Obeying Peter


Published on Apr 26, 2007


OBEYING PETER by will obe

Chapter 2

Master Peter carries me completely naked from the pub over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. The feel of my naked flesh against his leather clothing as he walks with me down the street to his car is mind blowing. Except for a few gay guys who obviously enjoy the spectacle, no one is about. Even if there had been I'm not sure Peter would have worried and I certainly wouldn't. I'm now his property and he has a right to use me as he wishes. He opens the boot of his Jaguar, lays me on a blanket and slams the trunk lid shut. I lie there shivering not so much from cold as excitement to be in the possession of a Master. I yelp out in alarm as I feel a hand on my chest and suddenly realise I'm not alone in the confined space.

"Who are you?" I whisper.

"Another of Master Peter's slaves," he whispers back as his hands proceed to feel me all over until finally gripping my prick.

I half turn and began a similar examination of my fellow slave. Like me he's completely shaved, even his head. I get the impression he's much bigger than I am.

"What's your name," he asks.


"You stink of piss Bobby. You been doing the dog walk in that pub?"

"Yes I have. Sorry. What's your name?"

"Miles," he replies, "and don't worry about the piss, it turns me on." He slides around on top of me and starts to lick the piss off my face and down my body until he reaches my shaved balls and chews on them gently. He slithers over me again and I feel his hard thick cock probing at my mouth as he swallows and starts to suck my rigid prick. After all my treatment in the pub I'm as randy as hell and we sixty-nine happily until I can't help it and shoot string after string of cum into his mouth. Another minute and my mouth is full of his creamy spunk. I swallow another slave's cum with relish thinking this makes me a slave to a slave. What a beautiful humiliating thought!

The car stops. Miles moves off me to one side. Peter opens the boot lid.

"Out, both of you."

We climb out. It's quite dark. I look around and see we are outside a large house set back from the road and not, as far as I can see, overlooked by neighbours. Peter grabs our leashes and drags us around the side of the house to an expansive lawn at the rear. Spotlights fixed to the tops of wide open patio doors illuminate a large blue swimming pool at the end of the garden and nearer to the house, two sets of medieval wooden stocks. Sitting at a table near the pool are two older guys wearing black leather shorts with their feet resting on what I immediately presume is the naked body of a young dark haired slave. The two older guys raise their glasses to Peter in welcome.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting so long Larry," said Peter "I had to collect Miles from the guy I'd lent him to and then initiate this new slave, his name's Bobby."

"Looks good, doesn't he Morgan," said Larry to his companion, "well worth waiting for. Do you want us to start on him and Miles while you get changed?"

"Good idea. Warm them up a bit. I'll bring my cane."

Peter walks through the patio doors into the house. Larry and Morgan stand up and walk towards us with their slave walking behind carrying a paddle in each hand. Both these guys are in their 40's, good looking, over six feet tall, with attractive, hairy and well conditioned bodies. Larry points at Miles and then at one set of stocks. Morgan grips my arm and leads me to the other set. He lifts the top section with one hand.

"Head into the centre hole Bobby boy and wrists into the side holes."

I obey. Morgan drops the top section and I'm secured, but thankfully with enough room to make my position not too uncomfortable. Turning my head I can see Miles clamped into the other stocks, but whereas I am standing almost upright he is bent double.

"Slave Gary, bring me a paddle," Larry shouts at the dark haired slave.

Gary walks forward and hands Larry a paddle. Gary is about my own build with a pretty almost girlish face and black curly hair. He's fairly dark skinned, perhaps North African or Italian.

"Watch Slave Miles boy," orders Morgan, "this is what you'll be getting from me as a start to your training."

Turning my head I watch as Larry lifts the paddle high and swings it in to land with a sharp crack on Miles's rump. Miles grunts. Another even harder swipe and Miles wriggles his legs. The third stroke produces a scream as well as kicking legs. After the twentieth stroke I can hear Miles sobbing loudly.

"Your turn boy," says Morgan "but I'm breaking you in slowly.

Gary hands Morgan a paddle.

"Turn round slave and show our new slave what he can expect."

Gary turns to show me his bright red bottom criss crossed with purple lines.

"His ass is spanked, paddled and caned every day. It's what you can expect as Master Peter's slave."

I'm cringing before the first stroke although I know in my heart that punishment is an essential part of being a slave and I really want it. I can't see behind me and I'm pleasantly surprised when Master Morgan starts to lightly spank my bottom. First one cheek and then the other. Gradually harder until they sting and I whimper. A pause before the paddle strikes for the first time, I yelp and keep yelping as the blows strike harder. By the twentieth I'm kicking up my legs. It makes no difference. Morgan strikes regularly until through my sobs I hear him speak.

"Fifty. That should do as a start. Gary lick up his tears and use your tongue on his ass."

Gary comes close and licks my face free of tears. He has beautiful long black eyelashes.

"Thank you," I whisper.

He walks around behind me and I feel my red-hot bottom being washed by his cool tongue. He pulls my cheeks apart and gently pushes his tongue into my anus. Wow! I almost forget the pain in my punished bottom.

"Better get away from him," Morgan orders. "Master Peter is coming."

I turn my head to see Peter striding across the lawn towards Miles. He's wearing only black leather chaps and boots. I can see his huge cock and balls swinging free. In one hand he carries a dangerous looking thick cane. I watch as he vigorously begins tapping Slave Miles bottom. This goes on for several minutes before he suddenly sweeps back his arm and brings the cane down in a ferocious blow. Miles screams out loud.

"Aaargh... one. Thank you Master."

Swinging in his arm in a wide arc, Peter lands a second cracking strike. I close my eyes as I hear Miles screaming in pain and counting out the strokes. I just know I will not be able to cope with such punishment. But I'm locked in the stocks. I'll have no choice. So far from my fantasy of being naked in the town stocks to be laughed at and touched up. This is a far different ball game.

"Aaargh.... twenty. Thank you Sir."

Silence. I open my eyes to see Miles sagging and crying in the stocks. Master Peter is striding towards me swishing his cane up and down in the air.

"This one ready Morgan?" asks Master Peter.

"A lovely butt for treatment I'd say, look at his hard cock, he's gagging for it," replies Morgan.

Master Peter starts tapping my bottom with his cane. I like it. Almost a pleasant feeling.

"Count out ten boy," I hear Master Peter saying.

A resounding thwack across my backside and I scream.

"Aaaargh... one Sir.

At the third stroke my legs are kicking in all directions until Gary grabs hold of my ankles and keeps me steady. I've never known such pain. I remember to yell out the stroke number. By eight I'm weeping and snot is running from my nose. By ten I'm in a state of collapse supported only by the stocks.

"Lubricate his hole slave," Peter orders.

Gary strokes my suffering bottom very gently, pulls my cheeks apart and applies his experienced tongue to lathering my fuckhole with his spit. He's pulled away and I feel what I presume and hope is the head of Master Peter's cock nosing its way into my rosebud.

"Hot punished arses are for fucking aren't they bumboy," Peter whispers into my ear.

"Yes Sir," I snivel.

He plunges his hard, long, thick cock up my anus without any thought for the pain he's causing me. He ignores my whimpers and screams and rams his Master's rod in and out of his new slave. In spite of the agony I have to admit this is what I've been waiting for every since he looked my over in the pub. Now I really am his slave. He's possessing me, using me, making me his slave boy lover. He's panting with his exertions and begins slapping my ass cheeks with the palms of his hands. Now I'm in ecstasy being fucked and slapped by my Master as Morgan, Larry and Gary watch.

"Yes, yes bumboy, take my seed," Peter shouts. "Oh fuck... aaargh... aaargh... fucking bitch... take it."

I feel spurt after spurt of my Master's spunk filling my gut. Gary crawls forward and encloses my hard prick in his mouth. It sends me over the top and I shoot my load of cum down my fellow slave's throat.

Please let me know how you feel about this chapter and inspire me to write more. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 3

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