Obeying Peter


Published on May 16, 2007


OBEYING PETER by will obe

Chapter 6

Immediately we're back at Master Peter's house he orders us to the showers. I show William, as Gary had shown me, how to give himself an enema. With the nozzle up his ass and with the water flowing, William becomes very excited and his cock wags like a tail. I love watching this young black guy getting off on being washed out three times. We shower together and go to the lounge to present ourselves to Master Peter. Masters Larry and Morgan are with Gary and Miles down licking their feet and toes. I kneel and kiss Peter's feet. William follows suit.

"Stand up slaves and show yourselves to my fellow Masters."

Ignoring the slaves at their feet, Larry and Morgan came across to inspect William. Running their hands over him, sticking fingers into his mouth and anus.

"Never had a black one before, what's his name?" asks Larry.

"William. His grandfather is an African prince," explains Peter, "but his new slave name I've decided should be Billy. Bobby and Billy my slave bum boys. I like the idea of two slaves similar in build, one white one black, on leashes. What do you think?"

"Brilliant idea Peter," grins Larry.

"And the bonus of two backsides to spank and cane as well as fuck," laughs Peter. Sir Gavin will be quite envious when I present them at his party."

On the evening of the party, a few days later, we dress up in the formal outfits made by Billy's father's company. They are all the same in design. A short white shirt with a frilled front reaching only to the waist. White bow tie. Tight high waisted trousers with a buttoned flap at front and rear. A short jacket tight at the waist to reveal well-rounded bottoms. Dancing shoes, but no socks. Gary, Miles and myself in black suits, Billy in a white suit. We looked at each other and agree we're a very handsome foursome. However, what reminds us of our status are the black leather slave collars and, attached to them, new thin stainless steel chain leashes hanging down our fronts. We parade before Masters Peter, Larry and Gregory. All three wear full evening dress with white bow ties.

"What do you think?" Peter asks Gregory and Larry.

"Not bad," says Larry.

"Think you might win the slave competition yet again," comments Morgan.

"Okay slaves, unbutton your back flaps and get in the cars and let's go," said Peter.

For once Billy and I ride in the back seats of Peter's Jaguar. Our bare bottoms on the cold leather upholstery. Miles and Gary ride in the back of Larry's car. Morgan in the passenger seat. It's not far to Sir Gavin's country mansion. It's at the end of a long drive lit by lanterns. Judging by the number of cars already parked around the entrance, there must be quite a crowd. Peter parks the car.

Peter grasps our leashes and pulls us through the imposing entrance hall into the main room of the house. It's full of mainly young handsome men and a few older ones. All in evening dress or dinner suits. Even a few women in long evening gowns. I notice Billy's father and brothers, and quite a few guys wearing collars and leashes. Peter circulates, talking to friends and acquaintances. Billy and I are not introduced, but occasionally Peter orders us to kneel, kiss the shoes of his friends and stick our naked bottoms up on show to everyone. Fully clothed except for the back flap I feel a humiliating thrill run through me. Waiters wearing only short black aprons, which reveal their plump, naked bottoms, move around serving drinks. They are not wearing black collars. We find Sir Gavin sitting in a large armchair with his family coat of arms carved and gilded on its high back. A young very handsome slave wearing an evening suit kneels at his side.

"Well! What have we here? Master Peter and his new pair of slaves," announces Gavin.

"Greet your host slaves," Peter orders.

Billy and I kneel and kiss Sir Gavin's shoes.

"I think, now you are here," says Gavin, "we should begin the competition."

Sir Gavin stands up, claps his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"All slaves line up in front of me two paces apart and strip naked," commands Gavin.

A dozen slaves line up across the width of the room, our backs to the audience. We start stripping out of our fine clothes and drop them in a pile in front of us. The waiters collect our clothes and take them away. We stand with feet apart completely naked except for our collars and leashes. The thought of women seeing me humiliated like this is so shaming. We all, for whatever reason, have erections. I'm very aware everyone can see my red and caned arse.

"Turn and face my guests, hands behind your heads," orders Sir Gavin.

Now they are all looking at my hard prick, but I'm not alone, most of the others have jutting cocks too. I can hear Sir Gavin swishing a cane behind me and ready myself. As the cane cuts his bottom, the first slave in the line, two away from me, screams in pain and jumps forward rubbing his ass. The guests clap and laugh.

"You're out slave, lie down flat on your back," instructs Gavin.

A sharp crack on the backside of Miles, next to me. Not a sound or a movement. I feel the cane gently sliding over my butt. Then the swish and a hideous sounding thwack across both my cheeks. Closing my eyes tight, I manage to stand still and not utter a sound, but the pain is intense. Next is Billy. Another swish and crack, but not a sound. Out of the corner of my eye I can see tears running down his handsome face. Now its Gary. He too withstands the test. The next two are not so fortunate and end up on lying on their backs. More clapping and laughter. The next two make no sound, but the others yell out and are ordered down on their backs.

"The standing slaves will sit on the faces of those lying down and have their boycunts rimmed," orders Sir Gavin.

The other five still standing and I choose a face and crouch down low. An experienced tongue circles my rosebud, pushes in and out before licking me vigorously. My eyes open wide and I'm panting and near to shooting as the crowd grin and laugh at my heightened sexual predicament.

"Stop," instructs Gavin. "Now sit on the cocks of those who have been licking you. Now let my guests see some fucking."

I move my ass vigorously up and down as the guy under me rapidly raises and lowers his hips. I love being fucked like this. All these dressed guys and women watching me with my hard prick leaking pre-cum and ready to shoot. Looking down the line I see Miles, Gary and two others shooting their spunk all over the place.

"Right, stop now," Sir Gavin orders. "As Slaves Bobby and Billy have controlled themselves, they will lick up the mess the others have made."

Billy and I crawl around sucking up jism from bodies and floor as the onlookers shout and clap. It takes some time before Master Peter takes us on our leashes and parades us on hands and knees around the room. We end up in front of Sir Gavin with our bottoms facing the still applauding audience.

"Pull your ass cheeks apart and give my guests a view of what they are bidding for," commands Sir Gavin.

Peter slaps our ass cheeks as we do so. I'm very conscious that we are both very publicly exposing our most private orifice to everyone. It's one of those excitingly humiliating moments for a sub. Glancing at Billy I realise he is feeling the same.

"Stand up and face my guests. Stand with your feet apart and hands behind your necks," commands Sir Gavin.

Still on our leashes with Peter standing behind us we show our naked, shaved bodies to the guests. Peter's no doubt proud that his two boys have won the slave competition. From the start, Billy appears to attract a good deal of interest and the bids rise quickly. A woman shouts out the final winning bid and as it is accepted I hear her turn to her handsome husband/partner and loudly whisper.

"I just so want to piss in his mouth as you fuck him Anthony."

Now it's me and I notice Billy's father seems determined to have me although others are bidding hard too. My eyes switch from bidder to bidder. They're all such sexy looking hunky men even in their evening clothes that I'm very aroused they all want me and I imagine how they might want to use me? As a submissive obviously and as a slave they can use as they wish, I become even more excited and my hard prick is leaking pre-cum onto the floor. Jano, with his eldest son George on one side and Edward on the other, continues putting up the price. How can a slave not feel flattered? Other bidders drop out and at last I'm Jano's.

"He is yours Jano for one night only remember," says my Master Peter. "Do as you wish with him, he is a slave."

"My dear friend I have bought him for my sons," replies Jano.

A grinning George and Edward both take my leash and lead me to the centre of the room.

"He's still not completely naked. Would someone like to rectify that?" asks George.

A young woman rushes forward and slowly rolls back my foreskin. Frenzied applause, as I stand degraded yet again. George grasps my leash and pulls me out of the front door to his Merc. I sit between the two brothers in the front bench seat. Edward drives with one hand on the wheel, the other gripping my prick. George French kisses me and investigates my arsehole with a long wet finger. The fact that they are both younger than I am only adds to my feeling of humiliation as I sit wondering what is in store. We pass their Father's shop and presently park outside an all night cafe.

"Go in and order two burgers. Say they're for George and Edward," instructs George.

Edward steps out and I get out of the car.

"Go on slaveboy, do as you're told," Edward grins as he says this.

Naked, completely shaved and wearing only a collar and leash I walk slowly towards the door. I can hear canned music and loud voices. Thankfully my prick droops between my legs as I open the door and walk in. The crowd of young men and a few girls stop talking. All eyes are on me as I walk to the bar. Two young twenty-odd year olds wearing jeans allow me through. My soft prick presses against the bar front as I open my mouth to speak to the guy serving.

"Please Sir, may I order burgers for George and Edward," I manage to stutter.

"Oh, those two. Might have known. Just wait there boy."

What else can I do? Leaning on the bar, one of the guys whispers in my ear as he starts stroking my ass.

"I'm Jack. What's your name sweetie?"

The other guy starts running a hand over my other cheek and the silence is broken with giggles and louder laughter from the audience.

"I'm Bobby Sir."

"Sir is it? I like a polite boy," Jack's loud mocking voice. "Tell my mate Syd why your backside is so red."

The whole situation and the fact two straight guys are rubbing my naked arse is turning me on. My prick is erect and hard as I turn to Syd and can't help admiring his deep brown eyes as I do so.

"Well Sir, I er... get punished by my er... Master."

Syd grins showing a perfect set of white teeth. "You a pervert or something babe?"

Before I can reply I'm handed two plates with a burger and chips on each. George's voice comes from the direction of the doorway.

"Don't dilly dally boy or you'll get a good spanking. Bring those plates over here."

What a choice! If I don't do as I'm told I'll be spanked in public. If I turn with the plates, all these people are going to see my hard-on. I turn and walk to where George and Edward are sitting at a table, my prick bobbing proud. You can imagine the reaction of this young mixed crowd. Raucous laughs, whistles and clapping. I keep my eyes down, but experience a new wave of humiliation as I place the plates on the table.

"On your knees slave," orders Edward, "have some supper dogboy."

He scatters some chips onto the floor and, knowing my duty, I bend my head, scoop up the food with my mouth and swallow it. More hoots and laughter.

"Stand up," orders George, "walk around and let our friends touch you up."

I've assumed the cafe crowd is straight, but I think they find it fun and sexy to touch up a naked slave as I move around the room. No one seems shy and I feel hands, male and female, exploring my butt and especially my hard prick.

"Come over here boy," orders George.

He stands up as I stand in front of him.

"I think my friends want to see you punished as a slave should be, touch your toes boy."

Bent over, I feel his warm hand on my butt, his fingers probing my hole. Then the gentle touch of a cane against my cheeks. I brace myself before the first swish and a lightening cut across across my bottom. I jump up, holding my stinging arse.

"Control yourself boy, twenty to come. Edward, put your cock in his mouth to soothe him."

Edward unzips in front of my face and without being told I swallow his cock and suck. The crowd shouts out the remaining strokes and I submissively take my punishment. At the fourteenth stroke, tears are pouring down my cheeks around Edward's thrusting cock. At the twentieth stroke I swallow his load of thick cum.

Please let me know if this chapter has turned you on. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 7

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