Obeying Peter


Published on Apr 24, 2007


OBEYING PETER by will obe

Chapter 1

Unlike my usual visits to this particular leather bar looking for casual trade, tonight I have an appointment to meet a friend. Not simply for a drink, but for him to introduce me to someone he thinks might be interested in me. I knew what he means and I'm very excited. Eager, almost trembling with anticipation. I'm dressed for the occasion. Tight, pale blue jeans, denim shirt, clean white briefs, short white socks and white trainers. And, most important of all, a black leather dog collar hooked into my back right pocket. Checking in the mirror before I left home, I'm hopeful Alec's friend will be interested in this short, blue eyed blond with long wavy hair, a swimmer's trim body and a submissive, obedient personality.

Nine o'clock. The pub not too crowded. I can't spot Alec anywhere. I order a pint of beer from an attractive, grinning barman and retreated to lean against a sidewall where I can see all three entrances. Almost immediately an older leather queen I'd seen in here before walks over and stands in front of me. He puts on a stern expression.

"Like your dog collar boy. You not owned?"

"No Sir", I looked down at my feet.

"You obedient boy?"

"Very Sir, but I'm here waiting for my new Master."

"I'll be back if he doesn't show up boy."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

I watch him walk away and wish desperately that Alec would arrive. Perhaps his friend had changed his mind? Then I see Alec enter. As usual in tight black leather jeans, high black boots, black leather jacket and black leather cap. I harden up immediately. Not simply because I always do when I see Alec, but this time because an identically clad guy follows him through the door. Older than Alec. In his 30's. Taller, bigger built and hairy, if judged by the six-pack body I see as his jacket swung open. Alec points at me and they come towards me. I lower my head and stand with my feet apart.

"This him?" asks the friend.

"Yeah. Think you might be interested Peter?" Alec replies.

"Without a doubt Alec."

"I'll get us some drinks while you inspect him Alec."

I see Peter's leather clad boots walking to the bar.

"Look at me boy."

I lift my eyes and look into the eyes of this man Peter. They're black glistening pools staring down at me. I'm literally shaking with excitement as I stare back. I feel his hand at my crotch squeezing my hard prick and tightened ball sack. He squeezes harder and I whimper. Then I feel my left foot pressured by his booted foot.

"According to Peter, you're ready for more training slave boy?"

"Yes Sir, I am if you will consider me Sir".

"Turn around and let me see your arse."

I turn quickly and in my tight jeans I'm sure he'll like what he sees. His large hands cup my buns and I almost swoon at the touch. Other guys are watch and know I'm being inspected like an animal in a cattle market. It only excites my feeling of humiliation. He kneads my arse cheeks.

"Turn around boy."

Spinning around I give him my dazzling toothy smile. He slowly and deliberately unfastens the buttons on my shirt, spreads the two flaps aside, grips my tits and rolls them hard between his fingers. Then harder. I bite my lips and can't help moaning in pain. He releases hold of my nipples, pulls my shirt out from my jeans and drops it on the floor. Now, half-naked, I'm attracting more interested looks.

"Yeah, not bad boy. Now get down and clean my boots with your shirt."

I drop to my knees and obey his order. Polishing his glistening boots with my clean shirt.

"Now kiss my boots boy."

Doing as I'm told, I kiss both his boots. He grasps my hair with one hand and pulls me up to my knees and with his other hand presses my face into his crotch. I breathe in the scent of leather and an underlying scent of male musk. I lick the black leather until, still grasping my hair; he pulls me up to my feet. He's smiling. Alec arrives with two pints of beer.

"He's obedient and submissive. I like that Alec."

"That's what I discovered very quickly Peter. More naturally submissive than any boy I've had. Thought it would appeal to you." Alec takes a long pull on his beer, pulls my lips to his and releases the beer into my mouth. I swallow swiftly.

"Enjoy that boy?"

"Yes Sir. Very much Sir."

"You'll learn to enjoy it more when I recycle it boy."

I can only guess at what he means, but I'm excited by the thought.

"Not sure a slave should be wearing full length pants Alec. What do you think?"

"Yeah, reckon you could be right," said Alec.

It's summer so some guys in the pub are wearing shorts. If Alec had told me I could easily have worn some too. Peter removes a Swiss knife from inside his jacket and pulls out the scissors section.

"You wearing briefs boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"We'll deal with those first. Unbutton your flies."

My fingers shake as I unbutton. Peter thrusts his hand into my flies, grips the cotton of my underpants, pulls them out, snips across the crotch and up and through the waistband. With a tug, he removes them from my jeans. My stiff prick comes out too and I can see guys nearby craning their necks to see.

"Put that away you disgusting little boy or do you want me to give you a public spanking?"

That thought makes my prick even harder and I have some difficulty pressing my erection back into my jeans and buttoning up. Peter pulls at my jeans very near to the crotch, snips them with his scissors and cuts his way around to the side seam. I feel the scissors cutting through the seam and continuing onwards high over my butt cheek. He leaves the crotch seam and continues high over my left butt cheek through the side seam and around to where he'd started cutting. The legs of my jeans drop to the floor and I know these cut-offs I'm wearing are as short as they can possibly be. The guys standing around us whistle and whoop. Peter replaces the Swiss knife into his pocket, draws me close and his hands stroke my almost naked ass cheeks. He kisses me hard on the lips and I give into his probing tongue and hold him tight around the waist. He pulls away, takes the collar from my rear pocket, fastens it around my neck and grins down at me.

"Now that's how my slave should be dressed in public. Just so everyone knows his position in life as my slave. Okay boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Kick those jean legs off and remove your trainers and those pansy socks."

Without a thought I obey and stand there in front of my new Master almost naked and on view to all the guys around. Alec smoothes a hand over my butt cheeks.

"Am I right? This what you want Bobby boy," Alec asks.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Then I'll leave you to Peter. Bye Peter, let me know how he progresses."

Alec turns and walks out of the bar. I'm left as the slave of this total stranger. I feel a hand stroking my naked butt cheeks. Peter notices, pulls me forward and confronts the older leather queen I'd seen earlier.

"Hands off my property pal or I'll have you on your knees too," growls Peter.

"Sorry mate," the guy backs away.

Peter finishes off his pint of beer, lowers the glass to his crotch, opens his flies; flicks out his huge semi-hard cock and pisses into the glass until it overflows. He looks me in the eye, raises the glass and hands it to me. I take the almost steaming hot glass and raise it to my lips. Can I do it? I know I must and in front of this audience to prove my obedience.

"Don't keep your new Master and these guys waiting bitch boy."

Here goes. I sip the warm urine of my Master and then take a gulp and gulp after gulp until the glass is almost empty. It tastes wonderful. Peter takes the glass from my hand and places it on the bar. He takes a leash from his pocket and fastens it to my collar.

"On your hands and knees slave. I'm taking you for a walk."

He pulls me through the now crowded bar. Near naked as I am, I return grins with guys as we go because I'm feeling so proud of demonstrating my degradation as this man's slave in public. Through the doors into the toilet. I see the Swiss knife in his hand and he bends over me, cuts through the centre seam running down the crack of my ass and tosses what remains of my jeans away. Now I'm completely naked. All the guys there can see my completely naked, shaved body.

"Show your Master respect slave."

I kiss his boots and run my tongue in turn up each side of his boots. As I do this, I feel a splatter on my shoulders and, looking up, realise he still has piss left and is pissing over me. Wow! What a feeling! I raise my mouth to capture the stream.

"Come on guys," Peter leads me around like a dog and encourages others to anoint his new slave with their piss.

From all sides I can see guys opening their flies, pulling out their cocks and starting to piss over me. I know my duty and turn my mouth in every direction to take the piss I know my Master wants me to drink. He withdraws his belt from his leather jeans and lashes my ass as I crawl around while other guys piss over and into me. Now I know what it means to be the slave I've always wanted to be.

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Next: Chapter 2

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