Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 11, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**Please read: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. Also to answer what most emails ask: Enran and I are good friends. In fact all the characters are really good friends. Some of the events took place. All of the character descriptions are true. The places are real, except the lake. Aww I know. It would be cool though. When you email me introduce yourself, my mom always told me about manners. Please its common courtesy. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time....

Ok fine I'm going to tell them. I might as well, we're all like family now.

"Hey guy's my mom's adopting a boy." I got the reaction I expected; every looked at me, confused. "I wanted another person in the house with me, ever since you got Gerald, so I ask and she said yes. He's my age, black, I think light skinned. He's going to go to our school. I get to meet him tomorrow. He can join our camping trip."

That felt good to say. I thought they would be happy for me. They weren't. They all looked kind of sad, like I just stepped on their hearts. Their faces had a look of sorrow upon them. I was totally lost...

Chapter 9: Enran's Adopted Brother


When Enran told us the news, everyone was shocked. I was surprised, but mostly jealous. Enran would have a brother whom he would probably attach to, and I would become a fading memory in his heart. What if his brother finds out about us and starts to run his mouth? Naw, I'm just over exaggerating. I still wanted to look happy for him even, if I really wasn't.

"That's cool, bring him over my house Tuesday, when you come." I said putting on my most convincing smile.

"Aiight then, I just can't wait to meet him myself." Enran said looking at his cell. "A, I got to bounce, hit me up later."

Gerald got up. "I'll walk with you; I want to go to a store by your house. I heard it's like that, my friends were telling me about it."

Enran and Gerald headed out, before they got to the door I caught up with Enran.

"Look, don't sweat what happened today." I said reassuring him about the fight. I pulled him into a hug. "You'll be aiight" I gave him some dap. I didn't want to be affectionate with him while Gerald was watching.

He smiled, knowing what I wanted to say. "I love you too. Bye." He said as he and Gerald exited Miguel's driveway. I waited for them to leave before I went back into the house.

It was getting late and soon Miguel's mom came in. Good thing the maid cleaned up the mess from the fight or she would have grilled us. Steve wasn't too fond of Miguel's mom. So he made up a lame ass excuse to leave.

"I forgot I have to go and get some milk for the house, so I'll catch yall later." Steve said as he hurried for the door.

"What was that about?" Miguel asked looking at the front door that Steve left open.

Miguel's mom closed the door behind Steve and made a malicious comment under her breath. She really seemed to despise Steve. I thought my mom could be mean at times. When she walked into the living room she shot me nothing but glares. I just smiled, but that seemed to make things worse.

"So do you smoke weed like Miguel's other friends." She said facing the TV. "I don't like Miguel being around people who don't have anything going for themselves." Never once did she look at me. Was I that disgusting to her?

I looked at Miguel before I answered. He shook his head in disgrace, for his mom, and now I could see why. I just met her and she was looking down upon me.

"No mam, I don't smoke." I said trying to give her proper respect. My mom raised me better than that. I was just being honest with her. "I think it stinks actually so I've never tried. Plus it gives you bad breath, and I don't think I could go through high school with out one kiss."

I laughed at my own comment, Miguel did too. Ms. Warez, obviously, didn't find anything funny about my comment. She just looked at me like I cussed. My laugh died out as I saw the anger in her face. I don't know where Miguel got his looks from because she was the total opposite of him. Her hair was medium length but dry and rough looking. She was greying in some areas of her head. Her face was acne free, but her arms looked like she was fighting a red bingo dabber, and lost. I didn't know you could be in your late 30's and still have chicken pox. I guess she proved me wrong. As I was scoping her out, she addressed Miguel.

"Honey I know you don't smoke, but why do you have these dead beats here?"

I couldn't believe my ears. This bitch is putting me and my friends down. Is she out of her fucking mind? Damn even if she did feel that way she didn't have to express it like that. My mom always told me to be polite to woman but she wasn't upholding her title as a mom. What mother puts down her son's friends down right in front of him? Does she even care?

What was killing me was how she perceived Miguel. She thought he was an angel. She didn't know that from time to time he would smoke. Not to mention this nigga be tipsy more than a butterhead on 8th street. His mother was not appealing to me at all. In fact she was about to be the second person on my `shank list'. By the look on Miguel's face, I could tell he was thinking the same thing as I. I needed to go home. I wanted to talk with Enran in privacy about today and I needed some fresh air. I was getting fired up.

"Hey Miguel, I need to go for a walk okay." I said standing up, heading towards the door.

"Dre wait up! I'm coming too." Miguel called after me.

"Where are you going? You better not smoke anything." Called Miguel's obnoxious mother.

I was taking Miguel the long way to my house. For a while we were walking side by side, talking about nothing until we came to the entrance of the wooded creek. That's when I decided to address him about a couple of issues.

"Miguel, what the hell's up with your mom? Man she be trippin'." I said as I climbed over a log blocking the path.

"I don't even know, sometime she cool as shit but times like this, she can be a real pain." He said shaking his head.

"Yeah I know my mom's the same way but she would never diss my friends."

"My mom has her own demons, like everyone, but she likes to take them out on other people." Miguel said nearly tripping over an overgrown tree root.

"Ok I understand now." I said after I crossed the creek.

"Anything else?" He said like he knew something else was bothering me. He crossed the creek as well, and made a little splash getting across.

"Yeah, one more thing actually." I said looking at the visible parts of the sky. It was nearly dark outside. The creek would've been hard to navigate if it wasn't like my sanctuary from home; I would come here to avoid my mom or friends whenever I was down.

"I know Steve fought me because of his rep and Enran because of his pride, but were there any other reasons. It just didn't fell like he was telling the full truth. It was like he was leaving out a very important part."

Miguel's face dropped. He grinned and shook his head sideways. "You never cease to amaze me. Nigga you smart as hell." Miguel said with a smile across his face. It was the same smile he had when Steve attacked me. That was his mischievous smile, this time I didn't feel threatened. I knew the first time was for a good reason, this time couldn't be different, or could it? "Dre, Steve said you'd never figure it out but hey you're close enough."

Miguel was silent for a moment like he was gathering the thoughts in his head. He was picking which parts to tell and which to not. That's when I remembered a rumor I overheard while playing basketball in my hood. I had to confirm this rumor, it was to immense not to question.

"Is it true that Raoule is coming back?" I asked making contact with Miguel's eyes, to make sure he didn't lie.

"Yeah." Miguel said. Not wanting to give more information than he thought was necessary.

I now knew what Steve was doing; he was recruiting people for a gang. He was making a gang separate from Longview. Steve knows that as soon as Raoule comes home (To Longview) he's going to take over the `Longview gang'. Steve and Raoule were rivals since elementary. Raoule always messed with Steve and when Steve finally fought back Raoule was hurt badly. Long story short; Raoule grew up and took over Longview and when Raoule was locked, up Steve replaced him.

When Raoule gets out he's gonna Kerk because his rival took over his gang. Knowing him he's going to try to turn the whole gang on Steve. Steve knows this as well and decided to protect himself by creating a rival gang. Damn now shit was getting serious.

"Do you think it's going to be that serious?" I said questioning Steve's actions.

"Yeah, maybe even worse." Miguel answered, his face falling in defeat. He knew that I knew exactly what was up. He was expecting my next question. "Yes that's also a reason why we fought you guys. Well Enran mostly. We weren't sure if he could be in the gang. You and Gerald have already proven yourselves over time."

Man this gang shit is dumb if you ask me. Some guy has to get initoed (Jumped to be in a gang), just to prove himself. Wait a minute..

"Why the fuck did you involve me, Enran, and Gerald." I said a little angry. "We don't want to be in your dumb ass gang. At least I don't, look don't involve me in your petty gang shit! Aiight, damn and you better not try to trick Enran into that shit either. Gerald can makeup his own mind."

I was fucking pissed and all Miguel did was smile and shake his head. That's all he ever does, who knows what goes on in that head of his...


Sometimes Dre can get too serious about shit. He's like an overprotective mother when it comes to Enran. After his last comment all I could do is shake my head. If he only knew some of the shit we know. I don't think Enran told him yet but he needs to hurry up because Dre ass acting bitchy. Dre thinks he knows Enran but there's so much Enran keeps from him, I should know.

One thing, for certain, is that Enran would do anything for Dre. I wish I could have a relationship like theirs. Although it was an act when I kissed Dre, I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel something for Gerald. That nigga is funny, and he can fight. In fact they all can fight. When Enran was angry, he was about to fuck me up, good thing he was madder at Steve.

Man taking the creek seemed longer than the way I normally go. Dre better know where he's going because I don't have time to be getting lost.

"Dre how long will it be until we are out of this bitch?" I asked getting restless.

"We almost out nigga, damn." He said still mad about what we did.

I don't blame him either because what we did was wrong but it had to be done. Even Dre understood this. We needed him; if Raoule was coming, we would need all the help we could get. This nigga was not to be fucked with. The question was how to get Dre to help us. Finally we were out and at the entrance to Longview. His neighborhood was ok some times. Much different from mine. His neighborhood had a lot of problems with UU's (cars stolen by kids) and weed. My neighborhood only has problems with yard work. I really could say I had a better lifestyle. My choice in friends doesn't at all reflect my background, but my because of my wealth, I chose these set of friends. I would never trade them in. Well maybe for a Porche. I got it... I know how to get Dre to join our gang, Through Enran...


Miguel really pissed me off. He was the cutest thing alive but the sneakiest. He always have to have his way. That's what scared me, I told him no, and he dropped the conversation but I knew that it wouldn't be the last I heard of it.

Miguel had ways of "persuasion", and I've seen it first hand. We were close to my house and It was almost completely dark. I had to hurry because I wanted to be home before my mom got there. She always fussed about the littlest things when I'm not there. I didn't want Gerald to get grilled by her. He should already be there. I looked into our parking space, and to my relief she wasn't there.

"A Miguel you should go home, because you know how your mom gonna trip." I said walking up my porch steps.

"Naw its ok, her ass is gonna wait today." He said smiling slyly. "She can be a real pain, and after what she said about Steve, she better be lucky I ever come back home. So can I spend the night?"

Any other time I would have been ill at ease about him spending the night, but I had Enran so I didn't give it a second thought. "Aiight then, you can borrow some of my clothes, but they'll be a little big."

"It's aiight, As long as you have a belt."

"Yeah ." I said

I opened the door and saw Gerald sitting on the couch watching TV. He cleaned up to, I gotta admit, when he wanted to be, he could be an angel. I have only known him for a little over a week and he has already made an impact on my life. We truly did care for each other. Even after I did what I did to him, he still loved me. We truly share a bond that only close cousins could. He already won my heart over, when he fought for me. I would never forget that.

"Wassup nigga." I said to Gerald standing over him.

He didn't immediately respond. He looked over my shoulder. His face looked embarrassed and I saw some suppressed happiness in it. I turned to look at what was so amusing to him. It was just Miguel; he had the same weird smile as Gerald. Wait do Miguel and Gerald have something for each other? Naw, Miguel is 120 percent straight. When he kissed me, it was just to make me drop my guard. Wasn't it? Man we hold too many secrets from each other. This camping trip, I promise everyone's shit will be out on the table. It felt like Enran kept things from me as well, but Miguel and Gerald. Well let's find out if they do like each other.

"So how did you two end your fight?" I asked, taking a seat in the chair; leaving Miguel to sit on the couch next to Gerald. I know it was dirty but I had to find out.

They both just looked at each other unable to answer. Finally Gerald spoke up, "I was getting tired and yeah."

Yeah', that could only mean one thing; they do like each other. People only say yeah' when they are lost for words. How could Miguel not be straight though? Maybe it's just Gerald who like's Miguel, and Miguel doesn't know.

"Miguel sit down." I said pointing to the space next to Gerald. "Oh yeah and what about you?" I said trying to see if Miguel shared Gerald's feelings.

Miguel sat down and looked at me like I was setting him up; which I was.

"Yeah I was getting tired too." He said looking at Gerald. I didn't believe him one bit. He saw this and added more. "Plus it wasn't my fight."

That's it, he does like Gerald. He just didn't want anyone to know. Not even Gerald. I felt a little jealous towards Gerald, but that soon passed as I thought of Enran. I couldn't just go off assumptions alone. I had to have proof.

"I'm about to go get a soda, yall want one?" I asked having no intention of getting one.

Miguel looked at Gerald, and although I couldn't see his face I knew he was smiling. "Yeah I want one, what kind do u have?" Miguel said turning toward me trying to hold back his smile.

I had to think quickly. "Umm... Sprite and Pepsi." I laughed as I remembered a joke my JROTC Sergeant told me; did I tell you about the guy who took the Pepsi challenge, and chose Jiff.

"Uhh...Sprite." He said. Looking at me like I was weird. "What the fuck is so funny?"

"Nothing." I replied, turning the corner to get the sodas' that I didn't have. When I turned the corner I got on all four, and crept to the side of the couch to see what they would do, while I was getting sodas'.


When I heard Dre come in the house I quickly changed the channel from Queer as folk'. I loved that show but I knew that it was wrong to watch it, although I didn't agree. If a black nigga was caught watching something like that, he would be considered a fag by all his friends. I knew Dre would never tell but it was still a reflex that I mastered well. I was really embarrassed when Miguel followed him in. I thought to myself, if I got caught by both of these niggas, I would really be fucked'.

Some of the things that Dre do don't seem intentional, but I knew better. He was trying to set Miguel and I up, and when he motioned for Miguel to sit next to me I was about to piss on myself. My stomach was like one thousand degrees, it was really bubbling. I had to get away but it wouldn't look right if I just up and left.

My suspicions of Dre were really confirmed when he offered to get a soda for him and Miguel. I knew damn well that there weren't any sodas, but I let Dre have his fun. He left around the corner, and I watched his shadow. Just as I thought, he really wasn't getting a soda, his ass got down as was spying around the couch. I acted as if I didn't notice. He just waited there on the floor silently. I wasn't going to give him a show, I was going to make it seem like we were having a friendly conversation.

"So Miguel how long have you known Dre?" I asked, trying not to give Dre the satisfaction he wanted. I knew the question was dumb but I had to start it off.

Miguel just sat there staring at me, ignoring my question. Not once did he blink. He was looking at me up and down unconsciously. He eyes taking in every aspect of my face. I asked him again. I was starting to feel uneasy, he hadn't responded. Maybe it was the question.

"Do you want to play me in a racing gam-" I asked being cut off.

"Nope." He said quietly. He didn't interrupt me to be malicious but to shut me up, and it worked.

I put my head down, I felt bad, I like Miguel a lot and I knew he was straight. He looked divine. He was gorgeous, he had everything a dude could ever want; looks, girls, money, and was very athletic from what Dre told me. I remember when I first saw him in school:

`Dre was showing me my classes and Miguel walked past. Some girl was calling after him. He ignored her and picked up his speed. He was so sexy he looked off limits to everyone. His hair was a golden brown almost a dark blonde, it was longer than mine by like a two feet.. He looked like Hercules, in Troy. To me he seemed rich because of what he wore; he had on a black and white-stripped button down, some black jeans, some glasses that Sean Paul wears, a wife beater underneath, and a pair of Prada shoes. He really was the best dresser in school. Not that it really mattered; he could have only worn some boxers and still look attractive. That's when I realized Dre was leading me his way. Once he introduced us, I had a smile on my face all day. I wondered to myself how Dre could have a friend like this.

"Gerald!" Miguel said in a loud whisper. He wasn't trying to attract the attention of Dre.

I didn't respond. My head was still towards the ground. I really did feel inferior to him.

He called me again. "Gerald!"

I looked up and before I could say anything he kissed me...


When I got home I was stopped by my mom. She was cooking some Afghan food. I really hated that shit. It tasted like liver. She wanted me to know about my heritage, even if I didn't care. I was tired of her always forcing that shit on me. Maybe when I get older ill do some research but right now I just want to have a normal life. She thought that everything was perfect; she was oblivious to all the even that took place in my life. I couldn't bring myself to tell her. She was a nice person and all but she had a tendency to overreact.

"Enran, guess what?" She said smiling. She liked playing guessing games.

I was too tired play, I knew exactly what she wanted to say. "Let's see," I said sarcastically. "The adopted child came, and he's in my room."

Her face went from happy to annoyed. "Well leave it to you to take all the fun out of things." She said and returned to cutting carrots. "Well he's in your room so go welcome him. I'll be at work when you wake up so introduce him to your friends and show him around your school.

Introduce him to my friends. I barely had any, Dre and his friends were the only people I really talked to. I wasn't an outcast but I didn't like having many friends. I figured the more friends you have, the more problems. I winked at my mom and headed to my room. I stopped in front of my door, what if he's like a big jock type who hates Muslims. That thought was quickly replaced when I realized he must have know we were Muslim. My mom is always telling people, she wouldn't have passed the opportunity up to tell him. She announced our religion like she won the lottery, but in her eyes we did. I stood there afraid to open up my own door. He would definitely hate me. Especially if he found out that I liked Dre. I didn't consider myself gay; it's just that the only person I like happens to be a boy. I cautiously turned the knob.

What I saw totally took me back. He was absolutely beautiful. He was like a taller version of Miguel. He looked to be black, light skinned though. He had braids in his hair. He had a slender build. His face was like a baby's. His braids were really long they came to the middle of his back, they looked like jet black dreads. He had a little mustache. He reminded me or a light skinned AJ off 106&Park. He wore a wife-beater so I was able to see his arms. He definitely worked out. His arms were muscular and stiff.

I was just standing there, looking. He stood up and extended his hand.

"Wassup my names Tyrell." He said in the sexiest voice ever.

I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say. I was still looking at him, in awe. He was really impressive. I don't know how they slipped out but my thoughts were outspoken.

"Wow, you're sexy." I said, unable to control myself. I was really embarrassed. I couldn't take my eyes of him.

He looked himself up and down like it was something there. The only things on him were my eyes. I was transfixed on him, and he looked at me weird. I finally snapped out of my stare. I was too embarrassed and afraid of what he might think, or do, to look him in the eyes. I quickly turned and walked out of my room.

I managed to stay away from him the whole night. I waited until 12:30 to enter my room again. I was hoping he would be sleep and I could catch some Z's on the floor. I quickly and quietly changed into my sleeping clothes. I looked over at Tyrell, his eyes were closed. I couldn't believe this nigga was sleeping in my bed. If it weren't for him being a guest on his first night here, I would have thrown him off onto the floor. I went to my closet grabbed a blanket and spread it across the floor. Once I was on the verge of sleep I heard a voice.

"Enran you ok man?" It was Tyrell, he wasn't sleep, he was pretending, but why?

"Umm... Yeah." I said thinking of an excuse to tell him. "I just had to take care of something."

I couldn't sleep now. Not knowing he was up and possibly watching me. I didn't fell comfortable enough to go back to sleep. I got up and turned on the TV. Will and grace was on. I was about to change, I loved it but he probably didn't.

"Hold up wait, that's my show." He said. I looked at him bewildered. "It's funny as hell, don't you think?" He said trying to cover up the fact he watched will and grace.

"Yeah, it funny as hell." I said.

He face brightened a little. "Especially Karen, her voice is funny; `Honey what the hell are you doing?'."

I laughed at his attempted impression of Karen. It was good, but coming from him it looked really funny. He really was a cool person. We stayed up talking and getting to know each other until 2:00. When I woke up at 5:30 I felt like shit. Tyrell was still sleep. He had a soft snore. I pushed him in hopes of waking him. He still hadn't responded. I did it again.

"Tyrell get up man, it's time to go." I said. He woke up slowly.

Once he stood up I rushed to the shower, realizing I had a friend who always woke up with me needing to be relieved. Once I was done Tyrell headed in. I went to my closet and picked out my clothes. I grabbed a Scar face shirt, my blue jeans, and some back Tims. When I heard the shower water stop I quickly dropped my towel to put on my boxers. Just my luck, Tyrell walked in as soon as my towel hit the ground. I wasn't facing him because I didn't want to expose my genitals. I swear it felt like he was watching me. Once we were dressed we went downstairs and ate cereal. We left the house at about 6:15. Once we were on the bus I explained to him about A-days and B-days. He was smiling the whole time. He explained to me about how his old school was. When I asked him about his family he said he didn't feel like talking about it.

When we were in the building I felt really uncomfortable. I knew Tyrell was cute but every girl we passed started to whisper. He noticed this too. That when I saw Dre. He was walking with Miguel, Steve and Gerald. They all looked nice. I noticed each of them had on a black shirt. They looked like a gang the way they were walking. They all looked at Tyrell, who was standing next to me. They all had a smile on their faces.

"Wassup yall." I said giving them some dap. "Why do all yall have on black? What, yall a gang or something?" I asked playfully.

Miguel smiled slyly. Dre looked at him and glared. I didn't know what was up but I would ask him later.

"This is Tyrell, the one I told yall about yesterday." I said pointing to him.

They each gave him dap and smiled. Once thing made me worry though, why was smile was forced. I could tell, and when he shook Tyrell's hand he glared at me briefly.

Author's Note: Thanks to all my readers. I appreciate that you take the time to read my stories. I wanna give a special thanks to my editor who works hard on the story. Also a lot of props to those brave enough to email me their comments. LOL

Next time: The Big Camping Trip. Sorry but that's all I'm going to reveal, it's too hot and to reveal more. Email me if you wanna know more.

Next: Chapter 10

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