Obeying My Boi


Published on Nov 30, 2008


I've had a bigger response to this story than anything I've written. Mostly older subs, but at least one young dom. Thank you all and please keep writing.

Chapter 2

As I walk beside my new Daddy after leaving the pub I realise how big he is and how small I am. Except for my age, I could be his little boi. This is emphasised as he takes my hand in his and we cross the road. His hand is enormous and, bitch that I am, I instantly think of it landing on my bare bottom.

His apartment is on the fifth floor of a very smart white painted early Victorian house. Luckily there is a lift. He says nothing, but feels and squeezes my ass as the lift rises. He continues to grope me as he opens his front door and guides me in. Inside it's all modern, open plan and furnished in a minimalist style with laminated wooden floors which I, being middle aged, don't really appreciate.

"Get us two beers from the fridge boi. I'll be back in a moment."

I find the fridge, pour two pint bottles of beer into tall lager glasses I find nearby and take them back to the living area. Now what? I decide to place the glasses on a long glass topped coffee table and take a seat on the black leather sofa facing it. Daddy returns looking magnificent in a white t-shirt and tight black leather jeans held up by a wide black leather belt. He's bare footed.

"Take off your jacket and tie boi."

I do so and place them on the floor at the side of the sofa. Daddy has taken a seat at the end of the sofa and is drinking his beer.

"Come and sit next to me and drink your beer boi."

"Thank you Daddy," I say as I sit down next to him and lift up my beer. "May I say how terrific you look Daddy?"

"For you boi. Do you like leather?"

"Very much Daddy, I love it."

"Good, I shall buy a few things appropriate for my little boi."

His long arm is around my shoulder. I place my glass back on the table as I snuggle up to him; his fingers unbutton my shirt and squeeze my nipple. I shudder with excitement and moan out loud as he first twists and then nips it hard between his fingers.

"You like that boi?"

"Yes Daddy," I gasp as he removes his fingers.

"Take your shirt off boi."

I struggle to take it off and throw it down at the side of the sofa. Now I'm half-naked in the arms of my Daddy. He looks down at me as he handles my slightly drooping fifty-year old tits. He weighs them in turn in the palm of his hand and gently squeezes them. I imagine a straight guy might do the same with his girlfriend. What a thought! I snuggle closer.

"This is what I like. My boi's breasts just like a girl. And a hairless chest. You are really very feminine boi."

He lowers his head and in turn sucks hard, nibbles and bites on my nipples. I squirm in excitement. He sits back still twisting and nipping my tits.

"Your nipples need a lot of work to enlarge them boi."

He feels under my arms.

"And you're not completely hairless as a boi should be. I think I must shave your armpits and your pubics boi."

"Anything you want Daddy."

"Good. But first I must spank you boi. Stand up and take off your trousers and shoes."

I stand, strip absolutely naked and stand in front of Daddy for his inspection. A fifty-year-old man offering himself for use by a twenty-six year old. But he's a big guy and I'm his boi. His little boi. His bum boi, his slave if that's what he wants. I'm certainly ready. He pulls me down over his knee, smoothes his hand over my ass cheeks and then begins. Slap follows slap. One ass cheek and then the other. I lie there taking my punishment and enjoying it! This is what I'm for. To be owned and used by a dominant man. But now it's painful and I begin to sniffle and tear-up. Slap, slap, slap in quick succession. For the first time in years tears flow down my cheeks and I lie there quietly weeping. The spanking stops and he pulls me back up until I'm sitting on his lap and snuggling into his chest. He holds me close and kisses the tears from my eyes with his lips.

"Good boi, you're my good boi."

He lifts my face and kisses me passionately. His tongue deep down my throat and me sucking on its hardness. This is what I want, what I need. To be a man's boi. The fact that he is young and virile adds to my sexual arousal. My prick is sticking up like a flagpost and I suddenly realise the fingers of his huge hand are around it, stroking me, bringing me close to a climax.

"Not yet boi. Lie on your back on the coffee table and let your Daddy inspect you."

I scramble awkwardly onto the table as he removes the beer glasses. He spreads my legs and arms wide apart. He runs his fingers through the hair of my armpits, over my belly and my crotch. The fingers of one his hands pull back the foreskin on my stiff prick while the fingers of his other hand seek between my legs and start to explore my fuckhole. He lowers his head and licks the precum from my cock and then dribbles it onto my lips. I open them and drink my own juice as he rubs my hard-uncovered knob with his thumb. Now he stares into my eyes as he finger fucks my anus. I'm beginning to pant as again I'm near to cumming.

"Not yet my sexy little boi cunt. You stay there. Don't you dare move. I'll be back."

He withdraws his fingers, idly sniffs them and walks out of the room. I watch his arse as it moves in his tight jeans and think of him placing it over my face. In leather or naked I'd love to serve it or any other part of his body. The glass of the table is cooling my hot spanked bum. I squint down at my naked pale body. My nipples red and erect from being chewed. My belly and beyond it the flagstaff of my hard prick, my spread-eagled legs and feet. I close my eyes. Here I am, naked and spread waiting for my Daddy to use me in any way he wishes.

I open my eyes with a start as I feel something warm placed on my chest. It's a bowl of warm water. In contrast I feel an icy blast on each armpit as Daddy sprays them with shaving foam and starts to shave my adult hair away. He smiles down at me as he wipes my pits with a damp flannel and then a dry towel.

"Now the important part boi."

Daddy sprays my crotch and prick with the foam, holds up the razor for me to see and starts. First my prick, then my belly and groins. I'm tingling with excitement and a real sense of humiliation as this young guy shaves away my adult pubic hair. He cleans and dries me, puts his shaving tackle to one side then suddenly lifts my ankles up high, spreads my legs wide apart and peers closely at my pink, puckered anus.

"Good, no hair in your arse to shave and none on your legs and arms. You really are a girlie boy. Now turn over and display your bumboy ass."

As I turn over I see him unbuckling his black belt, pulling it off and doubling it in two.

"Before I fuck my boi, I must really heat it up your ass. First twelve strokes of the belt. Count them out and thank your Daddy boi. Don't move or it'll be twenty-four."

The first stroke wraps itself around my butt cheeks and is total anguishing pain. Am I going to survive this punishment?

"What you say boi?"

"Number one, thank you Daddy for punishing me."

The second stroke makes me yell out loud, "Number two, thank you Daddy."

"I'm not punishing you boi, Daddy is enjoying himself. Making an old, submissive, useless girlie-boy squeal."

And boy did I squeal and scream as I wept myself to the end of the twelve strikes with his thick leather belt. I lay there spent and in tears. And Daddy is laughing!

"Come here cunt boi and let me kiss you better."

Surprisingly, that's just what I want and throw myself into his strong hairy arms as he sits on the sofa. His lips kiss my eyes and tear sodden cheeks and his large hands stroke my red backside soothing away the pain. This is bliss. My dear Daddy wants me and comforts me. I can believe I'm no longer middle-aged, simply a young boi on his Daddy's lap. A randy young boi with a cock still rampant after the beating. Daddy fills my mouth with his tongue and I suck on it until he is satisfied.

Daddy twists me around on lap and gropes my newly shaved crotch and prick. It's a strange new experience I'm instantly into.

"Think you still want to be my boi?" he whispers in my ear.

"Oh, please Daddy, I want to belong to you. I don't care how much you punish me so long as I'm yours. I want to give my body and mind to you Daddy."

"Your mind too? Now that's interesting because that's just what I want. A boi who obeys without thinking and allows me to indulge my fantasies without question. Nothing but a toyboy for my use. Think you can handle it boi?"

"I'll try Daddy. I really will. It's what I want"

"Okay. Well before I fuck you for the first time, I need to mark you. A sign to me that you are my property. And because you have been such a good little boi so far, I'll allow you to choose the marking you want. You'll probably get them all in time, but tonight just one."

"Yes Daddy."

"Okay, now the choices are; branding with a red hot iron, a tattoo, a burning cigar stubbed out on your body, rings in your tits or six strokes of the cane."

What a choice! I quickly decide the cane might be the least awful.

"The cane Daddy."

"Good, because that's what you were going to get anyway. Stand up, spread your legs and imagine you're being caned in front of the whole school."

As I position myself, my imagination has me in the main hall of school with all the staff and school friends watching. Completely naked for my punishment. Between my legs I can see Daddy behind me flexing a cane and then raising it high. A swish and it lands. I stagger forward and my hands go back to clutch my bum cheeks.

"Stand still boi and take your punishment."

I can't and stagger forward and clutch my bottom at each wicked stroke. Daddy laughs as I position myself for the next thunderous stroke. At the end I'm blubbering and shaking. Daddy takes me in his arms and holds me close.

"My good boi. Come and let me show you my ownership marks."

With his arm around my shoulders he leads me into his bedroom and stops with me facing a full-length mirror. Completely nude and shaved I have to admit I look the sub I am. He turns me around and twisting my head I see the blue/purple cane marks across my red bottom.

"Doesn't that look good boi?"

"Yes Daddy."

"The only trouble with cane marks boi is they fade so I'll have to cane you at least once a week."

"Yes Daddy, thank you Daddy."

"One last ritual before I fuck you boi. I have to clean you out. Have you had an enema before boi?"

"Yes Daddy."


He steers me into his ultra-modern bathroom and into a walk-in shower in one corner.

"On your hands and knees boi, like a dog."

I drop down and wait, watching him fill an enema bag with warm soap and water and hanging it up. Then I feel the nozzle at the end of a tube being firmly inserted into my arsehole. The tap is turned and I feel myself filling up with liquid. Sexy at first. Increasingly painful as my insides cramp. Daddy turns off the flow, bends down, massages my stomach and smiles into my grimacing face.

"Is it hurting boi? Hold it boi and when I remove the nozzle. Close up your little cunthole. Okay?"

"Yes Daddy," I murmur.

I try, but feel liquid leaking down my thighs.

"Stand up boy and follow me."

We go to the toilet; he lifts the seat and pushes me down. I explode with embarrassing farts and shit my guts out. How humiliating this all is.

"Wipe yourself clean boi. When you're ready come back to the shower."

He's standing waiting with the nozzle in his hand and without being told I get down on my hands and knees. The process is repeated except after he removes the nozzle he opens his flies, takes out his semi-stiff cock and pisses over me and into my face and mouth. When I return to the shower for the third time he is holding the enema bag up for me to see. It's not full.

"Going to make it more interesting this time boi."

He holds up a bottle of white wine and pours it into the bag.

"Doggy position boy." The nozzle goes in and the liquid flows. As he massages my belly this time I begin to feel slightly giddy and unsteady. Daddy laughs.

"How's my little doggy boi? I think we can remove the nozzle right here this time."

Liquid shoots out over the shower floor, puddles around my hands and knees. It's quite clear. I'm clean inside. Daddy puts both his arms under my abdomen, picks me up, carries me to a hot soapy bath he's already prepared and deposits me in it. He then proceeds to shampoo my hair, soap and wash my body all over. My face, my shaved cock and balls, between my legs and even my feet and toes. He lifts me out of the bath and briskly dries me with thick cotton towels. My hair, which I normally comb straight back, he parts to one side. He stands back and looks me over.

"Right boi, you're ready to be fucked. Let's go."

If you enjoyed this second chapter, please let me know and inspire me to write more. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 3

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