Obeying Peter


Published on May 21, 2007


OBEYING PETER by will obe

Chapter 7

"Control yourself boy, twenty to come. Edward, put your cock in his mouth to soothe him."

Edward unzips in front of my face and without being told I swallow his cock and suck. The crowd shouts out the remaining strokes and I take my punishment. At the fourteenth stroke, tears are rolling down my cheeks around Edward's thrusting cock. At the twentieth stroke I swallow his loads of cum.

"Now he's warmed up, let's go," orders George.

Ten minutes later we're driving down a track leading to an old, but very smartly renovated farmhouse. My leash is jerked and I'm led into a barn beside the house.

"This is our games room slave boy. What do you think?" said George.

No answer is required I guess, but I look around and I'm very impressed. It's still partly a dimly lit stable with three fine horses looking out from their stalls. A fourth gated stall contains four large loudly barking dogs. They stop barking when Edward rattles the gate. Ranged along the other side of the barn is a St Andrew's Cross, a leather sling held up by chains, a leather covered wide bench with shackles attached to the four legs, and a crude wooden chair with a huge dildoh standing up from the centre of the seat. On the walls hang whips, tawses, canes and various chains and other bondage equipment. I'd expected nothing like this. I'd been thinking of a nice bedroom with a king size bed where the two brothers might use me. How wrong could I be! George took me straight to the chair.

"How about we stretch your pussy a little Bobby?" says George.

I'm aghast at the size of the dildoh and breathe a sigh of relief when Edward removes several casings until it's reduced to something still larger than Master Peter's cock. They force me to bend over and place my mouth over the dildoh.

"Suck it boy. The more you lubricate it the better for you," orders George.

Quickly grasping what he means, I slather the object with spittle. George and Edward stand in front of me and slowly strip naked. Their beautiful cut cocks even in repose are huge. George begins to stroke his endowment. Edward moves behind me and I feel one finger and then another pushing into my ass hole. I keep thinking about him being two or three years younger than me and he's using me. What humiliation! The fingers are withdrawn and the next second he is strapping my bottom hard with a belt. Not moving, I take it. No matter his age, he is entitled to use me as a slave. George meantime has produced an enormous erection and taps my head with it and marks my forehead and lips with his precum.

"Let's see you fuck yourself boy," orders George.

I ease myself down onto the fixed dildoh until the whole thing is inside me. I'm impaled! George thrusts his cock into my mouth and with his hands under my armpits eases me up and lets me drop. I get the message and with my hands on the arms of the chair I raise myself up and down. About ten fucks and George prevents me lowering myself as Edward fits a larger dildoh case. It's unlubricated and I gasp as I drop down. Ten more ups and downs and another larger case is fitted. And so it goes on until the largest case is fitted.

"Stand up slave," George orders.

As I do I feel empty and wish my young Masters would fuck me, but instead they take me over to the dog pen and put me inside.

"On your hands and knees boy with your head down or they'll want to pick a fight rather than sniff you like a bitch," Edward explains as he walks out of the barn with his brother.

Taking no risks I do as I'm told and the dogs enjoy sniffing and licking my ass and genitals. I stroke their fur and we all, I hope, become friends. Feeling rather tired I just lie down and let the dogs nuzzle me. Twenty minutes later and Edward rattles the pen and I open my eyes. He looks stunning in full hunting rig with a red jacket. Behind him I can see George in similar dress already mounted on a horse. Edward opens the pen, pulls me out and takes the leash off my collar.

"Time for a run bitch. My dogs have your scent and if they catch you, you'll be dog gang banged for our amusement. What you say?" asks Edward.

I stand there naked knowing what he says might be true. These boys don't joke. Edward mounts his horse, grabs my blond hair, and drags me to the barn doors where they both lash me with their whips. I cower down.

"We'll give you ten minutes and then release the dogs. George and I will follow on with our riding whips to punish you after you've been dog raped. You'll enjoy it all I'm sure. I would suggest that direction."

Edward points towards the woods at the back of the farmhouse with the stock of his whip. Both brothers crack their whips and I feel one sharp sting on my buttocks as I make off. Fortunately it is a full moon night and I can easily see the track through the trees. I run trying to ignore the pain of running in my bare feet. If I can see the track so can they! So I veer off among the trees and find myself wading through waist high stinging nettles, but I'm so determined to outrun my pursuers, I run on. Coming to a wooden fence, I clamber over it and I'm in a meadow where the soft grass makes running much easier. On the far side of this I come to a small stream and suddenly I hear the barking of dogs behind me. Not sure whether it's true I decide on the idea of wading up stream to put the dogs of my scent. I'm immediately startled when a dog barks close at hand and the beam of a powerful torch almost blinds me from the bank of the stream.

"Hey you, what you up to?" a gruff sounding voice. "These are private waters. Come over here if you don't want to be shot?"

In the light of the torch I can see hands holding a double-barrelled shotgun. I wade to the bank and can see a tall, broad shouldered man still pointing the gun at me.

"My god, it's naked," the guy says as I scramble out of the water.

He flashes his torch over me.

"What you doing? How old are you?"

"Twenty two Sir. George and Edward, if you know them, are hunting me with dogs Sir?"

"That figures, the stupid idiots. Suppose you're one of their slaves? Must be, shaved like that and such a pretty little thing too. Come here."

I step near to this giant of a man. His dog sniffs at my crotch. The man puts down his torch and his hands explore my naked body. Rough hands, but a gentle touch. He's interested! The fingers of one hand holding my hardening prick the other easily cups my butt.

"Reckon you're what I need lad. You give blowjobs?"

"Anything I'm told to do Sir," and I sink to my knees.

"No need to Sir me lad. I'm only a gamekeeper."

By this time I've unfastened his thick leather belt and I'm undoing the last of his buttons. His thick tweed pants drop and I eagerly pull down his briefs, releasing a huge hard cock and heavy swinging balls. Haven't seen his face, but I just know he's a sex starved young guy as he begins thrusting his hardness down my throat. My hands move up and stroke his hairy muscled body. Using my expertise I soon have him panting. But he has other ideas. Lifting me up he bends me against a tree, spits on his hand, roughly wets my fuckhole and rams his cock into me. I gasp in pain at first, but the dildoh training helps and he's quickly fucking me hard to our mutual enjoyment.

"What a fuck! You're fantastic! A boybitch on heat. This what you want lad?"

"Oh yes Sir. Fuck me please. Make me your bitch please. That's what I'm for."

My appeal seems to drive him on and he's grunting hard as I wiggle my pussy and tighten my ass muscles to give him the boy ride he deserves.

"Fucking take it babe... take my spunk boy... you bitch... aaargh... aaargh," he screams out loud, pumps his seed into me before slumping forward over my back.

Is this story going where you'd like it to go? Let me know please. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 8

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