Obeying Jerome


Published on Dec 18, 2005



Chapter 1

My name's Robert although better known to my friends as Robbie. I'm 19 and recently moved to London to become a trainee accountant in a prestigious city firm. But by far the most important reason for seeking a move is because I'm gay and life in my small hometown had become impossible. Even though we've never discussed it, deep down I think my parents always realised I was different to my other two butch brothers and were happy to encourage my apparent eagerness to take a job in the city.

So here I am, enjoying my new job, my new modest bedsitter quite near to the office and my new freedom. Still in my business suit, I rush off every evening to do the rounds of gay pubs in Soho. What a difference from pubs at home! Full of gorgeous young guys enjoying themselves drinking with their friends, their sparkling eyes roving from face to face in the crowd searching for that special man with a mutual interest in sex.

Being a rather quiet, shy person without any real experience, I always wait for others to make the first move. Even worse, when some guy catches my eye, I become instantly embarrassed and lower my eyes, unable to hold his gaze. By the time I glance in his direction again, he's gone, probably thinking I'm uninterested. Or is it that I didn't really grab him sexually? Could be. I'm far from being the sort of hunk I so admire myself. I'm only 5'8" and although my slim swimmer's body is nicely muscled I have to admit, as my first one- night-stand in London bitchily pointed out, I'm more girlie than butch. OK, I have very little body hair, a silky smooth skin, blond hair, big blue eyes and a pretty face. That's me, I can't help the way I look. He, Roger, wasn't that butch himself. Perhaps that's what disappointed him. He'd felt my hard-on through my trousers in the pub and obviously jumped to the wrong conclusions.

"You're more passive than me," Roger said accusingly when we were in his bed.

"I'm sorry, what's that mean?"

"We're bread and bread Robbie. You like being fucked and I like being fucked."

Having discovered what passive meant, we kissed, cuddled, wanked each other off and I went home. But Roger's comments started me thinking. I'd masturbated looking at mags with men fucking, but I'd never been fucked and I could count on one hand the number of pricks I'd sucked. That's how inexperienced I am. Now when I admire men in the office, or in the street or in a pub, I start imagining me sucking their cocks or taking their cocks up my arse. In bed at night and frequently in the morning I push one and then two fingers up my bum and wank furiously. Everyday I promise myself I'll find my dream man. Until last night it hadn't happened, but then last evening it did.

Usually I make excuses not to join the office crowd going out for a drink together after work on Fridays. It's a boys and girls thing really and not me at all, but last night I agreed and we ended up in one of those ancient pubs tucked away in a narrow alleyway near the office. After sipping at a glass of white wine I relax and join in the banter which passes for conversation in such gatherings. By six-thirty the older men are departing back to their wives and then gradually the others drifted off in twos and threes. By seven I'm on my own, slowly finishing off my wine in an almost empty bar when I spot this other guy sitting across the room. He's looking at me. I lower my eyes and then glance over at him again. He's smiling. Tentatively I smile back. He stands up and walks to the bar.

Now I can see him clearly. Aged about thirty. Well over six feet tall and broad shouldered wearing the sort of well-cut pin stripe suit only the senior partners can afford in my firm. Dark hair and eyes. A handsome sun-tanned face with high cheek bones. Several of my favourite sexy film stars come to mind. And he'd been smiling at me! I decide I must be dreaming. Then I hear him ordering two double gin and tonics. Sounds BBC posh. Almost certainly Oxbridge educated. He turns, walks towards me with the two glasses and sits down next to me on the old oak bench.

"Hope you don't mind. Thought you might like a decent drink after that awful house plonk."

"Oh, yes, thank you." I stammer.

He clinks my glass and we both drink or, in my case, gulp down half the glass. The liquor hits almost immediately and I grin at him.

"Such nice teeth, you must smile more. So what are you up to now all your mates have gone?"

"Not sure really."

"Okay, so where do you normally go in the evening?"

"Well er... up the West End. Soho mostly."

"Really! Old Compton Street I suppose?"

I didn't answer immediately. Saying I went to what some people call Queer Street would be to admit everything. I decide to be honest. "Yes, sometimes."

"Yes, me too, sometimes. By the way my name's Jerome." He holds out his hand. "Yours?"

"Er... Robbie. Short for Robert." I place my small hand into his huge hand and he shakes it firmly.

"Nice to meet you Robbie. I like Robbie. Suits you."

We sit for a moment saying nothing. Simply smiling at each other as we sip our drinks. He is so handsome and such a hunk. I can't believe he's taking an interest in a nobody like me. I suddenly realise he's pressing his knee against mine and my prick hardens.

"Have you a boyfriend?"

The question startles me and I can feel the blood rushing to my face. "Er... no. Sorry."

"No need to be sorry Robbie. When did you last sleep with someone?"

"What? I mean, well about a week ago." Remembering Roger.

"Was it exciting?"

"No not really. He complained I was passive. Said we were bread and bread. At least I found out what passive meant, I think."

"Nothing wrong with being passive Robbie, I like passive boys. What do you think being passive means?"

"Being a bit shy I suppose. Never taking the initiative probably... I'm not sure. This guy said... you know... it meant I liked being er...."

"Being fucked?" His knee presses harder against mine.

"That's what he said, yes."

"Well of course, being fucked is part of being passive, but there's a lot more to it than that Robbie. Tell me honestly, have you ever been fucked?"

I look away from him. This man asks such direct personal questions. But he does seem interested in me. So I turn back, smile and very quietly say "No."

"That's wonderful Robbie, you're a virgin."

"What? You mean like a girl?"

"You don't have to be a girl to be a virgin. You are a very handsome, beautiful young man and you've still to enjoy full sexual intercourse. That's good. You think you might be passive, but you're not sure. It goes without saying that many young men are not sure at your age about what they like sexually, whether they're straight or gay. Don't worry about it. You'll find out soon enough. However, if you want my opinion, I think you're passive. A submissive personality looking to be dominated. Now, after all that, how about I buy you another drink?"

"But I should buy one. It's only fair."

"No Robbie dear, if I'm going to dominate, you need to do as your told. Okay?"

He gives me a knowing smile as he turns and walks to the bar. I watch his back. His huge shoulders moving under the cloth of his jacket, his calves showing in his trouser legs. What a guy! I adjust my hardon in my pants. I can hear him rapping his knuckles on the bar top and authoritatively calling for two more large gin and tonics. God, I already feel tidily! Had he actually said he was going to dominate me? Whatever it means, I realise I'm looking forward to it. Thrilled by the idea. Does it mean he'll fuck me? I'll have to do as I'm told he'd said. How wonderful! Deep in my thoughts, I suddenly realise he's back placing another drink in front of me. He sits down close to me and as he raises his glass to clink with mine, I feel his other hand on my knee, squeezing it. Shivers run up and down my spine as he sips his drinks and I gulp mine.

"Now where was I? Think I was saying you'd have to obey orders. Do you want to do that?" His hand slips over my knee and squeezes my inner thigh.

Well... er... yes, I guess I might."

"No mights Robbie, I need a clear answer. Will you obey my orders?"

He speaks quietly, no sound of threat in his voice, simply enquiring. Why am I hesitating? In my masturbatory fantasies I'm always stripped by big men and they play with me and order me about. I know what I have to say.

"Yes, I will." It comes out sounding like a marriage vow. To my surprise I feel a great release in saying it.

"Good, I'm impressed Robbie. How about if I test you?"

"Okay." I take another gulp of my drink to give me courage.

"Are you wearing underpants Robbie?"

"Yes, of course."

"And clean I'm sure. My first order is for you to go to the 'gents', remove your underpants and bring them back to me and place them in my hand. Okay?"

"Okay." Surprised and slightly shocked by this totally unexpected order, I stand up. He pats my butt in encouragement. I walk, I have to admit, in a slight daze past the smiling barman towards the 'gents' at the rear of the bar. Once inside I go into the cubicle, hang my jacket on the back of the door and struggle to take my trousers off over my shoes followed by my white briefs. My prick is hard and upright. I resist the urge to have a wank. Back on with the trousers, briefs in pocket and jacket back on. I press the flush just in case, but when I open the door there is no one else about. I look in the mirror, straighten my tie and comb my hair. The bar is still deserted except for a smiling Jerome and the barman. Sitting down, I take the briefs from my pocket and carefully pass them to Jerome below the table edge. Without hesitation he looks at me, lifts them to his face, sniffs audibly and smiles at me. I quickly glance at the barman who is grinning, pretending not to notice while polishing a glass.

"Very nice Robbie. I can smell you."

Now I'm blushing again and look down. Even so, to my horror I notice him spreading out my briefs on the tabletop. He places a fingertip on a small yellow stain.

"You must remember to shake your cock after a pee Robbie, but they're really quite clean. Let's see if you've left any skid marks shall we?"

He turns the briefs inside out and inspects them. I'm dying of embarrassment, thankful to see they are perfectly clean. He screws them up, tosses them back to me and I hurriedly push them into my jacket pocket.

"You did well Robbie. Did that embarrass you?"

"And some."

"Well, get used to it. I like to embarrass my boy and at times humiliate him. Will you like that?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Oh, I think you will. It's in the nature of passive submissive men to seek humiliation Robbie. You'll discover that. Now let's drink to you and your second test."

After we clink glasses and drink, Jerome dips his index finger into my glass and then holds it up to my lips.

"Open your lips and take my finger Robbie."

I do as he asks and he pushes the whole of his long finger into my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the barman watching. Jerome's other hand is in my crotch feeling my hard prick.

"Suck it Robbie. That's right. In and out. Imagine it's a lollypop or perhaps better... my big juicy cock fucking your sweet virgin mouth."

He's now pushing the finger in and out vigorously. I close my eyes, slide my tongue around this flesh I'm beginning to dream it is his cock. I suck and gobble on it, indifferent to whether the barman or anyone else is watching. He removes his finger and pushes me back as I, panting, wipe the spittle from my mouth with the back of my hand. Jerome is laughing quietly and squeezes my hard cock hard before removing his hand.

"You're a natural Robbie. I think I can do great things with you. If you're willing that is?"

"I am Jerome, I am. Really I am." Flushed with eagerness to be used by this man, I'm desperate he'll want me.

"What about coming back to my place now? It's quite near. Or are your parents expecting you?"

"No, I'm in a bed-sit. My parents live out of London."

"Okay, let's go."

On the way out Jerome drops a tenner note on the bartop in front of the grinning barman. Outside it's a pleasant summer evening and I glimpse the red sun setting in the west. Jerome has his arm around my shoulders and guides me down a narrow street, across a busy duel carriageway and down another narrow lane. At the bottom of the street I can see the Thames glinting in the evening sun. We turn and enter a high building through revolving doors into a luxuriously furnished foyer with a marble floor. The uniformed security guard nods his head at Jerome and I notice he presses a button as we walk towards the opening door of a lift. As the doors close, Jerome pulls me to him by my necktie and kisses me on the lips. His large hands push up my jacket and cup and squeeze my trouser covered butt cheeks. I stand on tiptoes so I can respond to his kiss and feel his tongue probing my mouth. The lift stops and with his arm still around my waist, he uses his other hand to insert a key into the lock of a massive, modern oak panelled door. I look sideways and through floor to ceiling windows I can see the river shimmering far down below and the whole panorama of south London stretching into the distance. As the door swings open, Jerome stoops, gathers me up in his arms and carries me over the threshold, across a hallway, into a huge expensively furnished lounge and sits down with me on what seems a very long cream leather sofa. He hugs me to him and kisses me lovingly. Eventually he lets me go and stands up.

"Welcome to my abode little Robbie. But first a drink."

Jerome walks over to a drinks cabinet and starts preparing what looks like two more gin and tonics. I'm impressed that the ice bucket is full of ice, ready for his use. The whole length of one side of the lounge has floor to ceiling windows similar to the ones in the corridor outside. I walk over and gaze out. Almost opposite I can see the new Globe Shakespearean theatre I'd visited earlier in the year. Away to one side a wonderful view of Tower Bridge and to the other side a distant view of Big Ben. Jerome comes to me and hands me a drink. He's taken off his jacket.

"Let me take your jacket."

I slip my jacket off and Jerome hangs it over one of three armchairs matching his long sofa. We clink glasses yet again.

"Cheers," I say.

"To your training," Jerome replies with a broad smile.

My training! Wow! After all the booze I'm up for anything he wants.

"Hold my glass will you boy?"

I take his glass in my spare hand wondering what he has in mind. His hands move to my trouser belt, unfastens it, unzips me and my trousers drop to the floor. He takes his drink back with one hand and grips my hard prick with the other. I know they can't, but I'm imaging people looking up and seeing me without my pants.

"Slip your shoes and socks off and step out of your trousers."

I stoop down and do as instructed. Now I'm completely naked from my waist down and his free hand is around me gently stroking my bottom. I look up at him. This is bliss. For some reason I feel very strongly that I belong to this big handsome hunk and I'm ready to do anything he requests, orders. He releases me.

"Take off your shirt and tie Robbie. I want to see you completely naked."

Off they come and I drop them to the floor. Now I stand with a glass in my hand and a raging hardon facing my man.

"Walk up and down."

I parade along the inside of the window.

"On tiptoes boy. You excite me boy. Keep going boy."

The gin is getting to me so balancing on my toes is not that easy although I manage it.

"Now lift your knees, faster."

Prancing like a circus horse I circle around him. He's smiling and with a hand signal encourages me to lift my knees even more. My balls are bouncing up and down on either side of my rigid prick. What must I look like! But I'm displaying myself naked to my man. Suddenly dizzy my high steps falter. Jerome quickly gathers me into his arms and carries me back to the sofa. He takes my glass away and settles me onto his lap, cuddling me close. He kisses me. Deeper than before and longer. I can feel one large hand around my shoulders pulling me to him. The other is spreading my legs wide, stroking my thighs and a finger reaches up to press gently into my ass crack. He brings this finger up to our kissing mouths and inserts it under my tongue. He gathers spittle with it and then returns it to my crack and starts to massage my hole. He presses harder and I feel my tight hole invaded. He presses it in and out and I push back onto it. He continues kissing me wildly as he finger fucks me. This is the most sexy moment in my entire life. I'm naked in the arms of a fully dressed man. I'm his plaything and I want him to use me. He stops kissing. His finger continues fucking my hole.

"Do you like that boy?"

"Oh, yes I do. It feels wonderful." My whisper turns into a moan as he inserts a second finger.

"You're being finger fucked boy, as if you were a girl?"

"Yes... I'm whatever you want me to be Jerome."

"Good boy. You're going to be my little fuck boy Robbie. What do you say?"

"Please, anything you want. I want to be your fuck boy."

As he stands Jerome picks me up in his arms and lays me face up over the end arm of the sofa. My prick stands up hard. Beyond it I can see Jerome stripping off his clothes and I gaze in awe at this sun-tanned, hard muscled giant with a huge circumcised cock in his hand who wants me as his fuck boy. His two fingers are back in my hole, moving in and out. I lift my butt and push on his strokes. He removes his fingers, crouches down, I feel his lips on my puckered hole and his tongue licking then pushing in and out of me. I experience such a feeling of growing sexual excitement intensified by the knowledge that I am his boy to do anything he likes with me. His fingers are back massaging me and I a cool gel applied. He's standing up again, I feel his huge cockhead pressing against my anus and for a moment I worry he's going to tear me apart. But he smiles and holds up what looks like a six inch black spike from the top of a railing, but with a large round base.

"Need to loosen you up boy before I fuck you. Don't worry it's only rubber and I'll insert it slowly."

Still smiling, Jerome inserts the rubber thing into my arse and pushes. I wince aloud as the top of it starts to press through my sphincter. He immediately pauses and slowly eases the plug in and out until I relax and gradually I stretch and it passes through. I sigh as the rod fills me and he continues fucking me in and out. I guess this is what his cock will feel like when he finally possesses me. Now he stands me up, moves back to the sofa, sits down, spreads his legs wide and pushes me down to my knees. His fantastic erect cock and ball sack, surrounded by thick black hair, confronts me and I impulsively reach out and grasp his erection with my two seemingly small hands. I explore his hard muscled cock and large balls lovingly with my hands. Wow! I've never seen or felt anything like this masculine immensity before.

"You should ask permission before you touch me boy. Put your hands behind you."

I snatch my hands away feeling immediately guilty. Kneeling naked before him I'm aware that my own prick is standing up between my thighs.

"Lean forward and kiss the tip of my cock."

What joy! As I lean forward and kiss his huge flanged red knob head I feel and taste the drop of pre-cum oozing from the piss slit. I lick my lips and draw back.

"Now lick my cock and eat my love juice boy."

Leaning forward again I take the liberty of sticking out my tongue and licking all sides of his knob as if it was an ice cream cornet. Lastly I suck out and swallow his pre-cum before sitting back and look at his face for a sign of approval. He smiles and I detect lust as well as approval in his eyes. Even so I'm taken by surprise when he grabs my head and forces my open mouth down onto his cock. I suck like mad hardly able to cope with his hugeness. "Use your tongue boy. If I feel your teeth you'll be in trouble."

I gag as he pushes down my throat. For a second I can't breathe, he relents and I come up for air before his knob is again scraping my throat. I struggle again and my teeth scrape along the length of his cock.

"Watch your teeth boy."

He leans forward and slaps my arse cheek hard. I resume more gently, washing his tool with my tongue, moving my lips firmly up and down. He edges forward and wraps his arms tightly around my head as he moves towards his climax.

"That's it fuck boy, take my cock... take it. Aaaaaargh... yes."

Great gobs of his seed spurt down my throat. He shouts out again and pulls back so my mouth is filled with his spunk. He gasps his instructions.

"Don't swallow boy, hold it in your mouth."

I do my best, but can feel cum oozing out from the sides of my mouth. His breathing eases. He slowly unwinds his arms from around me and leans back on the sofa, a huge grin on his face. I kneel before him, my lips clamped together.

"Open your mouth and show me boy."

Trying not to let any of his cum escape I open my mouth for inspection.

"Good boy. Now swill it around your mouth, taste my spunk and swallow it."

Slightly bitter, but knowing it's my man's seed, I swill it around, taste it and swallow it. It's a first. In a way I feel it truly makes me this man's boy. Even though he hasn't yet fucked me, I'm his. I look up and grin. He smiles and quietly studies my face.

Please e-mail if you liked this story and let me have your comments. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 2

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