Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Feb 12, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ .... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**EDITOR FOUND: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time....

I completely blanked out. Too many things were running through my head. Why didn't Enran tell me about those dudes? Better yet, why the hell was he kissing Gerald? I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

"Dre...Dre...Dre..." called Miguel.

"What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice call.

It was Enran he must have decided to come over. I immediately snapped out of attention. As my face turned away from Miguel I saw in a mirror that my eyes were blood red.....

Chapter 7: Pinning the liar

"That's what the fuck I wanna know!" I said with anger.

Enran looked into my eyes and took a step back, knowing exactly how I felt. "Whoa Dre, I don't know what's going on but whatever it is, chill out." He said trying to calm me.

That wasn't going to work, not this time. I've put my heart and soul into this relationship, a relationship that is looked down upon by all others, and one that is labeled as the devil's work. I wasn't going to be hurt. I don't want to be hurt, but right now, that's all I feel.

I looked toward my informer, Miguel. He still had only his towel on and was showing signs of embarrassment and confusion. I forgot he didn't know that Enran and I were dating, so when he told me it must have seemed like just gossip to him. But to me it was like a steak being driven into my heart. I was really hurt, and felt like God turned his back on me no sooner than he decided to smile. As far as I was concerned Enran and I were over. Just thinking that made me feel incomplete, but I had to tell him.

As I looked at Enran, his face dropped. It was like he knew exactly what I was thinking, but wasn't ready to accept it. Even I wasn't ready to accept it, not after what happened last night. We shared, what I would call, the most intimate moment of my life. I wanted to experience more joy with Enran by my side, but he didn't. He didn't want to have what I wanted. He just wants to kiss every body I'm close to. Fuck him, its over! Now it was time for him to know that.

"Enran," I began. Tears started to form in both our eyes. We both knew what was coming next. Miguel still confused, and oblivious to his now exposed genitals, sat there staring from me to Enran. "I will never forgive you. How could you do something like that? I thought I meant more to you than that, but I guess I don't."

"Dre what the hell are you tal-" Enran protested with no luck.

"Don't speak to me, don't look at me, and don't come to my house again. Just get your stuff and go. Now get out!" I interrupted "It's over."

Those last two words came out my mouth calmly, but hit us both like lightening. Even Miguel was quiet. Oh shit! I just "outed" myself to Miguel. Now he would definitely tell everyone. Everyone knew he hated "FAGS" and now I just practically written "Gay" on my forehead.

Enran left, he was struck by my words, as was I. Hearing Enran close the door broke me out of my concentration. I turned towards Miguel; he was looking at me in total confusion. Not a confusion of unknowing, but like he knew all along. I looked back into the mirror and my eyes returned to normal. I sat there in silence for about ten minutes; thinking of Enran. Enran should be at my house right now getting his things. Deep in my heart I knew something wasn't right. I had to know how Miguel felt, but I couldn't be near him right now.

"Miguel sorry about that. I don't want to explain right now but please don't tell anyone about what happened." I said, heading for the door.

"Wait don't leave. I need to say something." Miguel said blocking my way to the exit. "Dre, that wasn't the only reason I wanted to talk to you. I realized that you and Enran had something going on since detention, and when I asked you over the phone I could tell that you were lying. You're a bad ass liar." He took a step closer to me, his eyes connected to mine.

He took a step back. "It was you! You beat Steve, didn't you?" He said pointing to my eyes. "How could I be that stupid? He never said your name; all he said is that your eyes would say it all."

I was lost for words. I would have run out the door, but Miguel was still in the way. I forgot all about Miguel being Steve's best friend.

He took a step closer. "That's what Steve gets. He's always saying he `can't be stopped'. Sometimes he needs his ass whopped." Miguel eyes connected with mine again. "Why did you lie?"

"Lie about what nigga?!" I retorted.

"EVERYTHING! Who you are, what you can do, AND who you like. Your whole life is a big lie to all your friends."

Those few word words hit me like never before. I couldn't hold my feeling in anymore. I just began to cry and told Miguel about everything, even about last night. While I was telling him about last night I thought I saw signs of jealousy. I pushed those thoughts out of my head quickly because I knew he couldn't be jealous, he wasn't gay.

Miguel hugged me and I saw a tear drop from his eye. He truly felt the pain I was going through. He let up slightly and I saw his beauty for what it truly was. His hair actually sparkled; he had the most beautiful hair I ever saw. His whole body glistened. His eyes were a color of a grey that you only see in clouds. I saw another tear fall. I followed it down his cheek and wiped it away. His face shuddered under my touch. I forgot that he never released his hug. The heat that coming from him was intense. He grabbed my face and pulled me to him. Our lips connected, and my eyes grew wide with shock. I resisted at first, and then accepted the comfort I needed at that moment. His lips were soft and small. His breath smelled minty from the toothpaste he used. I felt a smile form on his lips.

That's when it dawned on me; how could Enran have been kissing Gerald, when Gerald came home with me. Wait Miguel didn't even know that Gerald was my cousin. Could he have been making this story up? I pulled away from Miguel. He just smiled at me evilly and walked towards me.

"See Dre I knew you like me. I knew you weren't straight." He said. I noticed a door to his house open. It was Steve, he looked furious. Miguel continued. "See Dre I like you and all, but nobody fucks with my nigga Steve. After he told me what happened, we planned this shit for you. Now you won't escape, scar free at least."

I was astonished. Miguel, who I considered to be a friend, was planning for me to get beat up. I was too blinded to see that Enran really did love me. He would never kiss Gerald. I was just being dumb, and because of it, I was going to pay dearly.


When Dre said he was going to Miguel's house I said "ok", but in my mind, I said "Hell no." I began to get a feeling in my heart like something was up, so I decided to follow Dre over to Miguel's house. When Miguel's maid let me in she said something in Spanish and pointed towards the living room. Just like almost everyone else she just assumed I was Spanish. She was cute though so I would let it slide. As I walked into the living room I saw Dre. His eyes were red with anger. It felt like that anger was pointed towards me. I never saw him look at me like that. I felt really uncomfortable. That's when I saw Miguel he was practically naked, all he had on was a skinny ass towel. I knew something was up.

"What?" I said.

That's when Dre said some things that I don't even want to repeat. I felt really hurt. He asked me to get my stuff from his house and leave. He wanted me to leave him and Miguel alone. I saw Miguel smile when Dre told me to leave, Dre didn't see this. I knew right then something wasn't right. I didn't bother to protest because of the anger in Dre's face. I just left, Miguel and Dre, in that big ass house alone. Something was up but I didn't know what, my heart just told me so. When I made it to Dre's house I was in tears. Gerald saw me crying and cam over.

"What's wrong Enran?"

I could barely speak. "Its Dre, he went over to Miguel's house and I followed him. I wanted to spend the day with him. I walked in and he was pissed. His eyes were red and he was looking right at me." I paused afraid to say what happened next. "Then he said... Then he said that he didn't want to see me again, and I was to leave the house."

I burst into tears. I didn't know how to project my feelings at that moment. Gerald hugged. Once he let go I headed for Dre's room to get my things. When I returned I said goodbye to Gerald. He hugged me close and whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry about what I did the other day. I was wrong. If you ever need me you know where I am. I've grown to love you like a brother. Stay sweet."

Wait a mother fucking minute. Did he just say that he loved me, and like a brother. He also told me to stay sweet. I never really thought about it until then, Gerald was bi. I remember when he was on the phone when I cam over yesterday. He was acting all weird.

"Thanks sexy." I winked, to see if he really was bi.

As soon I said that he blushed. His light cheeks were pink. He was bi. As I was headed for the door I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I dropped my bag and leaned against the door with one hand. Gerald came over and led me to the couch supporting me with his arm on my shoulder. It felt like I couldn't breathe. That's when it hit me. Dre was in trouble. He needed me and I wasn't going to let him down. He was still my responsibility, my friend, and my boo.

"Gerald come on we have to get to Miguel's house!" I said getting to my feet. "I don't know how I know, but I know he's in trouble."

"I know why" He said smiling at me. "You're in love with him."

I rushed to the door and sprinted out. Gerald was lagging behind so I slowed down. When he caught up we were almost at Miguel's. I felt the need to get there quicker.

"A look, we need to speed this up, something really bad is happening, I just know it." I said picking up my pace.

Gerald didn't need anymore encouragement. He picked up his speed as well. It took us about 5 minutes to get there. Once I was in front of the door I began to bang. The maid answered. She had a look of horror on her face. She said something in Spanish and was about to slam the door, but I saw this and beat her to it. I pushed her out the way and Gerald followed me inside.

When I got to the living room entrance, Steve was on top of Dre. Dre was unconscious. His clothes were ripped. Steve was hitting him in his face. Dre's nose was bleeding. Miguel was watching. Once I stepped in the living room, Gerald behind me, Miguel stood up.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Miguel said angrily. Steve stopped hitting Dre but didn't release him. "Nigga get your bitch ass out before you get punished too." He looked over at Steve and Dre.

"Shit man, what the fuck do you want?" Steve said mad as well. "Didn't I already beat your ass?"

Steve rose, releasing Dre. Gerald came to stand beside me. Steve stood beside Miguel. They were about to face off, each looking at their opponent; Enran at Steve, and Gerald at Miguel.


Realizing what I did I was paralyzed with shock. I had been deceived and tricked by someone who I considered to be a friend. Steve took a step towards me and "sized me up" (observed me). He noticed I was in shock. I didn't care what he did to me; whatever it was I deserved it. I didn't care if I lived or died. I hurt Enran and I lost the love of my life forever. I took one last look at myself; I wanted to see this person who could hurt someone like Enran. My eyes were faded; it was like I was dead but conscious.

Tears began to fall from my eyes; I couldn't do anything, not even wipe a tear from my eye. Steve saw my state and took advantage. He leaped toward me and hit me with a right hook; he put all of his might in that attack. Normally I would have just ducked to the right and uppercut him, but I wasn't allowed to move. I was on the ground from that attack. He was on top of me and I was helpless. I was oblivious to all around me. That's when Miguel kicked me in my sides. The pain was unbearable but I couldn't scream, nor could I talk.

"Scream bitch!" He yelled kicking me again.

I didn't no matter how much I wanted to. I think I passed out because I couldn't see anymore all I could do was listen. The next thing I know is that I hear Miguel say something, but it wasn't directed to me. That's when Steve stops hitting me and gets off.

My eyes start to slowly open. What I saw amazed me. It was my boo, Enran, of course I still loved him, how couldn't I? He was standing next to Gerald, ready to fight. I saw the anger in his eyes. This time I wasn't needed. He had enough anger to match up with Steve. Although I could see, I couldn't move. Even if I could move, I didn't need to intervene; Miguel was no match for Gerald, but Steve and Enran, with his anger, were evenly matched. This time the loser was unknown. This was going to be a fight to remember. Enran-vs-Steve and Gerald-vs-Miguel.

Next time.... The fight takes a twisted turn. A camping trip is planned. Enran shares a long kept secret.

Author's Note: So how do you guys like how I jumped into Enran's head. I hope I didn't confuse you guys. Let me know what you think so I can see if I will continue, or keep it how it was in the previous 6 chapters.

Next: Chapter 8

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