Obeying My Boi


Published on Dec 18, 2008



Chapter 4

After Bobby leaves I decide to phone my boss. Daddy had instructed me to say I wouldn't be going back and I desperately want to obey him. So what the hell! My years of IT experience can secure me a job anytime. If Daddy only wants to keep me for a week or a month - rather than the years I hope for - so be it. I ring and much to my surprise there's no hassle. I'm free! To be a fifty years old boi to my fantastic twenty-six year old Daddy. I shower, shave and clean myself out. When Daddy comes home I rush to meet him. Me naked and Daddy in his business suit. He hugs, kisses me passionately and slaps my bottom.

"Okay, take it easy boi. You go and pour me a large G and T while I shower and change into something more comfortable."

I pour two large G and T's and sit waiting for him on the leather sofa in the living area. Daddy reappears, his hair damp and wearing jeans and a loose white shirt. He sits down at the opposite end of the sofa from me, lifts up his glass and takes a drink. I follow suit.

"Come here boi, I want you on my lap."

I scramble to obey. He puts an arm around me, cradles me in his lap and leans down to kiss me gently on the lips.

"You tell your firm you wouldn't be returning?"

"Yes Daddy, except I did wonder how long you'll be keeping me."

"A long time boi. The older you get the more attractive I'll find you. Don't worry. How was Bobby?" He takes a long pull on his drink and I do the same.

"Bobby was quite a surprise, but he was very nice. He put cream on me when I was sunbathing and made me sandwiches and coffee for lunch."

"Good. That's what a slave's for."

Daddy puts down his drink, kisses me again and I respond sucking on his hard thrusting tongue. His free hand is under my arse patting me gently and his fingers start to probe and fuck my hole. Without warning he pushes me off his lap.

"Bend over boi and spread those cheeks."

He fingers my boicunt to the point where I tremble with excitement.

"Did Bobby fuck you boi?" It's clear he's angry.

"Well... when he was rubbing me with sun cream he did... sort of..."

"Not sort of, I want the details boi. Over my lap."

He spanks me hard and I pour out everything. How Bobby fist fucked me, everything and what he'd said about two cocks up my ass. Daddy pushes me off his lap onto the floor where I rub my sore behind and blubber.

"You slut! Allowing a slave to fist fuck you. I'll sort him out."

Daddy takes out his mobile and rings someone.

"That you Tom?... listen, that slave of yours has been abusing my new boi. I want him punished... make him tell you what he's been up to and then the two of you come around here. Okay?"

Daddy puts down his mobile and kicks my arse.

"Get me another drink boi."

I run to obey. When I hand him the drink he grins.

"This is going to be a fun evening boi. Get back on my lap so I can finger that slack fuckhole of yours."

Daddy wraps one arm around me and cuddles me close as he sips his drink. The other hand slips under my ass and he finger fucks me. His lips seek my lips and he dribbles some of his drink into my mouth. His anger has evaporated and I sit there content as a babe swallowing the rather strong gin and tonic I'd poured. Being naked in his arms and finger fucked like this is excruciatingly wonderful. My prick is rock hard and oozing precum. I can feel his monster cock prodding me through his jeans. I hear the main door open and close. Bobby is using his key. Daddy holds me still on his lap. Bobby enters completely naked. He's clearly been crying and is looking sorry for himself. Behind him, wearing tight black leather jeans and an open black leather jacket, is a big handsome very beautiful looking light skinned black guy aged about thirty. Large almond shaped green eyes, close-cropped hair, and a fabulous wide mouth and curved lips. And he's big! Much bigger in build than my Daddy.

"Observe your training slave," said Master Tom.

Bobby drops to his hands and knees, crawls over to Daddy and kisses his feet and, much to my surprise, lifts his head and kisses mine too. Master Tom comes over and sits on the sofa. Daddy pushes me towards him.

"Check his cunt out Tom. You'll see what I mean. It was a tight rosebud this morning."

Master Tom pulls me onto his lap, turns me over and spreads my cheeks with his big firm hands. A long finger and then two probe my hole. The feel of the fingers exploring my most private fuckhole and the utter humiliation of this being done in front of Daddy and Bobby is overwhelming and I squirm with sexual excitement and moan noisily.

"If this was a rosebud this morning, it certainly ain't now brother. You could get a telegraph pole up this old cunt. What you say we both fuck the old bitch?"

"My own thinking entirely," says Daddy, "but first don't you think we should punish your slave?"

"I've given its ass a severe belting before coming over, but sure, let's both teach it a lesson. It can never have too much and I know, like me, you enjoy giving corporal punishment."

"Too true Tom. Why don't you warm up my boi's butt for a fuck while I go and get the whip and cane."

Daddy goes off to his bedroom and Master Tom settles me across his lap and starts spanking my bare ass cheeks with constant hard slaps. I'm writhing in pain immediately. Daddy never spanks this hard. I'm soon yelling and have tears running down my cheeks.

"Think your Daddy's treating you too soft boi. Stop blubbing and take it."

The hard spanking continues and I'm relieved when my Daddy, now totally naked, returns and Master Tom pushes me off his lap.

"On your hands and knees bitch, and you slave lube him up for a fuck."

Still blubbing after the spanking I do as I'm told and get on my hands and knees. Bobby pulls my ass cheeks aside and starts a combination of licking and spitting into my hole. After the spanking it is a wonderful feeling and I push my ass back into Bobby's face. Master Tom stands in front of me and strips off his leather jacket and jeans. He then slowly takes of his leather jockstrap and his magnificent huge erection springs forward. Unlike the rest of his paler body, his 9" cut cock and tight up balls are black. The purple head almost touches my lips.

"You want this cock boi?"

"Please Sir, please, I do."

I stick my tongue out eagerly, but Master Tom draws back.

"Don't you need your Daddy's permission boi."

"Sorry Sir. Yes I do. Please Daddy do I have your permission?"

"Yeah, show him what a slut you are."

My mouth closes over the purple knob and I slide down this beautiful black cock until I'm gagging and my face is pricked by his pubic hair. Then Master Tom takes control and fucks my face with swift vicious jabs and I'm gagging and gasping for air. At the same time I realise I'm into being used like this and want to show Daddy I'll obey his orders. Master Tom pushes my head away and lies down on the floor. As I lower my mouth to start sucking his stiff upright cock again he slaps my mouth away.

"Time to take it up your cunt boi. Crouch down and let your Daddy position you right."

I crouch down, knowing what is to happen. Daddy moves behind me and, holding my waist, guides my fuckhole down onto the tip of the black cock. I can feel Daddy's erect cock prodding my neck. He switches his hands to my shoulders and pushes me down. I feel Master Tom's monster cock entering me ever so slowly and I gasp and moan aloud several times before I touch base. Wow! This is fantastic.

"Go on bitch, up and down, fuck yourself. Isn't that what you want boi."

"Oh yes Sir. It's wonderful Sir."

Daddy pushes my neck forward until, with Master Tom's cock still deep in my ass, I'm lying on Master Tom's chest, my face close to his. He puts out his tongue and laps at my mouth and face. Overwhelmed by sexual delight, I take his tongue into my mouth and suck on it furiously. At that moment I feel what must be Daddy's huge cock nudging into my cunt alongside Master Tom's cock. It's pushed forward slowly deep into me and proceeds to fuck me steadily. Two huge cocks, one white and one black, take me over and I'm in a sexual heaven.

"Slave, get your cock into boi's mouth and fuck his face," orders Master Tom.

Bobby lifts my head and forces his hard cock in and out of my mouth. This is a truly sensational feeling. Me, a grey haired fifty year old, being fucked, ass and mouth by three hunky young guys old enough to be my sons. I think of it taking place in front of a crowd of men in a public place! The humiliation! The degradation! I wallow in this thought as I shoot load after load of spunk into Bobby's willing mouth. Simultaneously I hear great grunts coming from my two fuckers and feel my ass being filled with the combined spunk and seed of my Daddy and Master Tom.

Bobby without being ordered sucks my prick clean and does the same for Daddy and Master Tom as their cocks slither from my ravaged cunt. Then he applies his mouth to my gaping fuckhole and sucks out Daddy's and his Master's spunk and noisily swallows it. For a time we all lie together naked on the floor. Daddy pulls me to him and gently kisses me.

"Good boi, good boi," he murmurs into my ear.

I hug him close and wonder for the hundredth time how I am so blessed as to have a young Daddy who loves me. We both sit up to watch Master Tom purposefully bending young Bobby over the back of the black leather sofa and kicking his legs wide apart. The sight of him bent over, his butt already bright red, quietly waiting for his punishment causes my prick to come alive again.

"You need rope to tie him?" asks Daddy.

"No, he'll take it and if he moves it'll be treble punishment. He knows that. Not that treble punishment would worry this slave boi. It would only be too much for our arms James."

Daddy releases me and stands up. He picks up a cane. Master Tom has a whip in his hand.

"You first James," said Master Tom.

Daddy raises his arm and brings the cane down hard on Bobby's ass. A blue mark appears immediately. Master Tom doesn't wait and strikes hard without any pity. Bobby screams aloud. Daddy's cane flies through the aid to land with a crack on the poor boi's ass cheeks and he screams again. My prick is rock hard.

"Put your cock into his mouth boi to keep him quiet," orders Daddy

Kneeling on the sofa I raise Bobby's head and between screams push in my stiff prick. His screams are stifled as he eagerly sucks on my prick.

The caning and whipping goes on and on. Alternately the cane and the whip. Bobby's body twitches and his legs shudder, but except for his stifled yells, he stays amazingly still. After twenty strikes from the cane and whip, Bobby's ass and thighs are red, black and blue, but thankfully no blood. Daddy and Master Tom pour themselves drinks and sit down, worn out by their exertions. I move and apply my wet tongue to Bobby's beaten backside and he moans aloud in appreciation.

If you enjoyed this fourth chapter, please let me know and inspire me to write more.


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