Obeying Jerome


Published on Mar 10, 2006


My life continues as the slave of Jerome and I try constantly to please him and show my gratitude in every possible way. I've come to look forward to and appreciate my daily spankings, strapping and being caned. They have gradually trained me to be obedient and to take punishment 'with a smile' and most important to please my wonderful hunky Master. Such punishment keeps my bottom constantly red and bruised and me crying like a little boy, but his hugs and kisses are worth every stroke I receive. I suck him off and swallow his delicious spunk at least once a day and he fucks me rigid at least three times in every twenty-four hours.

My punishment and his shagging are not always in the privacy of his apartment. Increasingly he takes me out to bars and restaurants often with a chain attached to my gold slave collar to show me off in public either in my black leather suit or dark business suit. Both have short pageboy jackets and tight pants showing off my prominent butt. Both pants have zips down the back so he can fingerfuck or even fuck me without people noticing. This I love. For instance standing at the bar with him close behind me I can fell his fantastic huge cock ploughing me. Our movements may suggest I'm being fucked, but until he draws away none of the surrounding guys realise for sure. Then he pushes me to my knees and I clean his cock with my mouth in full view of everyone. This sort of treatment in public always arouses those intense feelings of humiliation and subservience which I live for. Frequently my Master makes me strip off completely so guys can view my naked shaved body. He makes me kneel and give blowjobs to his friends and even total strangers. Sometimes he instructs me to bend over, spread my arse cheeks and show my pink pucker to everyone. Guys feel me up and with Master's permission some fuck me in public. Needless to say I find this even more humiliating, but at the same time I'm 'over the moon' at being used as his naked, submissive, obedient slave.

My 'animal' training also continues. Accompanied by Master Lynwood, Liam and Del my Master takes me for country outings to particular gay cruising grounds. Us three slaves are naked and led on chains attached to our collars. If we meet other Masters with their slave 'dogs' we slaves all drop down on all fours and sniff and lick our fellow animal's cocks and arseholes. We lift our legs against each other to piss while the Masters watch. One of the Masters may decide he wants a shag and the slave of his choice bends over, spreads his legs and offers himself. Bending over naked, watched by Masters, slaves and other onlookers I often find myself being fucked by several Masters and then, I guess because of my unbranded status, by several slaves too. Liam and Del never miss a chance to fuck me.

I've come to the conclusion I must bear my Master's brand. The idea still terrifies me, but until I'm branded I know I won't be a real slave. It's come to the point where I'm pleading with Master Jerome to brand me. He tells me it is not my wishes that count and gives me a hard spanking for daring to raise the subject.

So it is a surprise when Master Jerome informs me I am to become his marked property on the following day. He doesn't mention branding, but I presume it means the same thing. Jerome takes me to the hairdresser at the club who with his assistants help, shave me completely, style my blond hair with a fringe across my forehead that they all say looks cute, cut my finger and toe nails and tint them pink. The following morning the club tailor and his assistant come to the apartment to dress me. No underclothes of course. They dress me in the white page boy suit which has been hanging in Master's cupboard since we first went to the tailors. No socks, but white slip-on shoes. Lastly, a pink rose in my jacket buttonhole to match the pink cravat. They take me down to the entrance where a white Rolls Royce is waiting with a handsome uniformed chauffeur. Master Lyn, resplendent in top hat and grey morning suit, ushers me into the car where I find Liam and Del already kneeling on the floor. They are wearing suits similar to mine, but pale pink! I kneel between them.

When the car stops, Master Lyn orders us out onto the pavement in front of an imposing Victorian building. According to an ornate brass plate it's the office where civil marriages are conducted. We go up the steps and enter an oak-panelled hall and then up marble steps and into a large hall packed with people. They all stand and turn to look as Master Lyn takes my arm and escorts me down the aisle with Liam and Del following. I realise that many club members and their slaves are in attendance all dressed in their best. There are also many other people, men and women, I presume must be friends of Jerome. And he, my Master, wearing a grey morning suit turns to smile as I arrive next to him.

Suddenly I see someone in the front row I know and I stare in amazement. He stands and comes towards me. It's my eldest brother.

"Hi Robbie. Didn't expect to see me did you?"

"No," I stutter as we shake hands and he gives me a hug.

"Jerome tracked me down. Luckily he found me and not the rest of the family. They would have been shocked to find out about you. I always knew you were queer and I'm pleased you've found someone like Jerome to take care of you. I'll see you later."

He walks back and sits down next to a young woman I assume is his girlfriend. She gives me a little wave.

"Thought you might like at least one member of the family to be here," says Jerome.

"Yes... er of course Sir." What else can I say? Seeing my brother has really jolted me.

I have no more time to think as a distinguished looking man with grey hair wearing a dark suit strides into the hall and takes his place on the opposite side of the table from Jerome and myself. I know him of course. He's a member of the club.

"We are gathered here today to witness a Civil Partnership between Jerome and Robbie. Repeat after me Jerome your three vows. I, Jerome Creighton-Johnson, take Robert Peters to be my partner and slave."

Jerome repeats the words and I wonder if this is a revelation to my brother or if Jerome had explained. I still blush.

"Do you promise to cherish and love this slave always?"

"I promise."

"Do you promise to chastise this slave daily and at other times when he is disobedient or when you enjoy doing so?"

"I promise."

"Now before you take your vows Robbie you need to be naked as a slave should be. Take off your clothes." Without thinking I start to untie my cravat, but then I realise I'm going to be naked in front of all these people including my brother and strangers I don't know. Plus all these women! I feel completely shamed as Liam and Del take my suit and clothes and I stand stark naked in public with my prick erect and bobbing.

Repeat after me Robbie your four vows. I, Robbie Peters, take Jerome Creighton-Johnson, to be my partner and Master.

I surprise myself by repeating the words loudly. I want people to know.

"Do you promise to obey your Master in all things?"

"I do Sir."

"As a sign of this obedience, turn to this audience and masturbate yourself."

As a form of abasement, could anything be worse, but I do as I'm ordered. I hang my head and wank.

"Keep you head up slave. That's enough, turn back to face me."

Do you promise to accept any punishment he gives you for whatever reason and in whatever place?"

"I do Sir."

"As a sign of this willingness, your Master will spank you."

Jerome grabs me around the waist and spanks me really hard. I manage to hold off weeping.

"Do you promise to make all your bodily orifices readily available at any time to your Master or any other person he may decide?"

"I do Sir?"

"Do you accept that you are your Master's property and he has the right to mark you as such?"

"Yes Sir, I do."

"Bend over the table slave."

I bend naked over the table and spread my legs. Everyone in the hall can see my pink pucker and I feel my body blushing as out of the corner of my eye I see my brother watching intently. Master Lynwood wheels forward a small trolley on which I can see the branding tool glowing red hot. The letter J. Without a moments hesitation Jerome picks up the brand and applies it to the upper right cheek of my arse. I scream and continue screaming in agony for several minutes. Someone applies soothing ointment and the pain eases. I can hear the audience applauding. Jerome picks me up from the table and holds me in his arms.

"The partners may kiss," says the official.

Jerome kisses me passionately as the tears run down my face. When he releases me, friends and strangers come forward to congratulate us. My brother and his girl smile as we shake hands. Master Lynwood is offering around large Cuban cigars to go with the champagne which waiters are serving. As the pain in my bottom subsides I'm beginning to enjoy the feeling of being the only naked person in this hall packed with well dressed people. Many of them are taking the opportunity to grope my hard prick and finger my pucker. Master Lynwood lights a cigar Jerome has in his mouth. Jerome takes a few puffs until it glows round and red.

"I'd originally decided to fuck you in front of our guests, but I'll keep that for later at the honeymoon hotel. Instead, Master Lyn has suggested I add another mark."

Jerome pulls me towards him, removes the cigar and gives me a hard passionate kiss. As he does so he reaches around me and presses the red hot tip of his cigar onto my left arse cheek. I'm in instant agony, unable to shriek out the pain I feel and simply wriggle like mad as he grips my hands and holds me close. I can only suck deeply on my Master's wonderful tongue and remember I am his slave and I'm pleasing him by taking any pain he decides. The fact that his action and my painful submission are applauded by everyone only adds to the moment. This is how it's going to be... always. I am his slave.

This is the last chapter of Obeying Jerome and if you read it, I'd be interested to know what you think and if it did anything for you. will.obe@btinternet.com

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