That is, of course, if you are agreeable."

"Do I have a choice?" Rollo enquires sarcastically.

"Masters always have a choice Rollo. But think of it, wouldn't it be marvellous to take the boy back to London and own him between us? I'd be more than happy to offer you both a home. How about it?"

Knowing Rollo, I'm now worried he will refuse. Going back to London! It sounds too good to be true. And I'd love to be a slave to these two handsome, dominant and virile men. I try to indicate my feelings by giving Rollo a tiny smile and nod. But I can see he's not convinced and I can understand his doubts. He'll always be the junior Master living under the constant threat of exposure as a branded slave.

"Okay then, let's give it a go," Rollo offers Sinclair his hand, they shake on the deal and clink glasses and then, assuming rightly I will do as I'm told, clink my glass.

Relief at the thought of getting back to London reminds me of another sort of relief I need.

"Please Masters, I need to piss. Can I go please?"

Which of them will give permission? I look at Rollo, but he looks at Sinclair. My senior Master takes a fine chain leash from his pocket, attaches it to my collar and looks around.

"Anyone free to take our slave for a piss?

"I can take him," said Rollo.

"We need to talk Rollo. I know this guy here, let him do it."

Master Sinclair hands the end of the leash to one of several eager hands. I recognise the big guy in leather jeans and denim shirt. It's Hatto, the waiter from the restaurant. He tugs on the leash and I follow him as he pushes through the crowd. I'm now at the mercy of anyone who wants to grab my flesh. My tits are squeezed and twisted, my prick pulled, fingers intrude into my mouth and probe my anus. To me it's just fantastically degrading as I'm dragged along on the leash. At last we reach the toilet. I move urgently to a urinal only to be dragged back by Hatto to a once white, but now yellow stained central support pillar. Two naked slaves are already on their hands and knees with legs raised. I join them and let go with a gush of piss. Hatto unzips and pisses over me and the other dogs. Other leash holders follow his example.

"Look up boy, open your mouth," orders Hatto.

He's been saving enough to fill my mouth and when he's flicked the last drop over my face he grabs me by my ears, pulls me up and thrusts his long hardening cock into my mouth. I suck. One of the other dogs sticks its nose into the crack of my arse and I feel his mouth licking and then sucking at my boycunt. Wow! It takes an effort to concentrate on sucking Hatto's red knob. I tongue his piss slit and then lunge down to the base of his manhood. He's grunting, near to cumming and I increase my sucking speed until he shoots a wad down my throat and pulls out to unload the rest on my face and chest. He stands back, spits into my face and then uses a hand to spread his spunk and piss over my cheeks and lips.

"Feel better now boy.?"

"Yes Master, thank you Sir."

He drags me back through the crowd. Now only the more kinky guys grab at my piss drenched flesh and cum covered face. Hatto hands the leash to Master Sinclair.

"Nice obedient slave you have here Sinclair," said Hatto and moves off.

"Don't look so upset Rollo. He's our slave. Slaves exist to be used by everyone and it reflects well on us if we allow him to be used. Slaves love it, don't you boy?"

"I'm a slave Master." What else can I say without admitting my nature is to be slut.

"Rollo tells me he prefers you as a long haired blond. Sounds rather fetching so don't shave your head, let it grow."

"Yes Master." That's an order I can live with.

Master Sinclair hands me two tablets. "Take these, finish your drink and put your jacket and boots on. We're going back to London. Okay boy?"

"Thank you very much Master." So excited about the thought of returning to London I don't even wonder what the tablets are for. My only other thought is that we have no passports. Not a problem for a slave I decide.

We walk out into the street. Two leather Masters and a slave on a leash who is not wearing pants. Master Sinclair unlocks a Rolls Royce, which I notice has diplomatic plates. Rollo sits up front with Sinclair and I'm locked in the luggage compartment; spacious, but pitch black. I curl up on a blanket between two large suitcases my body stinking of other men's piss. I begin to feel very sleepy and close my eyes.

Half asleep, my eyes still closed, I become aware of the dim roar of powerful engines and the car seems to be rolling slightly. I open my eyes to see the lid of the luggage compartment opening. Rollo, still in his leather kit, squeezes in beside me and I glimpse Master Sinclair slamming down the lid and locking us in. What's happening?

"How's my boy?" Rollo asks and kisses me on the lips.

"Okay I suppose. What's going on?"

"Just docking at Dover. I'm with you till we've cleared Immigration and Customs. Your other Master suggested I fuck you. Turn round and let me get at that boycunt."

"What if Customs want to search the car?"

"They won't. Now turn around slave and do as you're told."

He's already opening his jeans and I can feel his rampant cock prodding my belly. I turn around and manoeuvre my naked arse and boycunt to make it easy for him to enter me. He's in, his arms are tight around me as he fucks my hole nice and easy. Once again I'm his boy, his slave. his wife, being used to satisfy his needs. The car begins to move slowly, tilting up for a minute and then down and then stopping. I can hear voices, unclear questions and answers. Rollo fucks me harder. We're on the move again more quickly and then at speed. Rollo yells out loud as he shoots his spunk into my arse. We lie together exhausted, his cock softening and slipping out. I'm content. The car stops, a door slams and the boot lid opens.

"So what's been going on here?" Master Sinclair's voice. Amused not angry.

Rollo takes over the driving with Sinclair next to him and me on the floor between Master Sinclair's legs sucking his long cock.

"You were right, they didn't search the car," said Rollo.

"Of course not. They wouldn't dare. CD plates still count for something in this country."

"Why? I don't get it."

"Immigration or Customs can't stop diplomats. No searches. Simple as that."

"Nice, I like it. So, you're a diplomat?"

Without pausing in his conversation, Master Sinclair unloads into my mouth and I gratefully swallow his spurts of creamy semen.

"Did I say I was? You sound as naive as the Custom's officer looked."

"So how come you have these CD plate things?"

Master Sinclair strokes my shaven head and pushes his cock back down my throat.

"Well you see, the previous owner was a diplomat and he was also an old fuck chum of mine. He was being posted abroad, knew I was keen on this particular Rolls model and sold it to me. Naturally, being the sort of upright gentleman we expect our diplomats to be, he assumed I'd remove the CD plates. I didn't."

Still stroking me head, Master Sinclair starts to piss down my throat.

"You're just a bloody con man Sinclair."

As if playing with me, Master Sinclair releases his golden stream in short spurts and I wait almost impatiently for the next.

"Yes, I suppose I am Rollo. A bloody successful con man as it happens. Wait till you see my house then you'll know. Our slave, by the way, is doing an excellent job emptying my bladder."

I drink the last dribble and gently suck on the circumcised knob.

"Yeah, he loves doing that. Even better if we make him do it in public."

"Well, I intend to arrange a few events where he can do just that."

This is music to my ears. A slave to two masters keen to humiliate me in front of other guys. I can feel my prick leaking pre-cum.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. will.obe@btinternet.com

Will Obe (c) Copyright

Next: Chapter 6

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